Version-12 (January-2018)
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Abstract: Background: The adult female breast consists of a series of ducts, ductules, and lobular acinar units embedded within a stroma that is composed of varying amounts of fibrous and adipose tissue in contrast to the epithelial elements of the male breast which consist of branching ducts without lobule formation. Breast lesions could result from diseases affecting any of these anatomical structures of the breast. Fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) of the breast is a rapid and safe method for the diagnosis of breast lumps with an impressively short turnaround time. Aim: To determine the analysis of female breast fine needle aspiration cytology in Calabar from January, 2012 to December, 2016..........
Keywords: Breast, Fine Needle, Aspiration, Cancer and Tumour.
[1]. Moore KL, Dalley AF. Clinically Oriented Anatomy. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2006. p. 106–12.
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Abstract: Post-operative wound infections as well as emergence and spread of drug resistant strains have been found to pose a major problem in the field of surgery. This study investigated common aerobic bacterial isolates and their antimicrobial susceptibility patterns in patients with clinical diagnosis of post-surgical wound infections. Microbial analysis was carried on pus samples obtained from 1000 patients with clinical diagnosis of postsurgical wound infections at S.V.R.R Government General Hospital, from November 2016 to September 2017.Out of 1000 patients admitted for surgery 145 (14.5%) suffered from wound infections. Of these, 70 out of 277 (25.27%) were emergency surgery patients and 75 out of 723 (10.37%) were elective surgery...........
Keywords: Wound infections; Post-operative infections; Antimicrobial susceptibility testing
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Abstract: Postpartum psychosis is a very serious medical emergency that affect a new mother. The episode of psychosis usually begins within 3 months of delivery. A woman with postpartum psychosis loses touch with reality and have hallucinations and delusions. Other symptoms may include insomnia, agitation, anger, and irrational guilt about somehow having done something wrong. Women who have postpartum psychosis need prompt treatment and almost always need medication. They are at increase risk for hurting themselves or someone else. Objectives: To measure the prevalence, associated risk factors and treatment options in patients with post-partum psychosis in tertiary centre. Materials & Methods: Study type- Retrospective type with study duration of 18 calendar months with effect from the 1st may 2016 to 31st Oct 2017 conducted in Dept...........
Keywords: Hallucination, primiparae, delusions, unbooked, perinatal deaths.
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Abstract: Aim: Evaluation of apical sealing ability of Resilon with Epiphany sealer, gutta-percha with AH plus sealerand gutta-percha with MTA fillapex sealer using dye penetration method. Introduction – Success of root canal treatment highly depends of three dimensional obturation of the root canal system. Solid core gutta percha and sealers is preferred method of obturation of the root canal system. None of the available method are capable of providing a fluid tight seal. Material and Methods: Thirty freshly extracted single rooted premolars were taken and randomly divided into three groups. These teeth were then obturated using following methods. Group I- gutta -percha with AH plus sealer, Group II- gutta-percha with MTA fillapex sealer, Group III- Resilon with Epiphany sealer. All specimens were stored in 100% relative humidity for 48hrs. The teeth were then stored in Rhodamine- B dye for 24hrs and then were sectioned and observed under stereomicroscope............
Keywords: AH plus, MTA fillapex Epiphany, Resilon, Gutta –percha.
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Abstract: Randomized study on the prevalence of Renal stone composition by renal stone chemical analysis. The evaluation of patients having renal stone disease giving orientation to urologists towards etiology and avoid recurrence of renal stone disease in association with geographic locality and subclinical metabolic syndrome. Objective under study: Renal stones of 100 patients send by urologist are post-operative stone samples to Bio-Chemistry lab are subjected to manual chemical stone analysis. Duration: One year.
Keywords: Urolithiasis, metabolic syndrome, Chemical Renal stone analysis, Calcium oxalate stones, and Uric acid stones.
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Abstract: Purpose : The purpose of this study was to assess the psychometric properties of the Malayalam version of COIDP questionnaire. Materials and methods: The present study was conducted at the Department of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry, Government Dental College, Thiruvananthapuram. 70 children between 6-11 years of age in the mixed dentition stage who had untreated dental caries on examination participated in the study. The impact on Oral Health Related Quality Of Life (OHRQoL) was assessed by the Malayalam version of COIDP questionnaire (m-COIDP).. The psychometric properties of the COIDP were evaluated in terms of face, content and convergent validity in addition to internal consistency...........
Keywords: COIDP questionnaire, Malayalam version, OHRQoL, psychometric properties
[1]. Bennadi D, Reddy C. Oral health related quality of life. Journal of International Society of Preventive and Community Dentistry. 2013;3(1):1.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Jejunal Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor: A Rare Case Report |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Manu Maheendran || Prof. TH. Sudhirchandra Singh |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1701123133 ![]() |
Abstract: GISTs are rare form of soft tissue sarcoma of the digestive tract. The incidence of gastrointestinal stromal tumors is very low. Jejunal GISTs are extremely rare. This is a case of jejunal GIST with unusually large size at presentation. Patient presented with a lump in the right lower abdomen and minimal dull aching pain of 3 months duration. H/O nausea and vomiting present. Surgical resection was done and operative findings re-vealed a 14*8.5*6cm tumor arising from the antimesenteric border of proximal jejunum. Immunohistochemistry of specimen confirmed the diagnosis. Mitotic figures was 1-2/hpf. Post operatively uneventful. For past 1 year patient is on followup without any signs of recurrence. Imatinib eventhough advised for high risk cases in our present case it was not given.FDA has advised imatinib as adjuvant therapy after complete resection of loca-lized primary GIST.
IndexTerm: GISTs, immunohistochemistry, imatinib, jejunum, mitotic figures, adjuvant therapy,antimesenteric border
[1]. Zhao.X, Yue.C. Gastrointestinal stromal tumor. Journal of gastrointestinal oncology. 2012 Sep;3(3):189.
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[5]. Wardelmann.E, Neidt.I, Bierhoff.E, Speidel.N, Manegold.C, Fischer.H.P, Pfeifer.U, Pietsch.T. C-kit mutations in gastrointestinal stromal tumors occur preferentially in the spindle rather than in the epithelioid cell variant. Modern pathology. 2002 Feb 1;15(2):125-36.
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Abstract: Introduction: The microscopic examination of sputum for acid-fast bacilli is the method of choice In patients of pulmonary tuberculosis. The sputum for acid-fast bacilli can be negative in cases of paucibacillary disease as well as immune suppression. Therefore, Fiberoptic Bronchoscopy (FOB) helps in providing confirmative diagnosis in such patients. Aim: To assess the role of FOB in diagnosis of smear negative pulmonary tuberculosis. Materials and methods: This study was conducted on 279 patients who all had 3 sputum smear samples negative for acid-fast bacilli by Ziehl-Neelsen stain but the clinical and radiological findings were suggestive of pulmonary tuberculosis. All these patients were subjected to Post FOB sputum and BAL.........
Keywords: Acid-fast bacilli, Bronchoalveolar Lavage, Pulmonary Tuberculosis, Ziehl-Neelsen stain
[1]. Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Director General of Health Services, Central TB Division. TB India: RNTCP status report. Chapter 7, Performance of RNTCP. 2000.p. 71-106.
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[4]. Shin JA, Chang YS, Kim TH, Kim HJ, Ahn CM, Byun MK. Fiberoptic bronchoscopy for the rapid diagnosis of smear-negative pulmonary tuberculosis. BMC Infect Dis. 2012;12
[5]. Boonsarngsuk V, Suwannaphong S, Laohavich CH. Combination of adenosine deaminase activity and polymerase chain in bronchalveolar lavage fluid in the diagnosis of smear-negative active pulmonary tuberculosis. Int Infect Dis. 2012;16(9):663–8.
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Abstract: Objective: The aim of this study is to evaluate the result of type-Itympanoplasy in geriatric age group (age > 60 years) in terms of closure of perforation and hearing improvement. Study Design: It's a prospective study done between July 2015 to December 2016 at Burdwan Medical College and Hospital, Burdwan. Materials and Method:40 new cases with mucosal type of Chronic OtitisMedia (COM) are included in this study.Type-I tympanoplasty done for all cases. At 6 months post operatively patients are examined for graft uptake status and hearing improvement............
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Abstract: The management of displaced intraarticular calcaneal fractures has posed a challenge to the trauma surgeons for more than a century. Undisplaced fractures are treated with conservative approach while displaced ones need surgical interventions like minimally invasive percutaneous fixation , open reduction and internal fixation (ORIF) with plating.The aim of the percutaneous method is to improve functional outcome and to diminish the rate of secondary posttraumatic arthrosis compared to conservative treatment and, secondly, to reduce infectious complications and soft tissue compromise compared to ORIF with plating .In our study10 patients with displaced intra-articular calcaneal fractures Sanders typeII and Tongue types are managed by percutaneous screw method..............
Keywords: Cannulated cancellous screw, close reduction ,percutaneous method,Steinman pin.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Hazardous Material Spillage |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr Chandrasekhar Krishnamurti || M.D., Dr Saurabh Dalal |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1701124752 ![]() |
Abstract: Hazardous material is commonly referred to as HAZMAT or Dangerous Goods by the industry and these are chemicals that can constitute a health hazard" or physical hazard. In the early hours of 06th May 2017, on 06th May 2017, the driver of a truck carrying a container with eighty drums of an agrochemical pesticide powder, observed leakage from some containers. A total of six drums had sprung leaks and, at 0730 h, local labourers spread soil over the ground spill and poured water to wash the crystals away. This triggered a chemical reaction that caused release of toxic fumes. The chemical cloud was carried by winds into a local school where students inhaled the gas and developed...........
Keywords: Hazardous chemicals, poisoning
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Hospital Preparedness And Response During Earthquakes |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Dr Chandrasekhar Krishnamurti |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1701125357 ![]() |
Abstract: Earthquakes pose a serious threat to the lives of people throughout the world. Hospital services have a crucial role in the initial medical response to large earthquakes, but the seismic stability of most hospital facilities remains uncertain. It is estimated that approximately 48 percent of hospital buildings are at high risk for collapse or loss of function from structural failure after a high magnitude earthquake. In addition, 91 percent of a hospital's nonstructural components, that are essential to the safety and care of patients, can be expected to fail or be seriously damaged following a strong earthquake. The most serious nonstructural damage involves leakage of water from ruptured sprinklers..........
Keywords: Earthquake, Preparedness, Earthquakes
[1]. Design Guide for Improving Hospital Safety in Earthquakes, Floods, and High Winds: Providing Protection to People and Building's Design Guide for Improving Hospital Safety in Earthquakes, Floods, and High Winds: Providing Protection to People and Buildings FEMA, 2007
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[4]. Pointer JE, Michaelis J, Saunders C, et al: The 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake: Impact on hospital patient care. Ann Emerg Med 1992;21:1228–1233.
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Abstract: Background: usethebentonite ,narang leaves and corn seeds as adsorbent surface for the removal of one of dyes from wastewater was studied. Objective: The adsorption of methylene blue from aqueous solution are investigate on three adsorbents Method : UV- Spectrophotometric technique to obtained the quantities of adsorption data at Different of temperatures (37 , 32 ᵒc) and at pH=1.2in an attempt to simulate the acidity of gastric fluid. Results: The quantities adsorbed of methylene blue on bentonite ,narang leaves and corn seeds were increased at 37 cᵒ.Adsorption characteristics were described using frundlich isotherm. Conclusion: The adsorption process has been foundthe value of ΔGᵒshowed the spontaneous nature of adsorption for three adsorbents and endothermic in nature and thermodynamicParameters, Gibb's free energy (ΔG◦), change in enthalpy (ΔH◦) and change in Entropy (ΔS◦) have been calculated
Keywords: Adsorption,mathylene blue,bentonite, narinij leaves and corn seeds, thermodynamic parameters
[1]. YahyS. Al-Degs , Musa I. El-Barghouthi , Amjad H. El-Sheikh et al. Effect of solution pH, ionic strength, and temperature on adsorption
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[4]. B. K. Nandi,1 A. Goswami,1 A. K. Das et al. Kinetic and Equilibrium Studies on the Adsorption of Crystal Violet Dye using Kaolin as an Adsorbent.2008 . Separation Science and Technology, 43: 1382–1403.
[5]. M.M Abd El-Latif, M.F. El-Kady, Amal M. Ibrahim et al.
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Abstract: Background: The ABO blood group system classifies individuals into four groups namely A, B, AB, and O. Genotype classifies individuals majorly into AA, AS and SS. Infidelity is a violation of rules, relationship norms resulting in feelings of sexual jealousy and rivalry. Aim: The aim is to determine the prevalence of ABO blood group system, genotype, marital status and levels of education of adult HIV positive males in NAUTH, Nnewi. Methods: A total of 550 subjects were randomly recruited from voluntary, counseling and testing units in NAUTH, Nnewi. The subjects were classified based on W.H.O. HIV.............
Keywords: ABO, genotype, married, education
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Rare Pancreatitic Sequale |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr Ganesh Babu V |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1701127681 ![]() |
Abstract: A 35 year old male patient , known case of acute pancreatitis presented in emergency as acute abdomen. Serum amylase – 621 IU/L, X ray abdomen erect revealed generalised ileus , USG abdomen revealed ? perforation probably large bowel origin , CT abdomen revealed gangrenous transverse colon .CT angiography revealed partial occlusion at superior mesenteric artery territory . Emergency laparotomy done , gangrenous segment of transverse colon resected and a colostomy created with proximal end with closure of the distal end . Primary closure of the gastric perforation done . colostomy closure with colocolic anastomosis done after 3 months
[1]. Telem DA, Bowman K, Hwang J, Chin EH, Nguyen SQ, Divino CM. Selective management of patients with acute biliary pancreatitis. J Gastrointest Surg. 2009 Dec. 13(12):2183-8.
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