Version-7 (January-2018)
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Abstract: Background: The incidence of disaster in Indonesia is dominated by hydrometeorological activity, and 75% of total disaster is the flood. Preparedness is the critical phase in the range of disaster management because this phase will determine the independence, success of responsive response, level of suffering the victim, and the safety of the victim's life in the event of the disaster. Purpose: to analyze factors related to the preparedness of Puskesmas nurse in facing flood disaster in Kendari City of Southeast Sulawesi. Method: This research uses descriptive analytic design with Cross-sectional approach. The number of respondents in this research are 176 nurses of Puskesmas by using purposive sampling. This research conducted in Kendari City of Southeast...........
Keywords: Knowledge, attitude, self-efficacy, family preparedness, government policy, infrastructure facilities, nurse preparedness
[1]. Adams, L. M., & Berry, D. (2012). Who will show up? Estimating ability and willingness of essential hospital personnel to report to work in response to a disaster. The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing Vol. 17 (2): 1-18.
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[4]. Ansthobar. D., & Miellen. C. (2013). Disaster Nursing Management. Delhi: Janpoor Company.
[5]. Arsenijevic, O., Trivan, D., Podbregar, I., Sprajc, P. (2017).Strategic aspect of knowledge management.Organizacija, 50 (2): 163-177...
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Abstract: Introduction: Sleep bruxism is a complex psychopathological disorder causing pain in many anatomic structures of the stomatognathic system. Aim:Evaluate frequencies of painful sites on awakening in the morning, somatization scores and a relationship between somatization and painful sites in sleep bruxers. Methods:Comprehensive questionnaires, clinical examination, self-report, pain history, clinical signs and symptoms, and the Rief-Hiller Scale for somatization were used to evaluate 325 bruxers and temporomandibular disorder patients in which 103, 40, and 182 demonstrated sleep, daytime and mixed bruxism, respectively. Forty-eight non bruxers without temporomandibular disorders were used as a control group.Criteria to classify bruxers as diurnal, nocturnal and mixed, were used. Data were analyzed using Kruskal-Wallis´s and Dunn´s,Pearson and Fisher´s exact statistics..........
Keywords: Pain. Somatization. Sleep Bruxism. Craniomandibular Disorders
[1]. Chapotat B, Lin JS, Robin O, Jouvet M. Bruxismdusommeil: Aspectsfundamentaux cliniques. Journal de Parodontologieetimplantologieorale. 1999;18: 277-89.
[2]. Prasad K, Swaminhattan A, Prasad A. A review of current concepts in bruxism-Diagnosis and management. NUJHS 2014; 4: 129-36.
[3]. Lavigne GJ, Khoury S, Abe S, Yamaguchi T, Raphael K. Bruxism, physiology and pathology: an overview for clinicians. J Oral Rehabil 2008; 35: 476-94.
[4]. Seraj B, Ahmadi R,, Mirkarimi M, Ghadimi S, Beheshti M. Temporomandibular disorders and parafunctional habits in children and adolescents. A review. J Dent, Tehran University of Medical Sciences 2009; 6: 37-44.
[5]. Vega BA, Liria AF, Pérez CB. Trauma, dissociation and somatisation: AnnuaryClin Health Psychol 2005; 1: 127-38.
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Abstract: Aim: Compare scores in hostility, depression and anger inward in tension-type headache, migraine, combination headache, occipital neuralgia, myofascial headache and controls without headache. Methods: Clinical examination, questionnaires, evaluation of specific symptoms of headache, The Beck Depression Inventory, the Cook-Medley Instrument for hostility and a novel tool to assess anger held inward, were used to assess patients with tension-type headache (n=100), migraine (n=17), combination headache (n=41), occipital neuralgia (n=27), myofascial headache (n=42) and controls without headaches (N=54). Results: We found a statistically and significant difference in hostility means (p<0.0002): Tension-type headache versus migraine (p<0.05),........
Keywords: Craniomandibular Disorders. Depression.Hostility.Anger-inward
[1]. Fantoni F, Salvetti G, Manfredini D, Bosco M. Current concepts on the functional somatic syndromes and temporomandibular disorders. Stomatologija 2007; 9: 3-9.
[2]. Molina OF, Santos ZC, Simião BR, Marquezan RF, Silva ND, Gama KR. A comprehensive method to classify subgroups of bruxers in temporomandibular disorders (TMDs) individuals: frequency, clinical and psychological implications.RSBO 2013; 10: 11-9.
[3]. Wieckiewicz M, Paradowska-Stolarz A, Mieckewicz W. Psychosocial aspects of bruxism: The most paramount factor influencing teeth grinding. BioMed Res Int2014; 2014: 1-7.
[4]. DeLaat A, Macaluso GM. Sleep bruxism as a movement disorder. MovDisord 2002; 17: S67-S69.
[5]. Manfredini D, Fabbri A, Perfetta R, Guarda-Nardini L, Lobbezoo F. Influence of psychological symptoms on home-recorded sleep-time masticatory muscle activity in healthy subjects. J Oral Rehabil 2011; 38: 902-11.
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Abstract: To investigate about practices related to proctological complaints in Morocco. And to specify there prevalence. Materials and methods: It is a study of a sample of 206 adults from the Moroccan population at random people in public places, responding to a pre-questionnaire. Results: The mean age was 42.39 years, sex ratio of 1.64 (H / F). 133 lived in urban areas (64.6%) and 73 lived in rural areas (35.4%). Educational level was primary in 28.2%, secondary 36.9% and 26.7% in university. 8.3% of those recruited were analphabet. Sixty seven (32.5%) have never had a complaint against 139 other (prevalence 67.5%). These symptoms were dominated by constipation (27.72%), proctalgia..........
[1]. ASSI C et all. prévalence des hémorroïdes et de la fissure anale dans l'étiologie des proctalgies inaugurales au centre hospitalier universitaire de cocody cote d'ivoire. Mali Medical Tome XXVII, n°4, 2012.
[2]. Pigot F1, Siproudhis L, Bigard MA, Staumont G. Ano-rectal complaints in general practitioner visits: consumer point of view. Gastroenterol Clin Biol. 2006 Dec;30(12):1371-4.
[3]. Gupta J. A review of proctological disorders. Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci. 2006 Nov-Dec;10(6):327-35.
[4]. American College of Gastroenterology. Digestive Disease Specialists Committed to Quality in Patient Care. Common Gastrointestinal Problems : Rectal Complaints
[5]. JOHN L. PFENNINGER, M.D. Common Anorectal Conditions. American Family Physician. June 15, 2001 / volume 63, number 12...
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Abstract: Urachal abnormalities arerare and present more commonly in children. However when found in adults, the commonest variety is infected urachal cysts compared with other urachal abnormalities (patent urachus, urachal sinus andvesicourachal diverticulum). Posterior urethral valves (PUV) have also been documented to coexist with urachal abnormalities. We report the case of an 8 year old male Nigerian who presented with a tender suprapubic mass, progressive weight loss and urinary incontinence. Diagnosis of infected urachal cyst was confirmed at surgery. He had complete excision of the mass and histology excluded malignant transformation. He subsequently had surgical site infection that was managed with antibiotics.
Keywords: Infected,Malnourished,Posterior urethral valves,Urachal cyst
[1]. Moore K. The Urogenital System. In: Moore K, editor. The developing human. 3rd ed. Philadelphia: Saunders; 1982. p. 255–97.
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[3]. Yu J-S, Kim KW, Lee H-J, Lee Y-J, Yoon C-S, Kim M-J. Urachal Remnant Diseases: Spectrum of CT and US Findings. RadioGraphics. 2001;21(2):451–61.
[4]. Risher W, Sardi A, Bolton J. Urachal abnormalities in adults: The Ochsner Experience. South Med J [Internet]. 1990;83(9):1036–9. Available from:
[5]. Berrocal T, Pereira PL, Arjonilla A, Gutiérrez J. Anomalies of the Distal Ureter, Bladder and Urethra in Children: Embryologic, Radiologic and Pathologic Features Anomalies of the Distal Ureter. RadioGraphics. 2002;22(5):1–18..
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Abstract: Background :Intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasms of pancreas are cystic lesions which are premalignant and characterised by cystic dilatation of pancreatic ducts.Most of the cases are asymptomatic and found incidentally. . Intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasms currently accounts for 20-50% of all cystic pancreatic lesions.It is important to distinguish this lesion from mucinous adenocarcinoma of pancreas as IPMNs has excellent prognosis than the latter.We present a case report of intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm found incidentally. CaseReport:70 year old male presented with difficulty in breathing for 3 months which was post traumatic. MRI abdomen revealed pancreatico-pleural fistula extending from tail of pancreas to pleural space through defect in dome of diaphragm. Subsequently distal pancreatectomy with splenectomy was done. Histopathological examination.........
Keywords: cystic lesions of pancreas,histologic subtypes, intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm..
[1]. Association of Intraductal Papillary Mucinous Neoplasm (IPMN) With Extra-Pancreatic Cystic Lesions: Is there a Systemic Cystic Disorder? The American Journal of Gastroenterology 107, 1265-1266 (August 2012). [2]. INTRADUCTAL PAPILLARY-MUCINOUS NEOPLASM OF THE PANCREAS IN A 14-YEAR-OLD
[3]. Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology & Nutrition: February 2007 - Volume 44 - Issue 2 - p 287–290.
[4]. Epidemiology of Intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasms of the pancreas : gender differences between 3 geographic regions- Ingkakul T, Thayer SP ,Ferrone CR, et al.-Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society 2010 ; 25:436
[5]. Intraductal Papillary Mucinous neoplasm of pancreas- biology ;diagnosis and treatment .The Oncologists –official journal of society of translational oncology – Dec 2010 volume 15 no 12 –p 1294-1309...
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Abstract: Introduction: Today, about one fourth of Biomedical waste (BMW) is considered as hazardous and may affect the health of both medical personnel and general community. Biomedical waste collection and proper disposal have become a significant concern for both the medical and the general community. Medical students as future professionals are soon going to be an integral part of health care system. They should have proper and sufficient knowledge on BMW management. Hence, this study was undertaken to assess the knowledge about BMW management among medical students of RIMS, Imphal. Methods: A cross sectional study was done on 249 students by administering a structured questionnaire. The data was analyzed using software SPSS 21 version......... .
Keywords: Awareness, Biomedical waste, Medical students
[1]. Kishore J, Goel P, Sagar B and Joshi TK, Awareness about biomedical waste management and infection control among dentists of a teaching hospital in New Delhi, India, Indian J Dent Res, 11, 2000, 157-161.
[2]. Gujarat Pollution Control Board, Gandhinagar. Biomedical Waste Management, 2005, 2.
[3]. Government of India. Biomedical Waste (Management and Handling) Rules. 1998. Extraordinary, Part II, Section3, Subsection (ii). The gazette of India, No. 460, 1998.
[4]. Mathur V, Dwivedi S, Hassan M and Misra R, Knowledge, attitude, and practices about Biomedical Waste Management among Healthcare Personnel: A Cross-sectional Study, Indian J Community Med, 36, 2011, 143-145.
[5]. Central Pollution Control Board, Environmental Standard and Guidelines for Management of Hospital Waste. CPCB, Ministry of Environment and Forest, New Delhi, Jun 1996....
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Abstract: Transposition of great arteries(TGA) is the most common cyanotic congenital heart disease(CHD). Pregnancy induces hemodynamic changes which in women with CHD, can endanger mother and child. We had two cases of TGA, one had shunt surgery pre-pregnancy, managed efficiently and delivered vaginally without any complications. Both had IUGR. Prostaglandin E1(PGE1) assisted labour induction for case-1 and oxytocin acceleration for case-2 done under infective endocarditis prophylaxis with cardiologist opinion. Uterine, fetal and cardiovascular monitoring done. Under epidural labour analgesia with levobupivacaine, both delivered vaginally, first by vacuum assistance. Postpartum period uneventful. We conclude that appropriate pre-pregnancy counselling, high-risk pregnancy management by multidisciplinary team at tertiary-care centre and effective analgesia, continuous monitoring and assisted second-stage of delivery can decrease the additional haemodynamic load of labour in CHD pregnancies..........
Keywords: Cyanotic congenital heart disease(CHD), Transposition of great arteries(TGA), hemodynamic changes, pregnancy in CHD.[1]. Zhang et al. Identification of fetal cardiac anatomy and hemodynamics: a novel enhanced screening protocolBMC Pregnancy and Childbirth (2016) 16:145.
[2]. TRIGAS V et al. Pregnancy-Related Obstetric and Cardiologic Problems in Women After Atrial Switch Operation for Transposition of the Great ArteriesPregnancy in Women After ASO for TGA. Circ J 2014; 78: 443 – 449.
[3]. M. Greutmann and P.G. Pieper. Pregnancy in women with congenital heart disease. European Heart Journal (2015) 36, 2491–2499.
[4]. Martins et al. Cardiovascular Complications in Pregnant Women With Heart Disease. Arq Bras Cardiol.2016;106(4):289-296...
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Abstract: The effects and complications associated with conservative management and surgical intervention in bladder and urethral trauma. Aims and Objective - To evaluate the evaluate and establish the effective guidelines for appropriate diagnosis and intervention strategies in setting of bladder and urethral trauma Results -Prompt and early diagnosis, detailed examination to determine the site,severity, nature of injury and associated injuries. Control of shock , prevention of infection , repair of injury and measures to maintain adequate urinary functions are the important factors responsible for reducing the complications of lower urinary tract injuries .Complications may be persisted infection , UTI and stricture at bladder neck and urethra.
Keywords:urethral trauma, urinary bladder trauma, hematuria, pelvic fracture, SPC
[1]. Ying-hao, chuan-liang X, Xu G, Guo-Qiang L, Jian-Guo H. urethroscopic realignment of ruptured bulbar urethra. J urol. 2000; 164: 1543-5. Doi:10.1097/00005392-200011000-00019
[2]. Tune MH, Tefekli AH, Kaplancan T, Esen T. Delayed repair of posttraumatic posterior urethral distraction injuries: long term results. Urology. 2000, 55:837-41. Doi:10.1016/S0090-4295(00)00464-7
[3]. Jepson BR, Boullier JA, Moore RG, Parra RO. Traumatic posterior uretheral injury and early primary endoscopic realignment: evaluation of long-term follow-up. Urology. 2000;53:1205-1210. Doi:10.1016/S0090-4295(99)00003-5
[4]. Chapple C, Barbagli G, Jordan G, Mundy AR, Netto NR, Pansadoros V, McAninch JW. Consensus statement on urethral trauma. BJU Int.2004;93:1195-1202. Doi: 10.1111/j.1464-410x.2004.04805.x
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Impact of Stress on Healthcare Professionals |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr.B.Lavanya Devi || Dr.K.R.Minu Meenakshi Devi || Dr.R.Shanthi |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1701075966 ![]() |
Abstract: Stress and illness are deep-rooted in a bio-psychosocial matrix of several system levels. Each system can be either a source of stress or a support system for stress. Stress being a part of feedback system in a community or family, is often associated with the onset of illness if demands for adaptation are excessive. Chronic psychological stress may reduce the biological resilience and disturb adrenocortical homeostasis leading to abnormalities in cortisol action. The subtle abnormalities in cortisol action may lead to Metabolic Syndrome (MS). Stress and MS being symbiotic, the current strategy for prevention and treatment of MS is rapidly shifting towards life style modification as the stress severity is influenced by life style. In view of this, a cross sectional study was done in health Care professionals working in a tertiary care hospital as theyare one among the groups who are facing a lot of............
Keywords: Cortisol, DASS score, Holmes-Rahe score, Life style pattern, Metabolic syndrome,Stress
[1]. Sandor Szabo, Yvette Tache, Arpad Somogyi, The legacy of Hans Selye and the origins of stress research, A retrospective 75
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[4]. Toffler BL, Occupational role development: the changing determinants of outcomes for the individual. Adm Sci Q, Sep 26(3), 1981, 396- 418. [PubMed PMID: 10314545 ]
[5]. Rosengren A, Hawken S, Ounpuu S, Sliwa K, Zubaid M, Almahmeed WA, et al, Association of psychosocial risk factors with risk of acute myocardial infarction in 11119 cases and 13648 controls from 52 countries (the INTERHEART study), case-control study. Lancet, 364,2004, 953–962. [PubMed]
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Immature Teratoma of the Ovary and Pregnancy |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr.Preethi.S || Dr.Preet Agarwal || Dr.K.S.Rajeswari |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1701076771 ![]() |
Abstract: Background: Germ cell tumors are derived from primordial germ cells of the ovary. Immature teratoma is the second most common germ cell malignancy.[1] About 50% of pure immature teratomas of the ovary occur in women between ages 10-20 yrs and they rarely occur in pregnancy. The occurrence of ovarian tumors in pregnancy is a rare event with an incidence of 1:10,000 to 1:50,000 .Hence this case has been chosen in view of rarity and successful outcome. Case Report: 22yrs oldprimigravida at 15W 3D came with pain abdomen since 4 days .Clinically Per abdomen mass palpable upto 20-22 weeks size , firm to cystic in consistency with tenderness in the umbilical region and left iliac fossa . Vaginal examination revealed fornicealfullness.MRI abdomen and pelvis done .Emergency laparotomy with left partialsalphingectomy with left oophorectomy.............
[1]. Mangili G, Scarfone G, Gadducci A, Sigismondi C, Ferrandina G, Scibilia G, et al. Is adjuvant chemotherapy indicated in stage I pure immature ovarian teratoma (IT)? A multicentre Italian trial in ovarian cancer (MITO-9). Gynecol Oncol 2010; 119: 48-52.
[2]. Pectasides D, Pectasides E, Kassanos D. Germ cell tumors of the ovary. Cancer Treat Rev 2008; 34: 427-41.
[3]. Elit L, Bocking A, Kenyon C, Natale R. An endodermal sinus tumor diagnosed in pregnancy: case report and review of the literature. Gynecol Oncol 1999; 72: 123-7.
[4]. Ghaemmaghami F, Abbasi F, Abadi AGN. A favorable maternal and neonatal outcome following chemotherapy with etoposide, bleomycin, and cisplatin for management of grade 3 immature teratoma of the ovary. Journal of Gynecologic Oncology 2009; 20: 257-259.
[5]. Mourali M, Ben Haj Hassine A, El Fekih C, Essoussi-Chikhaoui J, Binous N, Ben Zineb N, et al. Immature teratoma of the ovary and pregnancy. (In French). Tunis Med 2010; 88: 507-12.
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Abstract: Background: Preeclampsia has remained a significant public health threat in both developed and developing countries contributing to maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality globally, in spite of advancements in medical sciences. Objective: To determine the maternal outcome in pregnancies with preeclampsia. Methods: A hospital based cross-sectional study was conducted in tertiary care hospital in North Karnataka, India from June 2012 to December 2012. A pre-designed structured Performa was prepared and 85 (n=85) eligible women were interviewed to collect necessary information. The data was entered in SPSS 20 version software and analyzed for maternal outcome. Results: This study showed that preeclampsia.............
Keywords: IUD, maternal mortality, maternal outcome, perinatal mortality, preeclampsia
[1]. Kayode OO, Olusimbo KI. Public Health Perspectives of Preeclampsia in Developing Countries: Implication for Health System Strengthening. J Pregnancy. 2011; 2011: 481095.
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[3]. Jun Z, Jonathan Z, Maureen CH and Gertrud B. Epidemiology of Pregnancy-induced Hypertension.
[4]. Elosha E, Chike N, Marquetta F. Preeclampsia 2012. J Pregnancy. 2012; 2012: 586578.
[5]. Kee-Hak L. Preeclampsia.