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Abstract: Background & Aims: Laryngoscopy and endotracheal intubation are noxious stimulus causing intense cardiovascular reflex due to sympathoadrenal discharge. The aim of this study was to compare effect of dexmedetomidine, fentanyl and lignocaine in attenuation of haemodynamic response to laryngoscopy and intubation. Methods: This hospital based, randomized, double blinded, comparative study was conducted after obtaining approval from the Institutional Ethics Committee and written informed consent from all patients. Ninety patients of ASA physical status I/II scheduled for elective surgical procedure under general anaesthesia were included in this study. These patients were randomized into three groups by chit in box method, patients in Group D received dexmedetomidine 0.6 mcg/kg diluted up..........
Keywords: Attenuation, dexmedetomidine, fentanyl, intubation, laryngoscopy, lignocaine, haemodynamic response
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Abstract: Tuberculosis endometrium and cervix is a rare unusual event accounting for 0.1-0.65 % of all cases of Tuberculosis1-8.A 30 year old nulliparous woman with complaints of foul smelling discharge and oligomenorrhea for 3 months was suspected with cervical carcinoma. Diagnosis of cervical and endometrial Tuberculosis was made by cervical pap smear and was confirmed by cervical and endometrial histopathological study.
Keywords: Tuberculosis, cervical pap smear
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Abstract: Background: Dacryocystitis is one of the most common diseases of the eye. It is an important cause of ocular morbidity in the children and adults and is a major risk factor for post operative endophthalmitis. Hence it requires special attention to initiate appropriate treatment at the earliest. Aim: The present study was conducted to identify the demographic profile of the patients with dacryocystitis and common microbial organisms causing the disease. Material And Methods: A Total of 100 patients complaining of watering and having NLD block on syringing were selected. Demographic factors such as age, sex and occupation were recorded...........
Keywords: Chronic dacryocystitis, Epiphora ,endophthalmitis.
[1]. Jacob Basil H, Symptomatic Epiphora.Br J of Oph,1959;43:415
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Abstract: Objective: To study whether the newborn are having vitamin D deficiency or not , whether their vitamin d level is related to morbidity of newborn or not and their correlation with mother. Methods: This study included 350 sick infants admitted in level III NICU of medical college during the period from February 2015 to January 2016. Blood for neonatal (within 72hrs of admission) and maternal vitamin D levels were obtained from all infants and their mothers at the post partum period at the time of hospital admission. Vitamin D assessment was done by Chemo-immunoassay method. History taking, clinical examination and other investigations needed for diagnosis of Respiratory distress, Birth asphyxia, neonatal seizure, neonatal encephalopathy, hypoglycemia, prematurity, neonatal sepsis, hyper bilirubinemia, coagulation disorder, renal failure were done...........
[1]. Cetinkaya M et al. Lower vitamin D levels are associated with increased risk of early-onset neonatal sepsis in term infants. Journal of Perinatology 2015; 35: 39–45.
[2]. Nitin Srinivasan, Jayasree Chandramathi, Aswin S. Prabhu, Sasidharan Ponthen kandath.Vitamin D deficiency and morbidity among preterm infants in a developing country. International Journal of Contemporary Pediatrics 2017 Mar;4(2):499-502.
[3]. Teresa Kulie, MD, Amy Groff, DO, Jackie Redmer, MD, MPH, Jennie Hounshell, MD, and Sarina Schrager, MD, MS. Vitamin D: An Evidence-Based Review.J Am Board Fam Med 2009;22:698 –706.
[4]. Abdel-Azeem M. El- Mazary, Mohamed Abdel-Maaboud, Mo`men MM*, Khaled A. Nasef.Vitamin D supplementation and the risk of infections in fullterm infants: Correlations with the maternal serum vitamin D.Egypt J Pediatr Allergy Immunol 2012;10(2):87-94.
[5]. Severe vitamin D deficiency extra problematic for newborns, according to new case reports.August 23,2013 by vitamine D counsil
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Abstract: Aims and Objectives: Pleural effusion is not a disease by itself but a manifestation of various pathological states. The present study focuses on cases of neoplastic pleural effusion requiring hospitalisation in a Medical college with aim to: 1. Pathological classification of malignancy associated with pleural effusion 2. Evaluate role of different diagnostic modalities. 3. Assess the time span of diagnostic methods. Materials and methods: This is a prospective observational study over one year (Feb 2014 – Feb 2015) among 84 adult cases hospitalised in I.P.G.M.E & R., Kolkata. Pleural fluid assessment (biochemical, cytological, bacteriological) and common procedures like closed pleural biopsy using Cope needle, image guided CT/ USG FNAC/Biopsy from approachable intrathoracic lesions, flexible bronchoscopy and FNAC/ biopsy from peripheral lymph nodes were performed.............
Keywords: Malignant, Pleural effusion, Pleural biopsy, Lung carcinoma.
[1]. Owings MF, Kozak LJ. Ambulatory and impatient procedures in the United States, 1996. Vital Health Stat 13 1998;(139):1-119.
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Abstract: Introduction: The nutrient artery is the major source of blood supply to the long bones. It enters through a nutrient foramen which runs obliquely and usually directed away from the growing end. The nutrient artery of tibia is the largest nutrient artery of the body. The knowledge of presence, number, location and direction of nutrient foramina has clinical significance in orthopaedic procedures. Materials And Methods: The present study was conducted on 100 dry adult tibia bones (49 Right, 51 Left) of unknown sex and origin from the Department of Anatomy, Regional Institute of Medical Sciences, Imphal, Manipur. The lengths of tibia were measured using an osteometric board. For the purpose of study, the tibia was divided into three equal segments. The presence, number, location and direction of nutrient foramen were noted............
Keywords: Anteromedial, Anterolateral, Fracture, Nutrient foramen, Tibia.
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Abstract: Aims And Objectives: To demonstrate the role of USG and triple phase CE-MDCT in accurate diagnosis, staging of hepatobiliary neoplasms and to study their epidemiology, risk factors and imaging findings. Materials And Methods: It was a hospital based, observational, descriptive and cross sectional study with a sample size of 120 cases during the period of 2 yrs. in the department of radio diagnosis, VIMSAR. Patients referred to our department with symptoms and imaging findings s/o malignancy were included. Non-neoplastic pathologies were excluded from the study. The patients were subjected to USG with Doppler, MDCT and FNAC............
Keywords: Hepatobiliary neoplasms, Ultrasound, Computed tomography
[1]. Kabbach G, Assi HA, Bolotin G, Schuster M, Lee HJ, Tadros M. HepatobiliaryTumors: Update on Diagnosis and Management. Journal of Clinical and Translational Hepatology. 2015; 3(3):169-181.
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[5]. Gonçalves, PatríciaLofêgo, Zago-Gomes, Maria da Penha, Gonçalves, Carlos Sandoval, & Pereira, FaustoEdmundo Lima. (2014). Hepatitis virus and hepatocellular carcinoma in Brazil: a report from the State of Espírito Santo. Revista da SociedadeBrasileira de Medicina Tropical, 47(5), 559-563.
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Abstract: Introduction: The Indian systems of medicine have age old acceptance in the communities in India and in most places they form the first line of treatment in case of common ailments. Of these, Ayurveda is the most ancient medical system with an impressive record of safety and efficacy. Other components such as Yoga, Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy Naturopathy are being practiced by the young and old alike, to promote good health. 1 Objectives: To assess knowledge and practices of AYUSH among adults in urban slums of Vijayawada. Methodology: A Community Based Cross Sectional Study conducted among 200 Adults aged >18 years residing in urban slums of Vijayawada using Simple random sampling technique.........
Keywords: knowledge, practice AYUSH, adults ,urban slums.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Diagnostic Utility of Various Techniques In Bone Tumors |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr.M.Gunasundari |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1701044851 ![]() |
Abstract: Background : Bone tumours are relatively uncommon. The precise incidence of specific bone tumours is not known, because many bone lesions are asymptomatic and are not biopsied. The initial work up and staging evaluation of a patient with a suspected bone tumour, particularly biopsy is a critical component of successful management. Aim :To assess the diagnostic accuracy of Fine needle aspirates and core needle biopsy of bone. The analysis compared with the accuracy according to anatomical location, size, type of lesion and histology. Materials and methods : 110 patients with bone tumours were referred to pathology department GMKMCH, Salem for diagnosis during the period from 2016 Nov to 2017 Nov. All had been examined by X-ray, CT, and (or) MRI, FNAB, CNB and excision biopsy with suspected local recurrence of primary malignant bone tumour (or) a metastatic lesion of a previously diagnosed malignancy were also included in this study..................
Keywords: Core needle biopsy (CNB), Fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Midline Diastema: Treatment With Resin Based Direct Restorative |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Bansal Agrawal || Nancy Agrawal || Atul Kumar |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1701045254 ![]() |
Abstract: Maxillary anterior spacing is one of the major concern issues among the adults. The treatment of this is mainly attributed due to esthetical and psychological reasons. The purpose of this case report is to present the clinical management of midline diastema in the upper anterior region with the help of resin based direct restorative in a healthy adult.
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[3]. Gkantidis, N., Kolokitha, O. E., & Topouzelis, N. (2008). Management of maxillary midline diastema with emphasis on etiology. J Clin Pediatr Dent, 32(4), 265-272.
[4]. Huang, W. J., & Creath, C. J. (1995). The midline diastema: a review of its etiology and treatment. Pediatr Dent, 17(3), 171-179.
[5]. Nainar, S. M., & Gnanasundaram, N. (1989). Incidence and etiology of midline diastema in a population in south India (Madras). Angle Orthod, 59(4), 277-282. doi:10.1043/0003-3219(1989)059<0277:IAEOMD>2.0.CO;2
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Abstract: Introduction: Poor personal hygiene, in combination with insanitary conditions and contaminated water, creates a serious public health threat to school children. Children are not conscious of personal hygiene at school level. For better knowledge health education is needed. Objective: To assess the change in knowledge attitude and practice regarding smoking hazards among school going adolescent boys after educational interventions. Material and methods: 4 schools Government and Private High School were taken by Universal Sampling. All of students of grade 8th, 9th and 10th were included. Baseline and end line survey was done in February and September 2013.Health education sessions were conducted once a week for si.............
Keywords: Smoking, Smoking hazards, Health Education, High school boys.
[1]. Salaudeen A, Musa O, Akande T, Bolarinwa O. Effects of health education on cigarette smoking habits of young adults in tertiary institutions in a northern Nigerian state. Health science journal 2013; 7 (1):54-67.
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[4]. Das NK, Ghosh K, Sarkar GN, Paul S. Determinants of smoking and chewing habits among rural school children in Bankura district of West Bengal, India. GJMEDPH 2012; 1(6): 1-6.
[5]. Khan J.A., Hussain S.F., Malik A., Shamsi G., Raza J., Mufti H. Knowledge, attitudes and the prevalence of smoking among hospital attendants in a developing country. Tropical Doctor.2003; 33: 231-234.
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Abstract: Background: Thoracic spinal anaesthesia has proven its efficacy over general anaesthesia as a routine anaesthetic technique for laparoscopic surgeries. This study aimed to compare the block characteristics of isobaric and hyperbaric bupivacaine in thoracic spinal epidural anaesthesia for laparoscopic cholecystectomies. Materials and methods: The study included 60 ASA I and II patients undergoing elective laparoscopic cholecystectomy, divided randomly into two equal groups. Both the groups were given thoracic combined spinal epidural anaesthesia (CSE) at the T9-T10 / T10-T11 interspace using 1.5 ml of isobaric bupivacaine 0.5% (5 mg/ml) + 25μg (0.5 ml) of fentanyl in group I and 1.5 ml of hyperbaric bupivacaine 0.5% (5 mg/ml) + 25μg (0.5 ml) of fentanyl in group H............
Keywords: Baricity, hyperbaric bupivacaine, isobaric bupivacaine,laparoscopic cholecystectomy, thoracic combined spinal epidural anaesthesia.
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Abstract: Anaplastic thyroid carcinoma [ATC] is one of the most aggressive of all human malignant diseases. It is a rare tumour accounting for 1% to 2% of all thyroid carcinomas. As the tumour presents at very advanced stage ATC is frequently resection is not possible. Rapid and accurate pretreatment diagnosis is required to attempt local-regional control and provide an earely palliative tretment to patient. Here we present a case of anaplastic carcinoma of thyroid diagnosed on cytology where radiological findings were misleading. Thus emphasises importance of FNAC in early and initial diagnosis of tumour,which can have impact on treatment received by patient.
Keywords : Anaplastic carcinoma thyroid, cytology, radiological findings spindle cells, squamoid
[1]. Venkatesh YS, Ordonez NG, Schultz PN,Hickey RC, Goepfert H, Samaan NA.Anaplastic carcinoma of the thyroid: Aclinicopathologic study of 121 cases.Cancer, 1990; 66: 321-30.
[2]. Mobeen Alwani, Gunvanti B. Rathod. Diagnosis of anaplastic thyroid carcinoma on fine needle aspiration cytology- A rare case report. IAIM, 2015;2(3): 183-187.
[3]. Pacini F et al. Thyroid cancer: ESMO Clinical Practise guidelines for diagnosis, treatment and follow up. Ann Oncol 2010; 21(suppl 5):v214-v219.
[4]. Guiffrida D., Gharib H. Anaplastic thyroid carcinoma. Current diagnosis and treatment. Ann. Oncol., 2000; 11(9):1083-1089.
[5]. Gilliland FD, Hunt WC, Morris DM, et al. Prognostic factors for thyroid carcinoma. A population based study of 15,698 cases from the Surveillance,Epidemiology and End Results (SEER) program 1973-1991. Cancer, 1997; 79:564-573
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Abstract: Tolosa Hunt syndrome is a rare disorder characterized by painful ophthalmoplegia by nonspecific inflammation of cavernous sinus or superior orbital fissure. In this disorder there is unilateral retroorbital pain and palsy of cranial nerve three, four, six and ophthalmic and maxillary subdivisions of trigeminal nerve. The disorder is often recurrent but usually responding well with glucocorticoid administration. The condition if present with central serous retinopathy is far rarer. Treatment of Tolosa Hunt syndrome with high dose steroid can precipitate central serous retinopathy but coexistence of the two condition is very much rare and if present together, there is therapeutic challenge where to use oral steroid or not. As steroid is contraindicated in this patient with good response. This result signifies azathioprine can be used as alternative therapy in conditions of Tolosa Hunt syndrome where steroid is contraindicated.
Keywords : Azathioprine, Tolosa Hunt syndrome, Central serous retinopathy
[1]. La Mantia, L., Curone, M., Rapoport, A.M., et al. (2006) Tolosa-Hunt Syndrome: Critical Literature Review Based on IHS 2004 Criteria. Cephalalgia, 26, 772-781.
[2]. Hung CH, Chang KH, Chen YL, Wu YM et al Clinical and radiological findings suggesting disorders other than tolosa-hunt syndrome among ophthalmoplegic patients: a retrospective analysis..Headache. 2015 Feb; 55(2):252-64.
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[5]. Lemos, J. and Eggenberger, E. Neuro-Ophthalmological Emergencies. Neurohospitalist, 2015:5, 223-233.