Version-16 (January-2018)
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Abstract: Introduction: Cervical cancer is the 4th most frequent cancer in women worldwide and ranks as the 2nd leading cause of female cancer in India. A portrayal of the trauma undergone by these patients is provided by assessment of Quality of Life (QoL) and thus address their fears and concerns for their betterment. This study assessed QoL of cervical cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy or radiotherapy attending the Department of Radiotherapy, Medical College, Kolkata. Methodology: An observational cross-sectional institution based study was undertaken with 41 cervical cancer patients using EORTC QLQ-C30 and EORTC QLQ-CX24 questionnaires. Results: The mean age of the respondents was 54.80 ± 2.17 years. The mean Global Health Status score was 53.05 with majority...........
Keywords: Cervical cancer, Chemotherapy, EORTC, Quality of Life, Radiotherapy
[1]. World Health Organization. Human papillomavirus (HPV) and cervical cancer WHO Factsheet (Updated June 2016).
[2]. Bruni L, Barrionuevo-Rosas L, Albero G, Serrano B, Mena M, Gómez D, Muñoz J, Bosch FX, de Sanjosé S. ICO Information Centre on HPV and Cancer (HPV Information Centre). Human Papillomavirus and Related Diseases in India. Summary Report 7 October 2016. [Date Accessed]
[3]. Fernandes WC, and Kimura M, Health related quality of life of women with cervical cancer, Rev. Latino-Am. Enfermagem 2010; 18: 360-7.
[4]. Fayers PM, Aaronson NK, Bjordal K, Groenvold M, Curran D, Bottomley A, on behalf of the EORTC Quality of Life Group. The EORTC QLQ-C30 Scoring Manual (3rdEdition). Published by: European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer, Brussels 2001.
[5]. Aaronson NK, Ahmedzai S, Bergman B, Bullinger M, Cull A, Duez NJ, Filiberti A, Flechtner H, Fleishman SB, de Haes JCJM, Kaasa S, Klee MC, Osoba D, Razavi D, Rofe PB, Schraub S, Sneeuw KCA, Sullivan M, Takeda F. The European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer QLQ-C30: Aquality-of-life instrument for use in international clinical trials in oncology. Journal of the National Cancer Institute 1993; 85: 365-376..
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Abstract: Demographic transition is leading to a rapid increase in the number of older people in our population. Improvement in health, education and economic parameters has increased the life expectancy of the population in most of the developing countries which leads to this increasing trend in the percentage of old age population. They are a vulnerable group having significant health problems and psychosocial stressors that warrant attention. The large geriatric population has an equally high psychiatric morbidity.[1] Various studies have been carried out in India to estimate the prevalence rates of psychiatric disorders in old age population. Dubey estimated psychiatric disorders in elderly to be 23.3/1000 population while Nandi et al estimated it to be 33%.[2,3] Ramchandran et al. found that.........
Keywords: Thyroid Swellings, Neck Swellings, Multinodular Goitre.
[1]. Sathyanarayana Rao TS, Shaji KS. Demographic aging: Implications for mental health. Indian Journal of Psychiatry 2007; 49:78-80 [2]. Dubey KC. A study of prevalence and biosocial variation in mental illness in a rural and urban community in Uttar Pradesh, India. Acta Psychiatr Scand. 1970;46:327–32.
[3]. Nandi DN, Ajmani S, Ganguli A, et al. Psychiatric disorders in a village community in West Bengal.Indian J Psychiatry. 1975;17:87
[4]. Ramchandran, Sarada Menon M, Ramamurthy B. Psychiatric disorders in subjects over fifty. Indian J Psychiatry. 1979;22:193–8
[5]. Shaji KS, Arun Kishore NR, Praveen Lal K, Prince MJ (2002) Revealing a hidden problem. An evaluation of a community dementia case-finding program from the Indian 10/66 Dementia Research Network. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 2002 Mar;17(3):222-5
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Abstract: To clinically diagnose Hyperreactive airway disease in childrenattending with SVS Medical College, Mahabubnagar of age group 5 to 12yrs. 2. To perform Pulmonary Function Test before and after the use of a Bronchodilator. Methods: 100 children aged 5 to 12 years affected by hyperactive airway disease and those who satisfied the selection criteria of the study were enrolled. The Parameters Gender, FEV1, PEF, FVC, FEV1/FVC pre-andpost-bronchodilator were the variables studied. Results: Age was included in the final model which had a reasonably high post-bronchodilator values of FEV1, PEF, FVC, FEV1/FVC irrespective of age and sex.......
Keywords: Bronchodilators, PFT, Pulmonary Function Test, Spirometry
[1]. U N Reddy, M A Umran Khan; Evaluation of mean peak expiratory flow rate(PEFR) of healthy children belonging to urban areas of Hyderabad; Asian Pac. J. Health Sci., 2014; 1(2):113-119.
[2]. Swaminathan S,Venkatesan P, Mukunth R. Peak expiratory flow rate in South Indian children. Indian Pediatr 1993; 30(2):207,211.
[3]. Sameer K Mathur, William W.Busse; The Biology of asthma in Alfred P. Fishman, Jack A. Elias, J A. Fishman, Michael A Grippi, Robert M Sr., Editors. Fishmans Pulmonary diseases and disorders, 4th Edition, Vol-1&2; USA; Mcgraw-Hill Company; 2008 pg-773-785.
[4]. Standardization of spirometry –2005 M.R. Miller, J. Hankinson, V. Brusasco. EurRespir J. 2005; 26: 319-338..
[5]. Leonard B. Bacharier, Robert C. Strunk, David Mauger, Deborah White, Robert F. Lemanske, Jr.,and Christine A. Sorkness. Classifying asthma severity in children mismatch between symptoms, medication use, and lung function. American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine vol 170; 2004,;Pg: 426 – 432.
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Abstract: Thyroid disorders are more prevalent in women, and can cause many problems including weight gain and hormonal imbalance. Hypothyroidism is related with various biochemical changes. Increased levels of TC(Total Cholesterol) and LDL(Low Density Lipoproteins) are seen when thyroid function decreases. So, we designed the study to evaluate patients of Thyroid dysfunction and its effects on the lipid profile. Material & Methods: A Case Control Study was conducted on Patients with thyroid disorder attending both OPD and IPD in Department of Medicine in MGMCH, Jaipur, Rajasthan during December 2015 to December 2016. A total of 80 Subjects, 40 subjects with thyroid disorder and 40 euthyroid controls were included in the study. Presence of thyroid dysfunction is defined as per American Thyroid Association Guidelines. Results: Our results showed that the mean..........
Keywords: Hypothyroidism, TC, TG, LDL, VLDL, HDL
[1]. Ane Garmendia Madariaga Silvia Santos Palacios Francisco Guillén-GrimaJuan C. Galofré. The Incidence and Prevalence of Thyroid Dysfunction in Europe: A Meta-Analysis. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, 1 March 2014; Volume 99, Issue 3: Pages 923–931. [2]. Dr Aggarwal. Prevalence of thyroid disorders increasing in India.2017
[3]. Liberopoulos EN, Elisaf MS. Dyslipidemia in patients with thyroid disorders. Available at: 2002/05 liberopoulos.pdf, Greece: Moses S Elisaf, 2002.
[4]. Tsimihodimos V, Bairaktari E, Tzallas C, Miltiadus G, Liberopoulos E, Elisuf M. The incidence of thyroid function abnormalities in patients attending an outpatient lipid clinic. Thyroid 1999; 9:365-368.
[5]. Nikkilia EA, Kekki M. Plasma triglyceride metabolism in thyroid disease. J Clin Invest 1972; 51:2103-2114.
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Abstract: Introduction: The DMFT and OHI-S indexes are two of the most important quantitative factors, measuring tooth health and oral hygiene Aims and objectives: To evaluate the association between dental caries and oral hygiene status among young adults aged 18-25 years attending the Outpatient division of Government Dental College, Kottayam Methodology: A cross sectional study was conducted among 422 individuals. Caries experience was recorded and DMFT score was calculated on each patient; oral hygiene status was assessed using OHI-S Results: Majority of individuals with poor OHI-S scores had high and very high caries scores whereas a major percentage of individuals (78.3%) with good OHI-S scores were found to be caries free and none of them had a very high caries score. The association between OHI-S scores and caries scores were found to be statistically significant Conclusion: The...........
Keywords: Dental Caries, DMFT, OHI-S, 18-25years old, Cross sectional study
[1]. InamdarIF,MohammedUbaidulla,SaleemHTambe,DoibaleMK,AswarNR Study of oral health among adolescents in the field practice area of urban health training centre,Nanded,India IOSR Journal of Dental & Medical Sciences 2013;8(6): 26-30
[2]. JoysonMoses, BNRangeeth, DeepaGurunathan Prevalence of dental caries, socioeconomic status & treatment needs among 5 to 15 yr old school going children of Chidambaram Journal of Clinical & Diagnostic Research2011feb; 5(1) : 146-151
[3]. Haruaki Hayasaki, Issei Saitoh Tooth brushing for oral prophylaxis Japanese Dental Science Review 2014; 50: 69—77
[4]. Mohammed Jafer, Shankaragouda Patil, Jagadish Hosmani, Shilpa H Bhandi, Elna P Chalissery, Sukumaran Anil Chemical plaque control stratergies in prevention of biofilm-associated oral diseases Journal of Contemporary Dental Practice 2016 April;17(4):337-343
[5]. Oral health surveys-Basic methods 4th edition WHO Geneva :1997..
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Abstract: Background: The determination of c-peptide provides an assessment of endogenous secretory reserves in patients with diabetes mellitus and is considered a more reliable indicator of insulin secretion than insulin itself. . The present study was undertaken to assess relationship between serum c-peptide level with patient characteristics and chronic complication of diabetes. Methods : Cross sectional observational study conducted in the Department of Medicine for 2 years. Inclusion criteria: Patients diagnosed with T2DM according to American Diabetes Association criteria or those already on glucose lowering agents. Exclusion criteria: Patients having renal failure (defined as serum creatinine > 1.5 mg/dl in males and 1.4mg/dl in females) and pregnancy. The sample size for the study was 100. Fasting c-peptide level was determined by a two site sandwich immunoassay using direct chemiluminescent technology. Plasma glucose (fasting and PP), serum creatinine and lipid profile was estimated.........
Keywords: Body mass index, C peptide, Duration of diabetes, Diabetes Mellitus
[1]. Chowta MN, Adhikari PM, Chowta NK, Shenoy AK, D'Souza S. Serum c-peptide level and renal function in diabetes mellitus. Indian Journal of Nephrology, 2010; 20(1): 25-27
[2]. Siraj ES, Reddy SSK, Scherbaum WA, Abdulkadir J, Hammel JP, Faiman C. Basal and postprandial c-peptide levels in ethiopians with diabetes. Diabetes care 2002;25(3):453-7
[3]. Leighton E, Sainsbury CAR, Jones GC. A practical review of c-peptide testing in diabetes. Diabetes Ther 2017;8(3):475-87
[4]. Gary TCK, Wing YS, Tong PC, Chan WB, Yang X, Kong AP et al. Effects of interactions between c-peptide levels and insulin treatment on clinical outcomes among patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. CMAJ 2009; 180(9): 919-926.
[5]. Abdullah B.B. ,Patil B.S. and Thaseen A. Significance of C-peptide in type 2 diabetics- A study in north Karnataka population of India. Al Ameen J Med Sci (2010)3(1):65-75...
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Abstract: Primary tumors of the ischiorectal fossa are rare. They can be congenital, acquired or neo- plastic. Accurate diagnosis often cannot be done preoperatively and imaging studies such as computed tomography and especially magnetic resonance imaging can define the size and anatomical relationships of the lesions. Surgical treatment is challenging because of difficult access of the region which is preferably performed by posterior approach. A 47-year-old female presented with localized swelling and palpable mass on left gluteal area. On per-vagina & per-rectal examination mass felt on left lateral wall & mucosa is not involved. pap smear was negative to malignancy. Patient underwent excision of mass with frozen & primary closure. Neoplasms occurring in the IRF must be treated taking into account the anatomy of the region. The preferable route of access is posterior, and may require partial resection of the sacrum. The definitive diagnosis can only happen with complete resection of the tumor and its subsequent pathological study..........
Keywords: ischiorectal fossa (IRF), Primary Tumor, Spindle Cell Tumor
[1]. Miller M, Kulaylat MN, Ferrario T, Karakousis CP. Resection of tumors of the ischiorectal fossa. J Am Coll Surg. 2003;196:328–32.
[2]. Llauger J, Palmer J, Pérez C, Monill J, Ribé J, Moreno A. Normal and pathologic ischiorectal fossa at CT and MR imaging. Radiographics. 1998;18:61–82.
[3]. Satheshkumar T, Saklani AP, Banerjee D, Jones DR. Angiomyofibrosarcoma: a rare ischiorectal fossa swelling. Hosp Med. 2003;64:244–5
[4]. Teoh KH. Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumour in the ischiorectal fossa. Colorectal Disease. 2009;11:533.
[5]. Ng SSM, Hon SSF, Wong JHM, Lee JFY. Radiology for the surgeon. Soft-tissue case 59. Can J Surg. 2006;49:435–6.
[6]. Yap T, Hamzah L, Oshowo A, Taylor I. Myxoid solitary fibrous tumour of the ischiorectal fossa. Eur J Surg Oncol. 2003;29:98–100....
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Abstract: La mesure du taux de la mortalité néonatale est un indicateur sensible, fiable de l'efficacité et qualité des soins obstétricaux et néonatals ainsi quedu progrès réalisé en matière de réduction de décès néonatals dans un établissement sanitaire surtout dans les pays à ressources limitées dans le domaine de la santé. L'objectif de notre étude était d'identifier et analyser les différents facteurs des risques des décès néonatals dans notre milieu d'étude. Cette recherche est transversale est couvre la période allant du 1er Janvier 2010 au 31 décembre 2013. Elle se déroule à l'unité de néonatologie de l'hôpital provincial du Nord-Kivu qui est une institution sanitaire du niveau intermédiaire. Cet 'étude révèle une fréquence de mortalité néonatale de 19,7 % due à la prématurité à 51,9% et favorisée par un jeune âge des nouveau-nés inférieur à 34 semaines (OR : 2.11 ; IC 95 % : 0.59 – 7,75............
Key Words: Risk factors, newborn, neonatal death
[1]. Ezeh OK, Agho KE, Dibley MJ, Hall J and page AN. Determinants of neonatal mortality in Nigeria: evidence from teh 2008 demographic and health survey. BMC public Health. 2014 ;29(14) :521.
[2]. Kedy Koum DC, Essomba NE, Ngaba GP, Sintat S, Koki P et coppicters Y. Morbidité et facteurs de risque de mortalité néonatale dans un hopital de référence de Douala. Pour Afr. Med J.2015 ;20 :258-258.
[3]. Gaiva MA, BittencourtRM ; Fujimori E. Earlyand late neonatal death, characteristics of mothers and newborn.Rev. GauchaEnferm. 2013;34(4): 91-7.
[4]. Zupan j. Perinatal mortality in developing countries. N.Engl J Med.2005;352: 2047-2048.
[5]. Ahmad OB., Lopez AD and Inoue M. The decive in child mortality: A reappraisal. Who Bulletin 2011; 78(10):1175-1191...
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Abstract: Many countries in Sub-Saharan Africa including Democratic Republic of Congo still have high under-five mortality . Neonatal morbidity and mortality is still high in developing countries and is due primarily to negligence of female health, nutrition, deliveries by un-skilled personnel and poor antenatal care. The objectives of our study was to identify the neonatal pathologies on admission, characteristics of the neonates , socio- demographicmaternal profil , common causes and moment of neonataldeathin a neonatology unit at Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo. Patients and Methods This descriptive study was carried out at department pediatrics in neonatology unit of North- Kivu provincial Hospital at Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo; from 1st January 2010to 31December 2014. A total of 927neonates were admitted..........
Keywords: Neonatal,mortality, Newborn, Survival
[1]. World Health Organization. Children: reducing mortality. Fact sheet N° 178. September 2012.
[2]. Fonds des Nations Unies pour l'Enfance (UNICEF) La situation des enfants dans le monde 2012-Les enfants dans un monde urbain. New York (NY): UNICEF; 2012.
[3]. Nagalo K, Dao F, Tall FH. Ten years morbidity and mortality of newborns hospitalized at the Clinic El-FatehSuka (Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso) Pan Afr Med J . 2013;14:153.
[4]. Mutombo T. Difficulté d'améliorer le taux de mortalité néonatale en milieu rural. MédAfr Noire. 1997;44(12):658–60.
[5]. Diallo S, Kourouma S, Camara Y. Mortalité néonatale à l'institut de nutrition et de santé de l'enfant (INSE) MédAfr Noire. 1998; 45:326–9..
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Abstract: Background: Sarcoidosis is a multisystemic disease with a myriad of presentations.In sarcoidosis the hunt for a disease activity marker that correlates with lung function status has been extant with paltry breakthroughs.We conducted this study with the endeavour of investigating serum Angiotensin converting enzyme(ACE) levels with lung function parameters. Methods: We retrospectively studied 39 cases of pulmonary sarcoidosis and analyzed the correlation of their serum ACE levels with lung function parameters namely forced vital capacity (FVC) and forced expiratory volume at 1 second (FEV1).Correlation coefficient (r) was calculated to study the correlation. Results: There was a weak negative correlation..........
Keywords: Angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE), Forced vital capacity (FVC), Forced expiratory volume at 1 sec (FEV1), Sarcoidosis,Correlation
[1]. Lieberman J. Elevation of serum angiotension-converting-enzyme (ACE) level in sarcoidosis. Am J Med. 1975;59(3):365–72.
[2]. Judson M a, Boan a D, Lackland DT. The clinical course of sarcoidosis: presentation, diagnosis, and treatment in a large white and black cohort in the United States. Sarcoidosis Vasc Diffuse Lung Dis [Internet]. 2012;29(2):119–27. Available from:
[3]. Ungprasert P, Carmona EM, Crowson CS, Matteson EL. Diagnostic Utility of Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme in Sarcoidosis: A Population-Based Study. Lung. 2016;194(1):91–5....
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Acupuncture treatment in Bell's palsy |
Country | : | Macedonia |
Authors | : | Jihe Zhu || BlagicaArsovska || Kristina Kozovska |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1701164749 ![]() |
Abstract: Facial nerve is the 7th cranial nerve. The palsy of this nerve is often idiopathic and known as Bells' Palsy, but not always this term is synonymous with idiopathic facial nerve palsy. There are two facial nerves one of each side of the face. Injury to the facial nerve can cause a social, psychological and physical defect. From the perspective of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), facial nerve palsy is caused by wind in the facial channels. The Chinese name is Zhong Feng which means Wind Attack. According to TCM the facial channels are full with normal healthy bodily substance. If the channels are not full, there is some deficiency of Blood, Qi or Yin and the wind may get into the channels. In this study are included 9 patients, 5 female and 4 male, on age from 8 to 47, all diagnosed with Bell's palsy.......
Keywords:acupuncture, treatment, traditional Chinese medicine, bell's palsy
[1]. Rubin M; Facial Nerve Palsy (Bell Palsy; Bell's Palsy); 2016 []
[2]. Taylor CD; Facial Nerve Problems and Bell's Palsy (Bell Palsy); 2015 []
[3]. Pacific College of Oriental Medicine; A Traditional Chinese Medicine Approach to Bell's Palsy; 2017 []
[4]. Zhu J, Arsovska B, Kozovska K; Case report - Acupuncture for facial nerve palsy (Poster); International Congress of Medical Sciences (ICMS); 10-14 May 2017, Sofia, Bulgaria
[5]. Bender GP.; Facing Bell's Palsy while pregnant; 2015 [].
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Abstract: Background; Currently there is no documented information regarding the number of paediatric cases affected with head injuries. Our study aim is to study the epidemiological prevalence of injuries , evaluation of management methods , prognosis & sequalae of paediatric head injuries. Introduction; Trauma has become a leading cause of morbidity and mortality all over the world. The amount of impact of injury in children is different from adults in various aspects. Early diagnosis and screening will help to provide accurate treatment for the needy. Materials & methods; This is a prospective study. All paediatric head injury patients presenting to dept of neurosurgery , GGH , kakinada were enrolled in the study. All patients were analysed as per our study protocol. Results; A total number of 117 patients........
Keywords: Paediatric head injury , TBI ,head injury
[1]. Bray L.Parents' experiences of hope following a child's brain injury. Nurs Child Young People 2015;27:22–6.
[2]. Ransom DM, Vaughan CG, Pratson L, et al.Academic effects of concussion in children and adolescents. Pediatrics 2015;135:1043–50.
[3]. Brown EA, Kenardy J, Chandler B, et al.Parent-reported health-related quality of life in children with traumatic brain injury: a prospective study. J Pediatr Psychol 2016;41: 244–55
[4]. Francel PC, Park TS, Shaffrey ME. Diagnosis and treatment of moderate and severe head injury in infants and children. Neurological surgery, Philadelphia: WB Saunders Company.Youmans J, ed. 1996;1730-66
[5]. Adelson PD. Hypothermia following Pediatric Traumatic Brain Injury. Journal of Neurotrauma. 2009;26(3):429-436. doi:10.1089/neu.2008.0571..
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Abstract: Background: Antioxidants exist in all body fluids and tissues and protect against free radicals and protect the cells from harmful oxidants (ROS). The human body incorporates a plethora of complex antioxidant systems. Hence, the total antioxidant capacity (TAOC) assessment method has been developed to reduce the costly and time-consuming task of measuring individual species. Periodontitis could be associated with reduced local antioxidant defense. Aim: To investigate the Total Antioxidant Capacity of (TAOC) of plasma in subjects with chronic periodontitis compared to that of periodontally healthy subjects. Methodology: 60 subjects were selected...........
Keywords: Chronic periodontitis, TAOC, Reactive oxygen species, vitamin C
[1] Ali E.Suleiman, Rana M.H Shehadeh: Assessment of total antioxidant capacity of Vitamin C in treatment of non-smokers with chronic periodontitis. J periodontal 2010; 81:1547-1554.
[2] Chapple IL, John B Matthews: The role of reactive oxygen species and antioxidant species in the periodontal tissue destruction, Periodontology 2000, 2007; 43:160-232.
[3] Alkafin FA, Toklu E, Renda N: Analysis of superoxide dismutase activity levels in the gingiva and gingival crevicular fluid in patients with Chronic periodontitis and periodontally healthy controls. J Clin Periodontol 2005; 32:238-243.
[4] Battino M, Bullon P Wilson m ,Newmann H: Oxidative injury and inflammatory periodontal diseases: The challenege of antioxidants to free radicals and reactive oxygen species. Crit Rev Oral Biol Med 1999, 10:458-476.
[5] Halliwell B: Reactive oxygen species in living systems: source, biochemistry and role in human disease. Am J Med 1991; 91:514-522..
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Abstract: Proximal femur fractures are commonly seen in Road Traffic Accident (RTA) and in domestic fall. These fractures behave differently during reduction because of various muscular attachments and difficult to fix. Aim: To evaluate the clinical outcome of proximal femoral fractures fixed with Proximal Femoral Nail(PFN) Materials and Methods: It is a prospective study carried out in our Department of Orthopaedics from Jan 2016 to Jan 2017. Total 15 cases were treated of which 6 were Intertrochanteric fractures and 9 were Subtrochanteric fractures. All the fractures were fixed with Long PFN under fluoroscopic guidance by closed methods. Patients were followed up at 1,2,3, 6 months.............
Keywords: Inter trochanteric fracture, Proximal femoral nail, Road traffic accident, Subtrochanteric fracture
[1]. Bucholz, Robert W. Heckman, James D. Court-Brown, Charles M, Rockwood & Green's Fractures in Adults,( Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 6th Edition 2006)1828.
[2]. Shabir Ahmed Dhar, Manzoor Ahmed Halwai, Mohammed Iqbal Wani, and Mohammed Farooq Butt, Operative management of a subtrochanteric fracture in severe osteoporosis, Cases J. 2008; 1:193.
[3]. Kairui Zhang, Proximal Femoral Nail vs. Dynamic Hip Screw in Treatment of Intertrochanteric Fractures, Med Sci Monit. 2014; 20 1628–1633.
[4]. Jong-Won Kim, Outcome of intertrochanteric fractures treated by intramedullary nail with two integrated lag screws, Indian Journal of Orthopaedics, 2015; 49 : 436-441.
[5]. Sampat S Dumbre Patil, Sachin S Karkamkar, Vaishali S Dumbre Patil, Shailesh S Patil, Abhijeet S Ranaware, Reverse distal femoral locking compression plate a salvage option in nonunion of proximal femoral fractures, Indian Journal of Orthopaedics, 2016; 50:374-378.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Compare Conventional Septoplasty Method With Endoscopic Septoplasty |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Chilukuri Anitha || Dr .Aruna Kumar.C |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1701166066 ![]() |
Abstract: The present study is taken up to compare the two techniques i.e. conventional and endoscopic septoplasty. Materials and Methods: The present study was conducted to compare the conventional and endoscopic septoplasty. They were divided into two groups; one group undergoing conventional septoplasty and the other endoscopic septoplasty by random selection and following 50 patients preoperatively and postoperatively. Results: The common symptoms were headache and nasal discharge. Headache was present in 10 patients (20%) of which 6 cases (12%) were in conventional septoplasty group and 4 cases (8%) in endoscopic septoplasty group. Nasal discharge was present in 12 patients (24%), of these 4 patients (8%) were in the group of conventional septoplasty and...............
[1]. Scott-Brown's Otolaryngology: Butterword & Heinemann Sixth edition Vol 4 Rhinology Chapter 3,4,11&12.
[2]. Freer O: The correction of deflection of the nasal septum with a minimum of traumatation. Journal of American Medical Association 1902;38:638.
[3]. Muhammad IA, Nabil-Ur Rahman: Complications of the surgery for deviated nasal septum: Journal of the college of physicians and Surgery -Pakistan, 2003 Oct;13(10):565-8.
[4]. Rao JJ, Kumar ECV, Babu KR, Chowdary VS, Singh J, Rangamani SV: Classification of nasal septal deviation- relation to sinonasal pathology. Indian Journal of Otolaryngology & Head and Neck Surgery, 2005 Jul ; 57(3): 199-201.
[5]. Nayak DR, Balakrishnan R, Murthy KD. An endoscopic approach to the deviated nasal septum–a preliminary study. The Journal of laryngology & Otology. 1998 Oct;112(10):934-9..
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Abstract: Clostridium species are anaerobic Gram-positive rods that can cause a broad range of life-threatening infections in humans. Characterization of Clostridium sp. and their clinical disease spectrum are of utmost important to provide clinical cure particularly in debilitating patients. Clostridium paraputrificum is an infrequently isolated Clostridium species and its clinical significance has not been well described. Here we report a case of subcutaneous ulcer by C. paraputrificum in a child patient with protein-energy malnutrition.
Keywords: subcutaneous necrotising ulcers, Clostridium paraputrificum, protein-energy-malnutrition
[1]. Willis T A. Anaerobic Bacteriology: Clinical and Laboratory Practice.3rd Edition.Elsevier.1977:250-7
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[3]. Shinha, T. and Hadi, C. (2015). Clostridium paraputrificum Bacteremia Associated with Colonic Necrosis in a Patient with AIDS. Case Rep Infect Dis. 2015, 312919.
[4]. 4. I. Brook and R. S. Gluck, "Clostridium paraputrificum sepsis in sickle cell anemia," SouthernMedical Journal. 1980:73(12); 1644–1645
[5]. W. X. Shandera, R. L. Humphrey, and L. B. Stratton, "Necrotizing enterocolitis associated with Clostridium paraputrificum septicemia," Southern Medical Journal. 1988: 81( 2) ; 283–284.
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Abstract: Vitamin D deficiency is pandemic, widespread in individuals irrespective of their age, gender, race and geography. It is the most under-diagnosed and under-treated nutritional deficiency in the world .Vitamin D is photosynthesized in the skin on exposure to UVB rays. However, vitamin D deficiency is widely prevalent despite plentiful sunshine even in tropical countries like India. This article discusses about the status of vitamin D in India and also the underlying causes for this epidemic and preventive strategies to be followed..
Keywords: Food fortification,Supplements, Vitamin D, Vitamin D deficiency,
[1]. Ritu G and Ajay Gupta Vitamin D Deficiency in India: Prevalence, Causalities and
[2]. Interventions. Nutrients. 2014 Feb;6(2): 729–775.
[3]. Holick MF. Vitamin D deficiency. N Engl J Med 2007 July; 357: 266-8.
[4]. Dietary Supplement Fact Sheet: Vitamin D. Office of Dietary Supplements, NIH Web site. June 24, 2011. Accessed September 24, 2013.
[5]. Ben-Shoshan M. Vitamin D deficiency/insufficiency and challenges in developing global Vitamin D fortification and supplementation policy in adults. Int J Vitam Nutr Res 2012 Aug; 82 (4): 237-59..
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Abstract: Introduction : The gonadal veins are anatomically asymmetric. They are single in number on each side but they drain differently. Aim : Our aim is to analysis the percentage of dual gonadal veins on both sides. Material And Method: We explore 67 well embalmed bodies during our routine undergraduate and post graduate teaching at various medical colleges over a period of three and a half year. Result : In our present study, male is to female ratio was found 46 :21. Though we do not found any variation in ovarian veins but in the 2 cases(4.34%)left sided testicular vein shows duplication and both the veins drain into left renal vein......
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