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Abstract: A series of 50 cases of Endometrial Carcinomas seen over a three year period is reviewed. The majority are EndometriodCarcinomas which constitutes 44 (88%) cases. Among the Endometriod Carcinomas villoglandular differentiation commonest constitutes about 39 (82% ) of cases followed by squamous differentiation (14%) of cases and secretory types.A Modified histologic classification, the theories ofhistogenisis and the clinical biologicbehaviour are presented and discussed. Histological grading was done, and followed cap protocol where ever necessary.
Keywords: Endometrial Carcinoma, Morphologic features.
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Abstract: Objective: To estimate serum lipid profile in normal and pre-eclamptic patients Study design and setting:Case-control study conducted in the Dept. of Biochemistry in collaboration with Dept. of Obstetrics &Gynaecology, Regional Institute of Medical Sciences (RIMS),Imphal (Manipur). Materials and Methods:Data was collected from 50 pre-eclamptic and 25 normotensive pregnant women admitted in Antenatal ward, RIMS Hospital. Blood samples were analyzed for total serum cholesterol, triglyceride, LDL-cholesterol, VLDL- cholesterol and HDL-cholestetol..........
Keywords: Cholesterol, lipid, normotensive, pre-eclamptic, triglyceride.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Drainage of Superior Sagittal Sinus And Handedness |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Chongtham Rajlakshmi || Dr. Irungbam Deven Singh |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1701021215 ![]() |
Abstract: Background and Objectives: Determination of handedness is important in unidentified bodies. Drainage of Superior sagittal sinus (SSS) to one of the transverse sinuses is well documented. The present study is an attempt to find out any correlation between handedness and pattern of drainage of superior sagittal sinus. Materials and Methods: In this study 100 cranial cavities from postmortem cases were utilised to assess the type of drainage of SSS and correlated with handedness. Handedness of cadaver was known through relatives. Results: It was observed that amongst 97 right handed and 3 left handed subjects, four types of drainage...........
Keywords: Superior sagittal sinus, drainage, handedness.
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Abstract: Dominant follicle size were studied at the time of ovulation by tow diffeternt method of ultrasound i.e. Transabdominal and transabdominal route on 81 female patients. These patients were referred by infertility clinic and were normal and having stimulated cycles. Patients respond excellently to TVS, there were initial hesitancy which removed by adequate counseling. Detection rate of follicle less than 10 mm were good on TVS while no difference were observed on more than 20 mm. Ultrasonographically the Ovary is defined as mix echogenic structure having well defined cortex peripherally and central medulla. Follicle arranged at periphery as oval shape anechoic area of varying size representing the various stages of follicles.
Keywords: Domint Follicle, Ovulation, Ultrasound, TAS, TVS
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Abstract: Aim: the aim of this study was to describe a technique of fabrication of two implants supported mandibular overdenture. Background: There are several treatment modalities for completely edentulous patients including conventional complete dentures, implants supported overdentures and implant supported fixed prosthesis. Patients with a severely resorbed mandible often experience problems with their conventional complete dentures. Treatment concepts involving implant supported overdentures have proven to be as satisfactory as implant supported fixed prosthesis with added advantage of ease in hygiene maintenance and less cost. Case description: This clinical report summarizes a simplified and accurate method of fabricating a two implant supported mandibular overdenture......
Keywords: Dental Prosthesis,implant supported overdenture, ball attachments,resorbed mandible.
[1]. van Steenberghe, D, Quirynen, M, Calberson, L, Demanet, M. A prospective evaluation of the fate of 697 consecutive intraoral fixtures ad modum Brånemark in the rehabilitation of edentulism. J Head Neck Pathol. 1987;6:53–58.
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Abstract: This prospective hospital-based study was conducted on 153 women with excessive menstrual bleeding. Those with pre-menarchal or post-menopausal per vaginal bleeding were excluded. After eliciting a detailed history, all patients underwent clinical examination and investigations including trans-abdominal ultrasonography. Pelvic examination was restricted to married patients. If indicated, dilatation and curettage or hysterectomy was done and histopathological reports were obtained for confirmation of diagnosis. The mean age of married (n=121) and unmarried patients (n=32) was 36.59±5.99 years (95% CI: 35.53-37.66 years) and 18.32±2.51 years (95% CI: 17.45-19.19 years), respectively..........
Keywords : Dysfunctional uterine bleeding, Menorrhagia, Menstruation
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Abstract: The aim of study is to study the clinical presentations, surgical management and its outcome and complications associated with varicose veins in lower limbs. Patients and methods:This randomized prospective study includes 50 patients with primary varicose veins admitted in surgical units of SiddharthaMedicalcollege/ Govt. general hospital VijayawadafromOctober 2015toSeptember 2017.Results:In the study, it was noted that the varicose veins more commonly affect the young adult and middle age population (20-60yrs). Most of the patients were males (88%). Long saphenous vein involvement was seen in 88% of patients. A great number of patients had perforator incompetence. Sapheno-femoral flush ligation with stripping...........
Keywords: Varicose veins,Perforator ligation, Surgical management
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Abstract: Objectives: Cardiovascular disease (CVDs) is the leading cause of mortality and morbidity worldwide. There are no words to emphasize the role of primary prevention in pathogenesis of CVDs. The role of exercise in reducing the incidence or decreasing the severity of CVDs is undeniable. The sole purpose of this study is to explore and compare the changes in physiology in individuals performing yoga, with aid of certain parameters (BMI, Pulse Rate, Systolic and Diastolic blood pressure, HDL, Cholesterol, triglyceride) and who knows that with an extensive study we might discover yoga as a potential key that can alter the Natural Course of the CVDs.........
Keywords: BMI- Body Mass Index, FBS- Fasting Blood Sugar, Cholesterol, Triglyceride, HDL- High Density Lipoprotein, Systolic Blood Pressure, Diastolic Blood Pressure.
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Abstract: Cigarette smoking has been known to be the main cause of Airway diseases particularly Obstructive ones. The extent of airflow limitation depends on the number of cigarettes smoked and the duration of smoking. If intervened early, it may be reversible; however in most of the cases it becomes symptomatic only in later stages when there is significant decline in FEV1.
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Abstract: This main aim of the study is to assess the effects of cancer caregiver's demographics on Quality Of Life (QOL) and Strain Burden (SB) and there inter-relation on overall wellbeing of cancer care givers. Cancer is the most common condition followed by Dementia, Alzheimer's disease associated with care giving. As cancer treatment progresses, the number of caregivers (CG) is likely to increase. Methods: This is a prospective observational study, carried out at St. Ann's cancer and general hospital, and Sai Shree Hospital ,Telangana, India involving 120 caregivers of patients undergoing cancer treatment irrespective of type of cancer. The CG Quality of Life-Cancer Scale (CQOLC) and the Modified CG Strain Index (CSI) were used to assess QOL and SB of CG respectively. Appropriate statistical tests were used to assess interrelation of QOL and SB...........
Keywords: Quality of Life, Cancer Care givers, Care giver Quality of Life-Cancer Scale.
[1]. Philip C. Higgins: Caregiver Evaluation of the Quality of End-Of-Life Care (CEQUEL) Scale: The Caregiver's Perception of Patient Care Near Death: PLoS ONE 8(6): e66066. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0066066
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Abstract: Background: With aging both tooth loss and nutritional disturbance will occur and could be related with each other. This study was achieved to evaluate the relation between tooth loss and posterior occluding pairs (POPs) and nutritional status (Mid Upper Arm Circumference (MUAC)) among older adults. Subjects and Methods: 323 subjects aged 50-65 years old with a mean ± SD is 57.26±3.83 distributed into two age groups (50-57) and (58-65) years old with 150 and 173 subjects for these two age groups respectively, with 133 and 190 for males and females respectively and they had been collected from prosthodontic department in college of Dentistry/University of Baghdad and private dental clinic and were examined for their MUAC and intra-oral examination according to World Health Organization (WHO, 2006) and (WHO , 1997) respectively, natural teeth present in oral cavity and POPs was categorized according to criteria of (De Anderade et al., 2009) and (Finch et al., 2001) respectively............
Keywords: MUAC, POPs, Tooth loss, Older adults.
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Abstract: Pleomorphic sarcoma of breast is a rare entity. Here we present a case of 27 year old female who came with complaints of swelling in Right breast since 2 months. Initial clinical, FNAC and mammography suggested a BIRADS GRADE 3 -4 with provisional diagnosis as Phyllodes tumor with atypical cells. Excision of lump with wide margin is done and sent for Histopathological examination. After extensive sampling and with the help of immunohistochemistry markers the diagnosis of high-grade pleomorphic sarcoma with margins positive was made. Modified radical mastectomy was done, no lymph node infiltration and margins are clear. Post op uneventful and patient is kept on regular follow-up..
Keywords: immunohistochemistry, mesenchymal tumor, pleomorphic sarcoma, vimentin, young female
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Abstract: Introduction: Elderly constitute rapidly growing proportion of our population. About 10-15% elderly have mental health problems Aim: To study the prevalence of psychiatric disorders in elderly persons attending the outpatients department in GHMC Method: Study was conducted in Out-Patients in GHMC over 6 months and total of 180 patients aged 60-years and above was enrolled. Based on analysis prevalence rates were obtained. Results: Among the 180 patients, female patients [50.55%] the male patients (49.37%) A majority of our patients were from the 60-70 years age group [82.00%] prevalence of illness was: Dementia – 56.11%psychosis – 16.66% mood disorders– 12.77%,GAD [1.66] others– 7.2% Conclusion: The study showed a high prevalence of dementia followed by psychosis, mood disorders in the elderly persons who attended GHMC
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Abstract: Background: Beta-thalassemia is one of the most common hereditary hematologic disorders characterized by severely impaired β-globulin synthesis. Liver is the earliest site of iron deposition in transfusion dependent β -thalassemia major and iron induced liver injury is the common cause of morbidity. Objectives of our study were...........
Keywords: ALT ( Alanine transaminase ) ,AST ( Aspartate transaminase ), Beta thalassaemia major ,bilirubin , ferritin , iron overload.
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Abstract: Indirect pulp treatment (IPT) is a conservative and minimally invasive procedure, advocated more than 200 years ago. The study was done to assess the success rate of 2% chlorhexidine gluconate disinfecting solution (CHX) with calcium hydroxide (Dycal) and with resin modified glass ionomer liner (RMGIC) in IPT of primary molars. 60 primary molar teeth in children between the age 3 to 10 years were selected. Carious lesion approaching the pulp was removed followed by a dentin excavator to remove the caries at a site of "risk for pulp exposure". Teeth were then randomly assigned into two groups. Group 1 with CHX and dycal and Group 2 with CHX and RMGIC consists of 30 primary teeth in each............
Keywords: Calcium hydroxide, Indirect pulp treatment, Primary teeth, Resin modified glass ionomer liner, 2% chlorhexidine gluconate.
[1]. Linda Rosenberg, Michael Atar, Marcia Daronch, Amy Honig , Marshall Chey et al,Prospective Study of Indirect Pulp Treatment in Primary Molars Using Resin-modified Glass Ionomer and 2% Chlorhexidine Gluconate: A 12-month Follow-up, Pediatr Dent 2013; 35: 13-17.
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Abstract: Familial hypercholesterolemia (FH) is a genetic disorder of lipoprotein metabolism resulting in elevated serum low – density lipoprotein cholesterol leading to increased risk for premature cardiovascular disease (CVD). The diagnosis of this condition is based on clinical features, family history, altered lipids profiles and aided more recently by genetic testing. As the cardiovascular disease burden is dependent on the degree and duration of exposure to raised LDL- Cholesterol levels, early diagnosis, and initiation of treatment is essential. This review aims to highlight the screening, diagnosis...........
Keywords: Familial hypercholesterolemia, low- density lipoprotein, LDL receptor, Apo B, PCSK9 gene mutation.
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Abstract: Severe atrophy of the inferior alveolar process and underlying basal bone often results in problems with a lower denture. These problems include insufficient retention of the lower denture, intolerance to loading by the mucosa, pain, difficulties with eating and speech, loss of soft-tissue support, and altered facial ppearance. These problems are a challenge for the prosthodontist and surgeon. In this case report, patient with resorbed edentulous mandible was successfully rehabilitated using two dental implants placed in the interforaminal region with ball abutments opposing conventional maxillary complete denture.
Keywords: Dental implants; dental prosthesis, implant-supported; resorption,
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Abstract: RTIs are also known to act as one of the risk factor for transmission of HIV. The Objectives of the present study is to find the prevalence of Reproductive tract infections among both symptomatic and asymptomatic women and also to assess the levels of knowledge of women regarding RTIs and its prevention after taking treatment. 122 married asymptomatic and symptomatic women were explained about the study. Diagnosis of RTIs and treatment has given to patients based on the relevant history, gynecological examination, vaginal or cervical discharge examination. 60% and 72.7% were from lower socioeconomic status among symptomatic and asymptomatic women............
Keywords: Reproductive Tract Infections, Women, Asymptomatic Women and Symptomatic Women.
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