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Abstract: Tuberculosis is an ancient disease. Skeletal system involvement is seen in 1%-10% tuberculosis patients. Vertebral tuberculosis is the most common form of bone involvement and amounts for 50% cases of skeletal tuberculosis. About 5% cases of Pott's disease develop psoas abscess. Psoas abscess secondary to Pott's spine is rare entity. Here we are reporting a case of psoas abscess secondary to Pott's spine. A 28 year old female was brought to outpatient department of surgery with complaints of swelling over the left lower back since one month along with back pain and fever since 6-7 months..........
Keywords: Anti-tubercular treatment, Pott's disease, Psoas abcess.
[1]. Ananthanarayan R, Paniker CKJ, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, in Textbook of Microbiology (8th) (India: Universities press pvt. Ltd; 2009).
[2]. Atif Afzal, Muhammad Arshad, Omer Ashraf, Psoas abscess secondary to Pott's disease - an unusual presentation in a young child, J Pak Med Assoc., 56(4), 2006, 191-2.
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Abstract: Posterior capsular opacification (PCO) also called 'after' or 'secondary' cataract is a common long-term complication of cataract surgery that causes decreased vision. Nd: YAG laser is use to treat PCO/ after cataract Material And Methodes: This was a prospective interventional study, with a sample size of 100 eyes of 100 consecutive patients. It was conducted for 2 years. Patients were explained about the study after taking the consent; patients were examined and treated by Nd: YAG laser. Macular thickness is measured by OCT. Results: BCVA improves more in group A 0.18±0.07 log MAR than in group B 0.25±0.10 log MAR on 1st week follow up. We were comparing BCVA, IOP, and Macular Thickness measurements between this group at 1 week, 3 week and 6 week postoperatively. Measurements of macular thickness at 1st week and 3rd week postoperatively were significantly higher in group B than in group A..............
[1]. G S Gopinath1, K Satish1, Nirati Srivastava2, Savita Patil2, Raheela Afshan2. Visual Outcome and Complications of YAG Laser Therapy for Posterior Capsular Opacification Following Cataract Surgery. Int J Sci Study [Internet]. 2015 Jun;Vol 3(Issue 3). Available from:
[2]. Aslam TM, Patton N. Methods of assessment of patients for Nd:YAG laser capsulotomy that correlate with final visual improvement. BMC Ophthalmol. 2004 Sep 23;4:13.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | NIH protocol in lupus nephritis |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Rosy Philips || NK Thulaseedharan |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1701031920 ![]() |
Abstract: SLE is a multisystem disorder of multifactorial etiology. In this study, the treatment modality recommended for lupus nephritis was given and the outcome was studied for a period of 2 years and followup for 5 years. Patient and methods: 52 patients in Govt. Medical College, Kozhikode of renal biopsy proven cases of SLE nephritis was given this modality of treatment. The drugs used were cyclophosphamide, azathioprine, mycophenolatemoeftil and glucocorticoid. All patients satisfied the 1982 revised American College of rheumatology criteria 4 out of 11 either serially or simultaneously during the study period. Results: The remission attack at 3 points were studied. Proteinuria, serum creatinine and urinary sediment. Conclusion: The clinical, biochemical and serological outcome was studied.
Keywords: ANA, Antids DNA (PUP).
[1]. New England Journal of Medicine February 9, 2009 (Mycophenolatemoeftil and azothioprine in maintenance therapy of lupus nephritis).
[2]. New England Journal of Medicine March 6, 1989. NIH protocol for lupus nephritis.
[3]. New England Journal of Medicine November 24, 2005. Treatment with mycophenolatemoeftil or IV cyclophosphamide in lupus nephritis.
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Abstract: Risk factors for coronary artery disease was described in 1930. They are obesity, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, diabetes, smoking, obstructive sleep apnea, insulin resistant, increased C-reactive protein, hyperfibrinogenemia, plasminogen activator inhibitors. Aim of the study: Analyse the preventive aspects of coronary artery disease which include diet, exercise, relaxation methods etc. Patient and methods: 50 patients in Govt. Medical College, Kozhikode in the period December 2014 to June 2015 studied prospectively. Their life style and genetic risk factors were compared to the other group. Evaluation was based on body weight measurement, LDL, HDL, BMI, blood pressure. Conclusion: The incidence of coronary artery disease was considerably low in the control group.
Keywords: HDL, LDL cholesterol
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[3]. Life style modifications. New England Journal of Medicine 2013; 357112-1221-1228.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Case Report on Oligvie's Syndrome |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr.Keerthana || Prof.Usha Vishwanath |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1701032429 ![]() |
Abstract: Acute colonic pseudo-obstruction first described by Sir HeneageOgilivie in 1948 is a poorly understood syndrome and is characterized by signs of large bowel obstruction without a mechanical cause. This condition usually develops in hoapitalized patients and is associated with a range of medical and surgical conditions. If inappropriately managed, it may cause ischemic necrosis and colonic perforation. The main underlying cause is an imbalance in the autonomic innervations (sympathetic over activity and parasympathetic suppression) has been thought to be the patho-physiological factor in the causation of this condition. A healthy, 33 years old female presented abdominal distension and tachycardia on post op day#4 after an uncomplicated elective caeserean section and was diagnosed with acute colonic pseudo-obstruction also known as Ogilivie's syndrome. She underwent Emergency Exploratory Laparotomy And Underwent Limited Resection Of The Ascending Colon And Caecum With Ileotransverse Anastomosis.
[1]. Vanek VW, Al-Salti M. Acute pseudo-obstruction of the colon (Ogilvie's syndrome). An analysis of 400 cases. Dis Colon Rectum 1986; 29:203.
[2]. Delmer A, Cymbalista F, Bauduer F, et al. Acute colonic pseudo-obstruction (Ogilvie's syndrome) during induction treatment with chemotherapy and all-trans-retinoic acid for acute promyelocyticleukemia. Am J Hematol 1995; 49:97.
[3]. Xie H, Peereboom DM. Ogilvie's syndrome during chemotherapy with high-dose methotrexate for primary CNS lymphoma. J ClinOncol 2012; 30:e192.
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[5]. Sreter KB, Barisic B, Popovic-Grle S. Pharmacogenomics and tailored polypharmacy: an 80-year-old lady with rosuvastatin-associated rhabdomyolysis and maprotiline-related Ogilvie's syndrome . Int J ClinPharmacolTher 2017; 55:442.
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Abstract: Objectives: To present advantages of laryngoscopy with 300 rigid sinuscope Design: Case series report Setting: University Hospital (KGMU) Lucknow India. Participants: 100 patients in which indirect laryngoscopy failed to visualize full larynx. Main outcome measures: extent of visualization of individual laryngeal structures. Results: Sinuscopic laryngoscopy technique successfully visualized base tongue, valleculae and epiglottis in all the cases while full view of vocal cords could be appreciated in only 63 patients. The visualization of arytenoids and ary-epiglottic folds was possible in 89 cases while subglottis seen in just 75 patients. The addition of topical anesthetic spray further enhanced the visualization...........
Keywords: Laryngoscopy, 30 degree sinuscope, Office procedure.
[1]. Karmody CS. Part I: Historical perspectives, the history of laryngology. In: Fried MP, editor. The larynx: a multidisciplinary approach. 2nd ed. St. Louis: CV Mosby; 1996. p. 3–11.
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Abstract: Background: To assess the pregnancy outcome in patients with subchorionic hemorrhage associated with first trimester bleeding. Methods : This is a prospective study carried out in patients admitted in Sri Ramachandra medical college and research institution in 2017 Results: Out of 230 cases, 11 patients who had subchorionic hemorrhage presented with first trimester bleeding. Out of 11 patients who presented with first trimester bleeding with scan showing subchorionic hemorrhage,5 patients (45%) had early pregnancy loss and 6 patients (55%) continued their pregnancy. Conclusion: Women between 8 to 10 weeks of gestational age associated with sub chorionic hemorrhage had increased risk of miscarriage. In the presence of sub-chorionic hematoma the prognosis of pregnancy is significantly affected as a risk of preterm FGR and especially miscarriages increases.
Keywords : First trimester, Subchorionic hemorrhage, preterm labor, vaginal bleeding, miscarriage.
[1]. Pearlstone M, Baxi L. Subchorionic hematoma: a review. Obstet Gynecol Surv 1993; 48:65.
[2]. Bennett GL, Bromley B, Lieberman E, Benacerraf BR. Subchorionic hemorrhage in first-trimester Bibliography 90 pregnancies: prediction of pregnancy outcome with sonography. Radiology 1996; 200:803.
[3]. Manonmani and Nandhini, department Of Obstetrics And Gynecology, 2016; 15: 85-87.
[4]. 4.Maso G, D'Ottavio G, De Seta F, Sartore A, Piccoli M, Mandruzzato G. First-trimester intrauterine hematoma and outcome of pregnancy. Obstet Gynecol. 2005;105(2):339-44.
[5]. Nayan G. Patel, Megha S. Patel, Sushma R. Shah, Shaswat K. Jani, Jayesh A. Patel, Jalpa U. Shah. Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology; 2014; 3: 230-233.
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Abstract: Aims and Objectives: To study gender predilection, risk of family history of Febrile Seizures, family history of epilepsy and compare the lab parameters in children with Febrile Seizures and children with Febrile Illness. Methods: A case control study done in Niloufer Hospital for a period of one year. It was composed of 120 children out of which 60 were cases with Febrile Seizures and 60 were without Febrile Seizures. Results: Out of 60 cases of Febrile Seizures 76% cases were simple Febrile Seizures and 24% were complex Febrile Seizures. 23% cases had family history whereas in controls 6.6% had family history. Conclusion: In this study majority of the children were below two years of age and the incidents of Febrile Seizures is higher in males which is 53.8%.There is significant difference of serum sodium levels between cases and control.
Keywords: Calcium, Epilepsy, Febrile Seizures, Hyponatremia, Recurrence, Sodium,
[1]. Johnston MV. Seizures in childhood: Febrile Seizures. In : Behrman RE, Kliegman RM, Jenson HB, Editors. Nelson's Text book of pediatrics, 17th edition Pennsylvania: Saunders: 2004.p; 1994-1995.
[2]. Nelson KB, Ellenbergh JH.Prenatal and perinatal antecedants of Febrile Seizures. Ann Nerol:1990:7:127-31.
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[5]. Jayashree Nandakarni et al..
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Abstract: Aim Decrease in physical activity has led to rise in obesity contributing to the upward trend of cardiovascular disease. This study aims to find how the alteration in body mass index (BMI) results in heart rate (HR) and percentage of maximum predicted heart rate (% max pHR) variability and how it differs in young and middle old subjects before and after thestress test. Also it aims to find the same difference between type 2 diabetics (type 2 DM) and non-diabetic (non DM); secondary hypertensive (HTN) and non-hypertensive (non HTN)individuals.................
Keywords: BMI, Overweight, obesity, type 2 diabetes, secondary hypertension.
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Abstract: This study aims in evaluating the functional and radiological outcome following intramedullary interlocking nailing (IMIL) in closed lower third tibialfracture.This prospective and retrospective study includes 15 patients of lower third tibial fractures with a mean age of 28.5years , which have been treated by intramedullary interlocking nailing during the period 2010- 2016.stable fixation was achieved in 15 patients . at the final follow up , the patients were evaluated functionally and radiologically based on JOHNER AND WRUH'S CRITERIA . The clinical results were excellent -8, good-5, fair-2 with average healing time of 28 weeks the outcome was satisfactory in all cases and comparable with other larger series. Using intramedullary nailing resulted in good fracture reduction without complications
Keywords: Lower third tibial fractures, imil nailing, mal-alingnment
[1]. Court-Brown CM, McBirnie J: The epidemiology of tibial fractures. J Bone Joint Surg Br. 1995, 77: 417-421
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Importance of early computerised tomography scan in emphysematous pyelonephritis |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Rosy Philips || Felix Cardoza |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1701036061 ![]() |
Abstract: Emphysematous pyelonephritis is infection of renal parenchyma resulting in gas formation of renal parenchyma collecting system,perinephricand paranephricarea which was first reported in 1898 by Kelly and MacColumn. Emphysematous pyelonephritis term was coined by Schultz and Klorfelin in 1902. Emphysematous pyelonephritis is associated with diabetes patient, ureteral obstructive diseases and immunocompromised patients. Aim of the study: To highlight the importance of early CT scan in emphysematous pyelonephritis for better prognosis..............
Keywords: Emphysematous pyelonephritis, CT scan
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Primary INH prophylaxis against tuberculosis in HIV exposed patients |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Rosy Philips || NK Thulaseedharan |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1701036263 ![]() |
Abstract: AIDS is a disease affecting multiple organs and producing different opportunistic infections and malignancy. HIV is transmitted through homosexual contact, heterosexual contact, blood and blood products and transplacentally from infected mother to infant. Tuberculosis is one of the commonest opportunistic infection Aim of the study: Thestudy highlights the importance of INH prophylaxis in PPD >5mm positive patients for a better outcome. Patient and methods: 100 patients in Govt. Medical College, Kozhikode in the Infectious Disease unit under General Medicine was studied retrospectively from January 2015 to June 2016. Conclusion: The prognosis improved with early intervention.
Keywords: Western blot, PPD skin test, HIV RNA, c-ART
[1]. Harrisons Principle of Internal Medicine. 19thEdn.
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[4]. New England Journal of Medicine. July 7, 2011. Primary INH prophylaxis in HIV exposed
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Abstract: Ovarian cystadenofibromas are rare benign ovarian tumours in women around fourth to fifth decade of life. They contain epithelial as well as fibrous stromal components.We seek to describe an atypical clinical and radiological presentation of cystadenofibroma in a younger female.
Keywords: Cystadenofibroma, Ultrasound, Magnetic Resonance imaging (MRI).
[1]. Cho SM, Byun JY, Rha SE et-al. CT and MRI findings of cystadenofibromas of the ovary. Eur Radiol. 2004;14 (5): 798-804.
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Abstract: Introduction = The healthy vaginal microflora is constituted mainly by Gram-positive bacilli .Other non-beneficial microbial species are also present in small numbers, but are not sufficient to cause disease. Among genital infections, Bacterial Vaginosis (BV) is one of the most common cause of vaginal disorder in women of childbearing age between 15-45 years contributing to more than 60% of all vulvovaginal infections. Aims And Objectives:1.To study the spectrum of cytological findings of Bacterial Vaginosis in routine pap smears.2.To evaluate clinical diagnostic criteria in Bacterial vaginosis.3.To compare the cervical cytology findings with gram staining of pap smears in Bacterial Vaginosis............
[1]. Borges S, Silva J, Teixeira P. The role of lactobacilli and probiotics in maintaining vaginal health. Archives of gynecology and obstetrics.2014 ;289(3):479-89. [2]. Sobel, J. D. Bacterial vaginosis. Annu. Rev. Med.2010;51, 349–356.
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[4]. Schwebke JR, Muzny CA, Josey WE. Role of Gardnerella vaginalis in the Pathogenesis of Bacterial Vaginosis: A Conceptual Model. Journal of Infectious Diseases. 2014 ;210(3):338-43.
[5]. Akhter S, Satter H, Tarafder S, Miah RA, Sharmin S, Ahmed S. Rapid detectionof Bacterial Vaginosis (BV) by BVBlue test. Bangladesh Journal of Medical Microbiology. 2010;4(1):24-7.
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Abstract: Liver biopsy being the 'gold standard' is an invasive investigation; many non-invasive markers are being investigated for prediction of hepatic fibrosis. We aim at assessing the liver fibrosis by Transient Elastography and APRI (AST to PLATELET RATIO) in Chronic Liver Disease. 64 patients of CLD and 64 healthy subjects were included in the study. Transient Elastography was done using FIBROSCAN® and APRI score was calculated. Predominant etiology was CALD (50%) followed by HBV (32.8%) and HCV (17.2%). The mean LSM and APRI score for cases and control was 36.06±24.18kPa, 2.47±2.05 and 3.96±0.97kPa, 0.45±0.16 respectively. AUC (95%CI) for diagnosis............
Keywords: APRI, Liver Biopsy, Liver Fibrosis, LSM, Transient Elastography.
[1]. Sherlock S. Hepatic Cirrhosis : Disease of the liver and biliary system , ed 12th oxford: Blackwell scientific publication, 1993;103-120
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A review of the diagnosis and management of impacted maxillary canines |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | A. Watted || O. Awadi || M. Garah || M. Watad |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1701038692 ![]() |
Abstract: Impacted teeth are those which are not predictable and do not erupt absolutely based on clinical and radiographic assessment. Certain impactions can be complicated and the outcome unpredictable if the tooth is positioned unfavorably either horizontally or vertically in the alveolar bone. Presence of canines buccally, palatally or lingually can be known by various diagnostic methods. Factors that interfere with its development and eruption had serious consequences on esthetics, function and stability of stomatognathic system. The authors conducted a literature review regarding the clinical and radiographic diagnoses of impacted maxillary canines, as well as the interceptive treatment (including surgical and orthodontic management) used to prevent or properly treat impacted canines
Keywords: Impacted teeth ,maxillary canines, surgical techniques; orthodontic techniques.
[1]. Watted N, Abu-Hussein M: Prevalence of impacted canines in Arab Population in Israel. International Journal of Public Health Research 2014; 6: 71-77.
[2]. Watted N, Abu-Hussein M, Awadi O, Watted M, Watted A: Clinical study of impacted maxillary canine in the Arab population in Israel. International Journal of Public Health Research 2014; 2: 64-70.
[3]. Abu-Hussein*,Nezar Watted ,Dana Feştila ,Péter Borbély; Surgical-Orthodontic Treatment of Impacted Canines Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences2015, 14, 10 , 97-104. DOI: 10.9790/0853-1410597104
[4]. M. Abu-Hussein*, N. Watted , E. Hussien , P. Proff , A. Watted ; Maxillary Impacted Canines; Clinical Review Journal Dental and Medical Sciences Research2017, 1, 6,10-26
[5]. Abu-Hussein M, Watted N, Proff P, Watted A. Clinical Management of Bilateral Impacted Maxillary Canines. SRL Dentistry. 2017;1(1): 001-007