Version-13 (May-2018)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Vascular Changes in Hypertension |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr.K.Muralidharan M.D. || Dr.Sanjay.C M.B.B.S |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1705130106 ![]() |
Abstract: Increasing evidence shows arterial hypertension produces early vascular changes at the microvascular and macrovascular levels;also vascular changes in increasing age predisposes to arterial stiffness. METHODS: In a cohort of 121 adults subjects we have done pulse wave analysis (PWA)measurement,bloodpressure(BP),Hemodynamic changes,Arterialstiffness,Augmentation index(AIx) using Mobil-O-Graph.Wemeasured among normotensive(NT) , hypertensive(HT) adults.AIx was derived by PWA using Mobil-O-Graph. RESULTS: AIx increasing with increase in risk scores and increases significantly with cardiovascular risk factors.Pulse wave velocity increases with risk scores.With high BMI the central systolic blood pressure(cSBP),central diastolic blood pressure(cDBP),central pulse pressure(cPP) increases in HT group.Vascular age(VA) increases...........
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Abstract: Introduction: Serum albumin level is quantitative measure of patients' nutritional status which is the most readily available and clinically useful parameter. It predicts preoperative morbidity and mortality. A serum albumin level greater than 3.5g% suggest adequate protein stores and it confers protective effect through several biological mechanisms. Most patients with severe protein depletion will have low serum albumin levels. Patients with abnormal parameter have a markedly increased risk of poor clinical outcome. Objectives: To identify the patterns of complications among the patients with elective gastrointestinal surgeries. To study preoperative serum albumin and its effect on postoperative morbidity and mortality in elective gastrointestinal surgeries. Methodology: Hospital based prospective observational study performed on 100 patients undergoing GI surgery, presenting in Manipal College Teaching Hospital in 2 years (2014-10-01 to 2016-10-01). History and detailed clinical examination...........
Key words: Albumin, GI surgery, complications, SSSI, malignancy, malnutrition.
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Abstract: Background and objectives:Anaemiais a global problem. Its prevalence in India is about 60% [1] and may increase to 80% during pregnancy [2] . Its directly or indirectly contributes to about 40% maternal death. Over 90% of anaemia is due to iron deficiency. WHO defines anaemia in pregnancy as Hb<11g/dl. Mild (Hb 10-10.9g/dl) and moderate (7-10g/dl) Iron deficiency Anaemia during pregnancy can be corrected by iron therapy either by oral or parenteral route This study is done to compare the oral heme iron polypeptide to intravenous iron sucrose therapy............
Keywords: HIP,iron sucrose, anaemia and pregnancy.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Efficacy of Methotrexate in Vitiligo |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Nageswaramma.S || Vani.T || Indira.N |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1705131619 ![]() |
Abstract: Vitiligo is a disorder of depigmentation resulting from the destruction of melanocytes in the epidermis.Autoimmunity is currently recognized as one of the most likely pathogenic mechanism.Mainstay of treatment in unstable vitiligo are systemic steroids and phototherapy.As steroids have many complications and phototherapy being cost prohibitive methotrexate is tried as steroid sparing therapy in present study.Objective: To study the efficacy of methotrexate in unstable vitiligo.Methodology:It is a prospective Institutional study conductedfrom January 2017 to September 2017 in individuals diagnosed(clinically) as unstable Vitiligo at DVL OPD.Results: A total of 20 patients were enrolled in the study.Fourteen[70%]patients involving hair bearingareas showed moderate re pigmentation.Conclusion: Methotrexate can be given as steroid sparing agent inunstable vitiligo
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Abstract: Background And Objective:- Laparoscopic techniques have revolutionized the field of surgery and offer several advantages over laparotomy including lower patient morbidity rates, reduced hospital length of stay and earlier return to normal activities. Although rare,several port site complications have been reported in the literature. Laparoscopic port site complications can be access-related or post-operative.Complications are related to port-site incision size, number of port sites, obesity, and umbilical ports.The objective of this study is to determine the morbidity associated with ports at the site of their insertion in laparoscopic surgery, to identify risk factors for complications and their management. METHODS:-All patients who underwent laparoscopic surgeries, between October 2016 and September...........
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Abdominal Trauma- A Clinical Profile |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Ajay Kumar Mareedu |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1705132630 ![]() |
Abstract: The aim of the present study is to comprehensivelystudy the incidence of blunt & penetrating abdominal injuries,incidence of injury to different intra-abdominal organsand its aetiology, the importance of the various investigations,the mode of treatment offered, to study the postoperative complications (if any).Patients and methods: This hospital based prospective study includes40consecutive casesof blunt injury abdomen admitted in Guntur Medical College and General Hospital between 1st October 2015 to 31st March 2017. Results: Pain abdomen was the commonest symptom while Generalized tenderness was the commonest physical sign. Accuracy rate of plain X- ray erect abdomen was 88.9% and ultrasound abdomen was 96.15%.Commonest organ involved was spleen (40.9%) followed by liver (22.7%), small intestine (18.2%), mesentery (13.6%) of total intra-abdominal injuries in blunt abdominal trauma and colon and rectum (20%) was the most common organ involved in penetrating trauma. 7.5% had associated chest injury with fracture ribs. Wound infection was the commonest complication
Key words: Abdominal Trauma, Splenic Injury, Blunt Trauma, Penetrating Trauma, Perforation
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Abstract: Renal artery variations are very common and the commonest one is the presence of an additional vessel. Existence of the additional arteries is accountable in cases of renal pathologies and the knowledge of such variations is important while performing surgical and interventional procedures in and around the kidneys.The present study was done on30 embalmed adult donated human cadavers of known sex obtained from Department of Anatomy, J.N. Institute of Medical Sciences (JNIMS),Imphal, Manipur. Therefore, the findings in this study should be representative of anatomic variations in the general population across the North-East India.We studied renal arterial pattern in 30 formalin fixed cadavers, on 60 kidneys during the period of 5 year. The purpose of this present study was to establish the incidence of accessory (aberrant) renal arteries in human cadavers. Out of the 60 kidneys...........
Key words: [renal artery] [accessory renal artery] [aberrant renal artery]
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Abstract: Purpose To evaluate the correlation betweenglycosylated haemoglobin (HbA1c) andcentral foveal thickness as measured byoptical coherence tomography (OCT) in patients with diabetes.Methods Observational study of central foveal thicknessas measured by OCT and laboratory dataof glycosylated haemoglobin. HbA1cwas compared with foveal thicknessmeasured by OCT within the preceding 3months. Clinically significant macularoedema (CSME) was diagnosed if centralfoveal retinal thickness was greater than325 μm in OCT.Results One hundred and two eyes of 102patients were included in this cross-sectionalstudy. The analysis revealed that theCSME diagnosed by OCT in diabetes was notstatistically significant with sex, right or lefteye, DM duration > 10 years or not, and ACsugar level (> 140 or not). The HbA1C level(≥8) and age (≤50) showed a significant (P=0.005 and 0.006, respectively)and positive association with macularthickness in OCT. A trend towards higher riskwas seen for factors........
Key-words: centralfoveal thickness,HbA1c, diabetic macular oedema,optical coherence tomography
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Abstract: Background: Intertrochanteric fractures are usually treated with internal fixation in young adults. In elderly, management of intertrochanteric fractures is a great problem as there is difficulty in anatomical reduction, osteoporosis, lond periods in bed rest and delayed weight bearing. This usually result in high chances of deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary complications, bedsores and death of the patients.Objective:The study wasto find the effectiveness of cemented bipolar hemiarthroplasty in treating intertrochanteric fractures of elderly, to facilitate early weight bearing, mobilisation and rapid rehabilitation after surgery and to avoid complications of internal fixation in elderly osteoporotic fractures.Materials And Methods:In this prospective study, conducted from 2015 to 2017, atotal of 20 patients diagnosed with intertrochanteric fractures satisfying the eligibility criteria were included. Inclusion criteria..........
Key words: Intertrochanteric, Fractures, Cemented, Hemiarthroplasty, Elderly, Early mobilisation.
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Abstract: Aim: To evaluate the influence of the malocclusion on the functional state of the masticatory system. Material and method: The examinations were conducted at the Institute of Medical and Experimental Physiology, Faculty of Medicine in Skopje. The study included 60 respondents (classified). The masticatory efficiancy is determined by examining the biopotentials of the masseter muscles of the subjects. The mechanical efficacy is determined by the number of chewing cycles and the time of mastication. Walnuts with a precise weight of 2.5 grams were used as a test-food.Results: Results from the control group show that male respondents have a lower chewing rate compared to female respondents, that is, female respondents chew food with a higher number of chewing strokes in one second. The automatic habitual chewing rate in general for all examinees from the control group (class I malocclusion) is 1.20 chewing strokes / second. In Class II / 1, the number of chewing strokes in a second.............
Keywords: mastication, electromasticatiography, masticatory muscles, mastication speed
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Abstract: Background: Diabetes Mellitus and Hypertension are the diseases known to mankind since past 2000 years. Microalbuminuria is a well-known predictor of poor renal outcomes in patients with type 2 diabetes and in essential hypertension. Cardiac autonomic neuropathy (CAN) is a serious and common complication of diabetes and hypertension.Prolongation of the corrected QT interval (QTc) has been demonstrated to be a specific indicator of CAN in most studies.Microalbuminuria is currently considered as a strong predictor of premature cardiovascular death in these populations.Objective: To find out the predictive value and association between microalbuminuria & prolonged QTc interval in patients of Type-2 Diabetes Mellitus and Hypertension.Materials and Methods:The present study was conducted in Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Hospital, Jaipur. A totalof 100 patients.........
Key words: CAN, Diabetes Mellitus, Hypertension, Microalbuminuria
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Abstract: Any type of surgical trauma whether elective or emergency causes various effects on the human body including a great impact on the physiology of fluid and electrolytes within the body. Mortality and morbidity is very common due to the fluid imbalance after major surgical trauma. Objectives of the study are to study serum electrolyte changes in post operative cases (patients undergoing Explorative Laparotomy) and to study which serum electrolyte is markedly changed in post operative patients. The study was conducted in department of physiology, BRIMS, Bidar, during the period from January 2014-June 2015. The study included 50 subjects from both genders (27 males and 23 females), adult age group except paediatric age group getting admitted for explorative laparotomy, explaining about the nature and purpose of study, the subjects were included after obtaining their consent. Detailed history...........
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