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Abstract: Post operative pain management in knee arthroplasty is of utmost concern as it increases chances of mobilisation, physiotherapy and prevention of deep venous thrombosis. Recent advances in transdermal drug delivery in the form of opioid andNSAIDS improve the quality of analgesia and decreases the complications through other routes of administration.A transdermal analgesic patch or pain relief patch is a medicated adhesive used to relieve moderate to severe pain.There are primarily two types of pain relieving patches, patches containing counterirrtants which are used for mild to moderate pain and patches containing opioids like fentanyl used to relieve moderate to severe pain in opioid tolerant patients.
Keywords: Total knee arthroplasty, transdermal drug delivery system,fentanyl patch,pain score,visual analogue scale..
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Abstract: Salivary gland calculi account for the most common disease of the salivary glands.Most of the salivary calculi is small in size. Some calculi that reach several centimeters are reported as giant calculi. They may occur in any of the salivary gland ducts but are most common in Wharton's duct and in the submandibular gland. A patient came with pain and swelling on the floor of the mouth on the left side. Radio graphical examination revealed large irregular radio-opaque mass superimposed on left canine to first molar region. This case report describes a patient presenting with an unusually large submandibular sialolith, the subsequent patient management, diagnosis and treatment.
[1]. Ledesma-Montes C, Garcés-Ortíz M, Salcido-García JF, HernándezFlores F, Hernández-Guerrero JC. Giant sialolith: Case report and review of the literature. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2007;65:128-30.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Benign Breast Lump-Value of Age and FNAC |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. GolamSarwar || Dr.Snehansu Pan |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1705081417 ![]() |
Abstract: Aim:1)To find out the clinical & pathological diagnosis of benign breast lump among various age groups. 2) To correlate the clinical findings with preoperative cytological reports and post operative histopathology reports of patients operated. Methodology: 1)Study population: Patient presenting with benign breast lump at Department of Surgery, R.G.Kar Medical College and Hospital. 2)Sample size: 100 3)Study design: Descriptive observational study...........
Keywords: Benign breast lump, age specific distribution, Fine needle aspiration cytology
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Abstract: During routine anatomical dissections, the presence of the accessory muscle in the flexor aspect of the forearm was noted . This accessory muscle presents an intimate relationship with the median nerve. This variation may be clinically important because symptoms of median nerve compression arising from similar variations are often confused with more common causes, such as radiculopathy and carpal tunnel syndrome . The muscular variations of upper limb are common. Methods: During routine dissection classes to undergraduate medical students, we came across additional muscle bellies in the flexor compartment of forearm arising from the under surface of flexor digitorum superficialis(FDS) and inserted to flexor pollicis longus (FPL) separately. Origin, insertion, nerve supply and its relation was noted..........
Keywords: flexor digitorum superficialis(FDS), Flexor pollicis longus(FPL), Median nerve, accessory muscle, Gantzers muscles,Anterior interosseous nerve(AIN).
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Abstract: Gastrointestinal tract include spectrum of various histopathologic types of primary neoplasms of Oesophagus, Stomach, Small intestine, Colorectum and anal canal. Gastric cancer remains one of the most common cancer in Asia. Gastrointestinal tract (GIT) malignancies are one of the leading cause of death due to cancer in the world. Colorectal malignancies are 3rd most common variety of malignant tumors causing death which without doubt presents the test challenge to oncologist1 Gastric cancer are the 3rd most common cancer in India and 2nd leading site of cancer occurrence worldwide. Gastrointestinal tract tumors are mostly diagnosed in advanced stage. The incidence, clinical appearance and the behaviour of different types of gastrointestinal tract tumor is extremely variable. It is generally difficult to diagnose the nature of gastrointestinal............
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Abstract: Background:Cutaneous adverse drug reactions (CADR) are the most frequent serious adverse reactions reported in outpatient department of dermatology. Objective:The aim of the study to assess the prevalence and clinical spectrum of CADR among patients and to assess causality and identify the offending drugs. Materials and Methods:An observational study was undertaken over12month'speriod (Dec 2013- Dec 2014) in Dermatology OPD of tertiary care teaching hospital in GOVT. GENERAL HOSPITAL, KAKINADA, ANDHRA PRADESH by ADR card reporting. Drug history...........
Key words: Cutaneous adverse drug reactions,causality assessment, Pharmacovigilance
[1]. Breathnach SM. Adverse cutaneous reactions to drugs. Clin Med 2002; 2:15-9.
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Abstract: Premedication is the administration of medication before anesthesia. It is used to prepare the patient for anesthesia and to help provide optimal conditions for surgery. In premedication, Sedative premedication is widely administered before surgery. From many drugs midazolam has been used extensively worldwide for pharmacological premedication. After many data and examination analysis it was found that midazolam is very effective drug for premedication with no side effect..
Key words: Premedication, Anesthesia, Midazolam
[1]. Naguib, M.; Gottumukkala, V.; Goldstein, PA. (Jan 2007). "Melatonin and anesthesia: a clinical perspective". J Pineal Res. 42 (1): 12–21.
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Abstract: Back Ground-. Rapid and accurate determination of gestational age (GA) may be vital to identifyind the expected date of delivery and also in treating the critically ill pregnant patient and improve obstetric care through allowing the optimal timing is necessary.In this study an attempt has been made to know the correlation of ultra sound parameters with LMP. OBJECTIVES-The aim of the study is to correlate Gestational age by Last Menstrual period and Gestational age by fetal parameters like Biparietal Diameter, Head circumference, Abdominal circumference and Femur Length.and To find out which parameter is most positively correlates with Gestational age. MATERIALS AND METHODS- All the pregnant woman of 2nd and 3 trimester of pregnancy attending the antenatal clinic was registered...........
Key words: LMP,GA,BPD,AC,HC,FL
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Abstract: Background: The aims of this study to evaluate and compare the impact strength of heat cured and micro wave cured denture base resin after immersing in different fluids routinely used in day to day life. Methods: A total number of 160 samples were prepared with dimension of 65x10x3mm..Out of which 80 samples were prepared from heat cured acrylic resin (group A) and the other 80 samples were prepared from micro wave cured resin (group B).Each category again divided into four sub groups as follows sub group I, II, III, IV. Impact strength of the acrylic resin was measured by charpy's test. Result: Data analyzed by using SPSS software with ANOVA test followed by Tukey HSD test indicated that p-value less than 0.01 denotes significant difference at 1% and 0.005 at 5% between the four subgroups. Conclusion: Micro wave cured resin has better Impact strength values than heat cured resin in all sub groups and within the sub groups specimen immersed in Aerated drink has the lowest impact strength.
Key words: Impact strength, heat cured resins, microwave cured resins
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Abstract: Arcangelisia flava is one of the plants used as traditional medicine to treat hypercholesterolemia.The aim of this study. To determine the effect of anti-hypercholesterolemia extract of Arcangelisia flava In male mice induced by fat diet. This study used plant of akar kayu kuning extracted macerated with methanol solvent and tested on 24 male mice divided into 6 groups, ie treatment control dose 9,5 mg / 20gBB, 19 mg / 20gBB, 38 mg / 20gBB positive control, Negative control, and normal control with each group consisting of 5 mice. Induction of fatty feed is administered orally with quail egg yolks. Measurement of total cholesterol level was done 3 times, the measurement of early cholesterol (H0), cholesterol after induced fat feed (H7) and cholesterol after treatment (H15). Total cholesterol levels were..........
Key words: Arcangelisia flava, Cholesterol, Mice
[1]. A'yun, Qurrota dan Ainun Nikmati Laily. (2015). "Analisis Fitokimia Daun Pepaya (Carica papaya L.) di Balai Penelitian Tanaman Aneka Kacang dan Umbi, Kendalpayak, Malang". Makalah disajikan pada Seminar Nasional Konservasi dan Pemanfaatan Sumber Daya Alam 2015.
[2]. Baroroh Rizqy Kiromin (2014). Pengaruh Ekstrak Kloroform Akar Kuning (Arcangelisia flava Merr.) Terhadap Sistem Imun Tikus Jantan Galur Wistar Yang Dipejani Doxorubicin.
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[4]. Ervizal A.M. Zuhud. Potensi Hutan Tropika Indonesia sebagai Penyangga Bahan Obat Alam untuk Kesehatan Bangsa.
[5]. Gitawati, et al,Penggunaan Jamu pada Pasien Hiperlipidemia Berdasarkan Data Rekam Medik, di Beberapa Fasilitas Pelayanan Kesehatan di Indonesia..
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Abstract: The incidence of forearm fractures are increasing faster than the predicted rate due to increase in population, increasing number of vehicles rapid industrialisation, increased incidence of violence and various sports activities have contributed to the increased incidence of fracture shaft of both bones forearm. The reasons for higher rate of non-union and malunion as well as poor functional outcome, are due to complex anatomical structure with a coordination between muscles, tendon, bones and joints which is responsible for the multifold functions of the arm and hand including pronation and supination where the radius rotates around the ulna. Conservative treatment has resulted in malunion, non-union, synostosis and ultimately poor functional outcome. Open reduction helps in perfect reduction of fracture fragments in anatomical position by rigid fixation and early mobilisation, the normal functions of the hand can be re achieved at the earliest. We evaluated Twelve cases..........
[1]. Anderson LD, Sisk TD, Tooms RE, Park W, I III. Compression: Plate fixation in acute diaphysial fractures of radius and ulna. JBJS 1975; 57-A: 287-297.
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Abstract: The purpose of the article is to put a glance on the oral health conditions of the rural and urban areas of the country. This particular paper is the experience of a group of dental practitioners who served the world's first hospital train, lifeline express at a district in UP, Ghazipur. The clinical experience was afar expectation and gave a clue on the prevailing oral health conditions of our country. But the contribution of Impact India Foundation is exceptional and is undoubtedly of international fame. It also suggests that it is imperative for the Government to set a strong background for the Community Health Initiative programme and also help and support models like LLE to stand.
Key words: Community health, Impact India Foundation, LLE- Lifeline express
[1]. Prashant M, Pralhad D, Sandesh N, Sandeep K, Binti RC, Bhuvnesh A, Deepika J, Shilpa W. Dental Camp Experience in Lifeline Express (LLE) Train among Rural Population of Central, India. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2014 Nov, Vol-8(11): ZC72-ZC74.
[2]. Joana CC, Hristina P, J.D. Packard, Lingmei Z and Thomas JH. Tooth wear: prevalence and associated factors in general practice patients. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol. 2010 Jun; 38(3): 228–234.
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Abstract: Background: Salivary gland tumors represent the most complex and diverse group of tumors encountered by the pathologist. Their diagnosis and management is complicated by their relative infrequency, the limited amount of pretreatment information available and the wide range of biologic behavior seen with the different pathologic lesions. It may vary from low grade tumour to high grade tumour and often fatal malignancy. These circumstances make this cancer a diagnostic and therapeutic challenge. This is a retrospective study till date done at Pathology Department, K.D. medical hospital and research centre, Mathura, India. All the cases of Salivary gland tumors, which had been recorded in a two and half year period from 2015 to 2018, were enrolled in the study...........
[1]. Sando Z, Fokouo JV, Mebada AO, Djomou F, NDjolo A, Oyono JL. Epidemiological and histopathological patterns of salivary gland tumors in Cameroon. Pan Afr Med J. 2016;23:66.[PMC free article] [PubMed]
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Abstract: Objectives: This study was conducted to evaluate and compare the clinical performance of class II restored with Tetric EvoCeram bulk-fill, Filtek bulk-fill resin composite, and layered Filtek Z250 resin composite restorations. Materials and Methods: Thirty class II cavities were prepared. The cavities were randomly divided into three groups (n=10) according to the restorative material used (Tetric Evoceram Bulk fill, Filtek bulk-fill and Filtek Z250). The patients were recalled at 6 months and restorations were evaluated using Modified United State Public Health Criteria (USPHS). Results: No statistically significant difference between all the tested restorative materials. Conclusions: Bulk fill restorative materials (Tetric Evoceram bulk fill & Filtek bulk-fill) showed clinical outcomes like that of conventional resin based composite.
Keywords: Bulk Fill, Clinical Evaluation, Incremental
[1]. Fleming GJ, Hall DP, Shortall AC, Burke FJ.Cuspal movement and microleakage in premolarteeth restored with posterior filling materials ofvarying reported volumetric shrinkage values. J Dent2005;33:139-146 .
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Abstract: Objectives: This study was conducted to evaluate quantitavely and qualitatively the effect of different Finishing/Polishing systems of a nano-hybrid resin-based composite. Materials and Methods: Forty cylindrical split molds (10 mm diameter and 2 mm thick) were constructed from Teflon. Three groups of a nano-hybrid resin-based composite specimens were prepared; ten per each Finishing/Polishing systems (n=10) and ten unpolished as a control. The specimens were tested quantitatively by profilomerty and qualitatively by atomic force microscope. Results: a significant difference was observed among polishing procedures (P<.0001). The highest roughness values were recorded for all the restorative material polished with one step system. There was no any polishing system could produce smooth surface similar to Mylar strip........
Key words: Finishing/Polishing, Nano-hybrid composite, Surface roughness, Surface sealant, Atomic Force Microscope.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Anatomical Characteristics of Temporal Bone on Computerized Tomography |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Dr. Osama A. Mabrouk Kheiralla, MD |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1705088896 ![]() |
Abstract: The anatomical complexity of the temporal bone represents a challenge in the interpretation and diagnosis of different pathological conditions in this region. Computed Tomography (CT) play an important role in the diagnosis of temporal bone pathologies.High-resolution computed tomography (HRCT) is the modality of choice for imaging of bony lesions of temporal region. This article discusses the anatomical details of the temporal bone and the characteristic radiological findings of the temporal bone in Computed Tomography (CT) scan imaging..
Key words:Anatomy of the Temporal bone, Computed Tomography (CT) scan
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