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Abstract: Introduction: Normal conjunctival flora play a significant role in keeping the ocular surface healthy. During childhood the conjunctival cul de sac is predominantly inhabited by Haemophilus, non-haemolytic Streptococcus, and Pneumococcus. Street children in this part of the developing world are mostly neglected and have questionable assess to ocular hygiene. This makes them more prone to ocular infections. Materials and Methods: 157 street children were included in the study as compared to 143 children with no presenting symptoms for ocular infections who reported to unit A4 OPD in Regional Institute of Ophthalmology Kolkata. Microbiological analysis of the collected samples from the inner canthi was done. Results and Analysis: Staphylococcus Aureus was the most common organism isolated among the both the groups(P<0.00 chi Square:23.48). 71.98% of the Street Children were found to have Multiple micro-organisms isolated from their Conjunctival Cul-de –sac as compared to only...........
Key Words: Street Children, Conjunctival Flora, Flouroquinolones
[1]. Locatcher-khorazo and seegal: in: microbiology of eye. The bacterial flora of the healthy eye. Locatcher-khorazo and gutierez (eds.). The c.v. Mosby press, st. Louis 1972; 2:13-22.
[2]. Jing L, Jing L, Jian H et al.Identification and quantitation of conjunctival aerobicbacterial flora from healthy residents at different ages in southwest china. African journal of microbiology research 2011;5(3): 192-7.
[3]. Mahmoud SK, Amgad IA,Saher MA et al. A study of acute bacterial conjunctivitis in children in Minia Governorate.El Minia Med 2003;14(2):249-61.
[4]. Bodor FF.Diagnosis and management of acute conjunctivitis. Scmin Infect Dis.1998;9:27-30.
[5]. Zhang M, Xu GZ, Jiang R, Ni YQ, Wang KY, Gu RP, Ding XY. Pediatric Infectious Endophthalmitis: A 271-case Retrospective Study at a Single Center in China. Chin Med J 2016;129:2936-43.
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Abstract: Human Immunodefieciency Virus (HIV) infection / Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) is a global pandemic which has significant impact on the epidemiology of Tuberculosis. Progression of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis infection to active tuberculosis is more rapid and common in those infected with HIV than without HIV infection, so HIV/AIDS is an independent risk factor for TB disease progression(1). Aim: The purpose the study is to estimate the incidence of hepatotoxicity in peoples withco-infection of HIV and Tuberculosis and to determine the associated risk factors like alcohol consumption, age, gender, HBsAg, Anti HCV and CD4 count.Method of the study: 100 peoples with HIV and co infected with TB were studied in a tertiary care hospital in Coimbatore. Result: A substantial number of cases (14%), with majority of hepatotoxic events occurred in the intensive phase of treatment, alcohol intake, extra pulmonary tuberculosis, low CD4 count...........
[1]. TB/HIV - A Clinical Manual 2004.
[2]. Swaminathan S, Ramachandran R, Baskaran G, Paramasivam C, et al. Risk of development of Tuberculosis in HIV infected patients; Int. J. Tuber. Lung Dis. 4839-844.3.
[3]. Global Tuberculosis report 2015 - 20 th edition
[4]. Jules CN Assob, Peter F Nde et al. Incidence and risk factors of Anti- Tuberculosis Drugs induced hepatotoxicity in HIV/AIDS patients attending the Limbe and Buae Regional hospitals. J AIDS Clin Res 2014;vol5issue3.
[5]. Minyahil A. Woldu, Addishiwot G.Zedwe and Jimma L. Lenjissa. Assesment of drug induced hepatotoxicity in patients treated for TB/HIV coinfections in ayder referral hospital ART clinic, Mekelle, Ethiopia. Ejops, 2014; volume l:issue 2 :22-34.
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Abstract: The modern neonatology made considerable progressin nursing and treating of premature newborn infants. However, the problem of nosocomial ventilator- associated pneumonia (VAP) in this category of patients is still relevant [1-3]. This disease is accounted for 20% of nosocomial infections [1]. It may cause death or development of severe chronic pathology of the respiratory tract [1-3]. Although many scientific studies are devoted to the problem of ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) in premature newborn infants [1-6] however, there are few works concerned with the study of the clinical course of the disease [3,7,8]. During the last 10 years, the infection is still relevant, including VAP in preterm newborn infants which is caused by Klebsiella pneumoniae ( K. pneumoniae)[5,6,9]. The epidemiological importance of this pathogen is largely owing to its biological properties, specifically, the formation and proliferation of new hospital strains, polyresistance to antibiotics, the ability to remain for a long time on surfaces of the objects in environment, including medical equipment parts [9,10].
[1]. Cernada M, Brugada M, Golombek S, Vento M (2014) Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia in Neonatal Patients: An Update.Neonatology 105: 98-107.
[2]. Camacho-Gonzales A, Spearman PW, Stoll J (2013) Neonatal infectious diseases: evaluation of neonatal sepsis. PediatrClin North Am 60: 367-389.
[3]. Yuan TM, Chen LH, Yu HM (2007) Risk factors and outcomes for ventilator-associated pneumonia in neonatal intensive care unit patients. J Perinat Med 35: 334-338.
[4]. Cernada M, Aguar M, Brugada M, Gutierrez A, Lopez JL, et al. (2013) Ventilator-associated pneumonia in newborn infants diagnosed with an invasive bronchoalveolar lavage technique: a prospective observational study. PediatrCritCare Med 14: 55-61.
[5]. Chistyakova GN, Sharipova BT, Tarasova MN, Bilimova SI, Gasieva IA, et al. (2012) Features of clinical and immunological adaptation, the nature of microbial colonization in infants with extremely low body weight. UralskiyMeditsinskiyZhurnal 11: 22.
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Abstract: Trichobezoars refer to accumulation of hair resulting from long-term ingestion. Trichobezoars were traditionally managed by endoscpic and open surgical approach .Here we present a case of trichobezoar ma-naged by laparoscopic approach in a young female. Keywords: Trichobezoar,gastroduodenal,bezoar,laparoscopy
[1]. Nirasawa Y, Mori T, Ito Y, Tanaka H, Seki N, Atomi Y. Laparoscopic removal of a large gastric trichobezoar. J Pediatr Surg. 1998; 33(4): 663–665
[2]. O'Sullivan MJ, McGreal G, Walsh JG, Redmond HP. Trichobezoar. J R Soc Med. 2001;94(2): 68–70
[3]. Rabie ME, Arishi AR, Khan A, Ageely H, Seif El-Nasr GA, Fagihi M. Rapunzel syndrome: the unsuspected culprit. World J Ga-stroenterol. 2008; 14(7): 1141–1143
[4]. Yao CC, Wong HH, Chen CC, Wang CC, Yang CC, Lin CS. Laparoscopic removal of large gastric phytobezoars. Surg Laparosc Endosc Percutan Tech. 2000; 10(4): 243–245
[5]. Shami SB, Jararaa AA, Hamade A, Ammori BJ. Laparoscopic removal of a huge gastric trichobezoar in a patient with trichotillo-mania. Surg Laparosc Endosc Percutan Tech. 2007;17(3): 197–200
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Abstract: Atrial myxoma is a benign tumour of the heart and forms a very small percentage of all cardiac cases. When present, they are usually located within the left atrium and sometime in the right atrium on the interatrial septum. Reports of biatrial myxoma are even more rare. Here, we present an unusual case of a middle aged female who presented with sudden onset pain and swelling in her right lower limb for the past 2 days. She had no history of antecedent illness or any drug history etc. Colour Doppler revealed echogenic material in the superficial femoral artery and popliteal arterywith luminal compromise suggestive of thromboembolism. Cardiac examination revealed a middiastolic murmur across the mitral valve with a very faint tumour plop. Patient's ECG revealed normal sinus rhythm , right axis deviation and t wave inversions in lateral chest leads..........
[1]. M.D P Vale , A.F Sobrinho et. Al. Giant myxoma in the left atrium case report. Brazilian journal of cardiovascular surgery vol. 23 no.2 p276,2008.
[2]. U.A Croti, D.M Braile et. Al 'Right ventricle and tricuspid valve myxoma' Brazilian journal of cardiothoracic surgery, vol no. 23 no. 1 pp 142-144,2008
[3]. J. A Peachell, J.C Mullen ' Biatrial myxoma a rare cardiac tumour' – Annals of thoracic surgery vol. 65, no.6 , pp 1768 – 1769, 1998.
[4]. S. Guhathakurta and J.P Riordan - surgical treatment of right atrial myxoma' – Texas Heart Institute Journal vol.. 27 pp 61-63, 2000.
[5]. V.J Nina, N.A Silva, Atypical size and location of a right atrial myxoma – journal of medical case reports pp 6-26, 2012.
[6]. B. Perek, M Misterski et. Al. Early and long term outcome of surgery for cardiac myxomas in a single cardiac center – Kardiologia Polska vol 69, no 6. Pp558-564.
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Abstract: The study was undertaken to evaluate the changes in some of the renal parameters - serum creatinine and blood urea inpreeclampticprimigravidas andnormal primigravidas. This hospital based study consisted of two groups –case group (n=60) with women having preeclampsia and control group(n=60) with normal pregnant women. The subjects in the two groups were of more than 20 weeks of gestation and age group 20- 35 years with singleton pregnancy. Serum creatinine and blood urea was estimated in fully automated analyser Vitros 250 using Vitros reagent packs. Statistical analysis was done using student t test and p value calculated. A significant increase in serum creatinine and blood urea level was observed in the preeclampsia (case) group compared to the normal pregnant (control)group. Therefore assessment of serum creatinine and blood urea helps in monitoring the function of the kidney in preeclampsia and in preventing maternal and fetal complications during the preeclampsia and also in preventing further maternal complications due to the disease in future.
Key words: Blood urea , Glomerular capillary endotheliosis,Preeclampsia, Serum creatinine.
[1]. O.O.Patricia, B.A.Christiana and O.J. Raphael, Evaluation of changes in renal function of pregnant women attending ante-natal clinic in Vom Plateau State, North Central Nigeria, Archives of Applied Science Research,5(4),2013, 111-116.
[2]. H.A. Tran,Biochemical Lab tests in pregnancy, Aust. Prescr,28,2005,98-101.
[3]. Liji, K., Rebeca Abraham, BeenaKumari and Prajisha B., Pattern of changes in the levels of serum urea and creatinine in normal pregnancy and at different periods of gestation- its association with age,parity and haemoglobin status. International journal of current research,7(11), Nov,2015, 23268-23278.
[4]. I.Y.Mohammed, H.Damudi, B.Bello, S.I.Yahaya, M.I.Kurawa, S.Musa, Z.U.Ibrahim, Biochemical assessment of pregnancy –related physiological changes in renal function, American Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology and Sciences,(ASRJETS)vol14,No.3,2015, pp264-271.
[5]. S. E. Maynard, R. Thadhani, Pregnancy and the kidney, Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, 20,2009,14-22.
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Abstract: Blood transfusionis the most common therapeutic aspect as well as life-saving measure for β-thalassaemic major patients but repeated transfusion is related to iron overload and storage in the body and if untreated it may cause considerable morbidity and enhance early mortality. All serum anti-oxidant including glutathione is also altered due to iron-induced peroxidative injury. However, few studies can be found in India describing the relationship between iron storage, antioxidant status and number of transfusion in β-thalassemia major patients. The present study was carried out to evaluate a relationship between iron storage, anti-oxidant status and number of transfusion in proved cases of β-thalassemia major of Indian origin. Present study confirms thatincreased no of transfusion led to more iron strorage in body and Red blood cells- reduced glutathione (RBC- GSH) is directly correlated with iron storage.
Keywords – Anti-oxidant status, β-thalassemia, Ferritin, Iron storage, RBC-GSH.
[1]. Angastiniotis M, Modell B. Global epidemiology of hemoglobin disorders. Ann NY Acad Sci. 1998; 850: 251-269.
[2]. ShaziaQ, Mohammad ZH, Rahman T, Shekhar HU. Correlation of Oxidative Stress with Serum Trace Element Levels and Antioxidant Enzyme Status in Beta Thalassemia Major Patients: A Review of the Literature. 2012; Article ID 270923.doi: 10. 1155/2012/270923.
[3]. Lichtman MA, Beutler E, Kipps TJ. Disorder of Globin Synthesis: The Thalassemias: overview. In: Williams Hematology.7th ed: The McGraw-Hill Companies, 2007.
[4]. Piomelli S. The management of patients with Cooley‟s anemia: Transfusion and Splenectomy. Semin Hematol. 1995; 32: 262-268.
[5]. de Alarcon P, Donovan M, Forbes G, et al. Iron absorption in the thalassemia syndromes and its inhibition by tea. N Engl J Med. 1979; 300: 5-8.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Metaplastic Thymoma – A Rare Case Report |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr.S.Hemalatha || Dr.S.Dhanalakshmi || Dr.B.Shobana |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1705053032 ![]() |
Abstract: Metaplastic thymoma or Biphasic thymoma is a rare primary thymic epithelial tumor. It is characterized by histologic biphasic growth pattern. It is important to diagnose metaplastic thymoma, because it has benignclinical course. Here we report a case who presented with mediastinal mass, microscopy and immunohistochemistry showed features of metaplastic thymoma.
Keywords : Metaplastic thymoma, Mediastinal mass, Biphasic growth pattern.
[1]. Biao Liu,MD,QiuRao,MD,YunZhu,MD,BOYu,MD,Hai –Yan Zhu,MD,Xiao-junZhou,MD,Phd –Metaplasttic Thymoma of The metiastinum: A clinicopathologic ,immunohistochemical ,and genetic analysis-American Journal of clinical pathology,Vol 137,issue2,1 february2012,pages 261-269.
[2]. Yoneda S,MarxA,HeimannS,ShiraskusaT,KikuchiM,Muller-HermelinkHK,Low-grade metaplastic carcinoma of the thymus.Histopathology 1999;35:19-30(pubmed)
[3]. Travis WD,BrambillaE,Muller—HermelinkHK,HarrisCC.Pathology and genetics of tumours of the lung, pleura,thymus and heart.Lyon:IARC Press;2004.pp.152-181.
[4]. Detterbeck FC. Clinical value of the WHO classification system of thymoma .Ann Thorac surg.2006;81:2328-2334
[5]. KimDJ Yang WI Choi SS et al.prognostic and relevance of the World Health Organisation schema for the classification of thymic epithelial tumors:aclinicapathologic study of 108 patients and literature review.chest .2005;127:755-761.
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Abstract: Myxoma (benign tumor) is the most common tumor of the heart. Myxoma can occur in any chamber of the heart but most commonly arises in the left atrium. It is diagnosed using 2 Dimensional transthoracic echocardiography (2D ECHO), and most often occurs as a solitary pedunculated mass in echocardiograhy. Echocardiography gives information regarding tumor size and attachment and planning surgical excision. Here we present a 70 year old male patient who presented with symptoms of heart failure was diagnosed as a case of left atrial myxoma by 2D ECHO.
[1]. Amano J, Kono T, Wada Y, Zhang T, Koide N, et al. Cardiac myxoma : its origin and tumour characteristics. Ann Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2003; 9(4):215-221.
[2]. Ronny C, Gagandeep S, Derrick M, Christine AG, Pablo L, Brooks M. Atrial myxoma : A Case presentation and review. Cardiol Res. 2012; 3(1):41-44.
[3]. Kalra MK, Abbara S. Imaging cardiac tumours. Cancer treat res. 2008; 143:177.
[4]. Reyman K. Cardiac myxomas. N Engl J Med.1995; 333:1610.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Case Report of Colonic Tuberculosis |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | A.K.Badrinath || K.Suresh || B. Karthikeyan || Suresh babu .S |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1705053536 ![]() |
Abstract: Tuberculosis a disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis is a major cause of morbidity and mortality in our country. Tuberculosis can affect any part of the body but most commonly involves the lungs. Colonic tuberculosis can occur through hematogeneous spread or through oral route and involve the caecum most commonly. Here we present an elderly male patient with colonic tuberculosis extending from the caecum involving the ascending and transverse colon.
[1]. Donoghue HD, Holton J. Intestinal tuberculosis. Current opinion in investigational drugs. 2009;22: 490-96.
[2]. Horvath KD, Whelan RL. Intestinal tuberculosis : return of an old disease. Am J Gastroenterol. 1998; 93: 692-96.
[3]. Das HS, Rathi P, Sawant P, et al. Colonic tuberculosis : colonoscopic appearance and clinico pathological analysis. J Assoc Physicians India. 2000; 48: 708-710.
[4]. Nagi B, Kochhar R, Bhasin DK et al. colorectal tuberculosis. Eur radiol. 2003; 13 : 1907-12.
[5]. Das S, Puri S, Puri AS. Gastrointestinal : multiple colonic strictures caused by tuberculosis. J Gastrenterol hepatol. 2006; 22: 476.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Does A Sealed Bracket Kit Give Sterility Check??? |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr Pallavi S More |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1705053744 ![]() |
Abstract: Introduction: Orthodontic brackets are classified as semicritical instruments. However, in orthodontic clinical practice, the use of brackets directly from non-sterile manufacturer's packages is still a routine. In this scenario, it becomes extremely important to assess the potential contamination of these materials so as to determine sterilization protocols and maintain the health of patients and dental practitioners. Objective: To evaluate the microbial contamination of orthodontic brackets as received from the manufacturer using microbiological tests. (An in vitro study) Materials and Methods: The sample comprised 25 brackets of five different commercially available brands, used directly from the manufacturer's packaging, divided into 5 groups (n =05 brackets each). Materials were tested under aseptic conditions to detect bacterial growth using microbiological tests and analyze types of bacteria present by preparing slides using gram staining protocol.............
[1]. Owen OW, A study of bacterial counts (lactobacilli) in saliva related to orthodontic appliances; a preliminary report. Am J Orthod. 1949;35(9):672-8.
[2]. Türkkahraman H, Sayin MO, Bozkurt FY, Yetkin Z, Kaya S, Onal S. Archwire ligation techniques, microbial colonization, and periodontal status in orthodontically treated patients. Angle Orthod. 2005;75(2):231-6.
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Abstract: Introduction: non gynecological abdominal emergencies are rare and serious during pregnancy. The seriousness is related to the delay of the diagnosis because of polymorphic and often misleading symptomatology during pregnancy. Materiel and foetal prognosis are very serious because of the therapeutic delay. The aim of our study is to evaluate therapeutic methods dealing with non-gynecological abdominal emergencies during pregnancy. Materiel and methods: an analysis of a series of 47 women patients whom have been taken in care for non-gynecological abdominal emergencies during pregnancy. The study was carried out in our university hospital between 2004 and 2014. Results:Twenty-seven (27) of our patients had acute appendicitis, two had appendicitis peritonitis, six were hospitalized for occlusive syndrome on the bridle, one for volvulus of small bowel, three for herniation of the strangulated groin (2 inguinal hernias...........
Keywords : non gynecological abdominal emergencies, pregnancy, surgery, laparoscopy
[1]. KaminaP.Anatomieclinique:thoraxabdomenpelvis.Vol.3. 2nded.Paris:Maloine;2009.
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[5]. Hill LM, Johnson CE, Lee RA. Cholecystectomy in pregnancy. Obstet Gynecol. 1975 Sep. 46(3):291-3.
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Abstract: The purpose of this study was to evaluate feasibility and safety of Single Incision laparoscopic Cholecystectomy (SILS) in comparison to the conventional Four Port Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy (FPLC). Based on our findings, SILS is a safe and feasible method. It is a promising alternative for gallstone disease as a minimal invasive surgery. The operating time is slightly higher but it is cosmetically better approach with similar intra operative and postoperative complication rate and can be selectively and judiciously performed by surgeons trained in regular laparoscopic surgery..
Keywords: SILS, Four port cholecystectomy, Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy
[1]. L. Morgenstern. Carl Langenbach and the first cholecystectomy. Surgical endoscopy 1992; Volume 6,Number-3,113-114.
[2]. Beal JM. Historical perspective of gall stone disease. Surg Gynecol Obstet. 1984 Feb;158(2):181-9.
[3]. E. Mühe, ―Laparoscopic cholecystectomy—late results,‖ Langenbecks Archiv fur Chirurgie. Supplement. Kongressband. Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Chirurgie. Kongress, pp.416–423, 1991.
[4]. Ramachandran CS and Arora V. Two port laparoscopic cholecystectomy as innovative new method of gall bladder removal. J Laparoendosc Adv Surg Tech 1998; 8: 303-8.
[5]. Yilmaz H, Alptekin H, Acar F, Ciftci I, Tekin A and Sahin M. Experiences of Single Incision Cholecystectomy. Int J Med Sci 2013; 10(1): 73-78.
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Abstract: Describe the buttresses of the mid facial skeleton and aaccurate description of facial fractures Information about the involvement of specific facial buttresses and its complications. Identify surgically relevant and emergent patterns of mid-face fractures
[1]. Thorén H, Snäll J, Salo J, et al. Occurrence and types of associated injuries in patients with fractures of the facial bones. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2010;68 (4):805–810.
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[3]. Iida S, Kogo M, Sugiura T, Mima T, Matsuya T. Retrospective analysis of 1502 patients with facial fractures. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2001;30(4): 286–290.
[4]. Hopper RA, Salemy S, Sze RW. Diagnosis of midface fractures with CT: what the surgeon needs to know. RadioGraphics 2006;26(3):783–793.
[5]. Laine FJ, Conway WF, Laskin DM. Radiology of maxillofacial trauma. Curr Probl Diagn Radiol 1993;22(4):145–188
[6]. Lewandowski RJ, Rhodes CA, McCarroll K, Hefner L. Role of routine nonenhanced head computed tomography scan in excluding orbital, maxillary, or zygomatic fractures secondary to blunt head trauma. Emerg Radiol. 2004 Feb. 10(4):173-5
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Peripheral Ossifying Fibroma: A Case Report |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Raju Anarthe || Dr. Preeti Kale |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1705057174 ![]() |
Abstract: Peripheral ossifying fibroma (POF) is a reactive overgrowth occurring frequently in anterior maxilla originating from connective tissue or periodontal ligament. They are firm, nodular, slow growing, spherical non neoplastic tumors. POF, one of the most common gingival lesions has a recurrence rate of nearly 20%. The etiology is considered to be secondary to trauma or other local irritating factors.To minimize the recurrence of this lesion it must be completely excised. Incidence of peripheral ossifying fibroma in the posterior maxilla is also rare. Here we report a large peripheral ossifying fibroma occurring in a 35 years female in the posterior side of maxillary and mandibular arches which had extended to the occlusal surface of the third molar region causing discomfort and difficulty in mastication.
[1]. Mishra MB, Bhishen KA, Mishra S. Peripheral ossifying fibroma. J Oral Maxillofac Pathol 2011;15:65-8.
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[3]. Yadav R, Gulati A. Peripheral ossifying fibroma: a case report. J Oral Sci. 2009;51:151-4.
[4]. Chaudhary A, Panat SR. Sangamath: Peripheral ossifying fibroma: A case report. J Dent Sci Oral Rehabil 2011:20-1. Rao KV, Tanuja P, Reddy MN. Peripheral ossifying fibroma: A case report.
[5]. Bhaskar SN, Jacoway JR. Peripheral fibroma and peripheral fibroma with calcification: report of 376 cases. J Am Dent Assoc 1966; 73(6):1312–20.
[6]. Gardner DG. The peripheral odontogenic fibroma: an attempt at clarification. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol 1982; 54(1):40–8.
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Abstract: Introduction:Environmental factors such as diet, alcohol use, stress, and environmental chemicals are known to elicit epigenetic changes, leading to increased rates of cancers and other diseases. Squamous cell carcinoma of the upper aero digestivetract typically occurs in older patients in their fifth to seventh decade of life and older. Commonly, there is a prolonged history of tobacco exposure and alcohol abuse. The risk of cancer development in this population is both dose‑ and time‑ dependent. Less frequently, patients with little or no exposure to known risk factors develop squamous cell carcinoma of the oral cavity, pharynx, and larynx. The alteration of p16 occurs frequently in human....
Key words: smoking,paan chewing, p16 tumour suppressor protein, immunohistochemistry
[1]. MeghaRalli, Sunita Singh, S. P. S. Yadav.Assessment and clinicopathological correlation of p16 expression in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma. Journal of Cancer Research and Therapeutics . 2016; 12( 1):232-237.
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[3]. Canniff, J.P &Batchelor, J.R., Dodi, I.A & Harvey, W. HLA typing in oral submucous fibrosis. Tissue antigens. 1985; 26(2): 138-142
[4]. Bhonsle, R.B., Murti, P.R., Daftary, D.K., Gupta, P.C., Mehta, F.S., Sinor, P.N. Irani, R.R. &Pindborg, J.J. Regional variations in oral submucous fibrosis in India. Community Dent. Oral Epidemiol.1987;15:225-229
[5]. Wahi, P.N., Kapur, V.L., Luthra, U.K., & Srivastava, M.C. Submucous fibrosis of the oral cavity. 1. Clinical features. Bull. WHO1966b; 35(5): 789-792.