Series-10 (October-2019)October-2019 Issue Statistics
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Morphometric Study of Hippocampus in Human Foetal Brains |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Saba. Saraswatamma || Dr.K. Lakshmi Sailaja |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1810100105 ![]() |
Abstract: The hippocampus in greek called as sea horse is a major component of human brains. There are two hippocampi, one on each side of brain. It is a part of Limbic system.The present work is the result of study of human fetal brains. The aim of the study is to describe the gradual development in fetuses along with its size, weight, volume, shape at different ages and its maximum height of development. The human material of this work consists of 50 fetuses obtained from gynecology department of KGH and VGH to the Department of Anatomy during 2009-2012. While the fetal gestational age ranged from 15 weeks to full term as judged by the Crown Rump length. At 15 weeks gestations the total brain weight constituted 10 gms and at full terms it is 410 gms. The hippocampus on both sides weighed 0.235 and 0.230 gms in right and left sides...
Key Words: hippocampus, limbic system,olfactory centre, subiculum
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Abstract: Background:Objective of this study is to correlate iron deficiency anaemia and hypocalcaemia in children with febrile convulsion. Methods:In this case study 50 cases and 50 control with and without seizures were taken and serum iron and serum calcium level was determined in both groups. Results:Mean haemoglobin of case was 9.14gm% and control was 9. 54 gm% with a p value of 0.003 being statistically significant. Mean serum ferritin level in case was 42.11mg/dl and is statistically significant with p value of 0.01.Mean value of serum calcium was 9.5 mg/dl which is insignificant.
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Abstract: Objective: The aims of this study were to assess the efficacy of intraoperative adjunctive mitomycin C (MMC) treatment in external DCR surgery and to compare this procedure with the standard DCR procedure alone. Materials and Methods: There were 60 patients in this study who were divided into 2 groups. In group A, MMC was used intraoperatively at the osteotomy site for a period of thirty minutes. In Group B, Conventional External DCR was done without using an adjuvant. The study population included patients with acquired nasolacrimal duct obstruction .After the surgery, patients were assessed at 1st week, 1st, 3rd and 6th month respectively......
Key words: External dacryocystorhinostomy. Intraoperative mitomycin-C. Lacrimal drainage system patency. Nasolacrimal duct obstruction
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Abstract: Proptosis and their underlying causes require great attention in ophthalmology because of its impaction on vision and facial symmetry. Most of the cases Proptosis has poor prognosis in late stages which was frequently found in this region. Aetiology of Proptosis can be inflammatory, vascular, or infectious, neopalstic and traumatic. Total 43 patients of Bilateral/Unilateral Proptosis were included in this study, which was conducted at Department of Ophthalmology, MLB Medical College Jhansi, U.P, India, over a period of 6 month duration. The main aim of the study was, to evaluate the various causes of Proptosis in Bundelkhand region. Patients had history of any type of surgery for underlying cause of Proptosis was excluded from the study. History, examination and all necessary.........
Key words: Cavernous Sinus Thrombosis, Leukemia, Orbital Cellulitis, Proptosis, Thyroid Ophthalmopathy
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Abstract: Objective:The presence of seizure does not constitute a diagnosis but it is a symptom of underlying central nervous system disorder due to systemic or biochemical abnormalities. Early recognition and treatment of biochemical abnormality is essential for management and satisfactory long term outcome. Methods: The present study was conducted in tertiary centre, RIMS, Ranchi from January 2016 – December 2016 on 59 neonates. Biochemical abnormality was seen in 29 neonates (49.15% of cases.) Results:Primary metabolic abnormalities occurred in 10 (16.94%) cases of neonatal seizures, most common being hypocalcaemia, followed..........
Key words: Neonatal seizures, hypocalcaemia, hypoglycaemia, Hypoxic ischaemic encephalopathy
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Abstract: OBJECTIVE: To assess the clinical and biochemical safety profile of long term use of polyethylene glycol 3350(PEG) therapy in children with chronic constipation. METHODS: It is a prospective observational study. 83 children (44 children with chronic constipation and 39 children with constipation and encopresis) receiving PEG therapy for more than 3 months. Clinical adverse effects, serum electrolytes level, serum albumin level, liver and renal function test were measured........
Key words: Polyethylene glycol, PEG.
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Abstract: A flap is a unit of tissue which is transferred from a donor to a recipient site with its blood supply.1There is improvement in the success rate of free tissue transfer due to the advent of microsurgical and instruments and its improvement, there is also the invention of many reliable flaps monitoring methods.2,3 Monitoring of flaps after surgery is of vital importance, especially during the first few hours, because the timing of reoperation can define flap salvage or loss.4,5 Classically, crushed limb and flap viability is evaluated based on clinical parameters such as temperature, color, turgor, capillary refill, and bleeding. Wilson et al4,6 recommend flap evaluation by trained nurses every 30 minutes in the first 24 postoperative hours and every 4 hours thereafter. Physical.
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Abstract: Worldwide, nodular goitre remains a problem of enormous magnitude affecting no less than 5% of the population. Neither a well formulated nor a simple procedure is available for the management of MNG. Hence the need for the present study. The aim was to study the various modes of presentation, the distribution with respect to a g e and sex, the usefulness of FNAC, and the complications of surgery. This was a prospective study of 50 cases of MNG with an adequate follow up to look for post op complications. Majority of the patients were females with a M:F ratio of 15:1,with the commonest age group being 31- 40 yrs. All patients presented with swelling in front of the neck, with other complaints being that of pain, discomfort, and features of hyperthyroidism in 6 patients..
Key words: MNG, FNAC, Goitre, STT, TT.
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Abstract: Dengue fever is one of the major epidemic that the state faces every year. Dengue shock syndrome and dengue haemorragic fever being the deadly form of the disease. Hence close monitoring of the patients are needed tomanage with adequate hydration to prevent a profound dengue shock syndrome. Monitoring of the patients are usually done with laboratory parameters like platelet count, PCV and clinical monitoring of Blood pressure. An ultrasonography of chest abdomen abdomen pelvis along with the clinical and laboratory data can assist in assesing the severity of plasma leakage and can detect evidence of plasma leakage earlier. Hence appropriate management can be done to prevent a shock.......
Keywords: Dengue fever, ultrasonography, PCV, thrombocytopenia, pulse pressure, bleeding manifestaion
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Abstract: Systemic sclerosis is a rare connective tissue disorder, with multisystem involvement, progressive course , significant morbidity and premature death The association of Systemic Sclerosis with thyroid fibrosis, hypothyroidism and thyroid autoimmunity has been variably reported.Systemic Sclerosis is an autoimmune disease and expected to be associated with other autoimmune phenomena, and also thyroid immune dysfunction. Thyroid dysfunction in Systemic sclerosis may be explained on many lines such as production of auto-antibodies and cell-mediated immune response with consequent........
Keywords –systemic sclerosis, thyroid function test, AbTPO
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Properties of Maxillofacial Silicone Materials: A Literature Review |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Dr. N Manjula, MDS || Mrs. Savitha P Rao, MSc |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1810104245 ![]() |
Abstract: Restoration of facial defects is a difficult challenge for both the surgeon and the Prosthodontist. The Prosthodontist is limited by the inadequate materials available for facial restoration like movable tissue beds, difficulty in retaining large prosthesis and patient acceptance. Material design and properties are main problems faced by scientists in this field. The most common material used for the fabrication of maxillofacial prosthesis is polymeric in nature. These include vinyl chloride polymer and co-polymers, acrylic types, exemplified by polymethyl methacrylate, and silicone elastomer, both HTV and RTV[1,2]. Among these, silicone elastomers have gained considerable clinical importance, because of their heat and chemical inertness, strength, durability, ease of manipulation, esthetics and elasticity........
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A case report of an atypical presentation of a case of pheochromocytoma |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Dr Shashank Kishore || Dr Sharanya Shetty |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1810104648 ![]() |
Abstract: Despite all technical progress in modern diagnostic methods and treatment modalities of pheochromocytoma, early consideration of the presence of these tumors remains the pivotal link towards the best possible outcome for patients. A timely diagnosis and proper treatment can prevent the wide variety of potentially catastrophic cardiovascular and other complications. Here is presented the case report of a patient with an atypical presentation of the condition.
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[3]. Soltani A, Pourian M, Davani BM. Does this patient have Pheochromocytoma? a systematic review of clinical signs and symptoms [published correction appears in J Diabetes MetabDisord. 2017 Oct 16;16:42]. J Diabetes MetabDisord. 2016;15:6.
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[5]. Rupala K, Mittal V, Gupta R, Yadav R. Atypical presentation of pheochromocytoma: Central nervous system pseudovasculitis. Indian J Urol. 2017;33(1):82–84. doi:10.4103/0970-1591.195760.
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Abstract: The death by suicide is complex problem which involves multiple factors. Female suicides constituted 46% of the total suicides. The predominant factors are found to be chronic illness, harassment by relatives, depression and financial problems. Suicidal behavior was also found to be influenced by various phases of menstrual cycle. The present study aims to determine the prevalence of suicidal deaths in different stages of menstrual cycle of women within their reproductive age group by histopathological study of uterus and ovary for formulation of preventive measures along with medical and psychological support to reduce suicidal tendency in female sex. 91 cases of suicidal deaths among women within their reproductive age group (15 to 45 years) were selected from NRSMC&H police morgue. It was found that women committed suicide most commonly in Late Secretory phase of their menstrual cycle. Definite biological explanation is till now a mystery. As an epidemiological study, it has just highlighted the relationships between different parameters in a particular area.
Key Words:- suicide, female, menstrual cycle, histopathology, uterus, ovary.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Allergy Profile in an Agricultural Area of Telangana (APAT) |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Rahul Reddy Keesari || Dr. H. Krishnamurty Md |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1810106084 ![]() |
Abstract: Allergy ( Allos meaning "other" & ergon meaning "reaction" : Greek) is a condition of over-reaction of the immune system in certain individualsto some harmless substances coined by two pediatricians , an AustrianClemens Peter Friherr Von Pirquet 1 & a Hungarian Bela Schick. About one-third of the population suffer from one or other form of allergy withchildren being most affected. Allergic reactions are excessive activation of certain white blood cells called mast cells & basophil by a type of antibody........
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