Series-7 (October-2019)October-2019 Issue Statistics
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[1]. DKS Subrahmanyam, T Mooney, R Raveendran, B Zachariah. A Clinical and Laboratory Profile of Cleistanthus collinus Poisoning:J assoc physicians india, nov 2003,51: 1052-1054.
[2]. S Arthanareeswaran, Shabana S, Femi Babu K, Daliya J Manjaly. Int j med research. Volume 3; Issue 4; October 2018; Page No. 47-48.
[3]. Alladi Mohan, G. Sivaram Naik, J. Harikrishna, D. Prabath Kumar AND ET AL. INDian J Med Res 143, June 2016, pp 793-797.
[4]. SPE Benjamin, M Edwin Fernando, J Jerene Jayanth, B Preetha. JAPI • VOL. 54 • SEPTEMBER 2006:742-744.
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Abstract: To compare outcome of tuberculosis treatment in HIV seropositive and HIV seronegatives. To detect the incidence of HIV infection in tuberculosis patients treated under RNTCP. To compare clinical presentation and radiological features of TB in HIV positive and HIV negative patients.............
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Abstract: Objectives: The aim of the study iwas to evaluate complications during pregnancy and pregnancy outcomes in women with Non-Cirrhotic Portal HTN. Methods: 22 women were retroscpectivelyanalysed with the diagnosis of NCPH in pregnancy. The study was conducted at Gandhi Hospital/Medical College, Secunderabad, Telangana from Augest 2018-July 2019. Records were reviewed for data. Results: In this study 18 patients were diagnosed prior to pregnancy, 4 patients were diagnosed during present pregnancy for evaluation of anemia, thrombocytopenia and sleenomegaly. 10 patients had thrombocytopenia, out of which 2 patients had severe thrombocytopenia (<50000) requiring platelet transfusion. 15 patients had documented spleenomegaly. 13 vaginal deliveries.......
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[5]. Neelam Aggarwal,∗∗ Neha Negi,∗ Aakash Aggarwal,† Vijay Bodh,‡ and Radha K. Dhiman‡. pregnancy with portal hypertension
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Abstract: Background: There has been a two fold increase in the older population since 1980 and the numbers have been growing faster in developing countries. This is due to a decline in fertility rates and increase in life expectancy. There is not only an increase in physical burden but also psychological issues in the elderly. Rapid urbanization and a change in family structure causing decreased support for the aged lead to the emergence of old age homes, adjustment to which adds additional psychological burden. AIMS: To assess the prevalence of depression in elderly in an old age home. Methods: The study was conducted in 40 inmates aged >60 yearsin an old age home in south India. The socio-demographic details were........
Keywords: geriatric, depression, chronic illness, elderly, old age home,
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[4]. Chadda RK, Deb KS. Indian family systems, collectivistic society and psychotherapy. Indian J Psychiatry 2013;55 Suppl 2:S299‑309.
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Abstract: The medical multiparakit is a device which is used to calibrate the basic parameters of the body. The device enables the people from pastoral region to disseminate the recorded parameters in android app to the medical practitioner of the pastoral region. The body variables values will be crosschecked with the standard variables values and will be perusaled by the medical practitioner. This also aids the normal people to know their body condition being at home. They give the momentous difference between the normal and abnormal body variables.
Keywords: Medical multimeter, Max 30100, Nano arduino, Temperature sensor, ECG sensor, Bluetooth module, Android application..
[1]. Muhammad Khairul Nizar Bin Khairuddin; Kazuhiro Nakamoto; Hiroshi Nakamura; Kanya Tanaka;Shota Nakashima."Heart rate and heart rate variability measuring system by using smartphone", 2017 2nd Intl conf on bigdata (ACIT- CSI) international conference.
[2]. Mas Azalya Yusof;Yuan Wen Hau. "Mini home based vital sign monitor with Android Mobile Application (My vital gear)", Publication: 2018 IEEE-EMBS Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Science (IECBES).
[3]. Prajaka A. Pawar, " Heart rate Monitoring System using IR base sensor & Arduino UNO", 2014 Conference on IT in business, Industry and Government (CSIBIG) .
[4]. Kerim Bedri Sacan ve Gokhan ertas."Performance assessment of MAX 30100 SpO2 / Heartrate Sensor". 2017 Medical Technologies National Congress (TIPTEKNO).
[5]. Chacko John Deepu; Xiaoyang Zhang ; Chun Huat Heng; Yong Lian Lian. " A 3- lead ECG- on-chip with QRS Detection and Lossless Compression for Wireless Sensors". Journals and magazines IEEE transaction on citcuits Volume:63 Issue:12.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Adolescent Girls Health Screening |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Col R Chandra || Gp Capt JC Sharma |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1810072732 ![]() |
Abstract: Introduction The age limit proposed by WHO expert committee on adolescence is 10-20 years which covers most of these events and is useful basic definition. Adolescence girls are at greater physical stress than boys because of menstruation. Their nutritional needs are of particular importance as they have to prepare for motherhood. They are venerable to anemia, menstrual ailments such as PMS, dysmenorrhoea, menorragia and sexual abuses. Aim To assess the prevalence of menstrual ailments, status of sex education, growth and development of adolescent girls. Subject and method A cross sectional studies of.........
Key words : adolescent girl, menstrual problem, anthropometry , sex education
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Abstract: Aims and Objectives: A large proportion of cataract patients in rural India are untreated. Evidence indicates lack of awareness and attitudinal barriers being present for this backlog. Hence the present study was designed to assess the knowledge, attitude and practice regarding cataract surgery amongst the rural patients who had attended a surgical eye camp facility. Methodology: A structured, validated questionnaire was administered to patients diagnosed as cataract from an eye camp at Barsana, India. There were 13 items in the questionnaire assessing their awareness, perception, attitude and practice in regard to undergoing surgery for cataract. Chi-square test for independence was used for statistical analysis. Confidence intervals...........
Keywords: Awareness, Health, KAP, Cataract
[1]. Resnikoff S, Pascolini D, Etya'ale D, Kocur I, Pararajasegaram R, Pokharel GP, et al. Global data on visual impairment in the year 2002. Bull World Health Organ 2004;82:844–51.
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[3]. Vashist P, Talwar B, Gogoi M, Maraini G, Camparini M, Ravindaran RD, et al. Prevalence of cataract in an older population in India. Ophthalmology 2011;118:272-78.
[4]. Finger RP, Ali M, Earnest J, Nirmalan PK. Cataract surgery in Andhra Pradesh state, India: an investigation into uptake following outreach screening camps. Ophthalmic Epidemiol 2007;14:327-32.
[5]. Dhaliwal U, Gupta SK. Barriers to the uptake of cataract surgery in patients presenting to a hospital. Indian J Ophthalmol. 2007;155:133-6.
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Abstract: Aims and Objectives: To determine if there is any deviation between agglomeration of the bone and the width of the teeth and its level. Methodology: On the Clinic of Orthodontics, 68 studio models were analyzed with different malocclusion. For this purpose we used Bolton and Lundstrum analyses. Results: According to the Bolton analysis of 12 teeth, in 38,2% from the analyzed models the reason for discrepancy was the bigger width of the teeth from the maxilla, while in 57.4% the result is reversed. In 4.4% the width of the teeth corresponds with the size of the dental arch. Conclusion: According to the final results, we can still use the preceding analyses as diagnostic methods for determination of dental harmony.
[1]. Кануркова Л, Ѓоргова Ј, Џипунова Б, Тошеска- Спасова Н. Ортодонска Морфолошка Анализа и Дијагностика, Скопје 2012.
[2]. Tamini TA, Hashim HA. Bolton tooth-size ratio revisited. World J Orthod 2005,6 289-295
[3]. Othman SA,Harradine NWT.Tooth size discrepancy and Bolton's rations: a literature review. J Orthod 2006,33:45-51
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[5]. Hughes T, Dempsey P, Richards L, Townsend G. Genetic analysis of deciduous tooth size in Australian twins. Arch Oral Biol 2000;45:997-1004
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Abstract: Introduction: Adolescence Means A Transitional Stage Of Physical, Psychological And Physiological Development, Involving Biological, Social And Mental Changes. Pregnancy In This Transitional Stage Puts Them In A Stressful Condition. Teenage Pregnancy Is A Common Public Health And Social Problem With Adverse Medical Consequences Worldwide. Materials and Methods: This is a retrospective study conducted at a tertiary care teaching hospital in rural India between April 2017 and March 2018. Adolescent primigravidae (age 15-19 years) completing 28 weeks of gestation with singleton pregnancy were included in the study group. Primigravidae aged between 20 and 25 years were taken as....
Key Words: Adolescence, Primigravidae, singleton pregnancy, feto-maternal outcome.
[1]. The World Health Report (2005). Make every mother and child count. WHO.
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Abstract: Introduction: Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is one of the most common endocrine disorder of reproductive age affecting 5% to 10% of women worldwide.1 It is a heterogenous, multifactorial, complex genetic disorder. Materials and Methods: A prospective study was performed at Department of obstetrics and gynecology, M.G.M medical College and Hospital, Jamshedpur over a period of 6 months. Women presenting with infertility were subjected to detailed history taking, general and gynecological examination. History was obtained for such as age, occupation, married life, type of infertility, parity index, menstrual history, obstetric history, sexual history and past medical or surgical illness. A comprehensive general examination was performed to note height, weight, BMI, thyroid enlargement, galactorrhea and hirsutism. Speculum, bimanual examination and ultrasound examination was........
Key Words: PCOS, galactorrhea, hirsutism, FSH, LH.
[1]. Azziz R., Woods K.S., Reyna R., Key T.J., Knochenhauer E.S., Yildiz B.O. The prevalence and features of the polycystic ovary syndrome in an unselected population. J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab. 2004;89:2745–2749.
[2]. Knochenhauer E.S., Key T.J., Kahsar-Miller M., Waggoner W., Boots L.R., Azziz R. Prevalence of the polycystic ovary syndrome in unselected black and white women of the southeastern United States: A prospective study. J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab. 1998;83:3078–3082.
[3]. Kauffman R.P., Baker V.M., Dimarino P., Gimpel T., Castracane V.D. Polycystic ovarian syndrome and insulin resistance in white and Mexican American women: A comparison of two distinct populations. Am. J. Obstet. Gynecol. 2002;187:1362–1369. doi: 10.1067/mob.2002.126650.[4]. Azziz R., Carmina E., Dewailly D., Diamanti-Kandarakis E., Escobar-Morreale H.F., Futterweit W., Janssen O.E., Legro R.S., Norman R.J., Taylor A.E., et al. Task Force on the Phenotype of the Polycystic Ovary Syndrome of The Androgen Excess and PCOS Society: The Androgen Excess and PCOS Society criteria for the polycystic ovary syndrome: The complete task force report. Fertil. Steril. 2009;91:456–488.
[5]. Carmina E. Diagnosis of polycystic ovary syndrome: From NIH criteria to ESHRE-ASRM guidelines. Minerva Ginecol. 2004;56:1–6.
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Abstract: Background: Erythroderma is a morphological reaction pattern of skin having many underlying causes and finding the etiology helps in the proper management of erythroderma cases. Aim: To evaluate the clinical profile, etiology of erythroderma and to correlate clinical diagnosis with histopathology. Materials and Methods: This study was performed at the department of dermatology,Rajendra Institute of Medical Sciences, Ranchi, Jharkhand. We studied 25 consecutive cases of erythroderma with respect to the epidemiological, clinical and histological data. Clinico-histological correlation was analyzed for etiology of erythroderma. Results:..........
Keywords: Clinical and histopathological examinations, erythroderma, exfoliative dermatitis
[1]. Vasconcellos C, Domingues PP, Aoki V, Miyake RK, Sauaia N, Martins JE. Erythroderma: Analysis of 247 cases. Rev SaudePublica 1995;29:177-82.
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[3]. Chaudhary A, Gupte PD. Erythroderma: A study of incidence and aetiopathogenesis. Indian J DermatolVenereolLeprol 1997;63:38-9.
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Abstract: Anterior crossbite is a malocclusion involving palatal positioning of the maxillary anterior teeth in relation to the mandibular anterior teeth. Children with untreated anterior crossbite could develop complications such as gingiva recession, TMJ dysfunction and worsening of mandibular displacement. There are different treatment modalities for correction of anterior crossbite in children. The decision on which approach to be used depends on the aetiology of the crossbite, treatment objectives and behaviour of the child. This paper presents a case of a 6-year old child with anterior crossbite involving multiple teeth. A fixed lower inclined bite plane (Catlan's appliance) was used to correct the crossbite. Positive bite was successfully achieved in a short period of time without unwanted effects
Keywords: anterior crossbite, children, malocclusion, interceptive orthodontic
[1]. Tsai HH. Components of anterior crossbite in the primary dentition. ASDC J Dent Child. 2001;68(1):10,27-32.
[2]. Grando G, Young AAA, Vedovello Filho M, Vedovello SAS, Ramirez-Yanez GO. Prevalence of malocclusions in a young Brazilian population. Int J Orthod Milwaukee. 2008;19(2):13–6.
[3]. Thilander B, Pena L, Infante C, Parada SS, de Mayorga C. Prevalence of malocclusion and orthodontic treatment need in children and adolescents in Bogota, Colombia. An epidemiological study related to different stages of dental development. Eur J Orthod. 2001 Apr;23(2):153–67.
[4]. Tausche E, Luck O, Harzer W. Prevalence of malocclusions in the early mixed dentition and orthodontic treatment need. Eur J Orthod. 2004 Jun;26(3):237–44.
[5]. Ajayi EO. Orthodontic treatment need in Nigerian children. Community Dent Health. 2008 Jun;25(2):126–8.
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Abstract: Background: Aside from clinical variables, the quality of life should be considered in the planning and monitoring of the therapeutic process in patients with cancer. Although it is widely known that this parameter can have a considerable impact on the therapeutic outcome, it is not routinely screened in oncological patients. Aim: The aim of the present study is to evaluate the impact of pharmaceutical care on Quality of life in cervical cancer patients treated with either chemotherapy or radiotherapy. Methods: An observational prospective study was conducted over a period of 6 months on 70 patients in the Department of Radiotherapy, GGH, Guntur. The EORTC QLQ-C30 3.0 version, EORTC QLQ CX24 was used to evaluate the patients' quality of life at three different stages i.e., before treatment, on admission, after treatment, at discharge
Keywords: chemoradiation, carcinoma cervix, , EORTC QLQ-C30, EORTC QLQ-CX 24, CTSQ.
[1]. Aaronson NK, Ahmedzai S, Bergman B, Bullinger M, Cull A, Duez NJ, et al. the European organisation for research and treatment of cancer QLQ-C30: a quality-of-life instrument for use | in international clinical trials in oncology. J Natl Cancer Inst 1993; 85:365-76.
[2]. Greimel ER, Kuljanic Vlasic K, Waldenstrom AC, Duric VM, Jensen PT, Singer S, et al. The European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) Quality-of-Life questionnaire cervicalcancer module: EORTC QLQ-CX24. Cancer. 2006; 107(8):1812-22.
[3]. K. Cheung, M. de Mol, S. Visser, B. L. Den Oudsten, B. H. Stricker, J. G. J. V. Aerts. Reliability and validity of the Cancer Therapy Satisfaction Questionnaire in lung cancer. Springer. Qual Life Res DOI 10.1007/s11136-015-1062.
[4]. Pasek M, Suchocka L, Urbański K. Quality of life in cervical cancer patients treated with radiation therapy. J. ClinNurs. 2013 Mar; 22(5-6):690-7.
[5]. AmbakumarNandakumar, GouraKishorRath, Amal Chandra Kataki, P. PoonamalleBapsy, Prakash C. Gupta, PalethGangadharan, Ramesh C. Mahajan, ManasNathBandyopadhyay. Concurrent Chemoradiation for Cancer of the Cervix: Results of a Multi-Institutional Study from the Setting of a Developing Country (India). J Glob Oncol 1:11-22. © 2015 by American Society of Clinical Oncology...