Series-4 (October-2019)October-2019 Issue Statistics
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Abstract: Hair &scalp disorders in infants and children are a common occurrence and may constitute a complex clinical problem. Theyencompass a wide range of conditions with varied pathology that can be either congenital or acquired. They are also a source of anxiety &concern for patients and families. Aim: To evaluate the clinical and epidemiological profile of hair & scalp dermatoses in children. Methodology: A total of 100 children from birth to 15 years suffering fromvarious hair disorders were included in the study. The data includes personal & familyhistory, clinicalexamination, possibleinvestigations, finaldiagnosis and therapeutic interventions........
Key Words: scalpdermatoses, infections
[1]. Al-Refu K. Hair loss in children: Common and uncommon causes; clinical and epidemiological study in Jordan. Int J Trichology 2013;5:185-9. [2]. Mandt N, Vogt A, Blume-Peytavi U. Differential diagnosis of hair loss in children. J Dtsch Dermatol Ges2004;2:399-411.
[3]. Malhotra SK, Malhotra S, Dhaliwal GS, Thakur A. Bacteriological study of pyodermas in a tertiary care dermatological center. Indian J Dermatol 2012;57:358-61.
[4]. Kundu D, Mandal L, Sen G. Prevalence of Tinea capitis in school going children in Kolkata, West Bengal. J Nat Sci Biol Med 2012;3:152-5.
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Abstract: Introduction Darier's disease is a rare inherited autosomal dominant acantholytic skin disease characterized by brownish keratotic papules predominantly in the seborrheic areas of the body, focal pinpoint to pinhead-sized spots on palms and other non-cutaneous changes like cobblestone-like papules on the palate, nail changes like v-shaped nicking. The disease is often exacerbated in summer. Aims and Objectives To study clinical, Histo-pathological features and variants of dariers disease Methodology A prospective observational study was conducted in S.V.R.R.G.G.H., Tirupathi for a period of 1 year. We selected 15 patients of Darier's disease, and detailed clinical and histopathological evaluation was done in all the patients.......
Key words: Darier's disease, keratosis follicularis,
[1]. Cooper SM, Burge SM. Darier??s Disease: Epidemiology, Pathophysiology, and Management. Am J Clin Dermatol. 2003;4(2):97–105.
[2]. Burge SM, Wilkinson JD. Darier-White disease: a review of the clinical features in 163 patients. J Am Acad Dermatol. 1992;27(1):40–50.
[3]. Burge SM. Darier's disease, keratins and proteases: a review. J R Soc Med. 1989;82(11):673–676.
[4]. Puri N. A clinical and histopathological study of Darier's disease. :5.
[5]. Munro CS. The phenotype of Darier's disease: penetrance and expressivity in adults and children. Br J Dermatol. 1992;127(2):126–130.
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Abstract: Unilateral anhidrosis of face and chest and absence of flushing, also called Harlequin syndrome, is a very rare condition. It mainly involves face and upper part of the chest. It occurs due to localized sympathetic dysfunction.
II. Case Report
A 19 year old male patient presented with complaints of multiple small itchy lesions associated with sweating over left side of face and chest from 15 days and raised skin lesions with photosensitivity over right side of neck from 1 week. History revealed absence.......
[1]. Kaul S, Grover C, Das GK. Partial dysautonomia: An interesting presentation. Indian J DermatolVenereolLeprol 2017;83:596-8
[2]. Yu Phuan CZ, Tey HL. Unilateral facial and upper truncalanhidrosis and absence of physiological flushing: A case of idiopathic harlequin syndrome. Indian J DermatolVenereolLeprol 2017;83:740
[3]. Kumar P, Das A, Mondal AK, Kumar J, Chattopadhyay SS, Guha G, Das NK. A lady presenting with segmental anhidrosis and heat intolerance. Indian Dermatol Online J 2015;6:126-7
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Seasonal trends in Leukemias in East Godavari District |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Rajani valasapalli || Rajyalakshmi.R || Vijaybhaskar.R |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1810041619 ![]() |
Abstract: Aims and Objectives: To analyse the seasonal trends in leukemias and to know the incidence of various leukemias in different age groups and gender. Methodology: This was an observational study of 168 cases over a period of 72 months in the department of Pathology, Government General Hospital, a tertiary care teaching hospital, Rangaraya Medical College, Kakinada. Clinical data including the date of diagnosis was collected . Haemogram and Bone Marrow done with Leishman's stain and May Granwald Giemsa stain.Clinical data included Date of diagnosis i.e. Date when the definite diagnosis is made with peripheral smear or the bonemarrow., Age at diagnosis, Gender, Month wise data collected for 12 month cycle and the time of diagnosis is noted in the 4 seasons i.e. Winter (December, January, February), Summer (March, April, May),Monsoon (June , July, August), Autumn(September, October, November). Results: The total number of leukemias during the study period were 168. Acute leukemias out numbered chronic leukemias .72% acute leukemias occurred in summer and winter...........
[1]. Seasonal variations in the onset of childhood leukaemia and lymphoma RMC Westerbeekl, V Blair,, OB Eden2, AM Kelsey3, RF Stevens2, AM Will2, GM Taylor4 and JM Birch"Bnhtsh Journal of Cancer (1 998) 78(1). 119-124
[2]. Pattern of Occurrence of Leukemia at a Teaching Hospital in Eastern Region of Nepal - A Six Year Study Kulshrestha R,1 Sah SP1 J Nepal Med Assoc 2009;48(173):35-40
[3]. The Relationship Between Seasonal Variation in the Diagnosis of Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia and its Prognosis in Children Mehmet Mutlu1 and Erol Erduran2,1,* Turk J Haematol. 2012 Jun; 29(2): 188–190.
[4]. Seasonal Variation in New Adult Acute Myeloid Leukemia; Lynda J. Campbell, Stephen J. Farish, Joanne S. White; Blood 2004 104:3017.
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Abstract: Introduction: Splenic Trauma Is The Most Common Organ Inivolved In Blunt Injury Abdomen. Among Which Road Traffic Accidents AcountsThe Most Of The Cases. Background & Aim: The Aim Of Our Study To Evaluate The Morbidity, Moratality& Management Of Isolated Splenic Trauma.It Account For About 8% Of All Traumatic Admissions And 40-60 % With Significant Blunt Splenic Injury. Materials &Methods:A Prospective Study Of 50 Patients With Isolated Low And Moderate Grade ( 1 To 4) Blunt Splenic Trauma Admitted In Our Trauma Ward, Gmkmch,Salem. During The Period Of 1 Year From August 2018 To August 2019......
Keywords: Blunt Splenic Injury, Road Traffic Accident, Grade Of Injury
[1]. Shackford SR, sise MJ, virigilio, petersRM.selective management of blunt splenic trauma. J trauma1986;26:970-9.
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[3]. ellis BW, Paterson –brown S.Hamilton bailey's emergency surgery. 13th ed. Ch22. London:Arnold;1982
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Abstract: Diabetes is one of major global health problem. Of all known complications of diabetes, diabetic foot ulcers remain a major challenge to health sectors with increasing morbidity and mortality. According to WHO every 20 seconds a limb is being amputated as result of diabetes. Many researches is being done on management of diabetic foot ulcer. Biological dressing like collagen dressings are natural, non immunogenic, non pyrogenic, hypoallergenic and pain free. On topical application in wounds they create a physiological interface between the wound surface and environment. The present study is a comparative study between the collagen based dressing and normal saline dressing in healing diabetic foot ulcers with Wagner grading I & II in our hospital GMKMCH, Salem. Out of 50 patients studied.......
Key words: diabetic foot ulcers, Wagner grading I&II, collagen dressings
[1]. Park SN, Lee HJ, Lee KH, Suh H. biological characterization of EDC- crosslinked collagen – hyaluronic acid matrix in dermal tissue restoration. Biomaterials. 2003;24:1631-41.
[2]. Lazovic G, Colic M, Grubor M, Javonovic M. The application of collagen sheet in open wound healing. Ann Burns Fire Disasters. 2005;18:151-6
[3]. Horch RE, Stark GB. Comparison of the effect of a collagen dressing on healing of split thickness skin graft donor sites. Scand J Plast Reconst Surg Hand Surg.1998;32:407-13.
[4]. Ramshaw JA, Peng Y, Glattauer V, Werkmeister JA. Collagens as biomaterials. J.Master. Sci. Mater. Med. 2009;20(1):S3-S8.
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Abstract: Aims and Objectives The aim of the study is to evaluate the role of MR FISTULOGRAM in preoperativeassessment of anorectal fistulas and to correlate MR findings with intra operative findings. Additionally, the usefulness of contrast study and 3DT1 FAT SAT sequences are also evaluated. Materials and Methods This was a hospital based prospective observational study done in 60 patients who werediagnosed to have perianal fistula clinically and referred for MR fistulogram to our department during one year period from June 2016 to June 2017. The patients were subjected.........
Key words: perianal fistula, fistulogram.
[1]. Maeir AG, Funovics MA, Kreuzer SH, et al. Evaluation of perianal sepsis: Comparison of anal endosonographyand magnetic resonance imaging. J MagnReson Imaging. 2001;14:254-60[PubMed]
[2]. DariuszWaniczek, Tomasz Adamczyk, Jerzy Arendt, EwaKluczewska, EwaKozińska-Marek. Usefulness assessment of preoperative MRI fistulography in patients with perianal fistulas. Pol J Radiol. 2011 Oct-Dec; 76(4): 40–44. [3]. Mahmoud E, Eid M, Mansy H, Matarawy K, Wally M (2013) Preoperative MRI of perianal fistula: Is it really indispensable? Can it be deceptive? Alexandria Journal of Medicine 49: 133-144.
[4]. Van Outryve M, Pelckmans P, Fierens H, Van Maercke Y. Transrectalultrasonographic examination of the anal sphincter. ActaGastroenterolRadiol 1989;14(4):349-353
[5]. Guillaumin E, Jeffrey RB Jr, Shea WJ, AslingCW , Goldberg HI. Perirectal inflammatory disease: CT findings . Radiology 1986;161(1):153-157
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Abstract: A 34 year old male presented with chief complaints of sudden diminution of vision in left eye followed by right eye since 1 day which was progressive unassociated with pain.There was neither any history of surgery or trauma nor there was headache, tinnitus, floaters, hearing loss,vertigo,meningismus.No history of fever, giddiness, respiratory illness (TB), STD's, alopecia, vitiligo, poliosis.Past history was insignificant.
[1]. Spaide RF, Goldbaum M, Wong DW, et al. Serous detachment of the retina. Retina2003;23(6):820–46,quiz 895–6.
[2]. Ross A, Ross AH, Mohamed Q. Review and update of central serous chorioretinopathy. CurrOpinOphthalmol 2011;22(3):166–73.
[3]. Shields CL, Materin MA, Shield JA. Review of optical coherence tomography for intraocular tumors. CurrOpinOphthalmol 2005;16(3):141–54.
[4]. Peterson EC, Elhammady MS, Quintero-Wolfe S, et al. Selective ophthalmic artery infusion of chemotherapy for advanced intraocular retinoblastoma: initial experience with 17 tumors. J Neurosurg 2011;114(6):1603–8.
[5]. Nguyen QD, Uy HS, Akpek EK, et al. Choroidopathy of systemic lupus erythematosus. Lupus 2000;9(4):288–98.
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Abstract: Introduction : Abdominal wound dehiscence either partial or complete, a common complication of laparotomy and causes a significant mortality and morbidity, with prolonged hospital stay and repeated surgical interventions. So if any system exists to predict possibility of wound dehiscence, prophylactic retention suturing can be done to prevent adverse events. This study is done to compare such Retention suturing with conventional primary closure in Emergency Laparotomies done for perforation peritonitis. Aims and objectives: The aim of the study was to assess the reduced rate of dehiscence in midline laparotomy using prophylactic retention sutures in high- risk patients.......
Key words: Prophylactic, Retention suturing, perforation peritonitis, wound gaping
[1]. Kurata, J.H. Haile, B.M. : Epidemiology of peptic ulcer disease. Clin. Gastroenterol, 13:296, 1984.
[2]. Miller, R.E., Becker, G.J. Slabsugh, R.D. Detection of pneumoperitoneum: ptimum body position and respiratory phase. AJR.135:487, 1990.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Prevalence of Obstructive Sleep Apnea in Copd Patients |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Vikash Kumar || Anjali P Ghare |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1810044850 ![]() |
Abstract: BACKGROUND- COPD is a currently global epidemic having prevalence of around 10% in community after 40 years of age (15.8% in male, 5.5% in female). It has got 5% of total doctor consultation and 13% of all hospital admission, becoming the third major cause of death in the western country . OSA is a type of sleep-disordered breathing and shows complete or incomplete intermittent collapse of the upper airway leading to hypoxemia in sleep and repeated awakening during sleep . Studies have shown high prevalence of around 26% of COPD patients having OSA (apnea–hypopnea index [AHI]>5/h)......
Key words: Obstructive Sleep Apnea, Disordered sleep breathing;
[1]. Vestbo J, Hurd SS, Agust´ı AG, Jones PW, Vogelmeier C, Anzueto A, Barnes PJ, Fabbri LM, Martinez FJ, Nishimura M, et al. Global strategy for the diagnosis, management, and prevention of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: GOLD executive summary. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2013;187:347–365.
[2]. Pauwels RA, Buist AS, Calverley PM, Jenkins CR, Hurd SS; GOLD Scientific Committee. Global strategy for the diagnosis, management, and prevention of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. NHLBI/WHO Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease (GOLD) Workshop summary. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2001;163:1256–1276.
[3]. Lindberg A, Jonsson AC, Ronmark E, Lundgren R, Larsson LG, Lundback B. Prevalence of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease according to BTS, ERS, GOLD and ATS criteria in relation to doctor's diagnosis, symptoms, age, gender, and smoking habits. Respiration 2005;72:471–479.
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Abstract: BACKGROUND: Sedation in the intensive care unit for critically ill patients on mechanical ventilation is a complex clinical problem, and the current therapeutic approaches have potential side effects. This study aimed at comparing inj. Dexmedetomidine with inj.Butorphanol as sedative and analgesia.
METHODS: 60 Patients of both sexes in the age group of 18-60 yrs requiring mechanical ventilation are included in the study. Once the patient on mechanical ventilation, the infusion of the specified drug was started using a syringe pump. Dexmedetomidine started at the rate of 1mcg/kg/hr loading dose over 15 minutes followed by 0.25 mcg/kg/hr, and Butorphanol was started at the rate of 5mcg/kg/hr depending upon the parameters of assessment and requirement of the patient. The infusion continued for 24hrs. Vital parameters, Ramsay Sedation score, Behavioural pain score were compared.......
Key words: Butorphanol, Dexmedetomidine, ICU, mechanical ventilation, sedation
[1]. Jerrold H. Levy, MD, Dexmedetomidine: Clinical Applications and Considerations; Powerpoint presentation.
[2]. Thomas J. Ebert, Current strategies in ICU Sedation, special report, Anaesthesiology News.
[3]. Kress JP, Pohlman AS, O'Connor MF et al. Daily interruption of sedative infusions in critically ill patients undergoing mechanical ventilation. N Engl J Med 2000; 342:147177.
[4]. Thomas J. Ebert, Current strategies in ICU Sedation, special report, Anaesthesiology News.
[5]. Jean-Francois Payen, GéraldChanques, Jean Mantz, Christiane Hercule, Igor Auriant, Jean-Luc
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Abstract: Introduction: Safe drinking water,basic sanitation and proper hygiene are found to be most important for reducing the burden of many communicable diseases like acute diarrhoeal diseases,acute respiratory diseases etc. Still many communities in and around india lack adequate water supply and proper sanitation. Materials and methods:A cross sectional study was conducted among 100 residents of Mallikarjunapet, Guntur selected by simple random technique during the period between March 2019 to May 2019 to assess water,sanitation and hygiene practices. Results: Nearly 76% of the households have piped water supply.79% of the households own a sanitary latrine while 61% wash their hands properly
Key words: WASH strategy,Sanitation,Hygiene
[1]. (accessed on internet on 10/11/2018) [2]. (accessed on 10/11/2018)
[3]. UNICEF WASH strategy 2006 - 2015. Available from (accessed on internet on 10/11/2018)
[4]. (accessed on 10/11/2018) [5]. (accessed on 10/11/2018)
[6]. (accessed on 10/11/2018)
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Abstract: Escherichiacoliarethemostcommonisolatedpathogeninclinicalsetting.Itsspectrumofinfectionisverybroad..........
Keywords: Escherichiacoli, Multi-Drug Resistance (MDR),
[1]. Levine M. Escherichia coli that Cause Diarrhea: Enterotoxigenic, Enteropathogenic, Enteroinvasive, Enterohemorrhagic, and Enteroadherent. Journal of Infectious Diseases. 1987;155(3):377-389.
[2]. Bell J, Turnidge J, Gales A, Pfaller M, Jones R. Prevalence of extended spectrum β-lactamase (ESBL)-producing clinical isolates in the Asia-Pacific region and South Africa: regional results from SENTRY Antimicrobial Surveillance Program (1998–99). Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious Disease. 2002;42(3):193-198..
[3]. El Kholy A. Antimicrobial resistance in Cairo, Egypt 1999-2000: a survey of five hospitals. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy. 2003;51(3):625-630..
[4]. Dromigny J, Nabeth P, Juergens-Behr A, Perrier-Gros-Claude J. Risk factors for antibiotic-resistant Escherichia coli isolated from community-acquired urinary tract infections in Dakar, Senegal. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy. 2005;56(1):236-239.
[5]. D. A. Tadesse, S. Zhao, and E. Tong. Antimicrobial drug resistance in Escherichia coli from humans and food animals, United States, 1950–2002. Emerging Infectious Diseases, 2012;18(5):741–749.
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Abstract: Background: Preterm premature rupture of membranes (PPROM) is one of the most important complica-tions of the pregnancy and cause perinatal morbidity and mortality. History of PPROM is a risk factor of re-current PPROM. Iron, Folic acid, Vitamin B Complex and Vitamin C plays an important role in collagen me-tabolism and increases resistance maintenance of the chorioamniotic membranes. 2) Objectives The aim of this study is to assess the effectiveness of Iron, Folic acid, Vitamin B Complex and Vitamin C for re-ducing the risk of Pre-mature Ruptures of membrane in pregnancy............
Key words: PPROM, Ascorbic Acid, Pregnancy, Collagen, Premature Rupture
[1]. Premature rupture of membrane: Allahyar Jazayeri, MD, PhD, FACOG, DACOG, FSMFM Medical Director of Perinatal Services, Aspirus Hospital; Consulting Staff and Owner, Women's Specialty Care and NEWMOMS of Green Bay [2]. Practice Bulletin No. 160: Premature Rupture of Membranes. Obstet Gynecol. 2016 Jan. 127 (1):e39-51 [3]. Institute of Medicine Food and Nutrition Board. Dietary reference intakes for vitamin C, vitamin E, selenium, and carotenoids. Washington DC: National Academy Press; 2000. [4]. Pfeffer F, Casanueva E, Kamar J, Guerra A, Perichart O, Vadillo-Ortega F. Modulation of 72-kilodalton type IV collagenase (Matrix metalloproteinase-2) by ascorbic acid in cultured human amnion-derived cells. Biol Reprod. 1998;59(2):326–9.