Series-6 (October-2019)October-2019 Issue Statistics
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Abstract: Aim: To assess the role of scrape smears as an intraoperative diagnostic tool in thyroid nodule surgeries. Methods: In our study we analysed the efficacy of scrape smears in 56 cases of thyroid nodules intraoperatively by comparing it with Histopathology, considering the latter as gold standard. Results:We found the overall accuracy of scrape smears to be 91.1% with a sensitivity of 68.8%, specificity of 100% and a significantly high positive predictive value in thyroid malignancies. Conclusion: Scrape smears can be used as a reliable intraoperative tool especially in suspicious cases of Papillary Thyroid carcinomas.
[1]. Cooper DS, Doherty GM, Haugen BR, Kloos RT, Lee SL, Mandel SJ, et al. American Thyroid Association Guidelines Taskforce on Thyroid Nodules and Differentiated Thyroid Cancer, Revised American Thyroid Association management guidelines for patients with thyroid nodules and differentiated thyroid cancer. Thyroid. 2009;19:1167-1214.
[2]. Cerovic, Ignjatovic, Goran, Slavica, Jovan, Vladimir. Value of intraoperative diagnosis in Thyroid surgery. Arch Oncol. 2004;12: 48.
[3]. Sachin S Kolte, Rahul N Satarkar. Role of scrape cytology in the intraoperative diagnosis of tumor. J Cytol. 2010 July;27(3):86-90.
[4]. Ersoy E, Taneri F, Tekin E, Poyraz A, Cihan A, Dursun A, et al. Peroperative Fine-Needle Aspiration cytology versus Frozen Section in thyroid surgery. Endocrine Regulations. 1999;33:141-144.
[5]. Ali Chehrei, Mojtaba Ahmadinejad, Sayyed Abbas Tabatabaee, Sayyed Mozaffar Hashemi,Mahsa kianinia, Shahin Fateh, et al. Touch imprint and crash preparation intraoperative cytology versus frozen section in thyroid nodule. J Res Med Sci 2012 May ;17(5):475-80.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Ways of Coping and Quality of Life in Patients with Head and Neck Cancer |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr Kunal Deb || Dr Kamala Deka |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1810060510 ![]() |
Abstract: Background: Life as cancer patient includes fear of the future as well as symptoms cause by the disease place considerable demands. The ways of coping with this stress may determine the quality of life of the patient. Aim : To study coping, quality of life and its correlation in patients with head and neck cancer. Material Methods: The study was a case controlled study .After ethical clearance from institutional review board 50 subjects with head and neck cancer and 50 age and sex matched healthy controls from the same socio-cultural background were selected. Each group comprised of 30 males and 20 females between 21-70 years of age and they were assessed with Ways of Coping Questionnaire (WOCQ) and WHO Quality of life scale (WHO-QOL). Unpaired sample t-test and Spearman correlation was used and results were obtained......
Key words: stress, neoplasm, confrontive coping, accepting responsibility , escape avoidance ,seeking social support, positive reappraisal
[1]. Vokes E E. Head and Neck Cancer. In: Fauci, Braunwald, Kasper, Hauser, longo, Jameson, Loscalzo editors. Harrison's principles of Internal Medicine, 17thed, Mcgraw Hill Medical, 2008; 84: 548-551.
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[3]. Lazarus RS.Coping theory and research: past, present and future. Psychosom Med 1993; 55:234-247.
[4]. Sprah L, Sostaric M. Psychosocial coping strategies in cancer patients. Radio oncol 2004; 38 (1):35-42.
[5]. WHOQOL Group. Development of the World Health Organisation WHOQOL-BREF quality of life assessment. Psychological Medicine 1998;28:551-558.
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Abstract: Gastrointestinal stromal tumour (GIST) is the most common mesenchymal tumour of the GI tract, with the majority occurring in the stomach and the small intestine. This is a vascular tumour that primarily presents with GI bleeding (50%), a palpable mass (35%, sometimes with features of intestinal obstruction), pain (20%), and rarely as an incidental finding. Hemoperitoneum as a presentation due to GIST rupture is very rare. We here present a very rare case of spontaneously ruptured GIST of the ileum presenting with peritonitis due to hemoperitoneum.
Key words: GIST, spontaneous rupture, hemoperitoneum, CD 117.
[1]. Miettinen M, Sarlomo-Rikala M, Lasota J. Gastrointestinal stromal tumors: recent advances in understanding of their biology. Hum Pathol 1999; 30: 1213-1220.
[2]. Fletcher CD, Berman JJ, Corless C, et al. Diagnosis of gastrointestinal stromal tumors: A consensus approach. Hum Pathol. 2002; 33(5):459–465.
[3]. Miettinen M, Sobin LH, Sarlomo-Rikala M. Immunohistochemical spectrum of GISTs at different sites and their differential diagnosis with a reference to CD117 (KIT). Mod Pathol 2000; 13: 1134-1142.
[4]. H. Joensuu, P. Hohenberger, C.L. Corless, Gastrointestinal stromal tumour. Lancet 382 (2013) 973–983. [5]. Lai EC, Lau SH, Lau WY. Current management of gastrointestinal stromal tumors-a comprehensive review. Int J Surg 2012;10(7):334–340.
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Abstract: Background- Surguja is a district sitiuated in northern Chattishgarh with large number of tribal population. Rural population consists of almost 90% and 93.8 % tribal population lives in village. Prevalence of Ear, Nose, Throat diseases is high and if not treated may lead to speech disorder, poor academic performance, social and psychological disturbances. common disease of Ear Nose Throat are otitis media, tonsillitis, rhinitis, pharyngitis, adenoid usually seen in children. Aim of study is to find out prevalence in school going population who donot come to Hospital for treatment. objective of study is to observe the morbidity in school and association with socio-demographic factors.................
Key words: Ear, Nose Throat disease, Students, morbidity, prevalence,population.
[1]. hpttp// Data 2011/ india at a glance/broad asps.
[2]. Census of India 2011, Chattishgarh, series 23, part –XII B, District Census Handbook, Surguja, Villege and Town wise, Primary census Abstract (PCA) Directorate of census operations Chattishgarh. Surguja District population census2011-2019, chattishgarh. https// 486.
[3]. PL Dhingra ,chronic, Diseases of Ear, Nose and Throat & Head and Neck Surgery-Seventh edition 2018 India Elsvier publishers.
[4]. Charu Kohli, Udhayabashkaran Kadirvelu. Burden of ear morbidities among children inprimary care setting in Delhi. 2016 INDIACLEN. Elsevier, a division of RELX India.
[5]. RS Phaneendra Rao, Malavika A Subramanyam,N Sreekumaran Nair, B Rajasekhar. Hearing impairment and ear diseases among children of school entry age in rural south india.2002; 64(2); 105-110.
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Abstract: Background: Association between obesity & periodontitis and the hypothesis that obesity is a riskfactor for periodontitis has been evidenced by severalepidemiological studies. Prevalence of obesity is increased three times since 1975 and it is mentioned in WHO report. Objectives: To study the association between obesity as risk factor forchronic periodontal disease. Materials and Methods: This was a cross-sectional study conducted among fifty patients diagnosed with chronic generalized periodontitis after ethical permission of Institutional Ethical Committee. Clinical attachment loss (CAL) was used to find the association...........
Key words: Body mass index, Obesity, Periodontitis, Clinical attachment loss (CAL) ,Oral Hygiene Index-Simplified (OHI), Pocket Depth (PD).
[1]. Obesity and overweight. World Health Organization 2018. [Available from:] [Accessed on 25th July 2019].
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[3]. Jagannathachary S, Kamaraj D. Obesity and periodontal disease. J Indian Soc Periodontol. 2010;14:96-100.
[4]. Pischon N, Heng N, Bernimoulin JP, Kleber BM, Willich SN, Pischon T. Obesity, inflmmation, and periodontal disease. J Dent Res. 2007;86:400-9
[5]. Martinez-Herrera M, Silvestre-Rangil J, Silvestre FJ. Association between obesity and periodontal disease. A systematic review of epidemiological studies and controlled clinical trials. Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bu- Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal. 2017 Nov 1;22 (6):e708-15.
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Abstract: Background: The greatest risks to life are in its very beginning. Although a good start in a life begins well before birth. It is just before; during and in the very first hours and days after birth that life is a most at risk. This prospective study was designed on maternal risk factors for perinatal mortality. Objective: To study maternal risk factors affecting Perinatal Mortality atSmt.Shardaben Chimanlal Lalbhai Municipal General Hospital(SCL),Saraspur,Ahmedabad,Gujarat. Material and Methods: This was a prospective and observational study conducted in our institute for two years period in 1st May 2017 to 30thApril 2019.The cases were all fresh and macerated still birth and early neonatal death cases during the study period................
Key words: Antenatal care, early neonatal death, perinatal mortality rate, still birth, Risk factors..
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[5]. Shabha H. Mehta, Robert J. Sokol. Method of assessment for pregnancy at risk. Current Obstetrics & Gynaecologic Diagnosis & Treatment, 10th edition, 2007; 249-58.
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Abstract: Venous thrombosis, comprising deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and pulmonary embolism (PE), occurs with an incidence of approximately 1 per 1000 annually in adult populations. We report a similar case of DVT & PE and conclude that timely intervention of DVT with anticoagulants is essential to reduce the incidence of pulmonary embolism and its associated mortality.................
Key words: Deep vein thrombosis, Pulmonary embolism, venous thrombo-embolism.
[1]. Scarvelis D, Wells PS. Diagnosis and treatment of deep-vein thrombosis. CMAJ. 2006;175:1087–92.
[2]. Di Nisio M, van Es N, Büller HR. Deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism. Lancet. 2017;388(10063):3060–73.
[3]. Lijfering WM, Rosendaal FR, Cannegieter SC. Risk factors for venous thrombosis – current understanding from an epidemiological point of view. Br J Haematol. 2010;149:824–33.
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Abstract: Purpose: To evaluate the technique , visual and safety outcomes of retropupillary iris-claw lens implantation in aphakic eyes. Method: All aphakic patients with inadequate capsular support with well defined iris were included. Prospective study was conducted from November 2018 to August 2019 in Ophthalmology department of J.L.N Medical College Ajmer. Surgery was done in two clinical settings in the form of primary implantation at time of cataract extraction surgery and other secondary implantation (who were already aphakic due to any cause). Results: Of the total 30 patients ,10 patients implanted primarily due to capsular rent or weakness of zonular support unmanageable by putting in ciliary sulcus and 20 were secondarily implanted who were already aphakic. At 6 months follow up very few complications noted.In 4 patients ovalization of pupil was noted, whereas high IOP observed only in 1 patient.In 2 patients severe inflammation in the form of AC cells was noted in 1st month and decentered IOL was noted in only 2 patients.Most of the patients shown very good refractive outcome with minimum astigmatic error.................
Key words: Aphakia , Retropupillary iris claw lens, Secondary IOL.
[1]. C. Evereklioglu, H. Er, N. A. Bekir, M. Borazan, and F. Zorlu,―Comparisonofsecondaryimplantationofflexibleopenloop anterior chamber and scleral-fixated posterior chamber intraocular lenses,‖ Journal of Cataract and Refractive Surgery, vol.29,no.2,pp.301–308,2003.
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[3]. M.Schallenberg,D.Dekowski,A.Hahn,T.Laube,K.-P.Steuhl, and D. Meller, ―Aphakia correction with retropupillary fixated iris-claw lens (Artisan)—long-term results,‖ Clinical Ophthalmology,vol.8,pp.137–141,2013.
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Abstract: Aim: Evaluating the best evidences for prevention of neonatal peripheral venous catheter(PVC) phlebitis. Method:Evidence-based search: PIPOS, Top-down Pyramid Model Based on 6S Evidence Resources, computer search was used to retrieve clinical practice guidelines, best clinical practices and systematic evaluation of intravenous infusion and phlebitis-related fields. Databases searched were: BMJ,BritishMedical Journal Best Practice, Cochrane library,JBI International Center for Evidence-based Health Care Library, Ontario Registered Nurses Association of Canada, American Guidelines Network, International Practice Guidelines Registration Platform, Chinese Clinical Guidelines Library, PubMed, EMbase, China HowNet, Chinese Biomedical Database................
Key words: Evidence-based Medicine, Phlebitis,Neonatal,Peripheral Venous Catheter
[1]. HadawayL.Short peripheral intravenous catheters and infections[J].Journal of Infusion Nursing. 2012,35: 230–240.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Patterns and outcome of neonatal surgery in Sudan |
Country | : | Sudan |
Authors | : | Enas M. Ismail || Aziza Moustafa Elnaeema || Ibrahim Salih |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1810064450 ![]() |
Abstract: Background: Sudan is one of the largest countries with a high birth rate (33.1/1000); with 40% of the population being children. Like many low income countries (LIC) neonatal surgery is overlooked, and for surgically affected neonates the situation is well below optimal. This study was conducted to determine the burden of neonatal surgery in Sudan and to find our own figures regarding patterns of disease and outcome. Patient and methodology: This is a prospective descriptive cross sectional hospital based study conducted over a six months period from July-December 2017 from five pediatric surgery units. Results: A total of 202 patients were studied. Males...............
Key words: Neonatal surgery, Sudan
[1]. United Nations world population prospects the 2015 revision [internet], [Cited 2017 10may] available at: plications/world-prospects-2015revision.html.
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.]3[ معدل-المواليد
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Abstract: Comparative effect of imipramine (25mg/kg) and chlorpromazine (10mg/kg) on social behaviour, depression and anxiety on stressed mice was studied. This study compared the effects of these drugs on neurobehavioral parameters. Forty (40) male albino mice were used. They were divided into four (4) groups, n = 10, (control, stressed, stressed imipramine treated group, and stressed chlorpromazine treated group. The stress method used was total social isolation and unpredicted stress protocols. Only the mice in control group were put together in one single cage that was properly ventilated and the animals given free access to water and normal mice feed. The experiment lasted for forty two (42) days; the experimental groups were all stressed for 28 days after which drugs were administered................
Key words: Stress, Anxiety, Imipramine, Chlorpromazine, and Social Behaviour
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