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Abstract: Large and complex defects of the anterior abdominal wall occur commonly due to herniation following abdominal surgery, but may also be caused by other cause s like trauma, infection, or tumor resection. Besides the obvious aesthetic disfigurement, large abdominal wall defects can also lead to functional consequences with poor protection of the intra-abdominal viscera. The management of such defects poses a surgical challenge, particularly since primary repair has reported recurrence rate as high as 50%. Large complex and recurrent abdominal wall defects are particularly challenging to a surgeon . Various methods of hernia repair have been used which either open or laparoscopic can be used to manage abdominal wall defects.....
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Abstract: Transfusion of blood has saved millions of lives, improves the quality of life of multi transfused patients like thalassemia, hemophilia etc. Blood transfusion reduces morbidity and mortality in clinical conditions which cannot be prevented or managed otherwise. Even though blood saves lives, unsafe transfusion practices can put many people at risk of transfusion-transmissible infections (TTIs). Morbidity and mortality resulting from the transfusion of infected blood have far-reaching consequences, not only for the recipients themselves, but also for their families, their communities and the wider society .The most prior objective of Blood transfusion services(BTS) is to ensure safety(elimination of TTIs), adequacy, accessibility and efficiency of blood supply at all levels.....
[1]. Giri PA, Deshpande JD, Phalke DB, Karle LB et al-Seroprevalence of transfusion transmissible infections among voluntary blood donors at a tertiary care teaching hospital in rural area of India. J Fam Med Primary Care 2012;1:48-51.
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Abstract: The development of technology in laparoscopic surgery used in patients with combined surgical pathology of the abdominal cavity creates the preconditions for the simultaneous operations. One-staged treatment linked to more effectiveness. The technique of simultaneous treatment of hiatal hernia and gallstone disease have been developed and tested. The parameters used for evaluation of negative impact were heart rate (HR), variation range (ΔX) - the difference between the maximum and minimum duration of cardio intervals, mode of the amplitude (AMo) - the percentage of the most common cardio intervals, as well as their duration - mode (Mo). These parameters were used to evaluate the level of IN (by Baevsky method) for estimating stress level and tension of sympathetic nervous system. Parameters were compared in group of simultaneous laparoscopic treatment of hiatal hernia and....
Key words: laparoscopy, gallstone disease, hiatal hernia, simultaneous
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Malpractice in the intensive care unit |
Country | : | Greece |
Authors | : | Evangelia Michail Michailidou |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1912012729 ![]() |
Abstract: Error in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) is a well-documented and frequent problem. This is understandable as one looks at the complexities of serious disease along with the number of invasive and potentially harmful procedures that are commonly used there. Until recently, allegations of medical malpractice resulting from suspected mismanagement in the ICU were unusual, but there has been a rise the last years. It is difficult to determine whether the increase in lawsuits is due to a real increase in adverse incidents or to a shift in media perception. There is no question that the aggressive cover-up by law companies dealing in personal injury lawsuits offering to initiate claims on a contingency fee basis has become more common. The Medical Protection Society is experiencing an increasing number of claims generally, and the value of damages awarded is skyrocketing......
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Abstract: Background and Objectives: Resistance among bacterial isolates is the leading cause of increased mortality and morbidity worldwide. Carbapenems once thought to be effective are becoming ineffective mostly due to the emergence of carbapenemase. This study was designed to determine in vitro efficacy of Modified Hodge test for detection of carbapenemase production in Gram negative rods.(klebsiella pneumonia) Material and Methods: The study was done in the Department of Microbiology, Osmania General Hospital, from September 2018 to December 2018. A total of 200 Gram negative rods from different clinical samples were taken. Those isolates which showed intermediate or susceptible zones i.e 16mm-21mm on disc diffusion were included in the study. These isolates were.....
Keywords: Modified Hodge test, disc diffusion, carbapenemases
[1]. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; Guidance for control of infections with carbapenem-resistant or carbapenemase-producing enterobacteriacae in acute care facilities. MMWR 2009; 58: 256-259.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Peripartum hysterectomy- maternal and foetal outcome in GGH GUNTUR |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr B Sree Madhuri || Dr L Arundathi Devi |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1912013437 ![]() |
Abstract: Objective: To study the indications for peripartum hysterectomy, maternal and foetaloutcome. Materials and methods: A retrospective study of cases of emergency obstetric hysterectomies performed during 6months from May 2020 to October 2020 in GGH Guntur. All the medical records were assesed and data obtained from case records in wards, intensive care units. Data was analysed for clinical characteristics, indications for surgery, intra operative findings, duration of surgery, need for internal iliac artery ligation, bladder injuries, blood loos, anaesthesia records, duration of stay and postoperative events. Results:13 cases of peripartum hysterectomies were performed during 6months period. 4(30.7%) were performed due to morbidly....
Keyword: Emergency peripartum hysterectomy, placenta previa, morbidly adherent placenta.
[1]. Machado LS. Emergency peripartum hysterectomy: Incidence, indications, risk factors and outcome. N Am J Med Sci. 2011; 3(8):358-61.
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Abstract: Background: Esophageal varices are one of the most dreadful complications of cirrhosis of liver. They are diagnosed using endoscopy which is invasive and not easily available. There is a need for a more affordable parameter to screen for esophageal varices. One of the other manifestation of portal hypertension is thrombocytopenia. Objectives:
1. To determine the correlation between platelet count and severity of esophageal varices in chronic liver disease patients.
2. To assess the clinical profile of patients with chronic liver disease.....
Keyword: Thrombocytopenia, Endoscopy, Correlation, Cirrhosis
[2]. Bacon BR. Cirrhosis and its complications. In: Kasper DL, Fauci AS, Hauser SL, Longo DL, Jameson JL, Loscalzo J, editors. Harrison's principles of internal medicine.19th ed. New York: Mc Graw Hill; 2016:2058-66.
[3]. Heidelbaugh J, Bruderly M. Cirrhosis and chronic liver failure. Diagnosis and Evaluation J Am Fam Physician. 2006;74
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[5]. Amico GD, Morabito A. Noninvasive markers of esophageal varices: Another round, not the last. Hepatology. 2004; 39:30–4.
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Abstract: Background: COVID-19 pandemic has affected around 30million patients worldwide and 5 million cases from India. The lockdown was employed to delay the pandemic. However, it had an unintentional impact on acute cardiovascular care, especially acute myocardial infarction (AMI). Observational studies have shown a decrease in hospital admissions for AMI in several developed countries during the pandemic period. Aim: To evaluate the impact of COVID-19 on the AMI admissions patterns in RIMS hospital. Major objective of the study is to analyze the changes in the number of hospital admissions for AMI in RIMS hospital. In addition, we intend to evaluate the impact of COVID-19 on the weekly AMI admission rates, and other performance measures like rates of thrombolysis/primary percutaneous interventions (PCI), window period, door to balloon time, and door to needle time. Other.....
Keywords: COVID-19, Acute Myocardial Infarction(AMI), thromboysis, cardiogenic shock
[1]. Giampaolo Niccoli, Thomas F. Luescher, and Filippo Crea. Decreased myocardial infarction admissions during COVID times: what can we learn? Cardiovascular Research 2020;00:1-3
[2]. Metzler B, Siostrzonek P, Binder RK, et al. Decline of acute coronary syndrome admiaaions in Austria since the outbreak of COVID-19: the pandemic response cause cardiac collateral damage. Eur Heart J 2020;41:1852-1853
[3]. Salvatore de Rosa, Carmen Spaccarotella , Cristina basso et al. Reduction of hospitalizations for myocardial infarction in Italy in the COVID -19 era. Eur Heart J 2020;0:1-6
[4]. Solomon MD, McNulty EJ, Rana JS, et al. The covid-19 pandemic and the incidence of Acute Myocardial Infarction. N Eng J med.2020
[5]. Denis Xavier, Prem Pais, Devereaux PJ et al. Treatment and outcomes of acute coronary syndromes in India (CREATE): a prospective analysis of registry data. Lancet 2008;371:1435-1442.
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Abstract: Background: Caregivers in high dependency unit (HDU) play a key role in the management by anchoring the hospital services but also in areas of key decision making. In this study, the caregivers were studied in a high dependency unit of a medical ward in a hope of providing a cross-sectional view of psychiatric morbidity and caregiving burden. Aim: To evaluate the psychiatric morbidity and caregiver burden among caregivers of patients admitted in HDU. Results: As hypothesised, patients with poorer clinical outcomes and longer hospital stay contributed to higher burden esp financial burden and psychiatric morbidity. Conclusion: We concluded that psychiatric morbidity and financial burden are high among caregivers of patients admitted in HDU.
Keywords: Psychiatric morbidity, Caregiver burden, High dependency unit (HDU)
[1]. Cameron, J.I., Chu, J.M., Matte, A., Tomlinson, G., Chan, L., Thomas, C., Friedrich, J.O., Mehta, S., Lamontagne, F., Levasseur, M., Ferguson, N.D., Adhikari, N.K.J., 2016. One-Year Outcomes in Caregivers of Critically Ill Patients. N Engl J Med. 374:1831-1841. DOI: 10.1056/NEJMoa1511160.
[2]. Choi, J., and Tate, J.A., 2018. Risk of post-traumatic stress disorder in family caregivers of neuroscience intensive care unit patients. J Emerg Crit Care Med. 18(2): 75.
[3]. Gaur, K.L., 2013. Socio-Economic Status Measurement Scale: Thirst Area with Changing Concept for Socio-Economic Status. International Journal of Innovative Research & Development. 2(9): 139-145.
[4]. Pandian, D.G., Babu, R.K., and Srinivasan, R., 2011. Nine years' review on preseptal and orbital cellulitis and emergence of community-acquired methicillin-resistant Staphylococus aureus in a tertiary hospital in India. Indian Journal of Ophthalamology. 59(6): 431-435.
[5]. Rawal, G., Yadav, S., Kumar, R., 2017. Post-intensive care syndrome: An overview. J Transl Intern Med. 5, 90-92..
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Abstract: Background : Fear, adverse attitude and ignorance of mental illness can result in an insufficient focus on a mentally ill patient's physical health needs. It is important to assess the knowledge and attitude towards mental illness in the community and to determine their association with socio-demographic characteristics. Materials and Methods :A cross-sectional study was conducted among adult population 18-70years in Patsoi, Imphal, in January-February, 2019. Based on the formula, N=4PQ/L2, a sample size of 300 was calculated. A pretested, structured questionnaire - modified version of the Attitude towards Mental Illness (AMI ) questionnaire was used. IBM SPSS Version 21 used for analysis. Results :93.7% of the participants believed....
Key words: Mental health, ignorance, brain diseases
[1]. American Psychiatric Association (2013).Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders(5th ed.).American Psychiatric Publishing. Available at doi:10.1176/appi.books.9780890425596. Accessed on February 1,2019
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[4]. Kishore J, Gupta A, Jiloha RC, Bantman P. Myths, beliefs and perceptions about mental disorders and health-seeking behavior in Delhi, India. Indian Journal of Psychiatry 2011;53(4):324
[5]. Abolfotouh MA, Almutairi AF, Almutairi Z, Salam M, Alhashem A, AdlanAA,et al. Attitudes toward mental illness, mentally ill persons, and help-seeking among the Saudi public and sociodemographic correlates. Psychology research and behavior management 2019;12:45.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Liver abscess caused by Acinetobacter lwoffii |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Dipti Gaikwad || Dr.Vijay Pawar || Ganesh Kadam |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1912015860 ![]() |
Abstract: We report a case of pyogenic liver abscess who presented with fever generalised body weakness, and pain in the abdomen. On examination patient had tenderness in right hypochondriac region . Ultrasonography of the abdomen showed enlargement of the liver with features suggestive of abscess in the right lobe and left lobe.Ultrasound guided liver aspiration was done. Gram stain from the pus sample showed presence of Gram negative coccobacilli. Pan sensitive Acinetobacterlowffii grew in culture. Patients recovered well after intravenous antimicrobial therapy. Acinetobacterlowffii is emerging as a pathogen in both hospital and community settings..
Key Word: Acinetobacterlwoffii, pyogenic liver abscess.
[1]. N Singh, T Sagar,K Nirmal,P Kuar,Pyogenic Liver Abscess Caused by Acinetobacterlwoffii: A Case Report,Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research,10(6), 2016 , 1-2.
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[3]. A Mohanty, A Kabi, A Mohanty,Acinetobacterlwoffii - Emerging pathogen causing liver abscess: A Case Report,National Journal of Integrated Research in Medicine,9(5), 2018, 53-54
[4]. M Tas, M Oguz, M Ceri,Acinetobacterlwoffii Peritonitis in a Patient on Automated Peritoneal Dialysis: A Case Report and Review of the Literature ,Case Reports in Nephrology 2017, 1-2
[5]. L Guardabassi,A Dalsgaard , J Olsen . Phenotypic characterization and antibiotic resistance of Acinetobacter spp. isolated from aquatic sources. Journal of applied Microbiology, 87(5), 1999,659-67..