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Abstract: Endodontics is a specialty in dentistry concerned with the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of diseases or injuries to the dental pulp and periapical tissues. The basic need of an endodontic treatment is to maintain the health of the tooth and its function in the oral cavity for a longer period of time in human life. Success in endodontic treatment relies on the triad of debridement, thorough disinfection of the root canals, and obturation, with all aspects being equally important. Mechanical instrumentation cannot sufficiently disinfect the root canals, and so disinfectants in the form of irrigation solutions are imperative to eradicate the microflora. Over a period of time....
Key words:Probiotics; Lactobacillus; Bifidobacterium; Poloxamer; E. fecalis; C. albicans; Endodontic infections;
[1]. Chaurasiya S, Yadav G, Tripathi AM, Dhinsa K. Endodontic Failures and its Management: A Review. Int J Oral Health Med Res 2016;2(5):144-148.
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Abstract: Background: Temporomandibular joint is one of the complex joints in the human body. The integrity of the joint is dependent on the unique structure and balance of ligaments and muscles. TM joint dysfunction is described in terms of myofascial pain, internal derangement and cervical spine dysfunction. The association between postural deviations due to smartphone addictions and TMJ dysfunction is overlooked. The overwhelming use of smartphones has become the need of the hour for young adults in COVID-19 lockdown. During this exceptional situation, a smartphone is the most handy device for entertainment, educational purpose and social connect.......
Key Word: Smartphone addiction, Temporomandibular joint dysfunction, mastication, jaw mobility, altered posture
[1]. Kumar LR, Chii KD, Way LC, Jetly Y, Rajendaran V. Awareness of mobile phone hazards among university students in a Malaysian medical school. Health. 2011;3(07):406.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Cancer and periodontium : A review of the literature |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Archana A B || Dr. Shibu Godfrey Pereira |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1912111214 ![]() |
Abstract: Objectives: Periodontal disease has been linked to many systemic diseases and conditions. The purpose of this paper is to review the literature to explore the evidence to date of a relationship between periodontium, its diseases and cancer. Data/sources/study selection: In this review, articles between the years 2000 and 2019 studying the relationship between periodontium and periodontal diseases with increased risk of several types of cancers, its clinical features and management were reviewed. Conclusions: Studies to date indicate a positive correlation between several forms of cancer and periodontal disease. The molecular pathways underlying the roles....
Keywords: human papilloma virus(HPV), head and neck cancer(HNC), human telomerase reverse transcription(hTERT) enzyme, osteoradionecrosis
[1]. Pihlstrom BL, Michalowicz BS, Johnson NW. Periodontal diseases. Lancet 2005;366:1809–20.
[2]. Fitzpatrick, S. G., & Katz, J.(2010). The association between periodontal disease and cancer: A review of the literature. Journal of Dentistry, 38(2), 83–95.
[3]. Warnakulasuriya, S., 2009a. Causes of oral cancer—an appraisal of controversies.Br. Dent. J. 207, 471–475.
[4]. Meyer, M.S., Joshipura, K., Giovannucci, E., Michaud, D.S., 2008. A review of therelationship between tooth loss, periodontal disease, and cancer. CancerCauses Control: CCC 19, 895–907.
[5]. Fitzpatrick, S.G., Katz, J., 2010. The association between periodontal disease andcancer: a review of the literature. J. Dent. 38, 83–95..
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Abstract: Background- For a competent medical practitioner, depth of knowledge is required at higher level and for which attendance becomes mandatory in academic sessions. Class attendance provides them a positive character building opportunity and teaches ways to develop discipline, commitment, tenacity, self-control and a healthy respect for college authority.Hence this study was done to correlate attendance and academic performance of first MBBS students in Biochemistry. Material and methods- A comparative study of attendance and academic performance in examinations(two internal asssessment and final university) was conducted for first MBBS students of academic year 2018-19in the subject of Biochemistry.Students were divided....
Key words: Academic performance, attendance, Biochemistry, internal asssessment, university
[1]. Lima koruthara Mohanan,DhanyaThirookaranHarichandran,Sajna M. Vijayan, Association of class attendance and academic performance of MBBS students in pharmacology-A retrospective cohort study,National journal of Physiology,Pharmacy and Pharmacology,vol.7,issue 10,2017,1056-1060
[2]. [2]. M.Ahmad,FN Rahman,MMI Shawon,M Ali,Effect of class attendance on medical student's Academic performance-An observational study,Faridpur med.coll.J.,12(2),2017.58-63
[3]. S.A.Mundewadi,D. Rameshwar,A.Dhake,P.Sable,D.Bansode, Correlation of classroom attendance in first MBBS students in south Maharashtra,SJAMS,6(5),May2018,2073-2076.
[4]. Richard P.Deane, Deirdre J.Murphy, Student Attendance and academic performance in undergraduate Obstetrics/Gynecology clinical rotations,JAMA,2013;310(21);2282-2288
[5]. Xiaoqian Fang,NinaOlvera,KarinaMadrigal. Class attendance and student performance in medical schoolAnatomyeducation;THE FASEB journal;2019;vol.33 (1);Abstract number 442.15.
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Abstract: Background: Metabolic syndrome (MS) plays an important role in the atherosclerotic process associated with the risk factors clustering that may increase the risk of atherogenic lesion. There is a link between the metabolic syndrome components and atherosclerosis (AS) progression, which is the leading cause of death by cardiovascular disease and cerebrovascular diseases. In atherosclerosis there predominates a pro-inflammatory immune response controlled by T-helpers, but there is also an anti-inflammatory response mediated mainly by regulatory T-cells (T-suppressors). T-cells help B-cells to change antibody class to produce high-affinity antibodies. Humoral immunity is mediated by B-cells, which secrete antigen-specific antibodies......
Keywords: metabolic syndrome, atherosclerosis, lymphocytes, macrophages, smooth muscle cells, CD4 (CD4 Ab-8), CD8 (SP-16), CD20 (CD20 Ab-1), CD68 (CD68 / Macrophage Marker Ab-4), Actin Smooth Muscle Ab-1 (Clone 1A4); Desmin (Muscle Cell Marker Ab-1 Clone D33); Vimentin Ab-2.
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[2]. Cortez-Dias N, Martins SR, Belo A, Fiuza M; 2013Association of metabolic risk factors with uncontrolled hypertension: comparison of the several definitions of metabolic syndrome VALSIM Study investigators. J Hypertens.31(10), 1991-1997. doi: http://doi.org/ 10.1097/HJH.0b013e32836342f7.
[3]. Chapman M. J. (2007). Metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes: lipid and physiological consequences. Diabetes Vasc. Dis. Res. № 4, suppl. 3, 5. doi: http://doi.org/ 10.3132/dvdr.2007.050.
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[5]. Mishchenko T. S. (2017). Epidemiology of cerebrovascular diseases and medical assistance arrangement for patients with cerebral stroke in Ukraine. Ukrainian Bulletin of Psychoneurology. 25, (90), 22-24..
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Abstract: Pancytopenia is a triad of anaemia, leukopenia and thrombocytopenia. The presenting symptoms such as pallor, dyspnea, bleeding and bruising are usually due to anemia and thrombocytopenia. Pancytopenia in a patient with associated organomegaly and lymphadenopathy usually suggest the possibility of malignancies or bone marrow failure syndrome.1 Peak incidence between ages 15 to 25 and 65 to 69.2 The causes of pancytopenia being quite varied result in diagnostic dilemma. Cytotoxic therapies, including myeloablative radiation therapy and chemotherapy, are common and predictable causes of pancytopenia in patients being treated for malignancies; pancytopenia outside this setting can be very challenging. Evaluation of patient begins with exhaustive history including but not limited to drug intake, exposure to toxins, family history and febrile illness; followed by meticulous physical examination and detailed investigations including bone marrow evaluation in most cases. All the cases.....
[1]. McPherson RA, Pincus MR. Henry's Clinical Diagnosis and Management byLaboratory Methods E-Book. Elsevier Health Sciences; 2017 Apr 5.
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[3]. Naseem S, Verma N, Das R, Ahluwalia J,Sachdeva MS, Marwaha RM. Pediatric patients with bicytopenia/pancytopenia: Review of etiologies and clinico-hematological profile at atertiary care center. IndianJournal of Pathologyand Microbiology.2011;54(1):7580
[4]. Camitta BM, Storb R, Thomas ED. Aplastic anemia: pathogenesis, diagnosis, treatment andprognosis.N Engl JMed1982; 306(11): 645-52 [5]. Weinzierl EP, Arber DA. Bone marrow evaluation in new-onset pancytopenia. Hum Pathol. 2013 Jun;44(6):1154-64. doi: 10.1016/j.humpath.2012.10.006. Epub 2013 Jan 17. PMID: 23332933..
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Abstract: Acute appendicitis i.e. inflammation of vermiform appendix is one of the most common surgical emergency. Despite this accurate clinical diagnosis is difficult as sign and symptoms of various pathological conditions presenting with acute abdomen are similar.[2] The incidence of appendicular perforation has been documented to be ranging from 13 to 37% among adults [3,4].Early diagnosis and prompt treatment of appendicular perforation/ gangrene is important to reduce associated complications and mortality rate. Reliable and valid specific markers for diagnosis of acute appendicitis and its complications has not yet clearly identified till date. Hence in this study we will co-relate the preoperative serum bilirubin and C-reactive protein level in predicting the appendicular perforation or gangrene following acute appendicitis.
Methods: The present study......
Key Words: Serum CRP level, Serum Bilirubin level, Acute Appendicitis, Sensitivity, Specificity
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Abstract: AIM: To know the prevalence of appendicitis in patients admitted and treated in Government Stanley medical college,Chennai.To study the safety and results of the operative procedure .To assess the complications arising due to the surgeries or the disease process itself. METHODS Patients admitted for appendicitis are subjected to surgery and observed. In this study 54 cases of acute appendicitis which were taken up for emergency appendectomy and were per-operatively found as appendicular mass was studied.Post operatively patients were observed for complications such as fever, pelvic abscess, fistula and sepsis. They were observed during the hospital stay and periodically after discharge.......
[1]. Willemsen PJ, Hoorntje LE, Eddes EH, Ploeg RJ. The need for interval appendectomy after resolution of an appendiceal mass questioned. Dig Surg. 2002;19:216–220.
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Abstract: Introduction: Gastrointestinal tract obstructions are the most common surgical emergencies in neonatal period. The aetiology of these disorders is diverse and mostly the consequences prenatal developmental malformations. The management and survival are still a challenge, especially in developing countries like India.
Materials and Methods: A prospective observational study was conducted in a tertiary care paediatric institute from October 2016 to September 2019. Newborns in the age group of one to 28 days, who were operated in the hospital for gastrointestinal tract obstruction were analysed. Institutional Ethics Committee approval was taken. Data with regard to demographic patterns, clinical profile, management approach and outcome, were collected and analysed......
Keywords: Anorectal Malformation, Oesophageal Atresia, Hirschsprung's Disease, Malrotation, Meconium Ileus
[1]. Verma A, Rattan KN, Yadav R. Neonatal intestinal obstruction: a 15 year experience in a tertiary care hospital. J Clin Diagn Res 2016;10(2):SC10-SC3.
[2]. Talari VK, Sipala SK. A clinical study of neonatal intestinal obstruction. IOSR-JDMS 2017;16(8):8-14. DOI: 10.9790/0853- 1608030814.
[3]. Ameh EA, Chirdan LB. Neonatal intestinal obstruction in Zaria, Nigeria. East Afr Med J 2000;77(9):510-3.
[4]. Desoky SM, Kylat RI, Udayasankar U, et al. Managing neonatal bowel obstruction: clinical perspectives. RRN 2018;8:19-32.
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Abstract: Trichotillomania is a chronic disorder characterized by recurrent non cosmetic hair pulling driven by increasing sense of tension and resulting in alopecia. It is co morbid with a variety of psychiatric disorders including OCD, depression, anxiety, eating disorders and personality disorders. The present case is of a 15 year old girl with diagnosed to have trichotillomania with moderate mental retardation whose symptoms showed considerable improvement on administering Fluoxetine 10 mg once daily dosing was started and later increased after 2 weeks to 20mg. Patient showed improvement within a month by teaching habit reversal techniques and by giving supportive psychotherapy. Patient is being followed every month since 1 year and is maintaining improvement..
Keywords: Trichotillomania, Hypothyroidism, Mental Retardation, Sertraline
[1]. PreetiParakh and Mona Srivastava. The Many Faces of Trichotillomania. Int J Trichology. 2010;2(1): 50-52.
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[3]. Ethan S Long, Raymond G Miltenberger, John T Rapp. A Survey of habit behaviours exhibited by individuals with mental retardation. Behavioural Interventions: Theory& Practice in Residential & Community-Based Clinical Programs. 1998;13(2): 79-89.
[4]. CH Chang, MB Lee, YC Chiang, YC Lu. Trichotillomania: a clinical study of 36 patients. Journal of the Formosan Medical Association Taiwan yizhi. 1991;90(2): 176-180.
[5]. Ethan S Long, Douglas W Woods, Raymond G Miltenberger, RW Fuqua, Peter J Boudjouk. Examining the social effects of habit behaviors exhibited by individuals with mental retardation. Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities. 1999;11(4): 295-312.
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Abstract: Background: Neurological disorders are known to be associated with a significant proportion of psychiatric disturbances of mild to moderate severity. Disorders like epilepsy, Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis and cerebrovascular disease are usually associated with anxiety disorders, affective disorders or psychoses.The overall prevalence of mental disorders in patients with neurological disorders was 55.1%, and 65.0% of the patients had mental illness at least once in their life.The most frequent current diagnoses were somatoform disorders (33.8%), followed by phobias......
Keywords: psychiatric morbidity, neurological disorders
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Mast Cell Profile in Peripheral Nerve Tumours |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr.Noor Ahemad || Dr Veeramma S || Dr.V.L.Pattankar |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1912115459 ![]() |
Abstract: Background: Mast cells with a battery of crucial chemical mediators in their typical metachromatic granules are known to play a role in health and various disease states in man. This study was undertaken to evaluate the mast cell profile in peripheral nerve tumors. Materials & Methods: The present study was carried out in the Department of Pathology, M R medical college, Gulbarga in all newly diagnosed peripheral nerve cell tumors. Sections were stained with H&E and 1% aqueous toluidine blue (pH=4) for mast cells. The mast cell count was performed per 10 HPF, tabulated, analyzed and statistically evaluated.......
Keywords: Mast cells
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Abstract: Introduction: CSOM is a common cause for hearing loss in developing countries, usually people present with mixed hearing loss of which sensorineural component needs to be investigated, some of the reasons for CSOM are poor hygiene, poor nutrition, pathologic bacteria, septic focus from nasopharynx and oropharynx. Usually round window membrane is not permeable, during chronic inflammation it becomes permeable and penetration of toxins from middle ear to inner ear which leads to sensorineural damage. Materials and Methods: A prospective observational study of 100 cases of CSOM were included in the study for convenience for a period of 2 years. All patients were subjected to otomicroscopic examination and the type of CSOM is assessed (Tubotympanic or Atticoantral). All patients were subjected to.......
Keywords: CSOM, nasopharynx and oropharynx
[1]. Lin FR, Niparko JK, Ferrucci L. Hearing loss prevalence in the United States. Arch Intern Med. 2011; 171 (20): 1851-2. DOI: 10.1001/ archinternmed. 2011.506.
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[3]. Bakir S, Kinis V, Bez Y, Gun R, Yorgancilar E, Ozbay M, Aguloglu B, Meric F. Mental health and quality of life in patients with chronic otitis media. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2013;270(2):521-6.
[4]. Maharjan M, Kafle P, Bista M, Shrestha S, Toran KC. Observation of hearing loss in patients with chronic suppurative otitis media tubotympanic type. Kathmandu Univ Med J. 2009;7(4):397-401.
[5]. Silveira Netto LF1, da Costa SS, Sleifer P, Braga ME.The impact of chronic suppurative otitis media on children's and teenagers' hearing. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol. 2009;73(12):1751-6.
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Abstract: Introduction: Hoarseness is the term used to describe a change in normal voice quality and it is invariably the earliest manifestation of a large variety of conditions directly or indirectly affecting the voice apparatus. Although patients frequently complain of hoarseness, it is a nonspecific term for a symptom and not a diagnosis. Since both benign and malignant lesions can produce hoarseness, proper evaluation is very important because delay in the diagnosis of malignancy can adversely affect the outcome. Materials and Methods: This Prospective study was conducted in the ENT Department at Medical College, Kolkata. The study population has been calculated by using G-power software. The sample size was calculated with 80% of the power and 5% of the significance level. The total sample size was determined to be 75 patients with hoarseness of voice......
Keywords: Hoarseness, laryngitis, carcinoma, vocal cord polyp
[1]. Zraick RI, Kempster GB, Conner NP, et al. Establishing validity of the Consensus Auditory-Perceptual Evaluation of Voice (CAPE-V). Am J Speech Lang Pathol 2011;20(1):14-22.
[2]. Baitha S, Raizada RM, Singh AKK, et al. Clinical profile of hoarseness of voice. Indian Journal of Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery 2002;54(1):14-8.
[3]. Ghosh SK, Chattopadhyay S, Bora H, et al. Microlaryngoscopic study of 100 cases of hoarseness of voice. Indian Journal of Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery 2001;53(4):270-2.
[4]. Fu S, Theodoros D, Ward EC. Long-term effects of an intensive voice treatment for vocal fold nodules. Int J Speech Lang Pathol 2016;18(1):77-88.
[5]. El-Banna M, Youssef G. Early voice therapy in patients with unilateral vocal fold paralysis. Folia Phoniatr Logop 2014;66(6):237-43.
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Abstract: Introduction: The advent of CT scan, MRI scan, contrast enhanced studies and arteriography with embolization further overturned the surgical methods to the present status. The question of availability of the above gadgets and facilities will decide to elect the type of surgery in that hospital. Materials and Methods: This retrospective study was conducted in Department of Otolaryngology and head neck surgery, Murshidabad Medical College, Berhampore from January 2019 to December 2019, where about 250 patients attended outpatient department per day. The study was focused on sex difference, age variations, incidence of various tumours and finally the type of surgical procedure which is the aim of the present study. The nasal surgeries of this group aged between 2 yrs. 73 yrs. with males affected more in number.......
Keywords: CT, MRI, nasal polyposis, arteriography
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