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Abstract: Résumé Objectif : Rapporter les caractères des infections ostéoarticulaires et des parties molles observées au CHU Hassan II de Fès, Maroc. Matériels et méthodes : étude descriptive, rétrospective sur 71 cas, conduite d'aout 2008 à aout 2014 soit, 7ans. Le diagnostic des infections ostéoarticulaires et des parties molles a été retenu sur la base des données anamnestiques, cliniques, para cliniques et évolutives sous traitement. Résultats :46 femmes (64,8%) et 25 hommes (32,3%), dont la moyenne d'âge est de 47,5 ans avec des extrêmes de 15 à 85 ans. 49 patients (69%) souffraient d'arthrite septique, 12 cas de spondylodiscite infectieuse (17%), les infections des parties molles et l'ostéoarthrite respectivement dans 5 cas (7%). Les facteurs prédisposants trouvés : le diabète sucré (19 cas), la polyarthrite rhumatoïde et......
Keywords : Panorama, Osteoarticular infections.
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Abstract: Rectorragies are a frequent reason for consultation after constipation, chronic diarrhea, abdominal pain. They represent 20% of digestive hemorrhages, it is the most frequent mode of revelation of low digestive hemorrhages. Colonoscopy allows the etiological diagnosis to be made in more than 80% of cases. Our work aims to study the contribution of colonoscopy in the etiological assessment of rectal bleeding......
Keywords: Colonoscopy, Rectorragies, Colorectal cancer, Hemorrhoids, colitis
[1]. Anne-Christine Della Valle. Blood in the anus: What are the causes of rectal bleeding? The Journal of Women. February 2019
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Abstract: Background: Class III malocclusion is caused by a maxillary deficiency, overgrowth of the jaw or a combination of both. The opportune treatment of a class III malocclusion may remove the option of an orthognathic surgery or in more severe cases reduce the surgery complications. Maxillary protraction and expansion are often used for orthopedic treatment and orthodontic apparatus for detailing and finishing in early stages of growth in patients. Case Report: Male patient of 9 years and 8 months of age without personal pathological or allergic data, concave profile, brachyfacial biotype, horizontal growth, skeletal class III with mandibular prognathism, anterior and posterior crossbite......
Key Word: Class III, Malocclusion; Orthopedic; Interceptive; Orthodontic, Face Mask
[1]. Singh GD. Morphologic determinants in the etiology of class III malocclusions: a review. Clin Anat. 1999; 12(5):382-405.
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[5]. Ngan P. Early treatment of Class III malocclusion: Is it worth the burden? Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2006;129 (1): s 82-85.
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Abstract: Abdominal wound dehiscence (burst abdomen, fascial dehiscence) is a severe postoperative complication, with mortality rates reported as high as 45%.1,2 The incidence, as described in the literature, ranges from 0.5% to 3.6%.3,4 Dehiscence of the wound after abdominal surgery is a serious complication that continues to plague the surgeon and threaten the patient. Burst abdomen is an inescapable responsibility of the surgeon who made the wound. Dehiscence is the disruption or breakdown of a wound.5,6It may range in magnitude from a failure of the deeper portions of the abdominal incision to unite, unrecognized in the postoperative course but resulting in a dramatic burst abdomen" or evisceration in which dehiscence of the wound occurs suddenly and is accompanied by.....
[1]. Fleischer GM, Rennert A, Rühmer M. Die infizierte Bauchdecke und der Platzbauch. Chirurg 2000; 71:754– 762.
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Abstract: Résumé : Introduction : La Vitamine C ou acide ascorbique est une molécule que l'on rencontre généralement, en quantités variables, dans les fruits et légumes à l'état frais. Selon une allégation populaire, beaucoup de gens pensent que les fruits et légumes avec un goût acide contiennent beaucoup plus de vitamine C que les fruits et légumes non acides. L'objectif de ce travail était de déterminer la relation entre le goût acide de certains fruits et légumes consommés en alimentation courante et leur teneur en vitamine C et in fine vérifier l'allégation populaire associant le goût acide à une teneur élevée en Vitamine C...
[1]. David A. Bender, Victor W Rodwell, Kathleen M Botham, Peter J Kennelly, Anthony P Weil. Biochimie de Harper, 6è edition, de Boeck supérieur. Micronutriments ; Vitamines et Minéraux, pp546-563, 2017
[2]. M.P. Vasson. Introduction à la nutrition humaine : bases conceptuelles et applications. Biochimie Pathologique : Aspects moléculaires et cellulaires, Médecine-Sciences Flammarion, pp133-161, 2003
[3]. Charles Alais, Guy Linden, Laurent Miclo. Biochimie Alimentaire, Dunod 6è édition : Vitamines, pp115-122, 2010
[4]. A. Martin et al. Apports nutritionnels conseillés pour la population française. Ed Lavoisier, Tec & Doc, 2001
[5]. B. Frei et al. What is the optimum intake of vitamin C in humans? Crit Rev Food Sc Nutr, 52(9), pp815-29, 2012
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Abstract: Background: Texture analysis studies have been produced more often in oncology on the recent years; As it can increase the information that we can get from the radio-diagnostic images; here we took Glioma as it considered the most common malignant tumor of the brain; The study main concept is to use the texture analysis first order features for characterization of the Glioma which will give quantitative approach for the diagnosis. Materials and Methods: In this cross sectional analytical study, the data was collected from Antalya medical center; it consists of 300 MR images for Glioma patients (50 T1, 100 T2, 100 FLAIR and 50 T1+C) age above 18years. After the images were selected the introduced to the it into the computer based software Interactive Data language ( IDL) to extract the textural features (first order and higher order statistics) for gray matter, white matter and the Glioma; then the extracted features were entered to SPSS for analysis. Results: For the first order statistics.....
Key Word: Texture Analysis; Glioma; Magnetic Resonance Images; First Order Statistics; Higher order statistic
[1]. Grainger RG, Allison DJ, Baert A. Diagnostic radiology: A text book of medical imaging. sixth Edition. Churchill Livinstone. Bruno Graça Luis Curvo Semedo Miguel Seco Belarmino Gonçalves Cristina Marques Filipe Caseiro-Alves. 2015.
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Abstract: Introduction: Hypertension is a major burden of disease all over the world, especially in India. It is also sometimes known as the 'silent killer'. Essential hypertension produces proteinuria and thereby, severe reduction in renal function in at least 5 – 15% of patients. Urinary albumin excretion ranging from 30 -300 mg/day (i.e.microalbuminuria) is found in many number of patients with hypertension. The recent interest in microalbuminuria is due to the fact that there have been many recent studies which showed that microalbuminuria is an independent risk factor for cardiovascular disease and worsening renal disease. Material and Methods: Descriptive study done in a tertiary health care centre of 260 patient with essential hypertension. The patients satisfying the inclusion criteria were included till the sample size was met All patients with history of hypertension on treatment and newly detected hypertension who met the inclusion criteria were included in the study after obtaining.....
Keywords ; Microalbuminuria , Duration of Hypertension, Stage of hypertension
[1]. Benjamin EJ, Blaha MJ, Chiuve SE, et al, for the American Heart Association Statistics Committee and Stroke Statistics Subcommittee. Heart disease and stroke statistics-2017 update: a report from the American Heart Association. Circulation. 2017 Mar 7. 135 (10):e146-e603.
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[4]. Glassock RJ. Prevention of Microalbuminuria in Type 2 Diabetes: Millimeters or Milligrams. J Am Soc Nephrol. 2006;17:3276–3278.
[5]. Wrone EM, Carnethon MR, Palaniappan L, Fortmann SP, Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. Am J Kidney Dis. 2003 Mar; 41(3):580-7.
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Abstract: Root canal treatment plays an important role in saving the tooth. In Endodontics it is a routine treatment that involves removing the contaminated dentine, infected pulp, inflamed and dead pulp tissue by cleaning and shaping the canal with intracanal medication, disinfecting with irrigants to eliminate the all causative microorganisms. For the long-standing success of the endodontically treated tooth, it is necessary to eliminate persistent bacteria, such as Enterococcus faecalis. The ruinous components of Enterococcus Faecalis, including its capacity to tackle diverse microorganisms, attack dentinal tubules, and contradict nutritional difficulty. Using a good aseptic debridement procedure of diseased pulp and contaminated dentin with a combination of 2% chlorhexidine is the best way to eliminate E. faecalis in root canal procedure. Following a systematic review and metanalysis, the efficacy of 2% chlorhexidine (CHX) on Enterococcus faecalis was evaluated. Aim: The goal of this review was to determine and compare the efficacies of root canal disinfectant 2% chlorhexidine with 5.25%.....
Key Words: Root canal irrigants, 2% chlorhexidine, Enterococcus faecalis, Calcium hydroxide NaOCl Root canal disinfection intercanal medication, EDTA, MTDA.
[1]. Priyanka H,et. Evaluation of 4% Sodium Hypochlorite in eliminating Enterococcus faecalis from the Root Canal when Used with Three Irrigation Methods: An in vitro Study. J Contemp Dent Pract 2017;18(3):214-217. one.
[2]. Kamberi B, Bajrami D, Stavileci M, Omeragiq S, Dragidella F, Koçani F. The Antibacterial Efficacy of Biopure MTAD in Root Canal Contaminated with Enterococcus faecalis. ISRN Dent. 2012;2012 https://doi.org/10.5402/2012/390526 PMid:22991671 PMCid:PMC3443582.
[3]. Paqué F, Luder HU, Sener B, Zehnder M. Tubular sclerosis rather than the smear layer impedes dye penetration into the dentine of endodontically instrumented root canals. Int Endod J. 2006 Jan;39(1):18-25. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2591.2005.01042.x. PMID: 16409324.
[4]. Torabinejad M, Shabahang S, Aprecio RM, Kettering JD. The antimicrobial effect of MTAD: an in vitro investigation. J Endod. 2003 Jun;29(6):400-3. doi: 10.1097/00004770-200306000-00005. PMID: 12814224.
[5]. Evanov C, Liewehr F, Buxton TB, Joyce AP. Antibacterial efficacy of calcium hydroxide and chlorhexidine gluconate irrigants at 37 degrees C and 46 degrees C. J Endod. 2004 Sep;30(9):653-7. doi: 10.1097/01.don.0000121620.11272.22. PMID: 15329571.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Pulmonary Function Assesment in Patients after Covid 19 Pneumonia |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Bonny.P.James || Dr. Rahul. T. Ulahannan |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/0853-2003015660 ![]() |
Abstract: Background : COVID-19 pneumonia may result in clinically relevant alterations in pulmonary function tests. Aim : Aim of the study is to evaluate pulmonary function in post COVID 19 patients. Materials and Method : Study was conducted at Al Azhar Medical college in 25 patients confirmed by RT-PCR between the period of August 2020 to January 2021 Result : After 2 weeks of antigen negativity, FEVI ,FVC FEV1/FVC ratio were measured using spirometer and TLC and DLCO were assessed with DLCO machine and these tests were repeated after 6weeks during a follow up study.....
Keywords: COVID 19, Pulmonary function test, FEV1, FEV1/FVC, DLCO,TLC.
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