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Abstract: To evaluate diabetes awareness among urban population of Purnea Eastern Bihar. BACKGROUND: Knowledge Awarnees &Practice data among general population of India is not much .As Diabetes is emerging as future medical Psunami diabetes knowledge &Practice are very essential to manage DM &their complication so that mortality &Morbidity can be decreased now &In Future . METHODS: A questionnaire based descriptive cross sectional study was performed during between 1 sep to 30sep2018 among Urban population visting a Urban health center Purnea eastern part of bihar . Descriptive and inferential statistics were applied using the By using Survey online calculator(https://www.surveysystem.com/sscalc.htm) . RESULTS: The overall knowledge score in both DM&Non DM subjects were GOOD in Rural population.Where as Attitude score were AVERAGE in both.......
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Abstract: A pilonidal Sinus is a Sinus tract Which Commonly Contains hairs a it is acquired rather than a Congenital disorder patient Complains of intermittent pain, swelling and bloody discharged at the base of spine, with or without mild constitutional symptoms. patient complaining of discomfort with sitting on tailbone during sitting or during riding vehicles.Its incidence commonly seen in long route drivers.
In mild case treatment includes antibiotic therapy hot compression and application of depilatory cream but the more common course of treatment is surgical because of its chronicity. Pilonidal sinus is easily diagnosed by the typical location of the midline pits behind the anus overlying the sacrum and coccyx. Most sinuses are directed cephalic and lateral opening are characteristic if previous episodes of sepsis have occurred......
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology a Diagnostic Aid In Breast Lump In Ajims Mangalore |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Manisha Narayana |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/0853-2003080914 ![]() |
Abstract: The study 'Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology A Diagnostic Aid In Breast Lump' was carried out in the department of general surgery of A J Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Centre, Mangalore over a period of two years from October 2016 to October 2018. The study group included 100 subjects who underwent FNAC. The study extensively proves that FNAC is certainly a diagnostic modality for patients presenting with breast lump. It demonstrates a high accuracy 97.4% and sensitivity of 96.8% with clinical diagnosis and histopathology.
Keywords: Fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC), palpable breast lump
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Abstract: The spectrum of disease in dengue infection caused by four serotypes (DEN-1 to DEN-4) range from a subclinical or mild illness to a severe form of hemorrhagic fever which may prove fatal [1]. The World Health Organization (WHO) has suggested a revised classification for the illness as dengue (± warning signs) and severe dengue [1]. However, the earlier WHO classification of dengue fever (DF), dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF), and dengue shock syndrome (DSS) is still widely followed in clinical practice [1]. Prior to 1970 only nine countries had experienced dengue hemorrhagic fever [2]. Today, dengue has spread to over 100 countries; this number includes those countries that were free from the disease 20 years ago [2]. Acute abdominal pain is one of the atypical presentations of dengue fever,......
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Abstract: Background/ Aims: Acute appendicitis is the most common cause of an 'acute abdomen' in young adults worldwide with a prevalence of approximately 7% of population. The diagnosis of acute appendicitis is essentially clinical; however, a decision to operate based on clinical suspicion alone can lead to removal of a normal appendix in 15-30% of cases. A number of clinical and laboratory based scoring systems have been devised to assist the diagnosis of acute appendicitis and themost widely used is the Alvarado (MANTRELS) score. The objective of the study is the likelihood of acute appendicitis can be ascertained using the Alvarado (MANTRELS) scoring system for early diagnosis and management of acute appendicitis at TRIHMS. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The present study was a retrospective.......
[1]. William NS, Bulstrede CJK, O' connell PR. The vermiform appendix. Bailyand Love's short practice of surgery . 25th edition. 2008;67: 1204-18.
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Abstract: Stress is any action that places special physical or psychological demands upon a person, anything that can unbalance his individual equilibrium. Work-related stress is a potential cause of concern in health care workers and is associated with decreased job satisfaction, days off work, anxiety, depression, sleeplessness, medical errors, and near misses. To compare stress levels in different groups of health care worker and identify causes of stress, we conducted a survey-based study at a super-specialty public sector hospital. The study was done using questionnaire-based tool which were given to 800 out of whom 438 responded. Respondents included doctors, engineers, health care administrators, students pursuing degrees in hospital administration, and other professionals. The questionnaire consists of indicators like behavioural indicators, sleep indicators, emotional indicators, physical indicators etc to measure the levels of stress. Each indicator consists of multiple questions which are rated from 5 to 1. The total score is used to grade stress levels as mild, moderate and severe..
Keywords: Stress, Medical practitioners, Stress management, Health status, Work stress
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Abstract: Résumé Introduction : Les manifestations des néphrites interstitielles (NI) sont souvent variées et dites moins spécifiques. La certitude diagnostique repose sur la ponction-biopsie rénale(PBR). But : évaluer la place des manifestations clinico-biologiques dans le diagnostic des NI. Patients et méthodes Une étude rétrospective descriptive monocentrique portant sur l'ensemble des NI chez l'adulte confirmée à la PBR (entre 2010 et 2014). Les manifestations retrouvées étaient regroupées en six classes afin d'établir un score de présomption diagnostique (SPD): anamnèse (prise récente de toxique ou de médicament); clinique (fièvre; arthralgie; exanthème); biologique (insuffisance......
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Abstract: Total numbers of 1017 healthy primigravida were screened for Hb-varinats (HPLC) and body iron status (serum ferritin assay). 10.13% of screened women (103 out of 1017) presented with globin gene mutations. High iron status was found in 3.5% all cases. All these cases were related to globin gene disorders. High proportion of iron overload denies the justification of universal iron supplementation during pregnancy. Iron status should be assessed before therapy particularly for cases with Hb-variants. Further detailed studies should be undertaken for verification of findings of this pioneering work......
Key words: Iron supplementation during pregnancy, Iron overload, Hb-variant analysis
[1]. Allen LH. Anemia and iron deficiency: effects on pregnancy outcome. Am J Clin Nutr. 2000 May;71(5 Suppl):1280S-4S. doi: 10.1093/ajcn/71.5.1280s. PMID: 10799402.
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[5]. Byatnal A, Byatnal AA, Parvathi Devi MK, Badriramkrishna B. β-Thalassemia hijacking ineffective erythropoietin and iron overload: Two case reports and a review of literature. J Nat Sci Biol Med. 2014 Jul;5(2):456-9. doi: 10.4103/0976-9668.136245. PMID: 25097435; PMCID: PMC4121935.
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Abstract: Background: Beginning of degenerative cartilage damage heralds the onset of primary osteoarthritis of the knee joint. The pain associated with the cartilage damage occurs only after a certain degree of cartilage loss. After the damage exceeds a certain level, the pain and disability drive the patient to seek an active treatment. Soon, a stage is reached when patient is not able to tolerate the pain and agrees for a total knee arthroplasty. Objectives: The study aims to find out the histological stage, when surgeon and the patient reach a clinical end point where both the patient the surgeon reach to a consensus for a total knee arthroplasty. Materials & Methods: 50 consecutive patients posted for a total knee arthroplasty at a tertiary care center with a diagnosis of primary osteoarthritis were enrolled in the study from June 2013 to June 2015. The biopsy samples were obtained from the........
Keywords: Osteoarthritis, Histology , Arthroplasty, OARSI grading, Medial Compartment
[1]. Alice J. Sophia Fox, , AsheeshBedi, Scott A. Rodeo. The Basic Science of Articular Cartilage -Structure, Composition, and Function. Sports Health, 2009 Nov; 1(6): 461-8
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Abstract: Introduction: Orthodontic biomechanics and treatment planning are basically determined by periodontal factors. A magnificent orthodontic treatment can be destroyed by poor periodontal support. Hence, evaluation and maintenance of periodontal health before, during and after treatment is very important. To achieve this goal, a standard language between the periodontist and the orthodontist must always be established to eliminate the existing communications barrier, and to improve the outcomes of the whole treatment. Objective: The purpose of this article is to provide the basic understanding of the interrelationship between periodontics and orthodontics in adult patients. Methodology: A literature search was made in pub med and Google scholar for articles pertaining to the interrelationship between orthodontic treatment and periodontal conditions. The search terms used were Periodontal tissue response to orthodontic forces, effect of orthodontic bands on the periodontium, microbiology associated with orthodontic bands, relationship between orthodontic and periodontal therapy, retention of hopeless tooth........
Keywords: Multidisciplinary approach, periodontal health, orthodontic treatment, tissue response
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