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Abstract: Summary The use of continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) in type 2 diabetic patients provides an answer to some of the deficiencies attributed to usual capillary self-monitoring (CSM). Using CGM adds information on postprandial glucose excursions, nocturnal hypoglycemia, or hyperglycemia previously not detected by SMBG. This makes it easier to tailor treatment regimens to each patient to achieve goals without incurring an increased risk of hypoglycemia and provides a useful tool for patient education and involvement in self-management.
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[3]. I. B. Hirsch, D. Armstrong, R.M. Berge nstal, B. Buckingham, B.P . Childs, W.L. Clarke, et al., Clinical application of emerging sensor techn ologies in diabetes management: consensus guidelines for continuo us glucose monitoring (CGM) , Diabetes Technol. Ther. 10 (2008) 232–244.
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Abstract: Intergraded Child Development Services (ICDS) is the largest national programmes for the development of mother and children. The services are rendered through Anganwadi workers at Anganwadi Centers. An evaluation study is carried out to assess the services provided by the Anganwadi Centers to children's under the age group of 0 to 6 years. The services which are provided by the Anganwadi centers are supplementary nutrition, immunization, health checkup, pre-school education etc. the study was conducted at district Pulwama located at the southern part of the Kashmir. A study was under conducted with 100 respondents used exploratory research design, and samples were collected on the basis of convenient sampling. A data was collected using questionnaire method......
Key Word: Anganwadi centers, integrated child development services, children under age group 0 to 6 years. Sociological study.
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Abstract: Background: Malaria is a potentially life threating parasitic disease caused by parasite known as Plasmodium.The are five species of Plasmodium-Plasmodium falciparum,Plasmodium malaria,Plasmodium ovale,Plasmodium vivax and Plasmodium knowiesi.It is transmitted by the bite of Anaopheles mosquito.Malaria is a major health problem in India. The increasing incidence of falciparum malaria, the need to identify and treat the additional infective carriers and to reduce the chance of transmission has given an impetus for development of simple and rapid methods for diagnosis. Material And Methods:. A total of 50 acute pyrexia cases of both sexes of all age groups were included in the study. After taking informed consent 2ml of blood......
Key words: Malaria ,leishman stain ,JSB stain, rapid card test
[2]. World Malaria report 2020 ,World Health Organisation available from https://www.who.int/teams/global-malaria-programme/reports/world-malaria-report-2020
[3]. Swathi, C.M., and Meera Bai. 2019. A Comparative Study of Peripheral Blood Smear and RDTs in Falciparum Malaria Diagnosis.Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci. 8(2): 3010-3018. doi: https://doi.org/10.20546/ijcmas.2019.802.352
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Abstract: Introduction : "Reversible dementias" are conditions that are associated with cognitive dysfunction secondary to reversible causes,which are treatable.These group of patients are the people who should be identified early at Dementia clinic.Delay in diagnosing these patients makes them untreatable after certain stage. Prevalence of reversible dementias are highly variable, with a number of studies reporting a range between 8-40%..They are common among individuals younger than 60 years age.The prevalence of potentially reversible disorders has been reported 18% in patients under the age of 65 years but only 5% in those over 65 years.If detected and treated early, these dementias can be reversed or their progress halted......
Key words: Reversible Dementia,Etiology,outcome
[2]. American Psychiatric Association. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. 5 th edition.(DSM 5). Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Association; 2013.
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Abstract: Gastric bezoars are foreign bodies in the stomach that increase in size due to accumulation of nonabsorbable food or fibers [1]. It is defined as "any of various calculi found chiefly in the gastrointestinal organs and formerly believed to possess magical properties from Arabic bāzahr" [2]. The clinical picture ranges from abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, early satiety and weight loss, to bleeding ulcer, intestinal obstruction and perforation [3].......
[2]. Merriam-Webster. (2019). Accessed: February 6, 2019: https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/bezoar.
[3]. Kadian R, Rose J, Mann N: Gastric bezoars--spontaneous resolution. Am J Gastroenterol. 1978, 70:79-82.
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[5]. O'Sullivan M, McGreal G, Walsh J: Trichobezoar. J R Soc Med. 2001, 94:68-70. 10.1177/014107680109400205
[6]. Rabie M, Arishi A, Khan A, Ageely H, Seif El-Nasr GA, Fagihi M: Rapunzel syndrome: the unsuspected culprit. World J Gastroenterol. 2008, 14:1141-1143. 10.3748/wjg.14.1141.
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Abstract: BACKGROUNDː Medical research methodologies is a continuously evolving process and data collection and its reproduction into the study design is still a grey area governed by various human and technological factors and is therefore subject to many errors and glitches. Bias in data collection is an integral part of this procedure. Since ages researchers have tried to define areas of error and suggested and integrated corrections to the same. Here in this study, we describe two such loopholes that are influenced by technology and human behavior.
METHODSː This is an observational study where we went through our previous record books and data entries and also spoke to various previous doctors and paramedical staff to derive conclusions and observations for this study.......
Key words: Bias, Records, Interest, medical research, reporting
[2]. Sterne JA, Egger M, Moher D (2008). Addressing Reporting Biases. Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions. pp. 297-333. doi:10.1002/9780470712184.ch10. ISBN 978-0-470-71218-4.
[3]. Porta M, ed. (5 June 2008). A Dictionary of Epidemiology. Oxford University Press. p. 275. ISBN 978-0-19-157844-1.
[4]. Jüni P, Holenstein F, Sterne J, Bartlett C, Egger M (February 2002). Direction and impact of language bias in meta-analyses of controlled trials: empirical study. International Journal of Epidemiology. 31 (1): 115–23. doi:10.1093/ije/31.1.115. PMID 11914306.
[5]. Wikipedia: Selection bias.
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Abstract: Background: Primary stability is one of the fundamental criteria for obtaining osseointegration. It depends on different factors, the implant design, surgical technique, bone density, and on the microscopic and macroscopic morphology of the implant used3. High primary stability is easily obtained in dense bone, thus providing contact osteogenesis. Osseodensification technique is an innovative technique to increase the bone density during the drilling process in which the drill designing allows the creation of an environment that increases the initial primary stability through densification of the osteotomy site walls by means of non-subtractive drilling. This study was directed to Investigate the efficacy of osseodensification as a new bone drilling concept in low density bone and to compare the effect......
Key Word: osseodensification, low density bone and primary stability
[2]. Bergkvist G, Koh K-J, Sahlholm S, Klintström E, Lindh C. Bone density at implant sites and its relationship to assessment of bone quality and treatment outcome. International Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Implants. 2010;25(2).
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Abstract: Background and Objective: To study the epidemiology of cystoid macular edema in Non Diabetic Patients
Materials and methodology: This study was conducted at Department of Ophthalmology, Chalmeda Ananda Rao Institute Of Medical Sciences from August 2019 to January 2020 . 50 patients fulfilling the inclusion and exclusion criteria were included in the study. All patients were subjected to detailed systemic and ophthalmic evaluation. Relevant systemic investigations like FBS, PPBS, BP Sr. Cholesterol, Sr.creatinine, Complete Blood Picture were done.
INCLUSION CRITERIA: Pseudo-phakic cystoid macular edema,Cystoid macular edema due to vein occlusions, Patients with other pre-existing macular degenerations due to causes like ARMD, RP, etc.
EXCLUSION CRITERIA: All Diabetic Patients, Patients.....
Key Word: Cystoid Macular edema, Pseudophakia, Aphakia, Posterior Vitreous Detachment,Age Related Macular Degeneration (ARMD)
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Abstract: Background and objective: to study the efficacy of alcaftadine compared to olopatadine in allergic conjunctivitis
Methods and methodology: this is a prospective study conducted from august 2019 for 6 months on patients attending ophthalmology opd of caims, karimnagar. Subjects of study divided into 3 groups.
Inclusion criteria : all patients with allergic conjunctivitis are taken.
Exclusion criteria: patients with active ocular infection (bacterial , fungal or viral), ocular surgeries within 3months or refractive surgeries within 6months,
Previous history of usage of anti-allergic drugs.....
Keywords: Allergic conjunctivitis, alcaftadine, olopatadine and itching
[2]. Hiroshi Nakatani, Paul Gomes, Ron Bradford, Qiang Guo, Eleonora Safyan & David A. Hollander (2019) Alcaftadine 0.25% versus Olopatadine 0.1% in Preventing Cedar Pollen Allergic Conjunctivitis in Japan: A Randomized Study, Ocular Immunology and Inflammation, 27:4, 622-631
[3]. DeGaulle I Chigbu, Alissa M Coyne - Update and clinical utility of alcaftadine ophthalmic solution 0.25% in the treatment of allergic conjunctivitis. Clinical Ophthalmology Journals, 2015, vol9
[4]. McLaurin EB, Marsico NP, Ackerman SL, Ciolino JB, William's JM, Villanueva L, Hollander DA - Ocular itch relief with alcaftadine 0.25% versus olopatadine 0.2% in allergic conjunctivitis: pooled analysis of two multicenter randomized clinical trials, 2014 Oct;31(10):1059-71
[5]. Keith J. Lane; Santa J. Ono - Comparison of Alcaftadine and Olopatadine Effects on Ocular Epithelium and Eosinophil Recruitment in a Murine Model of Allergic Conjunctivitis. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science April 2011, Vol.52, 6417.
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Abstract: Background: Pleural tuberculosis is the second most common form of EPTB cases in Bangladesh. The reported extrapulmonary tuberculosis (EPTB) prevalence in Bangladesh is 4.8% to 21.98% which shows an increasing trend. Conventional diagnostic techniques required more time and less sensitive due to paucibacillary nature of M. tuberculosis. Various studies showed that using a single primer in PCR assay may fail to detect all cases. This study was carried out to evaluate PCR assay by using IS6110 and TRC4 primers to detect Pleural tuberculosis.
Material and Methods: A total of 53 samples from clinically suspected cases of pleural tuberculosis of all age and sex group were sent to Microbiology and Immunology Department ,Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University for laboratory investigation.......
Key Words: pleural Tuberculosis, IS6110 and TRC4, PCR assay
[2]. Shahriar MD, Kamal MS, Ahasan HAM et al. (2010) Isolation and Identification of Mycobacterium from Extrapulmonary Specimen at NTRL, NIDCH, J Med; 11: 128-30.
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[6]. Zaric B, Kuruc V, Milovancev A et al. Differential diagnosis of tuberculous and malignant pleural effusions: what is the role of ADA? Lung. 2008; 186: 233-40..
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Abstract: This study aimed to suggest a factor of indicating the age limiting in which regeneration of the condylar process fracture of mandible (CPFM) with total dislocation of the condylar head is possible, especially in patients of a growing age, for which the treatment of CPFM is based on the clinical experiences and has no scientific background. This article focused on the deciding operative or non-operative methods to treat patients of a growing age..
Key words: Condylar process fracture of mandible, Regeneration of condylar head, Bone-specific alkaline phosphatase, Child
[2]. Zhou HH, Liu Q, Cheng G, Li ZB.Aetiology, pattern and treatment of mandibular condyle fractures in 549 patients: a 22-year retrospective study. J Craniomxillofac Surg 2013; 41:34-41.
[3]. Kubo S, Yamaguchi A, Matsunaga S. An analysis of 949 cases of condylar process fracture of the mandible. IOSR-JDMS 2020; 19:47-53.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Novel Drug Delivery Systems in Liver Disfunction |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Sanjeeviah Nagurla || Jithan Aukunuru |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/0853-2003125562 ![]() |
Abstract: The liver is a vital organ present in vertebrates and some other animals. Its wide functions include detoxification, protein synthesis, and production of biochemical necessary for digestion. This organ is necessary for survival. Currently there is no option to compensate for the absence of liver function. Drug targeting for various liver diseases can focus on various cells of liver including kupffer cells, sinusoidal endothelial cells, hepatic stellate cells or hepatocytes. In one or the other diseases, the involvement of these diseases has been clarified. Several diseases afflict liver. The major diseases of liver include HBV infection, liver fibrosis/cirrhosis, hepatocellular cancer. Several cells of the liver which are exposed to blood circulation or not exposed to blood circulation are involved in these diseases. Although conventional routes of administration can lead to drug access into these varieties of cells, means to increase the effectiveness of these by various drug delivery approaches has been attempted recently. This review briefly covers the latest and retrospective drug delivery system approaches published in the scientific literature
[2]. Gupta, R., Mehra, N.K., Jain, N.K. Fucosylated Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes for Kupffer Cells Targeting for the Treatment of Cytokine-Induced Liver Damage, Pharm Res 31(2): 322-334 (2014).
[3]. Elthuri, I, Bonepally, C, Kokkula, S, Thadkapally, R, Aukunuru, J. Preparation and optimization of kupffer cell targeted catechin loaded spherical particles Turkish Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 10 (1), pp. 35-47 (2013).
[4]. Hosseinimehr, S.J., Tolmachev, V., Orlova, A. Liver uptake of radiolabeled targeting proteins and peptides: Considerations for targeting peptide conjugate design
[5]. Drug Discovery Today, 17 (21-22), pp. 1224-1232 (2012)..