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Abstract: Knee dislocation is a rare but serious injury due to the risk of vascular injury (14 to 65%). In the absence of vascular lesions, which is an absolute therapeutic emergency requiring emergency surgery, multi ligament injuries of the knee are lesions that are difficult to manage. We recall a case of posterior dislocation of the knee in a 20-year-old patient, the patient underwent emergency reduction and olecranization of the kneecap, followed by a control CT angiography without vascular injury.
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Abstract: Background: This clinical study aimed to compare between Cobalt chrome and poly-ether-ether-ketone material in the fabrication of a mandibular Removable Partial Denture Kennedy Class II clinically and radiographically. Materials and Methods: In this prospective randomised controlled study, fourteen patients having mandibular Kennedy Class II RPD (missing from 6 to 8 at one side) were selected from those attending to the Outpatient Clinic of The Prosthodontics Department, Faculty of Dentistry, Tanta University. These patients were divided randomly by coin flipping into two groups, each group consists of seven patients: Group A: Seven patients received cobalt chrome (CO-CR) removable partial denture using conventional method. Group B: Seven patients received RPD fabricated from poly-ether-ether-keton (PEEK) (BioHPP) using lost wax technique......
Keyword: PEEK; CoCr; Lower RPD Kennedy class II; Periotest; Pocket depth; Clinical attachment level; Digital periapical x-ray.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Endoscopic approach of the anterior cerebral fossa |
Country | : | Algeria |
Authors | : | K. Bouaita || L. Atroune || T. Selmane |
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: | 10.9790/0853-2003041827 ![]() |
Abstract: Anterior skull base tumours are usually removed by a trans cranio-facial approach or an anterior trans cranial approach. The latter implies typically a retraction of the brain which could be responsible of seizures onset. Recently, the endoscopic endonasal approach for these anterior skull base tumours has been reported such as the extended endoscopic approach. The role of the endoscopic endonasal approach in the treatment of the malignant tumours of the anterior skull base has evolved. The EEN approach can be combined to a trans cranial approach in the purpose to realise a gross total resection and can be therefore be followed by radiotherapy. This endoscopic trans ethmoidal trans cribriform approach is the most rostral extension of the standard transsphenoidal approach and involves the area ranging from the anterior part of the planum to the posterior edge of the frontal sinuses. The purpose of this study is to present our experience in the endoscopic anterior skull base approach and to describe the technique......
Key word: rhinorrhea, cribriform plate, endoscopic endonasal trans-ethmoidal trans cribriform approach, méningo-encephaloceles.
[1]. amin b. Kassam, m.d.,1,2 daniel m. Prevedello, m.d.,1ricardo l. Carrau, m.d.,1,2 carl h. Snyderman, m.d.,1,2 ajith thomas, m.d.,1 paul gardner, m.d.,1 ada m Zanation, m.d.,2 bulent duz, m.d.,3 s. Tonya stefko, m.d.,1,4 karin byers, m.d.,5 and micha el b. Horowitz, m.d.1: endoscopic endonasal skull base surgery: analysis of complications in the authors' initial 800 patients a review.j neurosurg 114: 2011.1544–1568.
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[5]. davide locatelli, m.d. federic orampa, m.d. ilariaacchiardi, m.d. francesca de bernardi, m.d. endoscopic endonasal approaches
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Abstract: Background: Emergency gastrointestinal surgery and electrolyte imbalance is very common association in surgical field. Sodium and potassium are most common of all for imbalance. Alternation of its level causes deterioration of general condition of patient. So it's very important to prevent alteration during and after gastrointestinal surgery, management of altered electrolyte levels after gastrointestinal surgery. Principally the sodium and potassium alterations have been taken into account along with special notice to other electrolytes such as bicarbonate ion, calcium ion and magnesium ion and various comparison between the.......
KEYWORDS: Electrolyte imbalance; Hypokalaemia; Hyponatremia; gastrointestinal surgery.
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Abstract: Aims & Objectives: To find the prevalence of depression/anxiety & sleep disorder among front line corona warriors in government medical college, Meerut, U.P Methodology: 50 doctors & nurses who were posted in Covid isolation ward /ICU enrolled in the study. A two-part questionnaire was distributed among participants, the first part of which include PHQ-9 questionnaire to rule out mental health disorder and the second part consisted of ESS scale for sleep disturbance. Both parts also consist of few questions regarding basic socio demographic details of participants. Results: The evidence showed that the majority of the subjects affected psychologically were below the age of 30 years, males and were married. Bases on PHQ-9 questionnaire and ESS scale 34.0% subjected were having psychological symptoms and 6.0% were having insomnia........
KEYWORDS: Stress, Doctors, Nurses, Frontline Warriors, Covid 19
[1]. Cañadas-De la Fuente GA, Ortega E, Ramirez-Baena L, De la Fuente-Solana EI, Vargas C, Gómez-Urquiza JL. Gender, Marital Status, and Children as Risk Factors for Burnout in Nurses: A Meta-Analytic Study. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health. 2018;15:2102.
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Abstract: Peptic ulcer is one of the most common causes of abdominal pain which presents in emergency with perforation. Peptic ulcer perforation patients presenting late in to the emergency department has significant effect on the morbidity and mortality. The study is undertaken to evaluate the duration of onset of abdomen pain and surgery on outcome of peptic ulcer perforation. We have conducted this prospective study among 100 patients admitted for perforated peptic ulcer at Department of General surgery, Coimbatore Medical College Hospital, Tamilnadu . The diagnosis of ulcer perforation was established by the admitting surgeon based on presenting complaints, clinical features and supported by radiological investigation and confirmed preoperatively.......
Keywords: Peptic ulcer perforation
[1]. Chalya PL, Mabula JB, Koy M, McHembe MD, Jaka HM, Kabangila R, et al. Clinicalprofile and outcome of surgical treatment of perforated peptic ulcers: A tertiary hospital experience. World J EmergSurg 2011;6:31.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Dengue Induced Hepatic Injury |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Niranjana.P || Dr.Divyakiran |
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: | 10.9790/0853-2003045054 ![]() |
Abstract: Dengue is a febrile illness caused by Flavivirus transmitted by Aedes mosquito. Dengue is the most rapidly spreading mosquito borne viral disease in the world. It is endemic in Asia, the Pacific, Africa and the Americas. Approximately 50 million infections occur annually 1 with 500,000 cases of dengue haemorrhagic fever and 22,000 deaths (CDC 2014). WHO categorised severe dengue as group C which includes dengue haemorrhagic fever and dengue shock syndrome due to its wide spectrum of manifestations.
[1]. WHO. Dengue and dengue haemorrhagic fever. Factsheet No 117, revised May 2008. Geneva, World Health Organization, 2008 (http://www.who.int/mediacentre/factsheets/fs117/en/).
[2]. WHO. Dengue: guidelines for diagnosis, treatment, prevention and control, Geneva, 2009. Available from: URL: http: //www. who.int/ tdr/publications/documents/dengue-diagnosis.pdf.
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[4]. Kuo CH, Tai DI, Chang-Chien CS, et al. Liver biochemical tests and dengue fever. Am J Trop Med Hyg 1992; 47:265–270.
[5]. Souza LJ, Alves JG, Nogueira RM, et al. Aminotransferase changes and acute hepatitis in patients with dengue fever: analysis of 1,585 cases. Braz J Infect Dis 2004; 8:156–163.
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Abstract: This case report presents the successful treatment of a Class II division 2 malocclusion with missing lower lateral incisors. The discrepancy in the maxillary and mandibular arches were resolved by extraction of the bilateral maxillary first premolars on both sides. Deep bite was corrected using an interior biteplate. Space gained by extraction was utilised for retraction of protruded upper anteriors. Multiple loop archwire was used for intrusion of upper central incisors, then active laceback of maxillary canines was done followed by retraction of maxillary incisors using 19x25 TMA t-loop. A nance palatal arch was incorporated to reinforce the anchorage. Posttreatment changes were favourable with respect to deep bite, inclination of upper incisors and lower incisors as well as the stomatognathic function of patient..
KEYWORDS: class II Div 2; extraction;
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