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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Importance of Logical Thinking Ability of Secondary Level School Students in South Delhi |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Priyanka Deb Sett |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/0853-2008110112 ![]() |
Abstract: The technology of organizing the process of developing logical thinking skills of elementary school pupils is the great challenge. Every moment in school the teacher is facing the development of logical thinking of students, the level of formation of which largely determines consciousness, the efficiency of mastering the foundations of sciences, the ability to navigate independently in an ever growing volume of information, apply existing knowledge to the maximum benefit, create the most favourable conditions for acquiring new knowledge and to communicate it to others. The development efficiency will increase if we implement the psychological and pedagogical conditions and mental ability and intelligence for the development of logical thinking with scientific reason and understanding........
Keywords: Development of logical thinking among students, elementary class, , technology, creativity, interest, personality , intelligence
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Abstract: During pregnancy thyroid is hyper stimulated, resulting in changes in thyroid hormone concentrations. Normal thyroid function is important for mother and growing fetus in the course of pregnancy. This article discusses the changes in thyroid physiology that occur during pregnancy Trimester-specific intervals are especially important during pregnancy when thyroid insufficiency may be associated with adverse obstetric outcome and fetal neuro developmental deficits. Appropriate management results in improved outcomes, demonstrating the importance of proper diagnosis and treatment......
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Abstract: Objective: we aimed to provide comparison of D-dimer & CRP with wave 1st & 2 nd with severity of disease. Methods: 100 patients admitted in Shri Mahant Indresh Hospital Covid Ward with positive RT PCR for wave 1 & wave 2. Serum samples taken and run on VITROS 5600/7600 which is dry chemistry and reported for D-dimer & CRP. Results: with 100 patients data was collected for wave 1 & wave 2 for Covid 19. D- dimer- Mean± SD - 2161±2679 & CRP 29.85±25.36 wave1& D-dimer- Mean±SD - 3106±4286 & CRP 53.02±62.52 wave 2 both are significant. D-dimer is significant for both wave1 & wave 2 of Covid 19......
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Abstract: INTRODUCTION: Nerve monitoring is an essential part of thyroid, parotid and vestibular schwannoma surgery in the present era. The use of nerve monitor can reduce damage to the vital structures while operating. Nerve injury is a serious complication of thyroid surgeries as damage to the recurrent laryngeal nerve (RLN) during thyroid surgery can result in compromising airways, voice changes and aspiration. Intraoperative nerve monitoring (IONM) has become one the most widely used adjunct for identifying the RLN and allows real-time identification and functional assessment of the RLN in the operative field. Although, the rate of injury to the nerve has been reported to be relatively low but most of them believes that these types of injury must be reduce further. The use of this technology in thyroid surgery has been a much-debated topic for years. No consensus exists regarding IONM's effectiveness in preventing RLN injury. So, it is recommended to assess the cost effectiveness of using IONM in thyroid surgeries........
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Abstract: Background: The goal of this study was to use cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) to investigate the prevalence of middle mesial canals (MMC) in mandibular molars in the Kozhikode population (Kerala, India). Materials and Methods: CBCT images of 103 patients were chosen from the department of oral medicine and radiology at the government dental college in Kozhikode, Kerala, India, as well as one private centre. The number of roots, canals, and presence and shape of MMC were assessed in mandibular first and second molars with no indication of previous root canal treatment, full coverage restorations, or root resorption. The patients' age and gender were also noted. Analysis.......
Keywords: cone beam computed tomography, middle mesial canal, mandibular molar, root canal treatment
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Abstract: Background: Computer vision syndrome (CVS) is a group of ocular and extra-ocular symptoms that occur associated with high-intensity computer use. The prevalence of CVS increases in conjunction with increasing use of computers in work and daily life, including in the population of health workers. However, there are still few researches that study CVS in health workers, so this research was conducted to study the prevalence and characteristics of CVS in health workers in a general hospital in Bali, Indonesia. Method: This study used an analytical observational design. Respondents were recruited by convenience sampling technique. Data were collected using questionnaires that were filled out by the respondents. The data collected includes demographic variables, characteristics of computer use, and CVS symptoms. Descriptive data analysis was performed with IBM SPSS 23.0.......
Keywords: computer vision syndrome, health workers, descriptive, Bali, Indonesia
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Abstract: Background: Coats disease is an idiopathic eye disease, primarily affecting young children.
Its most important differential diagnosis is unilateral retinoblastoma, whose prognosis and therapeutic management are different, hence the importance of the anatomo-clinical correlation.
observation: This is a 13-month-old boy who presented with leukocoria in his left eye for 4 months.
The initial ophthalmologic examination showed the negativity of the pursuit, threat, glare and photomotor reflexes.
Examination of the anterior segment revealed edema of the cornea with decreased depth of the anterior chamber......
Keywords: Coasts disease, telangiectasis, exsudative retinal detachment
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Abstract: INTRODUCTION: Cerebral venous thrombosis is thrombosis of cerebral veins and dural sinuses which can cause a stroke. Timely diagnosis of cerebral venous thrombosis is needed to decrease morbidity and can be life-saving. MATERIAL & METHODS: It was a prospective observational study done from October 2017 to September 2019. The present study was carried out on 30 patients admitted in the Department of Medicine and Neurology with a confirmed diagnosis of Cerebral Venous Sinus Thrombosis. All patients assumed to have CSVT/CVST were investigated BUT only those candidates who are confirmed with MRI, MR venogram were taken up for study RESULTS: Mean age...
Keywords: Cerebral Venous Sinus Thrombosis, clinical profile, risk factors, outcome
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Abstract: Résumé : Introduction : Le massage cardiaque récent prolongé est une contre-indication relative à la thrombolyse. Matériels et méthodes : Nous rapportons le cas d'un arrêt circulatoire ayant bénéficié d'une réanimation cardiopulmonaire agressive, prolongée (massage cardiaque externe et choc électrique externe) récupéré avec évolution favorable après administration d'un thrombolytique Résultats : La rapidité d'évolution et l'aggravation clinique malgré la réanimation agressive ont contraint à l'administration de cette thérapeutique ultime après évaluation du rapport bénéfice/risque sur les données de la clinique. Conclusion : Cette thérapeutique agressive.......
Keywords: thrombolyse, arrêt cardiaque, réanimation cardio-pulmonaire
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