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Abstract: Background: Iron deficiency anemia is most common nutritional disorder in the world with higher prevalence in developing countries than developed countries. Study of the prevalence of iron deficiency anaemia will be useful if picture of the risk factors that contribute to the development of anaemia are also studied. Iron deficiency anaemia accounts for significant morbidity and mortality. There are numerous countries lacking national prevalence data in school going age group. Also, most survey data including National Family and Health Survey 4 in India, are related to the three population groups: preschool age children, pregnant women and non-pregnant women of reproductive age. Hence to determine the clinical profile and severity of iron deficiency anaemia among children aged 5-10 years, we conducted a study in a urban multispeciality.......
Keywords: Iron deficiency anaemia , anaemia , prevalence , 5-10 years
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | An Observational Study of Grade 3 Splenic Injury |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | DR.R.Jayakumar M.S || DR.S.Arasu M.S || DR.P.Murugadasan M.S |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/0853-2008120710 ![]() |
Abstract: Background: Significant abdominal solid organ injuries are present in most of blunt injury abdomen, of which 80-90% injuries are due to Road Traffic Accidents, fall from height, assaults which leads to mortality and morbidity Solid abdominal organs like liver, spleen, kidney are most commonly injured in blunt injury abdomen and its management will be challenging in deciding operative and non operative or conservative management .In that operative management is required only in 30 to 35% of blunt injuries abdomen. Recently there has been major shift to non operative management of solid organ injuries from operative management in hemodynamically stable and selected patients......
Keyword: Grade 3 splenic injury, conservative management, operative management
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Abstract: Background: Ocular trauma is one of the most common causes of ophthalmic morbidity and monocular blindness worldwide. The purpose of this study is to assess the clinical presentation of closed globe injuries and to determine the final visual outcome of closed globe injuries after treatment. Materials and methods: This was a hospital-based prospective longitudinal study conducted over 24 months at RIMS, Manipur, India. A total of 102 patients of closed globe injuries were included in the study. All patients underwent complete eye examination. Findings were analysed by proper statistical methods using SPSS software version 21(IBM)......
Key word: closed globe injury, ocular trauma, clinical presentations, visual outcome
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Abstract: Introduction: In the present study has been made to study the association between sub-clinical hypothyroidism and biliary stone disease and establish if there is any clinical correlation between these two diseases. Previously described that thyroid hormone are having a number of effects on cholesterol metabolism. In hypothyroidism serum cholesterol values rises which in turn leads to super saturation of bile with cholesterol, leading to gallbladder hypo motility, decreased contractibility and impaired filling, giving rise to prolonged residence and flow capacity of bile in the gallbladder. These events may contribute to the retention of cholesterol crystals, thereby allowing sufficient time for nucleation and continual growth into mature gall stones........
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Abstract: Background: Improving the well being of infant and children is an important public health goal. Their well being determines the health of next generation and can help predict future public health challenges for families, communities and health care system. Methods: A semi structured, pretested interview schedule was administered for obtaining the socio-demographic details and data related to infant illness and associated barriers for not availing the services. Results: It is encouraging to observe that, 95.2% infants were fully immunized for age. Migration to other place followed by unawareness were the main reasons for non or partial immunization.ARI was the most common illness......
Keywords: Health care services, Infants, Delhi
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Abstract: Human hydatid disease or cystic echinococcosis (CE) is parasitic disease of world-wide distribution and is endemic in sheep rearing areas including the Indian subcontinent. It is caused by the parasite, Echinococcus granulosus a cestode that lives in the small intestine of dogs and other canines. The most common site of occurrence of hydatid cysts in humans is the liver followed by the lungs. They are asymptomatic in most cases and discovered accidentally on a routine abdominal ultrasound or an ultrasound performed for diagnosing other pathologies. The hepatic hydatid cyst therapy is multimodal, including medical, surgical, and, lately, minimally invasive techniques. We report a case of calcified hepatic hydatic cyst which was managed surgically
Keywords: Zoonoses, Hydatid cyst, Echinococcus granulosis, hepatic cyst
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Abstract: INTRODUCTION: In TB patients and population controls multiple studies demonstrated contradictory findings in vitamin D intake. Moreover the prevalence of vitamin D in household TB contacts in India has not been examined in any previous study. MATERIAL & METHODS: It was a Hospital based comparative, Case control study conducted From June 2019 to October 2020. Group 1: Newly confirmed cases of tuberculosis (Pulmonary and Extra Pulmonary) in wards and OPD of Department of General Medicine, King George hospital, Visakhapatnam. Group 2: Apparently healthy attenders of non-Tuberculous patients in wards and OPD of Department of General Medicine, King George....
Keywords: Tuberculosis, vitamin D levels, deficiency
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Abstract: Background: The life of a complete denture wearer is abruptly paralyzed by the sudden fracture of the denture which is of utmost necessity for his/her day to day routine life. Despite the high frequency of denture fracture, there is surprisingly little discussion of the subject in the literature. In this article an attempt is made to propose a classification system based on the type of repair possible in different clinical situations of complete denture fractures. Materials and methods: In this study, the data was collected from 350 patients who reported to the department of prosthodontics with fractured complete denture. Along with......
Keywords: Denture repair, Denture fracture, Classification of repairs
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Abstract: Background: In both developed and developing countries, breast cancer is the most common cancer in women. Also, it is the second main cause of cancer death in women. However, appropriate and successful treatment has a positive effect on the survival rate for a patient with cancer according to WHO's report in 2016. Classification algorithms are frequently used to analyze breast cancer data to predict. The main objective of this research is to identify the best prediction model for breast cancer treatment by using decision tree algorithms. Materials and Methods: Data were collected from the patients' records at the BMC such as patients' ages and stages of the disease. The dataset was 336 patients with malignant and 10 features. Three of the decision tree algorithms were used to develop breast cancer prediction models; the J48, CART, and Random Forest were used as classifiers. This research used......
Keywords: Treatment of Breast Cancer, Decision Tree, Prediction Model, Statistical performance metrics Machine Learning, Breast Cancer
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Abstract: Background: The sternum is one of the skeleton parts with frequently detected variation in cross-sectional images or autopsy series. The anatomical or congenital variations of the sternum in the anterior chest wall may involve malignancies, injuries or severe traumas. The aim of the study was undertaken to evaluate the incidence of anatomical and congenital variations of human dry sternum bones. Methods: This study was carried out on 120 dry human sternum bones irrespective of age and sex at Department of Anatomy, Shahid Nirmal Mahto Medical College, Dhanbad, Jharkhand. All the sternum bones were macroscopically inspected for the anatomical and congenital variations of human dry sternum bones. Photographs of the anatomical and congenital variations......
Keywords: Acupuncture, Stern brae, Sternum, Sternal foramina, Xiphoidalgia
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Abstract: The chronic granulomatosis disease is a rare primary immunodeficiency, of genetic origin, characterized by an abnormality in the functioning of one of the five structural subunits of the reduced enzyme nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH) oxidase. The result is an inability of the phagocytic cells to inactivate the microorganisms that they have previously phagocyted. This pathology is characterized by repeated bacterial and fungal infections as well as by inflammatory and autoimmune manifestations. We report a case of chronic granulomatosis disease that simulated the diagnosis of recurrent tuberculosis.
Keywords: chronic granulomatosis disease , immunodeficiency, tuberculosis
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