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Abstract: Primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD) is a rare hereditary disease; it can rarely coexist with other rare disorders such as retinitis pigmentosa which is a hereditary cause of blindness by retinal ciliary dysfunction. This association is not obvious at first sight. We report the case of a patient with retinitis pigmentosa and bronchiectasis as the first apparent symptom of PCD.
KEY WORDS: primary ciliary dyskinesia, bronchiectasis, retinitis pigmentosa
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Abstract: Background: Across the world, tonsillectomy is one of the most commonly performed operations in the otolaryngology department especially in the pediatric age group for recurrent tonsillitis for which paradise criteria is used as guidance to determine the candidacy. Paradise criteria take various factors into consideration to determine if the indication exists for tonsillectomy. Taking paradise criteria into consideration, various otolaryngologists' associations and boards across the world like American association of otolaryngology etc. have drawn guidelines to help clinicians in identifying candidacy for tonsillectomy. But these criteria cannot be used in rural Indian setup like our institutions which mainly cater health care needs to rural population. Hence where paradise criteria are not relevant we developed a clinical method to determine the candidacy for tonsillectomy. In this study we subjected 100 tonsils specimens of patients who underwent tonsillectomy based on clinical criteria.......
Keywords: Paradise criteria, Tonsillitis, Tonsillectomy
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Abstract: Background: Acute Poisoning is one of the major cause of medical emergency reason for attending casualty of hospital, and it's one of the common causes of ICU admission, accounting for significant morbidity and mortality in developing countries like India AIMS: To Describe the Clinical profile of subjects admitted to a rural tertiary care hospital ICU with history of poisoning. Materials and methods: Epidemiological, clinical, laboratory, treatment data were obtained with data collection forms from medical records and history given by 60 poisoning subjects admitted in the month February 2021 and March 2021 medical ICU of AH & RC AIMS BG Nagara Mandya Karnataka India.......
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Abstract: Background: Anemia in pregnancy accounts for one fifth of maternal deaths worldwide and is a major factor responsible for low birth weight. In India, 16% of maternal deaths are attributed to anemia. The association between anemia and adverse pregnancy outcome, higher incidence of preterm and low–birth weight deliveries have been demonstrated. However, high prevalence of anemia among pregnant women persists in India despite the availability of effective, low-cost interventions for prevention and treatment. A knowledge of the sociodemographic factors associated with anemia will help to formulate multipronged strategies to attack this important public health problem in pregnancy.......
Keywords: public; anemia; pregnancy; maternal; rural; socio-demographic; epidemiology
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Abstract: Background The appropriate selection and timely application of instrumental vaginal delivery in the second stage of labour can significantly reduce perinatal morbidity and mortality as well as reduce caesarean section rates. Materials and method: The delivery register and the electronic medical records of women seen and managed in our delivery ward between 1st January 20014 to 31st December 2019 were searched and such information as the bio-data, booking status, instrumental vaginal delivery and their indications as well as the feto-maternal outcome were extracted and analysed. Results are presented in percentages and figures. Results: There were 8595 deliveries with.......
Key words: Feto-maternal outcome, incidence, indications, instrumental vaginal delivery, Low resource setting
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Abstract: Introduction firefighters are not only involved in fire extinguishing, fire precautions and fire preventions but are being increasing involved in other aspects of safety and rescue during accidents domestic or otherwise. This has also led to increasing psychological and physical stress on these firefighters. Hence all hands must be on deck to understand these threats to the wellbeing of this group of essential workers and develop modalities to reduce their effects on the physical and mental well being of firefighters. Aim/ Objectives This study aims to assess the health related quality of life (HRQoL) of Firefighters and the association between duration of employment and HRQoL of Firefighters in Ogun State, Nigeria. Materials and Methods This was a descriptive cross-sectional study done among firefighters......
Keywords: Firefighters, Quality of life (QoL), Health related quality of life (HRQoL)
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Abstract: Background and aims: Sexual impairment is commonly seen with antipsychotics but most patients do not report it. The aim of the study was to determine and compare frequency of sexual dysfunction associated with atypical antipsychotics Risperidone, Olanzapine and Quetiapine, in clinically stable schizophrenics.
Materials and methods: Prospective cross-sectional study in sexually active patients with Schizophrenia, in the age group 18-40 years. Purposive sampling technique was employed. Sample was divided into four groups, healthy volunteers, olanzapine group, quetiapine group and risperidone group. Brief psychiatric rating scale (BPRS) and changes in sexual functioning questionnaire (CSFQ) were used to assess sexual domains. Kruskal Wallis test and Chi-square tests were used to test significance of difference.
Results: 100 subjects were included (25 in each group). Mean age was 33.2.......
Keywords: Loss of desire, Quetiapine, Risperidone, schizophrenia, sexual dysfunction
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Andrews Bridge System –A Review |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr Radhi R K || Dr Juraise M C |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/0853-2008043840 ![]() |
Abstract: Loss of teeth often results in loss of a variable amount of adjacent soft and hard tissue. Prosthodontic rehabilitation of a large anterior ridge defects is often a challenge. Such defects require not just the replacement of the missing teeth, but also closure of the defective area so as to achieve proper speech and esthetics. Fixed-removable partial dentures are particularly indicated for patients with extensive supportive tissue loss and when the alignment of the opposing arches and/or esthetic arch position of the replacement teeth create difficulties for placement of a conventional fixed partial denture. Andrews Bridge is a fixed-removable prosthesis that is one of the treatment modality indicated in patients with large ridge defects. This prosthesis successfully replaces the missing teeth along with complete closure of the defect, restoring speech and esthetics.
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Abstract: A giant retinal tear (GRT) is defined as a full-thickness break in the retina equal to or larger than 3 clock hours associated with vitreous detachment. Risk factors for developing a GRT include trauma, high myopia, Marfan syndrome, Stickler's syndrome or other hereditary vitreoretinopathies, and extensive lattice degeneration. Common techniques used to treat GRTs include fluid-air exchange, pneumatic retinopexy, scleral buckling, primary vitrectomy with gas or silicone oil tamponade, and combined scleral buckle-vitrectomy. Perfluorocarbon liquids (PFCLs) revolutionized the management......
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Abstract: Background Anaemia is a health concern in menstruating women, especially adolescent girls and pregnant women. The prevalence is higher in developing countries like India, mainly Iron deficiency anaemia which is the most common type in India due to factors like malnutrition, lack of awareness, lower socioeconomic status and less education. A research was carried out to assess the knowledge, attitude, practice and health-seeming behaviour of internet using educated menstruating women towards anaemia. The objective of the study was to enumerate knowledge, attitude, practice and health seeming behaviour towards anaemia......
Keywords Anaemia, Health seeming behaviour, Educated Menstruating women, Modified Kuppuswamy scale
[1]. Prasad Upadrasta V, Nath Ponna S, Bathina H, Kumar Reddy Kapu A, Sadasivuni R, Mitaigiri C. Knowledge, attitudes and practices of adolescent school girls regarding prevention of iron deficiency anaemia. International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health Upadrasta VP et al Int J Community Med Public Health [Internet]. 2019;6(6):2694–9. Available from: http://www.ijcmph.com
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Abstract: Background: Ovarian neoplasms present with a wide spectrum of clinical and histopathological features. The main aims and objectives of the study are to study the different histopathological types of ovarian neoplasms, to analyze the clinical data of the patient in regarding ovarian neoplasms and to establish the correlation between the clinical features and histopathological findings. Materials and methods: This retrospective study of three year duration from 2018 to 2021 were conducted in pathology department of Silchar Medical College and Hospital, Silchar, Assam. Total 156 cases with ovarian lesion were studied. Both asymptomatic and symptomatic cases with clinical features such as pain in abdomen, lump in abdomen, anorexia/weight loss.........
Keywords: Ovarian neoplasms, histopathological types, clinical features, clinicopathological correlation, WHO classification
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