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Abstract: Sex determination is a significant step in forensic investigation in remains of unknown human skeletal. The current analysis in this study is an attempt in determination of the sex of the sternum by applying sternal index as one of the parameter in a Dhanbad population of Jharkhand, India. For sexual dimorphism study, Sternal index is calculated in 115 adult sternums which include 75 male and 40 female. The sternal index is given as percentage of the length of manubrium (mm) divided by the length of mesosternum (mm). The sternal index calculated was found to be significantly higher in females; hence the analysis of the data reveals that sex determination cannot be made conclusively from the sternal index in the Dhanbad district of Jharkhand, India. The present study also concludes that the Hyrtl's law applicability in sex determination is limited..
Keywords: Forensic anthropometry; Skeletal remains; Identification; Sex determination; Sternal index
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Abstract: BACKGROUND: Excessive fluid administration for saving patients from hypovolemic shock is one of the main causes of intra-abdominal hypertension (IAH) and abdominal compartment syndrome (ACS). The world society of abdominal compartment syndrome (WSACS) defines Intra-abdominal pressure (IAP) as the pressure within the abdominal cavity measured at end expiration in a relaxed, supine patient. It defines IAH as a sustained elevation of IAP >12 mmHg and ACS as a sustained elevation of IAP >20mmHg that is associated with the onset of organ dysfunction. IAH/ACS not only affects the......
Keyword: Abdominal compartment syndrome, fluid resuscitation, intra-abdominal hypertension, blunt abdominal trauma
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Abstract: OBJECTIVE: purpose of this study is to find the cause, management and outcome of patients presenting with pneumothorax in a thoracic medicine department METHODS: pneumothorax patients coming to treatment at thoracic medicine department at kilpauk medical college and GTHTM, otteri, Chennai during the period November 2019 to June 2021 were recruited and managed with appropriate intervention and outcome recorded. Patients of age above 18years were included. RESULTS: Total of 54 pneumothorax patients were evaluated for this study. The commonest management was intercostal drainage tube. The commonest cause and pulmonary tuberculosis. other causes include primary spontaneous tuberculosis, COPD, interstial lung......
Key word: pneumothorax, pulmonary tuberculosis, COPD, intercostal drainage, pleurodesis
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Abstract: Cancer is a class of diseases where a group of cells show uncontrolled growth by dividing outside the normal range, invading and attaching to adjacent tissues, and sometimes metastases, which spread to other parts of the body through the lymphatic system and bloodstream. For this research were used data obtained from the database of the Institute for Health Protection Prilep, city hospital "Borka Taleski" from Prilep for the prevalence of identified malignant and benign diseases by age in the department of child health service in the period from 2014 until 2019. The purpose........
Key words: Malignant, benigng, cancer, statistics, oncology
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A study on changes of liver function test in Choledocholithiasis |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Rubul Hussain |
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: | 10.9790/0853-2008132226 ![]() |
Abstract: Background: Choledocholithiasis is a plight for the society owing to the significant morbidity associated with the disease. The clinical presentation of choledocholithiasis may be asymptomatic or symptomatic. In the absence of symptoms of choledocholithiasis, the preoperative diagnosis depends on changes serum Liver function test and other imaging studies Ultrasonography can't always diagnosis choledocholithiasis in cases of cholelithiasis. MRCP is costlier and many patients can't afford. Changes in liver function test can predict the presence of choledocholithiasis. Materials and Methods: Hospital based observational study was conducted in 73 cases of choledocholithiasis who were admitted in the department of General surgery, AMCH, Dibrugarh during the period from June, 2019 to May, 2020. Inclusion criteria was all diagnosed cases of choledocholithiasis and exclusion criteria's were all cases of age less than 12 years, associated with......
Key words: Alkaline phosphatase, Gamma- glutamyl transferase, Choledocholithiasis, Liver function test
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Abstract: Introduction : Tuberculosis still remains a public health priority, especially with the emergence of HIV. It is more and more revealing of the HIV infection. The objective of this study is to analyze the clinical, epidemiological, and therapeutic aspect of tuberculosis in patients infected with HIV. Material : This is a descriptive retrospective study of 42 patients co-infected with susceptible tuberculosis and HIV diagnosed and treated in the pneumo-phthisiology department of the Moulay Youssef hospital in Rabat , over a period of 7 years between 2014 and 2020. Methods :4403 patients were hospitalized in our phthisiology department for treatment of tuberculous disease, and among them there are 42 cases of co-infections. The......
Key words: Tuberculosis -HIV-coinfection
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Abstract: Introduction: Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) is a heterogeneous clonal lymphoproliferative disease originating from activated B lymphocytes that have experienced antigen. The clinical course is very heterogeneous. Some patients never look for treatment, as opposed to others who live and die with an aggressive illness. This clinical heterogeneity is likely a reflection of molecular and cellular heterogeneity, on the basis of which patients with CLL can be divided into subgroups with different clinical-biological characteristics.
Aim of the study: Evaluation of prognostic factors in terms of treatment free survival, prognosis and adequate therapeutic approach in patients with CLL.......
Key words: CLL, prognosis, treatment free survival.
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Abstract: Background: Laparoscopic cholecystectomy is considered the "gold standard" in the surgical treatment of symptomatic gallstones, gallbladder adenomas and acute cholecystitis. Among the alternative energy sources proposed (monopolar, bipolar electric scalpel, and radiofrequency sealers) with the aim to dissect and/or seal, the ultrasonic energy has been frequently adopted, however without a widespread acceptance among surgeons for routine or emergency laparoscopic cholecystectomy. This study investigates the possible beneficial......
Key words: Laparoscopic cholecystectomy, Ultrasonic scalpel, Monopolar coagulation
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