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Abstract: Background : Acute Organophosphorus poisoning is a medical emergency and is a preventable and treatable cause of mortality in Emergency department. Acute organophosphate insecticide poisoning can manifest 3 different phases of toxic effects, namely, acute cholinergic crisis, intermediate syndrome (IMS), and delayed neuropathy. Among them, IMS has been considered as a major contributing factor of organophosphate-related morbidity and mortality because of its frequent occurrence and probable consequence of respiratory failure. Hence, in the present study, we intended to evaluate the efficacy of FFP transfusion in prevention of IMS following OP poisoning..........
Keywords: Intermediate syndrome (IMS), Organophosphate poisoning (OP), Fresh frozen plasma, (FFP), ICU stays, Ventilator support, Mortality
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Abstract: Nanodentistry aims towards the application of nanotechnology for the maintanence of oral health. Research in nanotechnology has gained significant momentum over the years and has it's implications in the field of endodontics. From modifications in the rotary file systems to pulp regeneration nanotechnology has come a long way. A better understanding of the nanomodified materials and the ongoing research in this emerging field would help to appreciate how these materials can be used in daily practice. It would be safe to say that nanotechnology would definitely be a game changer in improving the quality of endodontic treatment.
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Abstract: Background: Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease is one of the most important cause of morbidity and mortality throughout the world. It is now the 4th leading cause of death in the world and it is expected to become the 3rd leading cause of death by 2022. In 2012, COPD was the cause of death in more than 3 million people and it accounted for 6% of all the deaths worldwide. The COPD burden is expected to rise in coming years because of continuous exposure to risk factors and ageing of the population. The aim of this study is to study the clinical profile of patients and to assess right ventricular dysfunction by utilizing right ventricular parameters obtained by clinical methods, electrocardiography & echocardiography and to correlate with the severity of COPD according to GOLD guidelines.......
Key Word: COPD, Corpulmonale, ECG, 2D ECHO
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Abstract: Introduction: Appendiceal mucocele is a clinically and pathologically rare condition. Mucinous secretions obstruct the lumen of the appendix leading to dilation. Case presentation: A 54-year-old female presented with right lower quadrant pain for three days. The pain was described as cramping, with nausea and vomiting following it. The imaging studies revealed a well-circumscribed mass with a smooth thin wall, without calcifications arising from the inferomedial aspect of the caecum, highly suggestive of an appendiceal......
Keywords: Appendicitis; Mucocele; Mucinous cystadenoma; Appendix; Appendectomy
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | HIV and the Heart, an Echocardiographic Study. |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Cookey SN. |
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Abstract: BACKGROUND Various screening modalities have been used to assess cardiac involvement in patients infected with HIV.There is varying prevalence depending on the screening modalitiy used. Echocardiography is a valuable tool used in assessing cardiac diseases and has been used in a large number of studies to evaluate cardiac abnormalities in HIV patients. This study is aimed at assessing the incidence of cardiac abnormalities among HIV positive individuals using echocardiography. METHODS: Study cases were randomly selected amongst adult patients aged 18 years and above, who fufilled the inclusion criteria, presenting at the University.....
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Electrocardiography And Echocardiography As Diagnostic Tools For HIV Heart Disease |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Cookey SN. |
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: | 10.9790/0853-2103014450 ![]() |
Abstract: Background: Human Iimmunodeficiency Virus (HIV)is a multisystemic disease affecting a plethora of organs in the body of which the heart is one. Histologic, electrocardiographic and echocardiographic studies have all corroborated involvement of the heart in HIV infection. While Echocardiography is a very valuable tool in evaluating structural abnormalities. Electrocardiography remains the gold standard for rhythm abnormalities and has the added value of being able to assess some structural and ischemic changes in the heart of HIV positive patients. In addition, it is cheap and readily available in resource poor settings and can allow the attending physician make prompt and important decisions. This study assessed the electrocardiographic abnormalities in HIV positive.....
[1]. Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) Global and Regional HIV Statistics: UNAIDS Fact Sheet; 2021. Available from: https://www.unaids.org/sites/default/files/media_asset/UNAIDS_ FactSheet_en.pdf. [Last accessed on 2022 February 26].
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Abstract: Background: Gallstone disease is prevalent in 10-14% of adult population of eastern world. Around 8−20% of patients undergoing cholecystectomy for cholelithiasis have been detected with common bile duct stones (CBDS). The role of conventional surgical management in the era of endoscopy for the treatment of choledocholithiasis have never declined to the baseline, rather it has always stood as an adjunct and saviour when failure of all other modalities is taken into account. Open surgical approach is based upon a number of factors like the diameter of the CBD,....
Keywords: CBDS, T-Tube drainage, choledochoduodenostomy, surgical management
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Abstract: Background: Autistic children were the greatest challenge for pediatric dentists due to their complex behavior and oral manifestations. Aim: the present study was designed to compare mandibular bone density and permanent root development variations in autistic patient with healthy group. Materials and methods: The study was carried out on one hundred children of both sexes aged from six to eight years old, selected from the Child and Adolescent Psychiatry outpatient clinic of Psychiatry and Neurology Center, Faculty of Medicine, Tanta University and Pedodontic clinic, Faculty of Dentistry, Tanta University. The selected children were divided into two groups. Group I included fifty children had been previously diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders.....
KEYWORDS: Autism spectrum disorders-Dental development-mandibular radio-density
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