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Abstract: Background: Despite the fact that immunologic mechanisms and genetic factors are thought to have a role in alopecia areata, the exact cause is unknown. Iron deficiency has been cited as a factor; however, its impact is debatable. In our case control research, we discovered that patients had greater mean serum iron and ferritin levels and lower mean TIBC levels than control participants, although the differences were highly significant. Materials and Methods: This was observational prospective study, The present study included 150 A.A patients(cases) and 150 controls attended to Department of Dermatology in collaboration with Department of Biochemistry, LNMC & J.K Hospital, Bhopal. The levels of Iron and Ferritin was estimated by colorimetric Method........
Keywords: Alopecia Areata, Serum Iron, Serum Ferritin
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Abstract: Background/aim: Myopia is a the most common refractive errorwith seious complications and degeneration the retina and choroid associated with its higher grades may lead to blindness. The aim of this study was to evaluate macular thickness by optical coherence tomography and its relation with axial length and various degrees of axial myopia. Material and methods: 110 eyes of patients with different degrees of myopia aged from (18 to 40) years underwent a comprehensive ophthalmologic examination, which included uncorrected visual acuity (UCVA), subjective refraction and OCT measurements....
Keywords: Macular thickness, myopia, OCT measurements, uncorrected visual acuity
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Abstract: The aim of this study was to analyze short-term functional results and complications in reverse shoulder prosthesis, and to determine if these are influenced by the different shoulder conditions. Materials and Methods : Between 2018 and 2020 we inserted 18 reverse shoulder prostheses. Indications were: arthropathy by rupture of the rotator cuff, glenohumeral osteoarthritis, proximal humerus fracture . We evaluated the patients from medical and radiographic points of view and analyzed them classified into different groups
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Abstract: Background: Third molars present more problems than other teeth because they are the last teeth to erupt, and so it is important to assess their development when designing an orthodontic treatment plan. The aim of this study was to compare the angulation of the mandibular third molar and retromolar space before and after orthodontic treatment in cases involving first premolar extraction.
Records of 50 non extraction and 50 1st premolar extraction patients were examined, the pre-treatment and post treatment pantomograph were digitized....
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Clinico-Pathological Study of Leiomyoma of Uterus |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Priti Kumari || Dr. Sheela Kumari || Dr. Shashikar |
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: | 10.9790/0853-2103042832 ![]() |
Abstract: Background: Leiomyoma of the uterus forms the most common type of benign tumor of the uterus and also most common pelvic tumor in women. The symptomatology continues to be variable. Surgery has for long been the main mode of therapy for the myomas. For women who wish to retain their uterus for future pregnancies or other reasons myomectomy is known. Recent trend has been towards non surgical approaches like GnRH hormone analogues or agonists, RU486 or selective uterine artery embolization, Laparoscopic cryoablation, radio frequency thermal ablation. Methods: A clinical study of 200 cases of fibroid uterus was made in Jawaharlal....
Keywords: Leiomyoma, adenomyosis, endoetrium, menorrhagia
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Abstract: xxxx
Keywords: planter, fasciitis, covid 19.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A survey on Green Orthodontics in North Gujarat |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Vijay Yogi || Dr. Manish Desai || Dr. Ajay K. Kubavat |
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: | 10.9790/0853-2103043643 ![]() |
Abstract: Introduction: Global warming is one of the serious issues that people face around the globe (WHO 2020). It is important for us that the earth is around for our kids for a long time to come. Hence, as a dentist, it is our responsibility to extend our contribution toward environmental protection using an eco‑friendly approach in clinical practice. Dental practice which has a huge impact on the environment due to the large amount of metallic waste generated by various dental procedures along with excessive use of water and electricity, which specifically emphasis the thrust to move towards 'Green dentistry'. Furthermore, because climatic emergencies and pollutants disproportionately impact vulnerable groups, the dentistry professionals has a chance to close the ever-widening gap in public health by reducing environmental.........
Keywords: Green orthodontics, Green dentistry, Global warming, Green practice
[1]. Pallavi C, Moses J, Joybell CC, Sekhar KP. Assessment of knowledge, attitude, and implementation of green dentistry among dental practitioners in Chennai. Journal of Oral Research and Review. 2020 Jan 1;12(1):6.
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Abstract: A 21 year old male with a past h/o one blood transfusion presented with complaints of fever for 4 days. On physical examination, the patient had pallor, icterus, and splenomegaly. Routine investigations revealed normal values except for Hb-8g/dl, serum bilirubin-3.0, and plt-95000/mm3( mild thrombocytopenia). This made us suspect chronic malaria and dengue for which we did a peripheral smear, USG abdomen, and IgM dengue. The peripheral smear revealed microcytic hypochromic anemia with mild thrombocytopenia, RBC target cells, and USG abdomen showed massive splenomegaly. This made us suspicious of thalassemia and autoimmune hemolytic anemia for which hemoglobin electrophoresis and DCT were done....
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Abstract: We describe a 24-year-old patient who presented to the emergency department after a generalized tonic-clonic seizure episode. He reported focal repetitive jerks of right face and right upper limb for the past 3 days which then evolved into generalized tonic-clonic seizure. He also complained of an on and off headache for the past one month and palpitations for the past three months. He was a chronic alcoholic. He had no co-morbidities and reported no history of previous seizure episodes. On examination, he was conscious, oriented, and afebrile. His vital signs were normal and there were no signs of meningeal irritation. However, neurological examination showed decreased power in the right upper limb and right lower limb. Routine investigations were performed and the results were normal........
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Abstract: Background: Tuberculosis (TB) is a major public health problem worldwide and Mycobacterium tuberculosis bacteria is the most common causative agent in India. Tubercular lymphadenopathy is the most common form of extrapulmonary TB and Cervical lymph nodes are the most commonly affected lymph nodes by TB. The analysis of lymph node enlargement in the neck region is not an easy task and the diagnosis of the condition is a problem because most of the diseases resemble each other. Hence, our aim is to diagnose the cases of TB cervical lymph nodes out of the spectrum of cervical lymphadenopathy, their various clinical presentations and different modalities of treatment.....
Keywords: Tuberculosis (TB), Lymphadenopathy (LAD), Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology (FNAC).
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Abstract: Background: Carcinoma breast is a growing concern in the modern world. With recent advancement if the field of medical science, treatment modalities have significantly reduced mortality and morbidity in these patients owing to earlier diagnosis and better quality of treatment. Methods: The present prospective and observational study was conducted in the Department of General Surgery of Government Mohan Kumaramangalam Medical College Hospital, Salem, Tamil Nadu. One hundred patients of carcinoma breast were treated with modified radical mastectomy from September 2019 to September 2021........
Keywords: Breast cancer, Modified Radical Mastectomy, Early Post-operative complication, Seroma, Wound dehiscence
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Abstract: Objective: The goal of this study was to find out the common MRI finding for cervical spine in Sudanese patients with neck pain and its relations with age and gender and determine the most affected disc level. Materials and Methods: Data were collected from 53 patients from both genders their ages between 20 to 80 years old came to radiological departments of Aliaa Specialist Hospital, Alribat University Hospital, and Antalya Centre for cervical MRI scan in a period from July 2020 to September 2020. The data were collected from medical reports using data collecting sheet. The data analyzed by SPSS (version 19).......
Key Word: Cervical spine; MRI finding, neck pain ,disc bulge
[1]. Safiri S, Kolahi A-A, Hoy D, Buchbinder R, Mansournia MA, Bettampadi D, et al. Global, regional, and national burden of neck pain in the general population, 1990–2017: systematic analysis of the Global Burden of Disease Study 2017. BMJ. 2020;368.
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