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Abstract: Skeletal remains are often subjected to adverse and unexpected conditions, and more so if comingled remains, which could eventually distort evidence. The destruction of such potential diagnostic features may, thus, obstruct a quick decision as to whether a bone fragment is human or non-human. The aim of our study therefore is to determine if the histomorphometric features of the femur bone can be used to distinguish a human from dog specie. A convenience sampling technique was adopted to select and harvest femur bones from a healthy canis lupus familiaris (dog) and cadaver. 30 fragmented bone samples which has 15 human (Homo sapiens) bone fragments and 15 non human.......
Keywords: Femur, Humans, Dogs, Histomorphometry, Osteons, Haversian canal
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Abstract: Background: The burden of mucosal and skin disorders is high among children all over the world and the advent of the Human Immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection and Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) has further compounded this burden and diversity. The aim of this study was to determine and compare the pattern of mucosal and skin disorders in HIV-infected children with that in non-HIV-infected children receiving care in two tertiary hospitals in Port Harcourt. Materials and Methods: This was a cross sectional study carried out over a six month period. Study participants consisted of 372 HIV-infected children and 372 age, sex and socio-economic class matched non-HIV-infected children who served....
Key Word: Pattern, mucosal, skin, disorders, HIV-infected, children, Port Harcourt
[1]. World Health Organization (WHO). (2005). Epidemiology and Management of common skin diseases in children in developing countries. Retrieved from https://www.who.int>fch_cah_05_12. Accessed on 26th December 2021.
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Abstract: Background: Emergency surgery for colorectal disease is associated with high rate of complications and poor outcome. Our study aims to assess the role of proximal diversion in preventing anastomotic leakage in patients undergoing emergency colonic anastomotic surgery. Methods: In this Hospital based observational study, 40 patients undergoing emergency colonic anastomotic surgery at Assam Medical College and Hospital were included. The role of proximal diversion in preventing anastomotic leakage in emergency colorectal surgeries was studied. Results: In our study, diversion enterostomy was done in 22 cases, of which anastomotic leak occurred in 1 case (4.54%). In the remaining 18 cases without proximal diversion, anastomotic leak occurred in 6 cases(33.33%). The difference was statistically significant in our study. (p=0.049).....
KEY WORDS: Colonic anastomoses, Proximal Diversion
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Abstract: Inflammation and scarring of heartwhich is an autoimmune reaction triggered by infection due to group A streptococci is referred to as rheumatic heart disease. Chronic disease manifestations are due to fibrosis of valve which results in insufficiency and/or stenosis. 1% to 3% of all pregnancies are complicated with cardiovascular disease and it is accounted for 10% to 15% of all maternal mortalities. RHD is accounted for nearly 90% of all CVS diseases among pregnant women in low income countries.This disease commonly affects the young women in reproductive age group.Sometimes the initial diagnosis is made in antenatal or postpartum period when their damaged valves cannot tolerate the physiological changes in pregnancy and therefore resulting in clinical decomposition.....
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Abstract: Background: Polycystic Kidney Disease (PCKD) is a rare inherited disorder in which non-cancerous round cysts containing fluid are present in kidney which can also develop in liver and elsewhere in body. In early stages PCKD can lead to rise in erythropoietin levels which are not accompanied by the rise in hemoglobin concentration in blood. Case Report: Here we present a case of a 36 years old young Muslim woman with the complaint of weakness, lower backache and discharge per vaginum. After detailed history and general examination done, blood investigations, ultrasonography (USG) whole abdomen, Chest X ray PA view were adviced. Ultrasound revealed hepatomegaly, multiple cystic lesions in both lobes of liver of variable size, gall bladder distended with 10 mm size single calculus....
KEY WORDS: weakness, microcytic hypochromic anemia, multicystic kidney, multicystic liver
[1]. Etienne Leveille et al McGill University School of Medicine, polycystic liver disease National Organization for Rare Disorders. https://rarediseases.org/rare-diseases/polycystic-liver-disease/
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Immunohistochemical expression of p63 in meningiomas |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Alisha Aliyar || Geetha K |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/0853-2103082731 ![]() |
Abstract: Background: Meningiomas are the most common tumours of the central nervous system. They are graded based on histological criteria into 3 grades based on WHO 2016 CNS tumours. Grade II and III are aggressive meningiomas. Sometimes histological criteria alone are insufficient to predict biological behavior and grade them especially in small biopsies. Several immunohistochemical markers have been studied for differentiating benign from aggressive types. KI-67 is the most commomly used for predicting recurrence of meningiomas. P63, a family of p53 gene have been shown to play an important role in neoplasia including metastasis. Only few studies have been done to assess p63 expression in meningioma. Materials and Methods:This was a descriptive study. A total of 30 cases of meningiomas diagnosed on histopathological examination from January 2020 to January 2021 were included. Of these 17 were grade I, 9 grade II and 4 grade III . P63 IHC was done along with the routine ki67 staining on the representative blocks of tumour. Results were subsequently analysed.....
KEY WORDS: P63, KI-67, meningioma, Immunohistochemistry
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[5]. Hahn, H. P., Bundock, E. A. & Hornick, J. L. Immunohistochemical staining for claudin-1 can help distinguish meningiomas from histologic mimics. Am. J. Clin. Pathol. 125, 203–208 (2006).
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Abstract: Introduction: Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a most popular and complex metabolic disorder characterized by persistently elevated levels of blood glucose with disturbance of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats metabolism as a result of a defect in an insulin production or its action or both. Aim: The aim of the present study was taken to compare the efficiency of fasting blood glucose and HbA1c, in the diagnosis of type 2 DM. Material & methods: This cross sectional study was conducted at MNR Medical College Hospital from August 2021 to January 2022. The data collection which includes FBS and HbA1C values of around 423 type 2 diabetic patients was done. This includes 246....
KEY WORDS: Type-2 diabetes mellitus, Fasting blood glucose, HbA1C, diagnosis of diabetes. Glycemic control
[1]. Vinod Mahato R, Gyawali P, Raut PP, Regmi P, Singh KP, Raj Pandeya DP et.al., Association between glycaemic control and serum lipid profile in type 2 diabetic patients: Glycated haemoglobin as a dual biomarker. Biomedical Research 2011;22 (3): 375-80.
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[4]. Nagababu Pyadala, Ravindra Reddy Bobbiti, Ragalikhith Kesamneni, Rajaneesh Borugadda, Ravi Kumar, B. N, R.Vijayaraghavan, Rathnagiri Polavarapu. Association of Glycosylated hemoglobin and Lipid profile levels among Type 2 diabetic patients in Sangareddy. Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, biological and chemical Sciences. 7(5) Page No. 2849.
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Abstract: Background: Medical students always face examination stress due to vast syllabus and newer research knowledge which they have to gain. Stress affect the body systems in many ways, causing various systemic effects including processing incentral nervous system (CNS).Evaluation of cognitive functioning which requires higher CNS processing is unavoidable part of any professional exam. Thus exam stress might be also affecting cognitive functioning of the students.Aims and Objective:Present study was carried out to find effect of examination stress on cognitive functioning by measuring auditory reaction time (ART) and visual reaction time (VRT) in first year medical students.Materials and Methods:Study included 199 healthy male and female first year medical students. ART and VRT were recorded just after their admission (Stress free condition) and before their terminal and preliminary exam (Under exam stress condition). These two exams were taken at the interval of four months each after their........
[1]. Josh M. Cisler, Bunmi O. Olatunji, Matthew T. Feldnerand, Jphn P. Forsyth. Emotion Regulation and the Anxiety Disorders: An Integrative Review. J Psychopathol Behav Assess. 2010; 32(1): 68–82.
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Abstract: Trauma is a major cause of morbidity and mortality, and in the developed world, motor vehicle accidents are one of the leading causes. Up to 45% of patients with blunt abdominal trauma will have a splenic injury.1 The management of splenic injuries has evolved over the past few decades with the realisation of the importance of the spleen in immunological defence against encapsulated organisms and a better understanding of the role of non-operative management of splenic injuries. Historically, the most common treatment of traumatic splenic injury was operative management with splenectomy. The idea that a splenectomy is the only appropriate treatment for blunt splenic injuries was based on the concept that the spleen is a fragile, vascular structure unsuitable for suturing lacerations, that there is a risk of uncontrollable bleeding in the absence of surgical removal, and.....
[1]. Buccoliero F, Ruscelli P. Splenic Trauma. In the management of trauma. Italian Society of Surgery. 2010; p 138-50.
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Abstract: Introduction: Injuries during intercourse can range from superficial vaginal bleeding to severe ones that can lead to recto - vaginal fistulas and hemorrhage, which are usually related with rape and foreign body insertion rarely its associated with consensual sexual intercourse especially in Indian population. Presentation of case: We report a 45-year old multiparous female with history of per-ano-vaginal active bleeding, who presented in our emergency department with lower abdominal pain and weakness after consensual anal and vaginal intercourse, while denying any sex toy , fisting or foreign body insertion. Discussion: The unique feature of this case is that the post coitus tear of the anterior anal and posterior vaginal wall with perineal body laceration caused by anal and vaginal intercourse between two heterosexual adults. Conclusion: Consensual Sexual related traumas are taboo subjects as well as the cause of embarrassment and distress to most patients. It is vital that they are treated in a professional manner that respects their dignity
[1]. Omu A (1991) Vaginal injuries during coitus. Trop J Obstet Gynaecol 2: 115-118.
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[3]. Fish SA (1956) Vaginal injury due to coitus. Am J Obstet Gynecol 72: 544-548.
[4]. Muleta M, Williams G (1999) Postcoital injuries treated at the Addis Ababa Fistula Hospital, 1991-97. Lancet 354: 2051-2052.
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Abstract: Oral squamous papilloma (OSP) is a benign tumor and it is one of the most common lesions of the oral mucosa usually seen in hard and soft palate of adults. It is mostly asymptomatic with slow progressive changes in size. It often raises suspicion of malignancy in clinicians and patients and can lead to inappropriate management. Squamous papilloma are common lesions of the oral mucosa with a predilection for the mucosa of the hard and soft palate. As an oral lesion, it raises concern because of its clinical appearance, which may mimic exophytic carcinoma, verrucous carcinoma or condyloma acuminatum. It is related to human papilloma virus even though the controversy regarding its pathogenesis still exists. It most often occurs on the tongue and the hard palate. It is important to diagnose it correctly as it may mimic malignant lesions. This article describes a case of squamous papilloma in the oral cavity.
Keywords –Oral squamous papilloma , White keratotic lesion, Ulceroproliferative tissue, Verricuos carcinoma.
[1]. Du M, Nair R, Jamieson L, Liu Z, Bi P. Incidence trends of lip, oral cavity, and pharyngeal cancers: global burden of disease 1990–2017. Journal of dental research. 2020 Feb;99(2):143-51.
[2]. Parkin DM, Bray F, Ferlay J, Pisani P. Estimating the world cancer burden: Globocan 2000. International journal of cancer. 2001 Oct 15;94(2):153-6.
[3]. Marur S, D'Souza G, Westra WH, Forastiere AA. HPV-associated head and neck cancer: a virus-related cancer epidemic. The lancet oncology. 2010 Aug 1;11(8):781-9.
[4]. Jaju PP, Suvarna PV, Desai RS. Squamous papilloma: Case report and review of literature. Int J Oral Sci. 2010; 2(4):222-5.
[5]. Nai R, Ra KK. An unusual presentation of squamous papilloma on the buccal mucosa. Indian Journal of Multidisciplinary Dentistry. 2014 May 1;4(3).
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Abstract: Central serous chorioretinitis is a relatively common eye condition. It is a disease of the young subject, characterized by the presence of retinal serous detachment (RSD) usually located at the posterior pole, associated with changes in the pigment epithelium. A number of factors are involved in the pathophysiology of CRSC including high levels of endogenous or exogenous corticosteroids. Spontaneous course is often favorable. However, persistence or recurrence of RSD can result in permanent damage to photoreceptors and pigment epithelium. We report the case of 36-year-old patient who presents a central serous chorioretinitis with unilateral involvement that lasts for more than 06 months, in whom a treatment based on eplerenone has been proposed with a very good evolution......
Keywords –Central serous chorioretinopathy; Eplerenone; Persistent; Chronic; Retinal serous detachment
[1]. El ouafi, f. El alami, a. Bouzidi, a. Boussel, s. Iferkhass, a. Laktaoui. Traitement par éplérénone dans la choriorétinite séreuse centrale chronique : à propos de 8 cas. Journal de la société marocaine d'ophtalmologie n28 2019.
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