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Abstract: Background: Absence status epilepticus ASE is a type of non convulsive status epilepticus in which continuous or recurrent generalised epileptiform discharges are associated with a varying grade of consciousness. We describe the case of an elderly man who presented with typical ASE resolved after intravenous clonazepam. Clinical case report: A 62-year old man had a history of idiopathic generalized epilepsy with tonic-clonic seizures. Treated since the age of 30 years with phenobarbital PB 100 mg/day. He was disoriented to time and place and a slowness......
Keywords: Absence status epilepticus ASE, Generalized paroxysms of 3 Hz spike-wave, Benzodiazepine
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Abstract: Background: Landau-Kleffner syndrome (LKS), also known as acquired aphasia with epilepsy, is a rare age-related epileptic encephalopathy characterized by developmental regression in the area of language and electroencephalogram (EEG) abnormalities located mainly around the temporoparietal areas. When present, seizures occur more frequently during sleep. Behavioral disorders can be part of the clinical picture. Clinical case report: Landau-Kleffner Syndrome LKS is a rare childhood epileptic syndrome characterized by acquired aphasia, epileptic abnormalities and epileptic seizures. In our case report on two children with LKS we compared waking EEG and sleep EEG, and which one is better in the diagnosis of LKS. Conclusion: Sleep EEG is better then waking EEG in the diagnosis of Landau-Kleffner Syndrome LKS..
Keywords Landau Kleffner syndrome, Acquired aphasia with epilepsy, Sleep EEG
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Abstract: Background: Temporal complex partial status epilepticus TCPSE is an electroclinical syndrome consisting of partial, temporal, fluctuating epileptic seizures, recurrent enough to cause a confusional state whose symptomatology is variable. The diagnosis is difficult based on clinical elements alone and requires an emergency electroencephalogram. The EEG examination makes it possible to diagnose temporal complex partial status epilepticus. Temporal complex partial status epilepticusTCPSE is characterized by continuous or recurrent temporal discharges and can be organized in a cyclical manner, this presentation being characteristic but rare....
Keywords: Mental confusion, Temporal complex partial status epilepticus, EEG subcontinuous activity, Clonazepam , Carbamazepine
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Abstract: Background: Dupuytren's contracture is a progressive fibrotic condition affecting the palmar and digital fascia, leading to a progressive and irreversible flexion of the fingers. Antiepilepsy drug like Phenobarbital PB have been implicated in the development of Dupuytren's contracture. Clinical case report: In our case report on two patients, we study the association between prolonged treatment with PB and Dupuytren's contracture. Conclusion: Phenobarbital PB is implicated in palmar fibrosis. Development of Dupuytren's contractures may take longer after intiation of Phenobarbital.
Key Words: Dupuytren's disease, Phenobarbital, Aponeurectomy
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Abstract: Summary: The clinical similarity and the panoply of names that presents the vascular abnormalities can lead us to see how it's still difficult to differentiate them. Epithelioid Hemangioma is one of them. This tumor can arise in subcutis, soft tissue and bone, and may resemble to other lesions including malignant. Here, we report a case an EH involving the jugal region from his diagnosis to his treatment and we review the literature about soft tissues localization.
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Abstract: Infiltrating lipomatosis of the face (FIL) or Congenital Infiltrating Lipomatosis of the Face (CLIF) is a rare clinico-pathological entity characterised by congenital hypertrophy of the face in which mature adipose tissue infiltrates soft tissue structures on one side, with muscle involvement and associated bone hyperplasia in the other side. This causes considerable facial asymmetry and can alter essential facial functions such as swallowing, chewing, vision and breathing. Due to the diffuse infiltration and the involvement of important facial structures, complete surgical excision is often impossible, with a high recurrence rate. We present a case of infiltrating congenital lipomatosis of the face who had swelling on the right side of the face since birth..
Keywords: Congenital, lipomatosis, facial asymmetry, PIK3CA.
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Abstract: Background: Severe dental caries is known to affect the health and well-being of young children. The implication of severe dental caries in children may have its effect on general health apart from affecting the orodental tissues. Many children reporting with severe dental caries are anemic. Materials and Methods: 60 children free from any systemic disease in the age group of 3 to 6 years of age were selected. The children were divided in 2 groups according to deft score. Group A- 30 caries free children, Group B- 30 children with Severe - Early Childhood Caries (S-ECC). Hemoglobin level was evaluated at Pathology laboratory of the institute.......
Keywords: S-ECC, Anemia, Hemoglobin leveln
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Emergency Management Of Major Burn |
Country | : | Indonesia |
Authors | : | Tubagus Pasca Faiz Ikram |
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Abstract: Major burns present a significant challenge for emergency management due to the potential for life- threatening complications. Rapid and effective intervention is crucial to minimize morbidity and mortality. This abstract explores the critical components of emergency management for major burns, including initial assessment, fluid resuscitation, wound care, and considerations for transfer to a specialized burn center. Additionally, the abstract discusses the importance of a multidisciplinary approach involving emergency medical services.....
Keywords: Emergency Management, Major Burn, Flame Burn, Scald Burn, fluid resuscitation
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Abstract: Background: In our country, persistent diarrhea is a major contributor to morbidity and malnutrition. Managing diet is vital; research highlights the effectiveness of a lactose-free rice suji regimen. A three-fourth strength of rice suji promotes clinical recovery. Furthermore, green bananas possess antidiarrheal properties, enhancing efficacy when paired with a lactose-free diet. This study aimed to compare the three-fourth strength rice suji with green banana and rice suji in the dietary management of persistent diarrhea. Methods: This randomized....
Keywords: Persistent diarrhea, Three-fourth strength rice suji, Green-banana, Children, Dietary management
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Abstract: Resumo: Fundo: A esclerose múltipla (EM) é uma doença neurológica crônica e autoimune que afeta o sistema nervoso central, caracterizada por lesões inflamatórias e desmielinização. Diante disso, a busca por tratamentos eficazes e abordagens terapêuticas que possam controlar a progressão da doença, reduzir a ocorrência de surtos e melhorar a qualidade de vida dos pacientes torna-se imperativa. Materiais e Métodos: Trata-se de uma revisão integrativa da literatura em que a construção da pesquisa está amparada na questão.....
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Morphogenesis Of Parotid Gland In Human Fetuses |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dipanjana Chakraborty |
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: | 10.9790/0853-2305044852 ![]() |
Abstract: Background: The present study attempted to find out the morphological changes of parotid gland in developing human fetuses. Materials and Methods: Parotid glands from 60 fresh human fetuses of gestational age ranging from 12weeks to term, were studied in terms of their shape, position, location and relationship with the neighboring developing structures. Results: The shape of the parotid gland is round upto 16 weeks of gestation. 17 weeks onwards the shape is oval with the long axis directed.....
Keywords: Parotid gland; Morphogenesis; Human fetuses; Stomodium; Location of the gland; Accessory parotid gland
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Abstract: Résumé Le lambeau inguinal perforant de l'artère iliaque circonflexe superficielle est un lambeau « axial » pédiculé à distance vascularisé par l'artère circonflexe iliaque supérieure. Nous rapportons un cas clinique intéressant, illustrant l'intérêt de ce lambeau dans la correction d'une fistule urethro-cutanée avec issue du sperme et déviation importante de la verge lors de l'érection.....
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Lambeau Perforateur Superficiel De L'artère Iliaque Circonflexe : Un Candidat Prometteur Pour La Reconstruction Des Tissus Mous De Grande Taille Des Défauts Buccaux Rétromolaires Et Latéraux Après Une Chirurgie Oncologique J Chirurgie Maxillo-Faciale Orale (2015)
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Abstract: Choroid plexus papillomas (CPPs) are rare tumors of the central nervous system, typically benign but necessitating surgical intervention. We present the case of a six-month-old female infant with signs of intracranial hypertension, diagnosed with tetraventricular hydrocephalus and a left intraventricular mass. Emergency ventriculoperitoneal shunt valve placement was followed by brain MRI revealing a multilobulated hypodense intraventricular mass with homogeneous contrast enhancement. The patient underwent total excision of the lesion aided by intraoperative.....
Keywords: Intraoperative ultrasound Surgical guidance Choroid plexus papillomas (CPP