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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Accident Vasculaire Cerebral Ischemique Revelant Un Syndrome De Fahr |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | S.Kesraoui || H.Hamidi |
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: | 10.9790/0853-2305060103 ![]() |
Abstract: Le syndrome de Fahr est une entité anatomoclinique rare. Il est caractérisé par des calcifications intracérébrales bilatérales et symétriques, localisées dans les noyaux gris centraux, le plus souvent associées à des troubles du métabolisme phosphocalcique de causes multiples. Nous rapportons dans cet article le cas d'une jeune patiente âgée de 30 ans aux antécédents de retard mental présentant un accident vasculaire cérébral ischémique (AVCI) associé une calcification des noyaux gris centraux.
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Abstract: Tuberculosis (TB) is a worldwide major health problem especially in developing countries. The lungs are the most commonly affected organs, but TB may affect any organ system in the body. Biliary involvement is extremely rare (1-3). We report the case of a 58-year-old female with a history of pulmonary tuberculosis treated and declared cured 25 years earlier, and a cholecystectomy 14 years ago, who was admitted to the hospital for investigation of intermittent jaundice associated with right hypochondrium pain evolving for 1 year. Abdominal computed tomography (CT) revealed.........
Keywords Tuberculosis, Jaundice, Biliary tract, granuloma
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Chong Vh, Lim Ks. Hepatobiliary Tuberculosis. Singapore Med J.2010;51(9):744–51..
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Abstract: Résumé : Les tumeurs fibreuses solitaires de la plèvre (TSFP) sont des tumeurs rares, représentant moins de 5% des masses pleurales qui peuvent s'accompager de syndromes paranéoplasiques : syndrome de Doege-Potter et syndrome d'ostéoarthropathie hypertrophiante pneumique, phénomènes rarement décrits. Nous rapportons le cas d'une patiente âgée de 55 ans, qui consultait pour des douleurs thoraciques, une dyspnée, une toux sèche, des malaises matinaux et un trouble......
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Abstract: Introduction- A deprogrammer is used to correctly evaluate the relationship of the maxillae to the mandible by relaxing the involved group of muscles and to eliminate excessive load on the temporomandibular joint due to any occlusal disharmony or muscle spasms. It further helps to record centric relation enhancing the prognosis of the prosthesis. Different deprogrammers have been used for orthodontic and prosthetic treatments to deprogram the temporomandibular joint and to revive the muscle memory back to the original centric rather than habitual centric position........
Key Words: Deprogrammers, Centric relation, Orthopedic, Maxillomandibular
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Abstract: Background Measurement of Doppler indices forms an integral part of monitoring pregnancy non invasively. They provide an idea of fetal well being and help in taking appropriate steps at appropriate time in case of growth derangements. While there are many studies regarding normal range of Doppler indices in western population, few are there for the Indian subcontinent, especially for the eastern parts. Thus, this study has been conducted to establish a normal range of Doppler indices of the umbilical and middle cerebral arteries for better obstetric outcome.......
Keywords: Color Doppler ultrasonography, umbilical artery, middle cerebral artery, cerebroplacental ratio
Ebbing C., Rasmussen S., Kiserud T. Middle Cerebral Artery Blood Flow Velocities And Pulsatility Index And The Cerebroplacental Pulsatility Ratio: Longitudinal Reference Ranges And Terms For Serial Measurements. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol. 2007;30(3):287–296. [Pubmed] [Google Scholar]
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Abstract: Introduction: Anaemia in pregnancy is a very common complication in a developing country like India. It can affect the heart by compromising the oxygen supply of myocardium. One of the important and simplest tools for the evaluation of heart diseases is electrocardiography (ECG). Hence this study is taken up to assess the electrocardiographic findings in second trimester of pregnancy with anaemia. Objectives: 1. To assess the changes in ECG parameters in pregnant women with anaemia in second trimester. 2. To compare ECG changes in pregnant women with anaemia and normal pregnant women in their second trimester of pregnancy.......
Keywords: Anaemia, Pregnancy, 2nd Trimester, Electrocardiography (ECG)
Eurasian Medical Research Periodical Www. Geniusjournals.Org. Volume 7/ April,2002,Issn:2795-7624. Low Anaemia In Pregnancy And Pathology Of Cardiovascular Diseases (Negative Complications Of Other Diseases.
Tangeda Pr, Patil S, Shastri N, Noorali Sn. Maternal Myocardial Performance In Second Trimester Of Pregnancy With Iron Deficiency Anaemia. J Clin Diagn Res. 2016 Mar;10(3):16-8.
Hari A. Role Of Electrocardiogram And Echocardiogram In Pregnancy. Ijcd Women-Wincars 2017;2:2-3. Https://Doi.Org/10.1055/S-0037-1606849.
Debnath A, Debbarma A, Debbarma Sk, Bhattacharjya H. Proportion Of Anaemia And Factors Associated With It Among The Attendees Of The Antenatal Clinic In A Teaching Institute Of Northeast India. J Family Med Prim Care. 2021 Jan;10(1):283-88.
Noronha A J, Khasawneh Ai E, Seshan V, Ramasubramanlam S, Raman S. Anaemia In Pregnancy-Consequences And Challenges: A Review Of Literature. J Saf Of Obs & Gyn, Jan-Apr 2012;4(1):64-70.
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Abstract: Introduction: Maternal Rhesus isoimmunization occurs when a pregnant woman develops an immunological response to a paternally derived red blood cell antigen (D) foreign to the mother and inherited by the fetus. in subsequent pregnancies these antibodies may cross the placenta, bind to antigens present on the erythrocytes of the foetus, and cause hemolysis which in turns leads to foetal anaemia. Material and methods: 77 pregnant mothers with a history of previous Rh isoimmunization attending the USG department were examined. The last.......
Keywords: MCA Doppler, MoM, Fetal anemia, Rh incompatibility
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Abstract: Temporomandibular joint ankylosis is one of the most complicated craniomaxillofacial pathological conditions characterized by replacement of normal architecture of temporomandibular joint with fibrous or bony tissue , common in the paediatric population which .often presents as reduced mouth opening to no mouth opening after history of fall affecting both cosmetic and function .It may or may not be associated with obstructive sleep apnoea. Different surgical approaches and respective and reconstructive technique and various protocol have been discussed having merits and demerits over each other. success lies in long term physiotherapy ,clinical follow up and proper counselling .(1).....
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Abstract: Introduction: this paper outlines criteria which allow the clinician to identify endodontically treated teeth that can be restored with a high level of predictability. The intent of the article is not to preclude the restoration of teeth that do not meet these criteria; it is to provide a science-based approach for identifying those teeth with a high probability of long-term success upon restoration. Methods: a comprehensive literature review was conducted on post core restoration in endodontics, utilizing pubmed to identify relevant articles published between january 1970 and august 2015. Keywords such as "failure of post and core....
Keyword: post core; classification of post core failures; causes of failure of post core
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Pregnancy Outcome in Pcos |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr.Hari Anupama || Dr.Komala P |
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: | 10.9790/0853-23050637 ![]() |
Abstract: Background:PCOS is the most common cause of androgen excess in reproductive age group females .It is a multifaceted enigmatic disease.Approximately75% anovulatory women of any cause have polycystic ovaries and 20-25% of women with normal ovulation demonstrate ultrasound findings typical of polycystic ovaries. According to 2003 Rotterdam consensus workshop PCOS is defined as the presence of two out of three criteria: Oligomenorrhea and/or anovulation....
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | What About Alzheimer's Disease And Other Dementias In Algeria? |
Country | : | Algeria |
Authors | : | Soreya Belarbi || Nora Akretche |
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: | 10.9790/0853-2305063842 ![]() |
Abstract: Worldwide, the aging of the population is accelerating, with an increase in the number of people suffering from age-related illnesses. The prevalence of dementia in general and Alzheimer's disease in particular, is consequently on the rise. The World Alzheimer's Report estimated the number of people with dementia worldwide at 55.2 million in 2019. In Algeria today, almost 8.9% of the population is over 60. This aging of the Algerian population is accompanied by an increase.....
Keywords: Dementia, Alzheimer, incidence
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Abstract: L'hémophilie est une maladie hématologique héréditaire rare responsable d'hémarthrose débutant dès l'âge de l'apprentissage de la marche [1]. Les épisodes répétés d'hémarthroses engendrent une synovite chronique proliférative aboutissant à une destruction progressive de l'articulation désignée sous le terme d'arthropathie chronique principale....
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Abstract: Background Persistent pulmonary hypertension is severe unresponsive hypoxic respiratory failure which reflects the failure of the transition of fetal to neonatal circulation. It is a common comorbidity in babies with perinatal asphyxia and meconium aspiration syndrome. It is diagnosed clinically based on evidence of hypoxemia associated with cyanosis. However, 2d echocardiogram is done for the diagnosis of pphn. Management includes adequate oxygenation, maintaining....
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Abstract: Primary empty sella or primary intrasellar arachnoidocele is a relatively rare condition. It occurs in a healthy pituitary gland which flattens against the sellar floor, giving the appearance of an empty sella turcica. Diagnosis is based on magnetic resonance imaging of the hypothalamic-pituitary region. Although frequently asymptomatic, it may manifest as a tumour syndrome or endocrine dysfunction. It is therefore essential to evaluate the various pituitary axes at the time of diagnosis and during follow-up to detect any new endocrine disorders that may appear during the course of the disease. This article illustrates the case of a patient with erectile dysfunction who was diagnosed with a primary empty sella.....
Keywords: Primary empty sella, erectile dysfunction, central hypogonadism, adrenal insufficiency, case repor
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Abstract: Background: Autoimmune encephalitis with anti-GAD antibodies manifests with varied clinical phenotypes, associated with neurological syndromes: limbic encephalitis, cerebellar ataxia and stiff man syndrome. Clinical case report: We report the case of a 25-year-old female patient with a history of Graves' disease, hospitalized in the emergency room for treatment of recurrent focal status epilepticus. Conclusion: Anti-GAD 65 antibodies should be sought in temporal status epilepticus on the basis of autoimmunity.....
Keywords: Recurrent focal status epilepticus, Autoimmune encephalitis with anti-GAD antibodies, Anti-GAD antibodies 65.
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Abstract: Background: Pantothenate Kinase deficiency leads to neurodegeneration with overload cerebral iron expressed clinically by extrapyramidal dysfunction progressive: dystonia, rigidity, choreoathetosis, gait disorder. Clinical case report: Conclusion: Child aged 5 years with a history of delayed psychomotor development without any concept of fetal or neonatal suffering, hospitalized for gait disorder (impaired gait and falls). Neurological examination reveals the presence of generalized dystonia. Brain MRI makes it possible to highlight neurodegeneration due to Pantothenate Kinase deficiency.
Key Words: Pantothenate Kinase deficiency, Gait disorders, Dystonia, Trihexyphenidyl.
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Abstract: Background: Temporal lobe epilepsy is the best known of the partial epilepsies. Temporal lobe epilepsy can cause prolonged post-ictal memory disorders which must be distinguished from disorders of consciousness. Temporal lobe epilepsy can cause cognitive disorders of undetermined etiology; temporal lobe epilepsy should be considered. Clinical case report: 67-year—old patient presents to the consultation for cognitive disorders evolving paroxysmally .Critical EEG: (Theta discharge and burst of spikes in the left temporal region.) Clinical (seizures and memory disorders) and electrical improvement after taking the antiepileptic treatment Carbamazepine 600 mg as monotherapy in progressive stages. Conclusion: Faced with paroxysmal memory disorders, consider temporal lobe epilepsy with transient epileptic amnesia.
Key Words: Memory disorders, Temporal lobe epilepsy, Transient epileptic amnesia
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Abstract: Periodontal disease is a multifaceted infection that initiates with the disturbance of bacterial balance. Research shows that periodontitis isn't caused by a single organism but rather by diverse microbial communities working together. In essence, it's not merely an infectious condition but rather a dysbiotic disease, linked to changes in the composition of microbial communities compared to their normal state. Porphyromonas gingivalis, a significant member of oral microbial communities, is the primary pathogen responsible for periodontitis. Recent extensive research on this organism has revealed its increasingly apparent link to systemic diseases. Additionally, Treponema denticola inhibits fibroblast proliferation, increases collagen phagocytosis by gingival fibroblasts........
Keywords: Biofilm, periodontitis, red complex, virulence factor
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