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Abstract: Berger first described the glomerulonephritis now termed IgA nephropathy. IgA nephropathy (IgAN) is the most common form of glomerulonephritis in the world, and currently is known to be an importantcause of end stage renal disease (ESRD). It is classically characterized by episodic hematuria associated with the deposition of IgA in the mesangium. There is a male preponderance , a peak incidence in the second and third decades of life, and rare familial clustering. The most typicalpresentation is macroscopic hematuria shortly after amucosal infection such as upper respiratory tract infectionand bronchitis. Patients rarely present with nephritic syndrome. It is now well-known that prognosis is highlyvariable
[1]. Li LS, Liu ZH. Epidemiologic data of renal diseases from a single unit in China: Analysis based on 13,519 renal biopsies. Kidney Int. 2004; 66: 920–923.
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[4]. Floege J, Eitner F. Immune modulating therapy for IgA nephropathy:Rationale and Evidence. Semin Nephrol. 2008; 28: 38-47
[5]. Barratt J, Feehally J. IgA nephropathy. J Am Soc Nephrol. 2005; 16: 2088–2097.
[6]. Tumlin JA, Madaio MP, Hennigar R. Idiopathic IgA nephropathy: pathogenesis, histopathology, and therapeutic options. ClinJ Am Soc Nephrol. 2004; 2: 1054-1061.
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Abstract: Background: Nephrotic Syndrome is a common childhood illness. Major problem with this disease is frequent relapse. So, it is important to identify the children at risk for relapses to treat and further follow up. Aim &Objective: Aim of present study was to determine Spot PCR is a strong indicator of relapse in Nephrotic Syndrome. The primary objective of study was to determine the correlation between acute phase Spot PCR and subsequent relapses in Nephrotic Syndrome. Material and Method of study: Sixty two Nephrotic Syndrome children were included in this prospective cohort study at ICH&RC Madurai Medical College & Hospital. Spot PCR was estimated at the acute phase of disease before starting steroid therapy. They were followed up for six months from the time of remission to determine the further relapse.............
Keywords: Nephrotic syndrome, Spot PCR, steroid therapy.
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Abstract: Spinal Cord Injury is a global epidemic. It results in partial or complete disability. The life expectancy of these patients is also increased. The rehabilitation team is addressing physical needs. To assess the sexual need and related stress among patients with disability related to SCI and their spouses a descriptive study was conducted in in the Physical Medical and Rehabilitation OPD, Rehabilitation institute of the Christian Medical College, Vellore and the nearby villages in Vellore . The sample size was 30 patients and 30 spouses, chosen by purposive sampling technique...........
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Haematological Parameters in Patients with Alcohol Dependence Syndrome |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Chandini || Dr. P. John Mathai |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/0853-1605011116 ![]() |
Abstract: Objective: Alcohol has direct toxic effect on bone marrow and also indirect effect on precursors of all blood cells - red blood cells, platelets and white blood cells. Long term excessive alcohol consumption can interfere with various physiological, biochemical and metabolic processes of the blood cells. The medical consequences of haematological abnormalities can be severe and debilitating. The aim of this study is to evaluate frequency and nature of haematological parameters in inpatients with alcohol dependence syndrome and to study the relationship between haematological parameters and clinical variables.............
Keywords: Alcohol Dependence Syndrome, Anaemia, Thrombocytopenia.
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Abstract: Twelve maxillary central incisors in patients aged between 15 to 30 years who suffered a traumatic injury were selected. All patients presented with incomplete development of the root apex. Conventional access cavity was prepared. The root canals were mechanically cleaned with copious irrigation using 3% NaOCl and normal saline as final irrigant. In group A, 6 patients were selected. Root canal was dried and calcium hydroxide powder mixed with normal saline in the paste form was placed for 1 week. In group B, 6 patients were selected. Root canal was dried and calcium hydroxide powder mixed..........
Keywords: Apical plug, Apexification, Calcium hydroxide, 2% Chlorhexidine, Mineral trioxide aggregate, Normal saline.
[1]. V.S. Raji , P. Karunakar, N. Madhavi. Mineral trioxide aggregate in management of immature teeth with open apices – A report of clinical cases, Journal of Pierre Fauchard Academy, Volume 27, Issue 1, March 2013.
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Abstract: Background & Objectives: The objective of this in-vitro study was to compare and evaluate the fracture resistance of posterior teeth restored with Ceramic inlay and Hybrid composite restoration. Methods: Thirty intact, non-carious, human maxillary premolar teeth that were collected. The thirty teeth were randomly divided into 3 experimental group of 10 teeth each , Group A, Group B and Group C. Group A was consisted of sound/unprepared teeth (control). In Group B mesio-occlusal Class-II cavity was prepared in each tooth and restored with Hybrid composite resin. In Group C mesio-occlusal Class-II inlay cavities were prepared and restored with Ceramic inlays. Thereafter, the specimens all three groups were individually tested in a universal testing machine...........
Keyword:- Fracture resistance, Hybrid composite resin ,Ceramic inlay, Universal testing machine
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Abstract: Alcohol is the most commonly used abuse drug in the world. There are at least 208 million people with alcoholism around the world. Long term Alcohol consumption mainly affects all body systems mainly nervous system. In nervous system it affects auditory pathways due to its toxic effects on auditory nerves resulting in various auditory disturbances. Aims & objectives: To study and compare Brainstem evoked auditory response in both Right (Rt) and Left(Lt) ear of chronic alcoholics and non alcoholic controls of Latencies (ms) Wave I ,Wave III Wave V and Interpeak latency (ms) I-III , I-V.........
Keywords: Alcoholics, Brainstem Auditory Evoked Response(BERA), Interpeak latency(ms), Latency(ms),
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Abstract: Background and Aim: Flexor pollicis longus (FPL) is one of the deep muscles of the flexor compartment of forearm, which is comparatively a recent acquisition in the evolution of upper limb muscle. According to literatures accessory head of FPL (AHFPL) is be found in more than 50% of individuals worldwide. The present study is taken with the aim to show the incidence, morphology, relation of AHFPL with median and anterior interosseous nerve in south Indian population...........
Keywords: Flexor pollicis longus, Accessory head, Anterior interosseous nerve
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Abstract: Background Haemophilia group of related bleeding disorders that are inherited. Inherited bleeding disorders include abnormalities of coagulation factors and platelet function.Our country has the second highest burden of haemophilia patients in the world. Methods: This was an observational cross-sectional study .This study was done at Government Royapettah Hospital, Chennai for a period of six months. The study was performed after procuring informed written consent from all the participants involved............
Keywords: Clinical profile, haemophilia
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Abstract: Introduction:WHO defined adolescents as people within the age group of 10-19 years. whether prejudice and discrimination will increase or decrease during adolescence will be greatly influenced by the environment in which adolescents find themselves and by the attitudes and behavior of their friends and associates. It is the period of heightening of all emotions like anxiety, fear, love, anger etc. Aim of the study: To analyze the morbidity pattern for hospital admissions in Govt. Theni medical college, Theni, during the period January 2006 to December 2010..................
Keywords: (adolescence, morbidity, tertiary hospital)
[1]. Morbidity Profile of Adolescents Admitted in a General Pediatric Ward,A Chakraborty, S Basu and B Rath Department of Pediatrics Lady Hardinge Medical College and Kalawati Saran Children's Hospital, New Delhi, India. Indian Pediatr 2015;52: 617-618
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Abstract: Introduction: Crown-rump length (CRL) is the measurement of the length of human embryo and fetuses from the top of the head (crown) to the bottom of the buttocks (rump). Material and Method: Foetuses of different age groups were collected from Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology and from different private nursing homes in Ranchi and kept in 10% formalin for 10 days . On 10th day the CRL was measured using a measuring tape from vertex to buttock, maintaining the hyper flexed attitude of foetus. The data was analysed by using regression analysis and compared with Statistical data of study named.............
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Abstract: Introduction: The purpose of this study is to evaluate the frequency of Anatomical variations and congenital anomalies of the Extra Hepatic Biliary System encountered during Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy. Material and Method: This study was conducted on diagnosed 100 patients of cholelithiasis at the Department of surgery ,Kasturba Medical College, Mangalore for a period of 1 year. Results and Conclusion: Congenital anomalies and anatomical variations of extra- hepatic biliary tree though are not common but can be of clinical importance and surprise if present. So every surgeon should assess for these anomalies during laparoscopic cholecystectomy.
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Abstract: VATS is principally employed in the management of pulmonary, mediastinal, and pleural pathology. Its main benefit has been the avoidance of a thoracotomy incision, which allows a shorter operating time, less postoperative morbidity, and earlier return to normal activity than with thoracotomy.Video-assisted thoracoscopic surgical (VATS) procedures are very safe and efficacious in paediatric patients of all age groups. Our study was undertaken to analyse the usefulness of thoracoscopy in Paediatric population in the management of various thoracic pathologies in relation to its feasibility,safety,efficacy and reliability and to compare its advantages over thoracotomy in relation to post operative pain.............
Keywords: decortication , empyema thoracis , esophageal atresia ,Video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery, VATS
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Abstract: Shift work is the integral part of many occupations. WHO listed shift wok that involves disruption of circadian disruption as a probablecarcinogen? Shift work increases the risk for the development of many health disorders e.g. Sleepdisruption, risk of diabetes,alteration of circadian rhythm,cardiovascular disease, metabolicdisorders, increased risk of breast cancer, stress, reproductive disorders and work place safety and errors. Shiftwork has no adverse effect on mortality. Melatonin may increase sleep length. Modanifil and MR-Modanifil are useful to improve alertness, reduce sleepiness in shift workers.............
Keywords: Shift work, Circadian rhythm, Cardiovascular disease, Gastrointestinal disease, Occupational stress..
[1]. Sloan Work & Family Research, Boston College. Shift Work,Definition(s) of.Retrieved 2014-09-25.
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Abstract: Identification or identity helps us to determine the individuality of person, living or dead. Establishing the identity is of immense importance in forensic medicine. The spectrum of identity covers various aspects like physical, social, psychological, personal, sexual etc. In day to day life it is very simple to identify the person. But when it comes to court of law the complexity of the identification process increases. Most important use of fingerprints is in crime scene. To ascertain criminal liability, identification of victim, witness or suspect needs the help of fingerprint analysis..............
Keywords: Blood Group, Fingerprints, Forensic, Identity.
[1]. A Aggrawal A. Identification. In forensic medicine and toxicology. 1st ed. Sirmour: Avichal Publications. 2016. P. 43-4
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[3]. Mada P, Soanker R. A cross sectional study on association of fingerprints with gender, blood group and handedness and its significance in establishment of identity. J Punjab Acad Forensic Med Toxicol 2016;16(2):121-5.
[4]. Rastogi P, Pillai KR. A study of fingerprints in relation to gender and blood group. J Indian Acad Forensic Med 2010; 32(1):11-14
[5]. Umadethan B. Medicolegal autopsy. In Principle and Practice of Forensic Medicine. 2nd ed. New Delhi. CBS pub. 2016. 33-4.
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Abstract: In India, self-medication is an obvious choice with the risk of adverse drug reactions, drug resistance, disease hidden progress, and with raising morbidity or mortality as health care is relatively expensive and availability of prescription drugs as an OTC medication. We aimed to assess the practice of self medication, educate and curtail self-medication. A community-based survey was conducted among the age group of 16 – 60 year people who visits community pharmacies and students in Rajiv Gandhi institute of medical sciences, by using a well structured questionnaire............
Key words: Self-medication, Community-based, Questionnaire.
[1]. Darshana Bennadi, Self-medication: A current challenge, Journal of Basic and clinical Pharmacy, 5(1), 2014, 19-23.
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Abstract: Follicular changes studiedultrasonographically by Transabdominal as well as Transvaginal route during follicular monitoring in 81 patients of fertile age. These patients were referred for follicular monitoring in normal and stimulated cycles from infertility clinic. Patients' compliance and acceptance was excellent for TVS technique as compared to TAS technique. For follicles > 20 mm in size, no significant difference was noted in detection rate between TAS and TVS. However, in smaller follicles especially below 10 mm the TVS offered definite improvement in the detection rates..............
Keywords: Follicle,Ovulation,Ultrasound,TAS,TVS
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Abstract: Aims: The aim of the study is to determine efficacy of homemade toothpaste in plaque removal of children in Udaipur city. Material and method:- 30 children including boys and girls with the age of 8 and 12 years were selected for this study and randomly divided into 2 groups. Group A: children who were prepared to brush their teeth by homemade toothpaste. Group B: children who were prepared to brush their teeth by commercial toothpaste. The evaluation of score was done on the entire dentition or on selected teeth. Only the plaque of the cervical third of the tooth was evaluated by using disclosing solution. Result: On intra-group comparison, a significant reduction in plaque scores was obtained in the first week itself...............
Key words: Homemade toothpaste and commercial toothpaste, sillness and loe plaque index,plaque of cervical third of tooth.
[1]. Peedikayil.F C, Sreenivasan.P, Narayanan.A . Effect Of Coconut Oil In Plaque Related Gingivitis —A Preliminary Report.J Nigerian Medical 2015;56(2):143-147.
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[4]. Radafshar.G, Mahboob.F, Kazemnejad.E. A Study To Assess The Plaque Inhibitory Action Of Herbal-Based Toothpaste: A Double Blind Controlled Clinical Trial. Journal Of Medicinal Plants Research.2010;4(12):1182-1186.
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Abstract: Objective: To determine the clinical radiography student's level of knowledge, perception, and attitudes, towards Ebola Virus Disease. Methods: A cross-sectional survey was conducted using eligible and consented 80 respondents who were radiography students in their clinical phase with 30-item questionnaires, validity and reliability were obtained. The data was analyzed using Epi info version 3.5.4 where descriptive statistics such as frequency and percentage were obtained. Results: Findings show that 8.8% (n=7) of respondents are below the age of 20 years, 72.5% (n=58) are between 21-30 years of age while 18% (n=15) are between 31-40 years. Generally, respondents good high knowledge on the nature 87.5% (n=70) and fatal rate 93.7% (n=75) of Ebola disease..............
Key Words: Knowledge, Perception, Attitude, and Ebola virus disease.
[1]. Peters CJ. An Introduction to Ebola: The Virus and the Disease. Journ. Infect. Dis. 2014; 179 (1):Pp.ix-xvi. Doi:
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[4]. Kuiken T., Fouchier RA, Schutten M., Rimmelzwan GF., Van-Amerongen G., Van-Riel., Laman JD, De-Jong T., Van-Doornum G., Lim W., Ling AE., Chan PK., Tam JS., Zambon MC., Gopal R., Drosten C., Van Der Werf., Escriou N., Manuguerra JC, Stohr K., Peiris JS., Osterhaus AD. Newly discovered coronavirus as the primary cause of severe acute respiratory syndrome. Lancet. 2003;362(9380):Pp.263-270
[5]. Kondekar RR., Meshram SM., Gohane SA. A Review on Ebola Virus. IAJPR. 2015; 5(1):Pp.277-284
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Abstract: Background: Sarcomas are neoplasms arising from the mesodermal tissue and constitute < 1% of body tumors. Of these,only 5-15% occur in the head and neck region. Among these osteosarcomas are the most common. They are difficult to treat due to their aggressiveness, propensity for recurrence and their proximity to vital anatomical structures. There is no general consensus on the adjuvant modality of management. Methods: 10 patients with head and neck osteosarcoma, surgically treated at our institute from 2000 to 2016 were reviewed retrospectively...............
Keywords: Craniofacial osteogenic sarcoma, Gnathic tumours ,Osteosarcoma, ,Jaw tumours
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Abstract: Introduction: Granular cell tumor is a soft tissue neoplasm that originates in the nervous system and arises at virtually any body site, but is mainly found in the skin, oral cavity or digestive tract. It is an uncommon benign hamartomatous lesion also known as Abrikossof tumor. This mesenchymal neoplasm apparently arises from neural or Schwann cell origin with benign and malignant forms. Presentation Of A Case A thirty year old male patient presented with a swelling on the dorsal surface of tongue, since one year with gradual increase in size. On examination, well defined nodular growth, firm in consistency, non pedunculated and surface of swelling was smooth..............
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Abstract: Surgery of oral cavity cancers is often extensive requiring complex reconstructive procedures which affect functions of speech and swallowing.The aim of the present study was to assess speech and swallowing outcome after various surgeries for oral cavity cancers in an objective manner.This is a retrospective study of 31 patients with oral cavity cancers who underwent surgery in our hospital. Swallowing assessment was performed by video fluoroscopy using barium. Speech was assessed objectively for both articulation and intelligibility .The average interval between surgery and evaluation was 8 months..............
Keywords: Dysphagia , functional outcomes, oral resections , speech, swallowing,
[1]. Objective Assessment of Swallowing Function After Definitive Concurrent (Chemo)radiotherapy in Patients with Head and Neck Cancer Jaiprakash Agarwal • Vijay Palwe • Debnarayan Dutta • Tejpal Gupta •Dysphagia (2011) 26:399 406
[2]. Speech and Swallowing Impairment After Treatment for Oral and Oropharyngeal Cancer FREEMaria-Mercedes Suarez-Cunqueiro, DDS, PhD; Alexander Schramm, DDS, MD, PhD; Ralf Schoen, DDS, MD,PhD Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2008;134(12):1299-1304. doi:10.1001/archotol.134.12.129
[3]. Predictors of speech and swallowing function following primary surgery for oral and oropharyngeal cancer Zuydam, A.C.,* Lowe, D.,† Brown, J.S.,‡ Vaughan, E.D.,‡ & Rogers, S.N., Clin. Otolaryngol. 2005, 30, 428–437
[4]. Swallowing Outcomes After Microvascular Head and Neck Reconstruction: A Prospective Review of 191 Cases Samir S. Khariwala, MD; Prashant P. Vivek, MD; Robert R. Lorenz, MD; Ramon M. Esclamado, MD; Laryngoscope, 117:1359–1363, 2007 [5]. Analysis of swallowing afterretromolar or oropharynx resection and reconstruction with myocutaneous or microvascular free flaps Anna Karinne C. Bandeira1 , Maria de Fátima G.G. Tomazelli2 ,Luciana P. do Vale-Prodomo1 Applied Cancer ResearchFAQ Vol 27, No 1(2007).
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Abstract: Background:Diode laser has become an important alternative technique for surgical treatment of oral lesions. Case report. It is reported a 73-years-old female patient case diagnosed of epulis fissuratum that was treated with FOX® diode laser. Re-evaluation showed an appropriate healing with a total removal of the lesion. Discussion:Diode laser can be used for the removal of soft tissue oral lesions with very good results due to its numerous advantages.
Keywords: Diode laser, soft tissues, oral cavity, oral surgery.
[1]. Asnaashari M, Zadsirjan S. Application of laser in oral surgery. J Lasers Med Sci. 2014; 5: 97-107.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Effect of Green Tea on Haemoglobin |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Nihal A Sachdev || Mrs.Jothipriya |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/0853-160501116118 ![]() |
Abstract: Aim: To estimate the influence of green tea on haemoglobin. Background: Green tea, recently has become of of the most common natural health drinks in the market. Although it is flied with life-giving antioxidants, most people are unaware of the compounds like tannin and .... which is known to hinder with regular iron absorption. Iron is one of the most essential metals, required for the normal functioning of the body. A reduction in the iron content could lead to anaemia, weakness and various other health issues. Reason: As the popularity of tea is constantly increasing, awareness needs to be made about the negative effects of it.
Keywords: 'iron', 'tannins', 'polyphenols' 'supplements'.
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Abstract: Lasers have been used for many years in implant dentistry. In some indications, laser treatment has become state of the art as compared to conventional techniques. The use of surgical lasers has been advocated to aid in the placement and second stage recovery of dental implants, together with soft tissue contouring. In addition, laser use has been suggested as an aid in decontamination of the implant surface in cases of peri-implantitis. Lasers also have helped clinicians to overcome several complications and patient's discomfort. Today, many types of lasers wavelengths are available for clinical usage. The aim of this article is to introduce the reader to laser application in implant dentistry and address many of the advantages of this type of treatment. This article is a comprehensive review of new laser applications in implant dentistry.
Key Words: Lasers, implants, osteotomy, laser welding.
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Abstract: Of the many complications of a ventral hernia, spontaneous rupture is seldom encountered. It is more common among cirrhotics and is extremely rare otherwise, with few documented cases. A 45 year old lady with a long standing incisional hernia with COPD sustained spontaneous rupture with herniation of ileal loops and complete transection at distal ileum. Patient required ileal resection and primary closure was possible .She improved well was tolerating oral feeds and was ambulating by eleventh post operative day. Our case was complicated by a spontaneous transection, an extremely rare and unique scenario.
Keywords: Complication, Hernia, Spontaneous rupture, Ventral, Incisional
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