Version-9 (May-2017)
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Abstract: Background: The surgical removal of impacted third molar teeth can result in considerable pain, swelling and trismus. Pain and swelling can be reduced via the glucocorticoids and with nonsteroidal anti inflammatory drugs. . Quantifying the effectiveness of steroids has varied greatly among studies. Objectives: To investigate the role of prophylactic preoperative steroids in reducing post operative morbidity in patients undergoing surgical removal of the wisdom tooth..............
Keywords: Impacted teeth, Ward's Incision, Maximum Bite Width (MBW), Visual Analog Scale (VAS)
[1]. Jay W, Fried Man DDS. The prophylactic extraction of third molar: A Public Health Hazard. Am J Public Health. 2007 September; 97 (9): 1554-1559.
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Abstract: Heath care demand and supply cannot be left to be regulated solely by the invisible hand of the market. Nor can it be established on considerations of utility maximizing conduct alone6. Materials management is an important issue for healthcare systems because it influences clinical and financial outcomes7. Hospital materials management (HMM) also involves the clinical sphere of healthcare service performance7. The item list changes from hospital to hospital, depending not only on the healthcare services managed, but also on the physician‟s expertise and preferences, and following pharma co-economics principles8 Effective and efficient of inventory management system can affect supply chain management significantly..........
[1]. S. Routroy and N. A. Bhausaheb, "Evaluation of Inventory Performance for Perishable Products through Simulation," The IUP Journal of Operation Management, vol. IX, no. 1&2, 2010
[2]. Imelda Junita ,Rhessy ; ABC-VED analysis and Economic order interval-multiple items for medicines inventory control in hospitals ;International conference on business and management 2012.
[3]. Fitzsimmons J. A. and Fitzsimmons M. J. (2004), Service Management, Operations, Strategy,and Information Technology, Edn 2., Irwin McGraw- Hill, New York, 348 – 384
[4]. Devnani M, Gupta AK, Nigah R. ABC VED Analysis of the Pharmacy Store of a Tertiary Care Teaching, Research and Referral Healthcare Institute of India. Department of Hospital Administration 2010; 2: 201-205
[5]. Gupta S, Kant S. In: Hospital stores management - An integral approach. New Delhi: Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd; 2000. Inventory control; pp. 60 –72..
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Abstract: Heath care demand and supply cannot therefore, be left to be regulated solely by the invisible hand of the market. Nor can it be established on considerations of utility maximizing conduct alone1. Each area of a hospital has specific and unique material and supply need creating a requirement in these facilities for supply management system that can provide the necessary supplies when needed Materials management is an important issue for healthcare systems because it influences clinical and financial outcomes2. Hospital materials management (HMM) also involves the clinical sphere of healthcare service performance2. It is conceivable to suppose that the main cause of inefficiency is the existence of hidden stocks to avoid stock-outs3, which would be more politics- and experience- rather than data-driven4...........
[2]. Raffele lannone et al; Modelling hospitals materials management processes; International journal of engineering business management ;2013
[3]. de Vries J (2011) The shaping of inventory systems in health services: A stakeholder analysis. International Journal of Production Economics, 133(1),
[4]. Nicholson L, Vakharia AJ, Erenguc SS (2004) Outsourcing inventory management decisions in healthcare: Models and application. European Journal of Operational Research, 154, 271–290
[5]. Jarrett PG (1998) Logistics in the health care industry. International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management, 28(9), 741–772
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Abstract: Introduction: Disease of the appendix looms large in surgical practice, but still there is controversy regarding the pathogenesis. The objective is to study the distribution of appendicitis and other appendiceal lesions according to age, sex and predominance, and to determine the etiopathogenesis behind it. In one year, 100 resected appendix specimens studied, those were clinically diagnosed as appendicitis. Material and Method: Gross examination of the resected appendix specimens and microscopic examination by using routine and special stains............
Keywords: Chronic appendicitis, faecolith, mucosal ulceration, bacterial invasion
[1]. Carr NJ. The Pathology of Acute Appendicitis. Ann Diagn Pathol 2000; 4(1) : 46-58
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[5]. Virmani S, Dawar R, Sushma, Palankar N, Govil D. Clinical presentation of acute appendicitis. Gastroenterol Today. 2004 July – Sept; VIII (3): 117-8.
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Abstract: Introduction: About 70% of discrete thyroid swelling is clinically "isolated" and 30% are dominant. In India the prevalence of a palpable thyroid nodule in the community is about 12.2% Material and Method: A total of 100 patients of thyroid swelling entered the study. This is a prospective comparative study of patients admitted for solitary thyroid nodule at Rajendra Institute of Medical sciences (RIMS).............
Keywords: FNAC, USG, HPE, Thyroid Nodule.
[1]. Yeung MJ, Serpell JW. Management of the solitary thyroid nodule. Oncologist. 2008;13:105–12.]
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Abstract: Breast cancer is the second most common cancer in the world and the most common cancer among women. In this retrospective study data regarding demographic characteristics and treatment outcome was collected from all breast cancer patients for a period of 15 years. More than 50% of patients were diagnosed at a later stage. Triple negative breast cancers constituted about 25%. Five year DFS and OS were 67.4% and 78.7% respectively. An organized breast cancer screening program is the need of the hour..
Keywords: Breast cancer, Demographic data, breast cancer screening
[1]. FerlayJ,SoerjomataramI,DikshitRetal.Cancerincidence and mortality worldwide: sources, methods and major pat- terns in
GLOBOCAN 2012. Int J Cancer 2015; 136: E359– 86.
[2]. Kaarthigeyan K. Cervical cancer in India and HPV vaccina- tion. Indian J Med Paediatr Oncol 2012; 33: 7–12.
[3]. Ali I, Wani WA, Saleem K. Cancer scenario in India with future perspectives. Cancer Therapy 2011; 8: 56–70.
[4]. Malvia, S., Bagadi, S. A., Dubey, U. S. and Saxena, S. (2017), Epidemiology of breast cancer in Indian women. Asia-Pac J Clin Oncol. doi:10.1111/ajco.12661
[5]. Chopra B, Kaur V, Singh K. Age shift: Breast cancer is occur- ring in younger age groups: Is it true? Clin Cancer Investig J 2014; 3: 526–9..
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Abstract: Aim: This clinical case report describes the rare occurrence of the bayonet shaped maxillary central incisor and its endodontic management. Background: Knowledge of the normal anatomy of the root canal and its variations is very essential before commencement of endodontic therapy. Root curvatures are very commonly seen and one such challenge to endodontist is a S-shaped or bayonet shaped canal.............
Keywords: Bayonet shaped canal, maxillary central incisor, Ni-Ti files.
[1]. Shahnaz N, Khalid A, Aijaz H, Ashraf BI, Shah AF. Management of a maxillary second premolar with an S-shaped root canal–An endodontic challenge.
[2]. Cohen S, Burns RC. Pathways of pulp 8th edition. St.Louis: Mosby, 2002, p-94, 243-74, 325-31, 644-45.
[3]. Sakkir N, Thaha KA, Nair MG, Joseph S, Christalin R. Management of Dilacerated and S-shaped Root Canals-An Endodontist's Challenge. Journal of clinical and diagnostic research: JCDR. 2014 Jun;8(6):ZD22.
[4]. Parolia A, Khosla M, Porto IC, Mala K. Endodontic management of dilacerated and bayonet shaped roots. RGO. Revista Gaúcha de Odontologia (Online). 2013 Jun;61(2):269-74.
[5]. Khandelwal V, Nayak UA, Kambalimath HV, Nyak PA. Endodontic Therapy Of A Maxillary Premolar With An S-Shaped Canal.
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Abstract: Dislocation of the metacarpophalangeal joint is relatively rare. We present the case of a 19 year old male left handed Nigerian, who had a complex dorsal dislocation of the metacarpophalangeal joint of his left index finger. Following 2 failed attempts at closed manipulative reduction, he had a successful open reduction under a wrist block. 7 weeks post-surgery, he has full range of motion in the affected hand with normal function comparable to the contralateral hand..
Keywords: Left index finger, Metacarpophalangeal joint dislocation, Volar plate
[1] Michael W. Chapman, Chapman Orthopaedic Surgery 3rd ed ( Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, 2001) 691-692
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Clinical Study of Cholesteatoma in Otitis Media |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Preeti Sharma || Dr. P.N.P Pal |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1605093640 ![]() |
Abstract: Introduction: The introduction of the otomicroscope in ear surgery has undoubtedly resulted in a better and more scientific approach to ear disease and has also added a fresh dimension to the treatment of chronic suppurative otitis media i.e. reconstruction of hearing mechanism. Although western reports indicate that the rate of cholesteatomatous complications is as low as 1 or 2 percent, it remains a significant cause of morbidity and even mortality in our country.............
Keywords: chronic suppurative otitis media, cholesteatoma, otorrhea, complications
[1]. Lau and M. Tos, "Tensa retraction cholesteatoma: treatment and long-term results," Journal of Laryngology and Otology, vol. 103, no. 2, pp. 149–157, 1989. [2]. H. A. Saleh and R. P. Mills, "Classification and staging of cholesteatoma" Clinical Otolaryngology and Allied Sciences, vol. 24, no. 4, pp. 355–359, 1999
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Abstract: Background: Myomectomy is one of the most frequently performed Gynaecological surgeries worldwide among gynaecologist with attendant risk of complications including conversion to hysterectomy Aim &Objective: The study aims at determining the rate of conversion to hysterectomy among those with intended abdominal myomectomy, the associated mortality rate and the blood loss pattern Material and Method of study: It was a descriptive, retrospective, five year study of all cases of uterine fibroid admitted primarily for abdominal myomectomy in the gynaecology wards of two tertiary hospitals...............
Keywords: abdominal myomectomies, conversion surgery, double consent
[1]. Chelmow D, Lee S. Gynaecological Myomectomy. eMedicine Journal, 2002: 3(1) accessed Nov 2016 from www.eMedicine
[2]. Khan AT, Shehmar M, Gupta JK. Uterine fibroids: current perspectives. International Journal of Women's Health 2014:6 95–114
[3]. Flake GP, Andersen J, Dixon D. Etiology and Pathogenesis of Uterine Leiomyomas: A Review. Environ Health Perspect. 2003; 111:1037–1054
[4]. Eltoukhi HM, Modi MN, Weston M, Armstrong AY, Stewart EA. The Health Disparities of Uterine Fibroids for African American Women: A Public Health Issue Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2014; 210(3): 194–199.
[5]. Adewole DA, Adebayo AM, Udeh EI, Shaanu VN, Dairo MD. Payment for Health Care and Perception of the National Health Insurance Scheme in a Rural Area in Southwest Nigeria. Am. J. Trop. Med. Hyg. 2015;93(3): 648–654
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Abstract: Background:-Tuberculosis continues to be the one of the most important infectious cause of morbidity and mortality in India. Lungs are the portal of entry of M.Tuberculosis in the body. Lungs are the commonest site for tuberculosis disease. The disease in lungs varies from a small parenchymal lesion to disseminated disease. Aims and Objectives:-The objective of the study is to analyse the clinical presentation of pulmonary tuberculosis in adolescent (10-19 years). As against younger patients in whom extra pulmonary tuberculosis (T.B) is seen, adolescent usually have pulmonary lesions with an adult pattern of presentation............. .
Keywords: Adolescent, Pulmonary Tuberculosis, Chest X-Ray
[1] Govt. of India (2016), Revised National TB Control Programme Technical and operational Guidelines for Tuberculosis control in India,2016, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, New Delhi.
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[5] Marais BJ, Gie RP, HesselingAH,et al. Adult type Pulmonary Tuberculosis in Children 10-14 years of age. The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal. 2005;24:743-4
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Abstract: Background: Seizure disorder is the most common neurological problem in children.Prolonged Seizure activity leads to failure of cerebral auto regulation. Objective: This study aimed to determine the role of Serum Prolactin level in different type of Seizures and Seizure like activity in children, and correlate with the post-ictal duration. Materials and Methods: This study was carried out in the department of Pediatrics and Neonatology, RIMS, Ranchi from March 2015 to September 2016. The present study was done on 75 cases of study group and 25 cases of control. The study group was divided into three groups of 25 cases each.............
Keywords: Prolactin, Seizures
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Digital Gangrene in Disseminated Tuberculosis: A Rare Presentation |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr Naman Bansal || Dr VK Tyagi |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1605095153 ![]() |
Abstract: Peripheral gangrene as a manifestation of tuberculosis is rarely seen. A 35 year old male presented with history of fever, lymphadenitis and bluish discolouration of the ring and little finger of the left hand. A diagnosis of tuberculosis was based on history, favourable radiological and epidemiological features and suggestive laboratory investigations. Patient was started on ATT and improved dramatically. We present a case of such rare presentation.
Keywords: ATT, Gangrene, Medium-vessel, Tuberculosis, Vasculitis,
[1]. Global Tuberculosis Control 2015, WHO, Geneva, 2015
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Abstract: The variability of root canal morphology of multirooted teeth represents a continuous challenge to endodontic diagnosis and therapeutics. This report extends the range of known possible anatomical variations to include teeth with lesser number of roots with varied root canal morphology. Variations of root canal systems need not always be in the form of extra canals. Clinicians should be aware that there is a possibility of existence of fewer number of roots with varied root canal anatomy than the normal root canal anatomy. Thus the aim of this article is to present a case report of endodontically managed mandibular second molar with a Vertucci type II canal configuration.
Keywords: endodontic diagnosis, root canal morphology, Vertucci type II canal configuration
[1]. Article O. Root Canal Morphology of Permanent Mandibular Second Molar in a South Indian Population using Computed Tomography. 2016;1(June):1–5.
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[3]. Chokshi S. Morphological variations in the root canal system of mandibular second molar : A case series. :135–8.
[4]. Baratto-Filho F, Fariniuk LF, Ferreira EL, Pecora JD, Cruz-Filho AM, SouzaNeto MD. Clinical and macroscopic study of maxillary molars with two palatal roots. Int Endod J. 2002; 35(9):796-801.
[5]. Frank j., Vertucci, Root canal morphology and its relationship to endodontic procedures; Endodontic Topics.
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Abstract: Background: Nutritional status of under-five children is dependent on various factors of which care givers feeding technique is one of the major contributor. Responsive feeding in accordance to child's hunger cues with proper involvement of the care givers can be an important factor in maintaining adequate growth and development of a child. Methods: A cross sectional study had been conducted to assess the different feeding practices of the caregivers, nutritional status of 2-5years old children and the relationship of feeding styles and other relevant factors with malnutrition in Diara village among 102 child–caregiver dyad included in the study by complete enumeration method..............
Keywords: Caregivers, Feeding style, Nutritional status, Pre-school children, Rural
[1]. International institute of Population Sciences (IIPS) and Macrointernational, 2007, National Family Health Survey ( NFHS-3) 2005-06, India, Vol 1. http:/ last accessed on Dec 24. 2012.
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Abstract: Context: Carrier frequency of hemoglobinopathy ranges from 3-17% in Indian population. Early and accurate diagnosis of type of anemia is imperative and requires the use of hemoglobin electrophoresis. Aims: To find the prevalence of hemoglobinopathy and different electrophoretic patterns in Punjabi population in subset of anemic children aged less than 18 years, by using agar gel hemoglobin electrophoresis method. Methods and Material: A prospective study included 100 Punjabi children aged <18 years with hemoglobin <9gm%. Complete hemogram, red blood cell (RBC) indices and peripheral blood film (PBF) was examined. Hemoglobin electrophoresis was performed using agar gel electrophoresis method to find different electrophoretic patterns of hemoglobin in the study group.............
Keywords: Anemia, Hemoglobinopathy, Hemoglobin electrophoresis
[1]. Balgir RS. The burden of haemoglobinopathies in India and the challenges ahead. CurrSci 2000;79:1536-47.
[2]. Davis L.R. Target cells in hemoglobinopathies. J ClinPathol 1972;25:169-70.
[3]. Giri DD, Patra SB, Patel RZ. Hemoglobin electrophoresis in agar gel - A modified method for routine use. Indian J PatholMicrobiol 1984;27:179-83.
[4]. Tyagi S, Saxena R, Choudhry VP. HPLC- How necessary is it for haemoglobinopathy diagnosis in India? Indian J PatholMicrobiol 2003;46:390-3.
[5]. Technical consultation on "Strategies for Prevention and control of Iron Deficiency Anemia amongst under three children in India". Indian Pediatrics 2002;39:640-7..
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Abstract: Background and objectives: Research continues to document serious deficiencies in clinical skill among students and interns of medical colleges. Increased emphasis is now being placed on defining outcomes of medical education in terms of "performance" rather than just in terms of "competence". Mini Clinical Evaluation Exercise (Mini-CEX) is one innovative Work Place Based Assessment (WPBA) tool to assess both of these. In this study,an attempt has been made to introduce Mini CEXfor teaching and assessing interns and to assess the perception of interns and faculties regarding mCEX. Methods: Three faculties from Department of Medicine were trained in using Mini CEX performance rating form. Thirty interns who consented to the study were divided into three groups and the faculties assessed the interns on three core skills / competencies...............
[1]. Eric S. Holmboe, MD. Faculty and the Observation of Trainees' Clinical Skills: Problems and Opportunities. Acad Med.2004;79:16
[2]. Tejinder Singh and JyothiNath Modi. WPBA: A step to promote competency based postgraduate training- Perspective. Indian
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[3]. Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education. The outcomes project (Accessed 5 February 2003).
[4]. Educational theories you must know. Miller's pyramid. St.Emlyn's. Available at
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Abstract: Background: The acute scrotum is a medical emergency. The acute scrotum is defined as scrotal pain, swelling, and redness of acute onset. Scrotal abnormalities can be divided into three groups, which are extra-testicular lesion, intra-testicular lesion and trauma. This is a prospective analysis of 34 ultrasound(US) examination performed in patient arriving in the emergency room for scrotal pain. The objective of this article is to familiarize the reader with the US features of the most common and some of the least common scrotal lesions. Methods: Between October 2016 and December 2016, 34 patients aged few month and older with scrotal symptoms, who underwent scrotal ultrasonography (US), were prospectively reviewed. The clinical presentation, outcome, and Ultrasound results were analyzed. The presenting symptoms including scrotal pain, painless scrotal mass or swelling, and trauma..............
[1]. McAndrew HF, Pemberton R, Kikiros CS, Gollow I: The incidence and investigation of acute scrotal problems in children. PediatrSurgInt 2002, 18:435-437.
[2]. Dogra VS, Gottlieb RH, Oka M, et al: Sonography of the scrotum. Radiology 2003, 227(1):18-36.
[3]. Pinto A, Caranci F, Romano L, Carrafiello G, Fonio P, Brunese L: Learning from errors in radiology: a comprehensive review. Semin Ultrasound CT MR 2012, 33(4):379-382.
[4]. Deurdulian C, Mittelstaedt CA, Chong WK, Fielding JR: US of acute scrotal trauma: optimal technique, imaging findings, and management. Radiographics 2007, 27(2):357-369.
[5]. Niedzielski J, Paduch D, Raczynski P: Assessment of adolescent varicocele. Pediatr Surg Int 1997, 12:410-413.
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Abstract: Objective: To review the relevant references and provide the updated knowledge about the relationship between diabetes and periodontal disease over last decade. Methodology used: A structured review of articles and clinical research published in the authoritative and relevant journals of the last decade to make it convenient for the dental practitioner,to rapidly review the latest advances. Conclusion: There is a confirmed bi-directional relationship between the worsening periodontal disease and the Diabetes mellitus aggravation;hence the role of dental surgeon in managing the diabetic patient is paramount.
Keywords: Periodontitis, diabetes mellitus, complication of diabetes, bi-directional.
[1]. Mealey BL, Ocampo GL. Diabetes mellitus and periodontal disease.Periodontol 2000 2007; 44 :127-153.
[2]. Position statement ofAmerican Diabetes Association. Diagnosis and classification of diabetes mellitus.Diabetes Care
2005;29(Suppl. 1):S37-S42.
[3]. Soskolne WA, Klinger A. The relationship between periodontal diseases and diabetes: an overview. Ann Periodontol 2001; 6: 91-8.
[4]. Pihlstrom, B.L., Michalowicz, B.S. and Johnson, N.W. (2005) Periodontal Diseases. The
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[5]. Loe H. Periodontal disease. The sixth complication of diabetes mellitus. Diabetes Care 1993; 16: 329-34.
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Abstract: Cutis MarmorataTelangiectaticaCongenita (CMTC) is an uncommon, sporadic, usually congenital, cutaneous vascular disorder of unknown aetiology. Clinically characterised by persistent cutis marmorata , telangiectasia, cutaneous atrophy and ulceration. CMTC have been found to be associated with many anomalies like limb asymmetry, cutis aplasia congenital, hemangiomas , pigmented nevi , macrocephaly , glaucoma etc. Diagnosis is made on clinical grounds. The prognosis of CMTC is mostly benign with half of patients demonstrating resolution of fixed reticulated erythema over two years but because of associated anomalies patients should be properly examined and investigated. Here, we are reporting a 3 month old girl child with fixed reticulated erythematous lesion distributed in a generalized pattern with limb hypertrophy present since birth.
Keywords: Cutaneous vascular malformations, cutis marmoratatelangiectaticacongenita
[1]. C.Moss&H.ShahidullahNaevi and other Development Defects, Burns. T, Breathnach. S, Cox. N, Griffiths. C(Ed.), Rook' Textbook of Dermatology 8thedition (Singapore: Wiley-Blackwell,2010) 18.67-18.68.
[2]. A Matic,SPrcic, Milan Matic,G.VFilipovic, A Ristivojevic, Cutis marmoratatelangiectatica congenital in a preterm newborn- Case Report and literature review;Iran Red Crescent Med J 2012;14(9):578-583.
[3]. Moore CA, Toriello HV, Abuelo DN et al. Macrocephaly-cutis marmoratatelangiectaticacongenita: a distinct disorder with developmental delay and connective tissue abnormalities. Am J Med Genet 1997; 70: 67–73.
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[5]. Van Lohuizen CHJ. Ubereineselteneangeborenehautanomalie(cutis marmoratatelangiectaticocongenita), ActaDermatovener1922;3:2O2-211.
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Abstract: Introduction: Anal tumors are rare neoplasms of the digestive tube that represent 1,5% of gastrointestinal tumors. They present a more aggressive natural history, with shorter survival times and higher rates of local as well as distant relapse. It is difficult to distinguish from adenocarcinoma of the lower rectum unvading the anal canal. Case Report: The two patients were female with a long medical history of proctologic disease such as anal fistula, anal prolapse, hemorrhoids and bleeding. Patient one: a 71 year old woman. She presented with, bulging mass in the anal canal. The biopsies concluded to a medially differentiated adenocarcinoma..............
Keywords: Adenocarcinoma Anal canal, Mucinous adenocarcinoma, Abdominoperineal resection, Radiation therapy, Colorectal cancer
[1]. Márquez MF, Albendea FJV, Lozano RB, Ibáñez M del MB, Duarte ÁR. Adenocarcinoma of the Anal Canal. Narrative Review.
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Abstract: Assessment of quality control parameters of diagnostic X-ray machines in the radiological Department of the selected Hospitals in Nasarawa State was carried out using Diavolt Dosimeter, a device capable of measuring kVp, inherent filtration, dose, and time of exposure. The parameters considered in the assessment include; Half Value Layer (HVL), Peak Kilovoltage (kVp), Absorbed dose, Misalignment, and Focal spot size. The result of the HVL test conducted were 4.18mm, 4.18mm, 5.54mm, and 3.65mm for facility 1, 2, 3, and 4 respectively. Comparing these values with the minimum recommended values at various kVps, the four facilities have high HVL values with the resulting effect on the quality of the image produced due to high absorption of X-ray photon..............
Keywords: Half value layer, X-rays, exposure, attenuation coefficient.
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Abstract: Physalis peruviana L a plant in Solanaceae family is used in folklore traditional medicine for treatment of bacterial, fungal and viral protozoal diseases. In this study aqueous and dichloromethane Physalis peruviana L extracts were evaluated for antimicrobial activity against some common bacterial and fungal isolates. The agar disc diffusion method was carried out to test antimicrobial activity against Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 25923, Bacillus cereus ATCC 11778, Escherichia coli ATCC 25922, Klebsiella pneumonia local isolate, Salmonella typhi ATCC 700931, Pseudomonas aeroginosa ATCC 27853, Candida albicans ATCC 9008 and Aspergillus flavus local isolate). All the plant extracts were also examined for Phytochemical components. Partial characterization of antimicrobial activity of the most active extract (dichloromethane leaf extracts) at 250 mg/ml was carried out at different pH and temperature ranges..............
Keywords: Antimicrobial, Phytochemical, Aqueous extracts, Dichloromethane extracts, Physalis peruviana L.
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Abstract: Cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection in pregnancy is too common occurring primarily as well as recurrently due to reactivation of latent infection. The primary CMV infection during pregnancy is associated with numerous complications like congenital malformations, intrauterine fetal death and later sequelae like blindness, deafness etc. In present study, a total of 240 women coming for antenatal checkup were screened for CMV specific IgM antibodies. There was 52.9% positivity rate which is matter of concern. This study promotes to introduce a mandatory screening of all the females in child bearing age group for primary CMV infections along with proper education of all subjects regarding transmission and prevention of the infection.
Keywords: Pregnant women, TORCH, ELISA
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