Version-12 (May-2017)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Ocular Manifestations in Multi-Transfused Beta-Thalassemia Patients |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Thakur R || Goel M |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1605120104 ![]() |
Abstract: Introduction: Ocular abnormalities are unseen morbidity due to iron overload in thalassemia patients which is being brought into light by our study. Aim & objectives: To study the ocular manifestations in transfusion dependent beta-thalassemia major patients and correlate serum ferritin levels and oral chelation therapy with ocular manifestations. Study Design: Cross sectional observational study. Methods: 52 thalassemia major patients of 5 to 14 years were selected as case group and 30 age matched anaemic patients were taken as a control group. Full medical history, physical and ophthalmological examination including visual acuity, slit lamp examination, fundoscopy. We computed ocular findings with mean serum ferritin level and duration of iron chelating agent. Minitab version 17 was used for computation of statistics...............
Keywords: Chelation Therapy, Ferritin, Thalassemia, ocular abnormalities.
[1]. Aksoy A, Aslankurt M, Aslan L, Gul O, GaripardM, Celik O, OkumuS, Ozdemir M, Ozdemir G. Ocular findings in children with thalassemia major in Eastern Mediterranean.Int j ophalmol.2014;7(1) :118-121.
[2]. Mohammad Hosein Nowroozzadeh,Zahra Kalantari ,Khadije Namvar ,Mohammad Hassan Meshkibaf.Ocular refractive and biometric characteristics in patients with thalassaemia major.Clin Exp Optom 2011; 94(4):361–366
[3]. Dewan P, GomberS, Chawla H .Ocular changes in multi-transfused children with β-thalassaemia receiving desferrioxamine:A case-control study,SA Journal of Child Health 2011; 5 (1):11-14.
[4]. Gaba A, Souza PD, Chandra J, Narayan S, Sen S. Ocular abnormalities in patients with beta Thalassemia. Am J Ophthalmol. 1998;108:699-703.
[5]. Taneja R, Malik P, Sharma M, Agarwal M C. Multiple transfused thalassemia major: Ocular manifestations in a hospital –based population.Indian Journal of Opthalmology2010; 58:125-130..
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Abstract: Introduction: Double J (DJ) stent removal requires local anesthesia and is done using rigidcystoscope. Patients experience significant pain during and after the procedure. We assessed the efficacy of preemptive oral diclofenac in analgesia for patients undergoing DJ stent removal by rigid cystoscopy compared to placebo. Methods:Only male patients undergoing DJ stent removal under local anesthesia between March 2015 and July 2016 were enrolled. Patients were randomized to receive 75 mg oral diclofenac (Group A) or placebo (Group B) 1 hour before procedure by randomization. Intraurethral 2% lignocaine gel (25 ml) was used in both groups. Pain during rigid cystoscopy, pain at the first void, and at 1 day after cystoscopy was assessed using visual analog scale (VAS) (0–100). Adverse reactions to diclofenac and episodes of acute urinary retention, if any, were assessed...........
Keywords: Analgesia ,Double J stent,Diclofenac
[1]. Kobayashi T, Nishizawa K, Mitsumori K, Ogura K. Instillation of anesthetic gel is no longer necessary in the era of flexible cystoscopy: A crossover study. J Endourol 2004;18:483-6.
[2]. Chen YT, Hsiao PJ, Wong WY, Wang CC, Yang SS, Hsieh CH. Randomized double-blind comparison of lidocaine gel and plain lubricating gel in relieving pain during flexible cystoscopy. J Endourol 2005;19:163-6.
[3]. McFarlane N, Denstedt J, Ganapathy S, Razvi H. Randomized trial of 10 mL and 20 mL of 2% intraurethrallidocaine gel and placebo in men undergoing flexible cystoscopy. J Endourol 2001;15:541-4.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Study of Mucin Histochemistry in Chronic Calculous Cholecysttits |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. V.Dhamodharan Md || Dr. Vindu Srivastava |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1605120817 ![]() |
Abstract: Disorders of the biliary tract affect a significant portion of the world's population. Over 95% of the biliary tract disease is attributable to cholelithiasis.Gall stones afflict 10 to 20% of adult opulation in developed countries necessitating hospitalization and cholecystectomy. The bile content play crucial role in the formation of gallstones. Gall bladder secretes mucin which is a high molecular weight glycoprotein. . Gallbladder mucin shares with other epithelial mucins the ability to bind lipids and bile pigment. This gallbladder mucin has long been recognized as an important factor contributing to initiation and formation of gall stones .Many studie have been done to see if there is any relationship between pathological changes in diseased gall bladder and gall stones formation............
Keywords: Gall bladder , mucin , histochemistry , cholecystectomy, histopathology, inflammation, fibrosis
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Abstract: Objectives: The aim of this study was to determine and compare the radiological appearance of pulmonary tuberculosis (PTB) and its correlation with CD4 count in groups of patients with and without human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection in ART & CHEST clinic in kilpauk Medical College Hospital, Chennai, Tamilnadu, Chennai. Materials and Methods: A total number of 60 patients of HIV + ve TB and 30 patients HIV –veTB were enrolled in this study. The diagnosis of PTB was made on the basis of clinical history, physical examination, Ziehl-Neelsen microscopy on three sputum samples and chest radiography. The following issues were recorded for each radiograph: the number of zones involved with consolidation, cavitation, pleural effusion, bronchopulmonary pattern of spread; milliary disease; hilar and mediastinal lymphadenopathy............
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Abstract: Most of the patients seeking orthodontic treatment have one wish that is Need for Speed. In order to reduce duration of orthodontic treatment, many methods have been introduced in the literature. One of the most recent technique is Dento-Alveolar Distraction-DAD technique.This article explains the concept of dentoalveolar distraction in rapid distalization of canine in orthodontic cases requiring first premolar extraction.
Keywords: Accelerating orthodontics, dentoalveolar distraction, distraction Osteogenesis
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Abstract: Objectives: The aim of the study was to compare the left ventricular mass in hypertensive patients with diabetes mellitus and without diabetes mellitus and to compare these two groups with controls in kilpauk medical college hospital,Chennai. Materials And Methods: A total number of 150 subjects (50 Hypertensive cases + 50 Cases of both hypertension and diabetes + 50 controls) are investigated by following measures.Proper history and past medical history and demographic details were collected.General examination, vitals monitoring includes blood pressure and pulse rate ,Body Mass Index,Fasting and Post Prandial Blood Sugar ,Complete hemogram,Blood Urea, Serum Creatinine and Serum Electrolytes...........
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Abstract: The most common problems among long term denture wearers is the unstable complete mandibular denture .Complete dentures are primarily mechanical devices, but since they function in the oral cavity, they must be in harmony with normal neuromuscular function, oral functions such as speech, mastication, swallowing, smiling, and laughing which involves the synergistic actions of the tongue, lips, cheeks, and floor of the mouth. . In order to have a favourable prognosis for the denture therapy, impression technique selected should be proper. In Neutral Zone Technique, the forces exerted by muscles of tongue and the cheek will tend to stabilize the denture rather than unseat it
Keywords: Stability, Mandibular denture, Neutral Zone, Impression
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Abstract: The aim of the study is to find a suitable teaching method that focuses on both students and teachers and that focuses on both students and teachers and that yields the best out of the teaching learning process. A cross-sectional study on 168 MBBS students of different semesters conducted with a well structured questionnaire and the results were analyzed. There has been more students opting for audio visually aided teaching and participatory group discussion type of learning............
Keywords: Group Discussion, Lecture, Medical Education, Seminars, Tutorials
[1]. Hafeez, K., Khan, M. L. Z., Jawaid, M., &Haroon, S. Low attendance in lectures at medical colleges of Karachi – A cross sectional
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Abstract: This study was carried out to examine vitamin A deficiency using conjunctival impression cytology and to find out the effect of vitamin A supplementation in vitamin A deficient children attending out door patient of Ophthalmology Department, ANMMCH, Gaya. The study comprised of 200 children with complaint of night blindness and ocular changes. Conjunctival impression cytology was performed in all the children with the help of Millipore filter material. Children were given 200000 IU oil miscible vitamin A orally. They received an additional oral dose next day and cytology was repeated after 4 weeks. Maximum number of male (62.93 per cent) and female (65.47 per cent) children showed abnormal cytology at initial............
Keywords: Paediatric, Cytology, Vitamin A deficiency, Supplementation
[1]. Aggarwal K. Eliminating vitamin A through early supplementation. Indian J Pediatr 2007;74:963-964.
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Abstract: Purpose: To find out relationship of mean ocular perfusion pressure(MOPP), Systolic ocular perfusion pressure (SPP) & diastolic ocular perfusion pressure with occurrence of primary open angle glaucoma(POAG) Study Design: Hospital based cross sectional study Study period: August '2016- February '2017. A period of 6 months. Setting: Sankara eye hospital, krishnankoil, tamilnadu. Method: In a period of 6 months we examined total 836 patients of 40-80 years age group from southern part of Tamilnadu, of which 431 patients were male & 405 were female. All patients are evaluated with dilated fundus bio microscopy with +90D lens,IOP measurement by applanation tonometer,gonioscopy by goldman 4 mirror goniolens& Humphrey 30-2 perimetry test.............
Keywords: POAG, MOPP, ocular perfusion pressure, SPP, DPP
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Abstract: Dyslexia is defined as difficulty in learning to read despite conventional instruction, adequate intelli-gence, and socio-cultural opportunity.1, 2 The term dyslexia has been accredited to Professor Rudolf Berlin.3 It is derived from the Greek prefix 'dys' and the root-word 'lexis'. The former means 'difficulty' whereas the latter means 'word or language'. It can be best translated as 'difficulty with words' 4,5 It is a 'hidden' disability as there are no obvious external signs for people to recognize.6 Lack of assessment may result in low self-esteem as compared to non-dyslexic students.7,8 and lack of appropriate help and support can have long-term effects on people with dyslexia when reaching adulthood.9
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Abstract: Introduction: Present study was conducted to assess the demographic characteristics, risk factors, causative spectrum, clinical features, natural course and outcome in patients of fulminant hepatic failure. We also tried to study the outcome in relation to risk factors, etiology, clinical and biochemical parameters and derive prognostic indicators that would be relevant to fulminant hepatic failure patients. Materials & Methods: A total of 36 diagnosed cases of Fulminant hepatic failure, fulfilling our inclusion and exclusion criteria were selected for the study. The detailed clinical history, complete general, systemic examination, central nervous system examination and investigation findings was noted in a predesigned proforma. The baseline functional status (motor, sensory, autonomous)...........
Keywords: Clinical Spectrum, Fulminant Hepatic Failure, Mortality, Sepsis, Viral Hepatitis
[1]. C Trey, LS Davidson. The management of fulminant hepatic failure. H Popper, F Schaffner (Eds.), Progress in liver diseases, Grune and Stratton, New York (1970), pp. 282–298.
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[3]. OPTN/SRTR 2003 Annual report: transplant data 1993–2002. HHS/HRSA/SPB/DOT; UNOS; URREA. Available at Accessed March 2005
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Abstract: Intention of our study is to demonstrate that when Athlete's foot is not well treated or neglected at all, many bacterial attacks may occur, especially by Staphylococcus aureus, especially in persons who for sake of their hard job have to wear amphibious work boots in summertim, The disease becomes more and more severe and important and thus we have discovered that instead of using antimycotic agents only (because it is evident that there is even a microbial co-existence), it is better to employ massive dosages of antimycotic agents and Neem oil and Silver citrate, apt to combat Staphylococci..
Keywords: Athlete's foot, Tinea pedis,Staphylococcus aureus, Neem oil, Silver citrate.
[1]. Chalmers L; Manuf.Chem. 1972, 43 (1),33
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Abstract: Introduction: Depression is the leading global cause of disability and approximately, 350 million people suffer from depression worldwide. Despite the availability of numerous psychopharmacological treatments, evidence indicates that only 60–70% of persons who tolerate antidepressants will respond to first-line drug therapy for major depressive disorder. Resistance to the antidepressant medication is the main indication for ECT. However, the use of ECT remains controversial due to concerns about memory impairment in persons with depression who receive acute ECT. The present study was planned toevaluate the effectiveness of ECT in severe depression and its effect on retrograde and anterograde amnesia or any change in their level due to ECT. Materials & Methods: A total of 30 consecutive patients diagnosed with Severe Depressive Episode as per International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10) Diagnostic Criteria for Research and satisfying the eligibility criteria were taken in the study after informed consent................
Keywords: Autobiographical Memory Interview, Electroconvulsive Therapy, Hamilton Rating Scale, Severe Depression, Wechsler Memory Scale – Third India Edition
[1]. The World Health Organization. The global burden of disease: 2004 update, table A2: burden of disease in DALYs by cause, sex and income group in WHO regions, estimates for 2004. Geneva, Switzerland: WHO, 2008. burden_disease/GBD_report_2004update_AnnexA.pdf (accessed 6 Mar 2014)
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Abstract: Aim: To study the efficacy of the limbal stem cell transplantation in the management of pterygium. Methods: In an interventional case series, 50 patients with pterygium underwent surgical excision with limbalstem cell transplantation on to bare sclera at Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences, kadapa .Patients were followed for 6 months and results were evaluated in terms of recurrent growth and other postoperative complications. Results: 50 eyes of 50 patients including 32 females and 18 males of mean age of 40±8 years were operated on the pterygia extended onto cornea for more than 2mm. Only two eye withlimbal stem cell transplantation( 4%) demonstrated recurrent pterygium growth.
Keywords: Pterygium,Limbal stem cell transplantation, Recurrence.
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Abstract: Introduction: The most common cause of surgical emergencies in the world is Acute Appendicitis. Appendicitis when progressing to perforation , has a higher mortality and morbidity, hence appendicitis has to be operated if the diagnosis is probable but not to wait still it is certain. Acute appendicitis is diagnosed by thorough clinical examination.Modified Alvarado scoring system was designed so that to reduce negative Appendicectomy rate hence to reduce the morbidity and mortality. Aim Of The Study : To evaluate sensitivity and efficiency of "Modified Alvarado Scoring System" in diagnosis of "Acute Appendicitis" in Adults............
Keywords: Acute Appendicitis, Modified Alvarado score, early diagnosis
[1]. Hoffmann J, Rasmussen OO. Aids in the diagnosis of acute appendicitis. Br J Surg 1989; 76: 774-779.
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Abstract: Secondary amenorrhea in women of reproductive age may be an indication of an undiagnosed, chronic condition and appropriate treatment is dependent upon accurate diagnosis of the underlying etiology. A thorough clinical assessment and a few common laboratory tests can easily identify the most frequent causes of secondary amenorrhea. However. in these cases, misdiagnosis is unfortunately common and often the result of poor laboratory utilization in the form of a failure to employ indicated tests, the use of obsolete tests, or erroneous interpretation in the face of interfering factors or co-morbidities. Consequently, the algorithmic approach to laboratory evaluation in the context of secondary...........
Keywords: secondary amenorrhea , algorithmic approach
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