Version-4 (May-2017)
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Abstract: Introduction: According to World Health Organization, an estimated 20 million people are blind from bilateral cataracts and this growing backlog poses one of the greatest public health challenges for 21st century. Materials And Method: it was a randomized prospective study with a sample size of 200 eyes of 200 patients. It was conducted for 1 year. Patients were explained about the study and those willing to participate in the study were included in the study. After taking the consent of patient all patients were examined. RESULTS-58.5% cases were male and 41.5% were females. Mean age was 66 years. Mean axial length was 22.64 ± 0.86. Post-operative under corrected visual acuity was 6/18 or better in 81% eyes at 1 week and 92.5% eyes at 4 week respectively and 6/12 or better in 68% of eyes at 12 weeks. Post –operative............
[1]. Resnikoff S, Pascolin D, Etya'ale D, Kocur I, Pararajasegaram R, Pokharel GP, et alGlobal data on visual impairment in
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[4]. Ramachandra P. Importance of monitoring cataract. J Comm Eye Health 2002;15:49-50.
[5]. Spalton D, Koch D. The constant evolution of cataract. Br Med J 2000;321:1304.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Flax Seeds In Prostate Cancer A Case report- self experienced |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | DR. Harbans Singh |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1605040910 ![]() |
Abstract: High risk advanced prostate cancer are beyond the scope of radical treatments more so they are associated with significant morbidity (1). Addition of flaxseeds to diet are likely to provide relief in the management of prostate cancer as experienced by Author. Brief History:- I am confirmed case of high risk prostate cancer diagnosed on 12.3.12 Biopsy Lal path no.12-7544646 prostate core Biopsy adenocarcinoma (Acinor,NOS) Glesson score- 4+4=8, tumor invades 70% of core volume, perineural invasion seen. USG abdomen: prostate 42g heterogenous with breach in right lobe, Pelvis and abdominal node- enlarged largest 3cm..............
[1]. TAIMUR SHAH , Manit Arya, Jhon D Kelly, Modern Prostate cancer management, Recent Advances in Surgery Vd. 37,2015 , 131,144.
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[5]. .Corsini E; Dell Agli M; Facchi A etal. Enterodiol and enterolatone modulate the immumme response by acting on nuclear factor-kappa B(NF-Kappa B) signalivg. J.Agric Food chem. .2011;58:6678-6684.
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Abstract: This study is aimed at studying the Geographical profile, Clinical Features, IgM serology positivity, Percentage of patients who need Intensive care and outcome. It also wants to emphasize that all patients with Fever, ARDS, Encephalitis and MODS should be thoroughly investigated to rule out Scrub Typhus.
Keywords: (Scrub typhus, Geography, clinical profile, Intensive care and Outcome)
[1]. Sanjay Mahajan-Incidence of GIT haemorrhage in scrub typhus patients,JAPI 2011-Volume 59
[2]. Kim Boem Bae etal-Korean experience of scrub typhus patients,World Journal of Gastroenterology,Feb 2010-2-47-(50)
[3]. MVS Subbulaxmi etal-Scrub typhus experience from a south Indian Tertiary care Hospital,Infectious diseases 2012,Supplement 1
page 77
[4]. Harikishan Aggarwal-Study on scrub typhus-Journal of Gastroenterology,2015,volume 1
[5]. Scrub typhus in adults-A case series –Sudhakar and Amarabalan Rajendran,IJMEDPH,IOSR,Volume 13,issue 11 November 2014
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Abstract: Objective: To find out the practice of personal hygiene and hand hygiene and correlation with its effects on health outcomes among medical students. Methods: At Rajendra Institute of Medical Sciences , Ranchi over a period of 3 months. 200 students were selected on random basis from 2nd , 6th & 8th semesters. A pre-designed and pre-tested questionnaire was used to collect data from students, which was distributed to them and collected back. Anonymity was maintained. Data was assimilated in Microsoft Excel 2014 and analysed using SPSS 20 software.............
[1]. K. Park, Park‟s Textbook of Preventive and Social Medicine ( Jabalpur. India: M/S BanarsidesBhalnot, 2011) 799.
[2]. P.Mathur, Hand hygiene : Back to the basics of infection control, Indian Journal of Med Res, 134, November 2011, 611-20.
[3]. A.Kadi, S. A.Salati, Hand hygiene practices among medical students, Interdisciplinary perspectives on infectious diseases, 2012, August 2012, 1-6.
[4]. G.Mohesh, A.Dandapani, Knowledge, attitude and practice of hand hygiene among medical students - A questionnaire based survey, Unique Journal of medical and dental sciences,2(2), September 2014, 127-131.
[5]. K. A.Mobashr, M. A. Ibrahim, W. A. Hussein, Perceptions of medical students towards nosocomial infections at college of medicine- Babylon, Journal of Education and Practice,5(29), 2014, 73-84.
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Abstract: Objective: To correlate clinical presentation of perforated peptic ulcer and the surgical approach used with the site of perforation. Methods: This is a retrospective study conducted on diagnosed 52 patients of perforated peptic ulcer at the Department of surgery, Kasturba Medical College, Mangalore for a period of 1 year from January 2015 to December 2015 The details of all patients who were diagnosed and operated for PPU were retrieved retrospectively from medical record department and operation theater records. Case history and detailed clinical examination of patients were evaluated..........
[1]. Crisp E. Cases of perforation of the stomach. Lancet. 1843;1:639.
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Abstract: This study was conducted to observe the efficacy of medical abortion using mifepristone 200 mg and misoprostol 800 mg by oral route in pregnant women with amenorrhoea of up to 63 days. Methods: 60 women were divided into two groups. Group I comprised of 30 women with 49 days of pregnancy and Group II comprised of another 30 women with 63 days of pregnancy. On day one, patient was advised to take mifepristone 200 mg orally. After 48 hours on day three patients was advised to take 2 tablets of misoprostol each containing 200 microgram of misoprostol.........
Keywords: Medical abortion, early pregnancy, misoprostol.
[1]. H Von Hertzen, PFA Van Look, WHO task force on post ovulatory methods in Fertility regulation, Comparision of two doses of mifepristone in combination with misoprostol for early medical abortion: a randomized trial, Br J Obstet Gynecol, 107(4), 2000, 524-30.
[2]. Ashok PW, Hamoda H, Flett GM, Kidd A, Fitzmaurice A, Templeton A, Patient preference in a randomized study comparing medical and surgical abortion at 10-13 weeks gestation, Contraception, 71, 2005, 143-8.
[3]. Zieman M, Fong SK, Benowitz NL, Banskter D, Darney PD, Absorption kinetics of misoprostol with oral or vaginal administration, Obstet Gynecol, 90, 1997, 88-92.
[4]. Shetty Jyothi, MNV pallavi, Medical abortion by mifepristone with oral versus vaginal misoprostol, J obstet Gynecol India, 56(6), 2006, 529-53.
[5]. Seema Rani Meena, Comparative study of Mifepristone with vaginal Misoprostol for First Trimester Termination of Pregnancy at different gestational ages, J Obstet Gynecol India, 66(6), 2016, 426-430.
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Abstract: To observe the Serum magnesium levels in 25 cases of major burns. 25 cases of Major burn of varying degree from different ages & sex admitted in Burn ward of Rajendra Institute of Medical Sciences, Ranchi were taken up for study. Local assessment of percentage & depth of burn was done. General examination & Investigation of serum electrolyte (magnesium) was estimated on day 10. The type of intravenous fluid given, duration and other treatments were recorded. All patients were followed up for neuro-muscular and mental symptoms. Result: Serum magnesium was estimated on 10th day and it was found to be low. Magnesium therapy was given either orally or intravenously...........
Keywords: Serum Magnesium levels, Major Burns, Hypomagnesaemia, and Magnesium deficiency syndrome.
[1]. Bailey & Love's 25th edition (UK,Edward Arnold publisher,2008). Introduction to burn. Pg 378. Short practice of surgery.
[2]. Broughton,A. (1968). Magnesium deficiency in burns, Lancet 2:1156.
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[6]. Harrison's et al 14th edition( (USA,McGraw-Hill,1998)Hypomagnesemia2263-2265 Principles of Internal Medicine)
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Abstract: Context: to identify various epidemiological factors in road traffic incidents in relation to victims, the perpetrators and the incident itself by thorough profiling. Material and methods: Prospective, cross sectional autopsy based study by sincere analysis of autopsy findings, inquest reports, hospital records and personal interview of the investigating officer and or accompanying persons Result: Of the total 3614 autopsy examinations during the study period, 588 deaths were related to road traffic incident where males (83.8%) outnumbered the females as victim and most common age group of fatality was found to be 41-50 years (21.56%). Most of the incident occurred during summer (38.9%) and in between 12 noon to 8 pm (43%), on main road (77.8%), involving pedestrians..........
Keywords: Road traffic incident, alcohol, minor.
[1]. Aguwa C.N, Anosike E0, and Akubue P I, (1982) Road accidents in Nigeria: Level of alcohol in the blood of
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[5]. Bradbury B.R., Robertson C. Prospective audit of the pattern, severity and circumstances of injury sustained by vehicle occupants
as a result of road traffic accidents, Archive of Emergency Medicine, March 1993, Vol.10, No.1 : 15-23
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Abstract: Langerhans Cell Histiocytosisrepresents a rare benign disorder previously designated as Histiocytosis X Varity" Type II Histiocytosis or Langerhans cell Granulomatosis, it occurs when the body accumulates too many immature langerhans cell a subset of the larger family of cell known as histocytes. Langerhans cell are of white blood cell that normally help the body to fight against infection. Langerhans cell histocytosis is most commonly characterized by single on multiple osteolytic bone lesion but also ulcerations of skin & soft tissue and also involvement of the CNS...........
Keywords: Benign, chemotherapy, eosinophilic granuloma, multifocal lesion.
[1]. Martínez-Pereda C, Guerrero-Rodríguez V, Guisado-Moya B, Meniz-García C. Langerhans cell Madrigal histiocytosis: Literature review and descriptive analysis of oral manifestations. Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal.2009;14:E222–8. [PubMed]
[2]. Greenberger JS, Crocker AC, Vawter G, Jaffe N, Cassady JR. Results of treatment of 127 patients with systemic histiocytosis. Medicine (Baltimore) 1981;60:311–38. [PubMed]
[3]. Jonas N, Mulwafu W, Khosa SA, Hendricks M. Case study: Langerhan's cell histiocytosis (LCH) Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol. 2008;3:61–5.
[4]. Yashoda-Devi B, Rakesh N, Agarwal M. Langerhans cell histiocytosis with oral manifestations: A rare and unusual case report. J Clin Exp Dent. 2012;4:e252–5. [PMC free article] [PubMed]
[5]. Shevale VV, Ekta K, Snehal T, Geetanjal M. A rare occurrence of Langerhans cell histiocytosis in an adult. J Oral Maxillofac Pathol. 2014;18:415–9. [PMC free article] [PubMed]
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Relation Between Chronic Sinusitis And Deviated Nasal Septum |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Mohd Ajmal || Dr Nema Usman |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1605044245 ![]() |
Abstract: Sinusitis is one of the most common diseases of the nose and paranasal sinuses. It is the fifth most common diagnosis for which antibiotics are prescribed [1]. Chronic sinusitis (CS) is an extremely prevalent disorder affecting up to two percent of the world population, has a significant impact on the quality of life of affected individual [2]. The term "sinusitis‟ refers to a group of disorders characterized by inflammation of mucosa of nose and paranasal sinuses. Deviated Nasal septum is a common disorder that presents up to 62% of the population, and its role in the pathogenesis of chronic sinusitis remains uncertain [3]. Hippocrates in 5th century B.C stated that "In a person having a painful spot in head, with intense headaches
[1]. Rosenfeld RM, Piccirillo JF, Chandrasekhar SS, Itzhak Brook I, Kumar KA, Kramper M, et al. Clinical Practice Guideline (Update): Adult Sinusitis. Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery 2015, Vol. 152(2S) S1–S39.
[2]. Rodney J Schlosser and David W Kennedy, Nasal endoscopy, Scott-Brawn's Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, volume 2:2008, pg 1344.
[3]. Lloyd G. CT of the paranasal sinuses: study of a control series in relation to endoscopic sinus surgery. J LaryngolOtol. 1990; 104:477–481.
[4]. Lusk RP, McAlister B, Ahmed F. Anatomic variations in Pediatric chronic sinusitis. A CT study. OCNA 1996; 29:75-91.
[5]. Kennedy DW, Zinreich J, Arthur E, Rosenbaum, Johns ME. Theory and diagnostic evaluation. Arch Otolaryngol Head and Neck Surg 1985; 111(9): 576- 582.
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Abstract: Context: Although Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy and Peripheral Vascular Disease (PVD) both contribute to the development of diabetic foot, the risk of amputation raises steeply only if there is associated PVD . Hence the importance lies in identifying the risk factors responsible for the development of PVD in type 2 diabetes, and in active screening for PVD in all diabetic subjects. Aim Of The Study 1.To investigate the prevalence of PVD among type 2 diabetes patients. 2.To assess the risk factors associated with development of PVD..........
Keywords: Diabetes, peripheral vascular disease, ankle brachial index
[1]. Joslin's Diabetes Mellitus – 14th Edition, Editors C. Ronald Kahn, Gordon C. Weir, et al.,
[2]. International Text book of Diabetes Mellitus – 3rd Edition Editors R.A. Defronzo, E.Ferrannini et al.
[3]. Diabetes and cardio vascular disease – 2nd Edition Edited by Michael T. John Stone, Aristidisveves.
[4]. Beckman JA, et al., Diabetes and athero sclerosis J AMA 2002; 287; 2570-81.
[5]. Macgregor A5 et al Role of Systolic – Blood Pressure and Plasma triglycerides in Diabetic peripheral arterial disease. The Edinburgh artery study. Diabetes care 1999; 22; 453-8.
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Abstract: Aim: We reviewed the cases of hepatolithiasis presented to our hospital over a 3-years period (July2014-April 2017). Methods: Patients with imaging evidence of hepatolithiasis were enrolled in the study and were observed for clinical presentation, laboratory parameters, imaging characteristics and the management chosen Results: 12 patients were enrolled during the study period. Three patients were < 30 yrs while the other nine were middle aged (30 – 60). There was a male to female ratio of 5:7. Symptoms were right upper quadrant pain and fever. The mean duration of symptoms since the onset was 4 yrs. Two patients had undergone cholecystectomy while 2 patients had prior endoscopic intervention...........
Keywords: Hepatolithiasis,southindia.RPC,Biliary Stricture,Liver resection
[1]. Feng XB, Zheng SG, Xia F, Ma KS, Wang SG, Bie P, et al. Classification and [1] management of hepatolithiasis: A high volume, single centre's experience. Intractable Rare Dis Res. 2012;1:151-56.
[2]. Pilankar KS, Amarapurkar AD, Joshi RM, Shetty TS, Khithani AS, Chemburkar VV. Hepatolithiasis with biliary ascariasis – a case report. BMC Gastroenterol. 2003;3:35.
[3]. NitinRao AR, Chui AK. Intrahepatic Stones – an aetiological quagmire. Indian J Gastroenterol. 2004;23:201-02.\
[4]. Sakpal S, Babel N. Chamberlain R. Surgical management of hepatolithiasis. HPB (Oxford). 2009;11:194–202.
[5]. Sheen-Chen SM, Chen W, Eng H, Sheen C, Chou F, Cheng Y, et al. Bacteriology [5] & Antimicrobial choices in Hepatolithiasis. Am J Infect Control. 2000;28:298- 301.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Aromatic Dentistry |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Arshia Rashid Baig || Dr.Sadashiv Daokar || Syed Navid Ali |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1605045760 ![]() |
Abstract: Aromatherapyaids in providing calmness and relaxation to many people. It is harmless and effective in inhibiting and managing of emotional distress. Use of such therapy for apprehensive patients undergoing dental treatment has proven to have a positive effect. Aromatherapy is useful in treating oral ulcers and toothaches.
Keywords: Aroma, Aromatherapy, Dental fear, Dentistry
[1]. Leger J. Aromatherapy in dentistry. Chir Dent Fr1986;56(343):43-47.
[2]. Jafarzadeh M, Arman S, Pour FF. Effect of aromatherapy with orange essential oil on salivary cortisol and pulse rate in children
during dental treatment: A randomized controlled clinical trial. Adv Biomed Res 2013; 2: 10
[3]. Modern Essentials: A Contemporary Guide to the Therapeutic Use of Essential Oils. 5th ed. Orem, Utah: AromaTools; 2014.
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Abstract: Background and Aim: Mouth mask is an essential infection control barrier used by the Dental health care professionals to prevent the Bioaerosols produced in the Dental Setup which are hazardous and a potent source of cross-contamination. This study aims at assessing, identifying and comparing the microbial contamination of the mouth masks used by post-graduate students of different departments in a Dental Institution. Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional survey was conducted using a questionnaire on 36 post-graduate students from 9 departments of a private Dental Institution, and the samples of used mouth masks were obtained from them. The in-vitro analysis involved inoculation of a section of mouth mask from the............
Keywords: Cross-contamination, Dental institution, Microbial contamination, Mouth masks, Post – Graduate students.
[1] Rawson D. The Basics of Surgical Mask Selection. Accessed at
[2] Spooner JL. History of Surgical face masks. AORN J.1967; 5(1):76-80.
[3] Monteiro P M, Carvalho A, Pina C, Oliveira H, Manso M C. Air quality assessment during dental practice: Aerosols bacterial counts in an universitary clinic. Rev port estomatol med dent cir maxilofac. 2013; 54(1):2–7. [4] Szymańska J, Sitkowska J. Bacterial hazards in a dental office: An update review. Afr. J. Microbiol. Res. 2012; 6(8):1642-1650.
[5] Shivakumar K M, Prashant G M, Madhu Shankari G S, Subba Reddy V V, Chandu G N. Assessment of atmospheric microbial contamination in a mobile dental unit. Indian J Dent Res 2007; 18:177-80.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Evaluation of the Association between Body Mass Index (BMI) and Dental Caries among Children |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Priti Sushil Jain |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1605046870 ![]() |
Abstract: The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between age specific Body Mass Index (BMI) and dental caries among children. Seventy eight children of age group 3-6 years were examined and measured for height, weight and dental caries experience. Dental caries severity in primary dentition was calculated by using deft index. BMI was calculated by using metric formula. Co-variates included age and gender. Overall, 53% of normal weight, 81% of underweight and 70% of overweight had deft score > 0. Underweight children had significantly higher mean deft value than the normal weight children............
Keywords: BMI, dental caries, overweight, underweight
[1] Poul Erik Petersen. The World Oral Health Report 2003: continuous improvement of oral health in the 21st century, the approach of the WHO Global Oral Health Programme. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol 2003, 31 (Suppl. 1), 3-24
[2] Li Y, Navia JM, Bian JY. Caries experience in deciduous dentition of rural Chinese children 3-5yrs old in relation to the presence or absence of enamel hypoplasia. Caries Res 1996, 30, 8-15
[3] WJ Psoter, BC Reid, RV Katz. Malnutrition and dental caries: a review of the literature. Caries Res 2005, 39, 441-447
[4] Rugg-Gunn AJ, Al-Mohammadi SM, Butler TJ. Malnutrition and developmental defects of enamel in 2 to 6 year old Saudi boys. Caries Res 1998, 32, 181-192
[5] FL Cameron,LT Weaver, CM Wright, RR Wellsbury. Dietary and social characteristics of children with severe tooth decay. Scottish Medical Journal 2006, 51(3)
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Abstract: Improvements in the understanding of liver anatomy, patient selection, and also surgical and anaesthetic techniques have contributed to a reduction in perioperative mortality although patients with parenchymal liver disease (e.g. cirrhosis) have significantly higher rates of complications and mortality. This decline in postoperative mortality after hepatic resection has encouraged surgeons for more radical liver resections, leaving behind smaller liver remnants in a bid to achieve curative surgeries. But despite advances in diagnostic, imaging and surgical techniques, postoperative liver dysfunction of varied severity including death due to liver failure is still a serious problem in such patients. In this paper, the anesthetic considerations during hepatic vascular occlusion techniques are reviewed along with special emphasis on ischaemic and pharmacological preconditioning which can be easily adapted clinically.
[1] Tympa A, Theodoraki K, Tsaroucha A, Arkadopoulos N, Vassiliou I. Anesthetic Considerations in Hepatectomies under Hepatic Vascular Control. HPB Surgery 2012;1-12.
[2] Jones C, Kelliher L, Thomas R, Quiney N. Perioperative management of liver resection surgery. Journ of perioperative practice 2011;21(6):198-202.
[3] Hartog A, Mills G. Anaesthesia for hepatic resection surgery. Continuing Education in Anaesthesia, Critical Care & Pain 2009;9:1-5.
[4] Lentschener C, Ozier Y. Anaesthesia for elective liver resection: some points should be revisited. European journ anaesthiol 2002;19: 780-8.
[5] Abbasoglu O, Sayek I. Parenchymal transection with ultrasonic scalpel in liver resection Journal of International Hepato-Pancreato-Bilary Association 2003; 5(3): 167–169.
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Abstract: Background:If the anxiety levels of parents is recognized it can help the clinician in designing the behaviour management strategies for the child. Aims: To assess the effect of parental anxiety on children's behavior and correlate children's dental anxiety with subsequent dental visits. Materials and Methods: A total of 175 children of age 6–12 years were randomly selected from various schools of Ghaziabad. Parental dental anxiety was assessed using the Corah's dental anxiety scale (DAS), and child anxiety level was measured using children fear survey schedule-dental subscale (CFSS-DS). Statistical Analysis Used: Pearson's correlation coefficient analysis, ANOVA, and Friedman test were used for statistical analysis of data............
Keywords: Children fear survey schedule-dental subscale, Corah's dental anxiety scale, parental fear, anxiety
[1] Klingberg G, Broberg AG. Dental fear/anxiety and dental behaviour management problems in children and adolescents: A review of prevalence and concomitant psychological factors. Int J Paediatr Dent 2007;17:391-406.
[2] Folayan MO, Adekoya-Sofowora CA, D Otuyemi O, Ufomata D. Parental anxiety as a possible predisposing factor to child dental anxiety in patients seen in a suburban dental hospital in Nigeria. Int J Paediatr Dent 2002;12:255-9.
[3] deMenezes Abreu DM, Leal SC, Mulder J, Frencken JE. Patterns of dental anxiety in children after sequential dental visits.Eur Arch Paediatr Dent 2011;12:298-302.
[4] Kanwal F, Jamil Y, Khan H. Effect of parental anxiety on child behavior in the dental surgery. J Khyber Coll Dent 2012;2:74-7.
[5] Folayan MO, Idehen EE, Ojo OO. The modulating effect of culture on the expression of dental anxiety in children: A literature review. Int J Paediatr Dent 2004;14:241-5.
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Abstract: Gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST) is the most common mesenchymal tumor of the gastrointestinal(GI) tract. It most commonly arises in the stomach, followed by the small intestine, colorectum and the esophagus. GISTs may show as either spindled or epithelioid cells or a combination of both. It shows diffuse intraabdominal spread and liver metastasis while lymph node metastasis is extremely rare. Here we report a rare case of colonic GIST with intraabdominal lymphnode metastasis in a 46yrs old female.
Keywords: Gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GISTs), pelvic mass,colonic GIST
[1]. Canda AE, Ozsoy Y, Nalbant OA, Sagol O. Gastrointestinal stromal tumor of the stomach with lymph node metastasis. World J Surg Oncol. 2008;6:97
[2]. Pierie JP, Choudry U, Muzikansky A, Yeap BY, Souba WW, Ott MJ. The effect of surgery and grade on outcome of gastrointestinal stromal tumors. Arch Surg. 2001;136(4):383–9.
[3]. Martin EB, Jean-Yves B, Christopher C, Driman DK, Robert R, Denis S, et al. Gastrointestinal stromal tumours: Consensus statement on diagnosis and treatment. Can J Gastroenterol 2006;20:157–64.
[4]. Claudia M, Giulio R, Federica B, Riccardo V, Claudia C, Ivan R, et al.Incidence and clinicopathologic features of gastrointestinal stromal tumors: A population-based study. BMC Cancer 2007;7:230.
[5]. Matteo D, Dandolu V, Lembert L. et al. Unusually large extraintestinal GIST presentin as an abdomino-pelvic tumor. Arch Gynecol Obstet. 2008;278:89–92.
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Abstract: Adenoid cystic carcinoma (ACC) is usually a slow growing but highly malignant neoplasm with a remarkable capacity for recurrence. It mainly affects salivary glands, palate and is rare in the nose and paranasal sinuses. A case report of 38 years old male with ACC of left nasal cavity who presented with gradually progressing left sided nasal obstruction is presented here. The CT scan showed mass in left nasal cavity eroding anterior part of medial wall of maxillary sinus. The tumor was excised with wide margin through a lateral rhinotomy approach under general anaesthesia. Histopathological report confirmed it to be a case of adenoid cystic carcinoma. The sinonasal ACC has an overall poor prognosis due to perineural invasion and post-operative radiotherapy may improve the prognosis.
Keywords: Adenoid, carcinoma, cavity, cystic, nasal
[1]. Barnes L, Brandwein M 2001 Adenoid cystic carcinoma. In:Barnes L (ed) Surgical pathology of the head and neck, 2nd ed.
[2]. Marcel Dekker, New York, p 522-523.
[3]. Ellington C L, Goodman M, Kono S A. et al. Adenoid cystic carcinoma of the head and neck: Incidence and survival trends based on 1973-2007 surveillance, epidemiology, and end results data. Cancer. 2012;118(18):4444–4451.
[4]. Liu J, Shao C, Tan M L et al. 2012 Molecular biology of adenoid cystic carcinoma. Head Neck 34: 1665-1677.
[5]. Emanuel P, Wang B, Wu M et al. 2005 p63 immunohistochemistry in the distinction of adenoid cystic carcinoma from basaloid squamous cell carcinoma. Mod Pathol 18: 645.-650
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Abstract: Placement of implants immediately following extraction has become an increasingly common strategy to preserve bone and reduce treatment time. This technique not only shortens treatment time but also improve esthetics by preserving the soft tissue envelope.Immediate implant placement is technically challenging and should only be undertaken by clinicians with considerable experience in implant dentistry, both surgically and prosthetically.The objective of this article is to provide a general review about immediate implant placement and to summarize uses and applications in which this technique can be indicated.
Keywords: Immediate implant, Immediate placement, Primary stability
[1]. Yong LT. Single Stage Immediate Implant Placement In The Esthetic Zone. J Oral Implantol. 2012;38:738-46. [2]. Glossary Of Oral And Maxillofacial Implants. Quintessence PublishingCo., 2007.
[3]. Schulte W, Heimke G. The Tubinger Immediate Implant. Quintessence. 2007:73.
[4]. Lazzara RJ. Immediate Implant Placement Into Extraction Socket Sites: Surgical And Restorative Advantages. 1989;9(5):332-43.
[5]. Newman MG, Takei HH, Klokkevold PR, Carranza FA. Clini Periodontol. Saunders. Copyright 2006.
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Abstract: Desmoplastic ameloblastoma is relatively rare variant of ameloblastoma. Only a very few cases have been reported in the literature. Here we present a case where a 48 year old male reported with an asymptomatic swelling with respect to the lingual aspect of anterior mandibular region. Radiography and computed tomography revealed an expansile lytic mass. Histologically, however, an unmistakable diagnosis of the desmoplastic variant of ameloblastoma was established. The present case deserves importance because of the potential aggressive nature of the lesion, unfamiliar nature and increased chances of misdiagnosis. This case is also an attempt at reporting of this rare lesion and to make the dental community aware with the clinical and radiographic presentation of the lesion and also advocating to develop a high index of suspicion in recognising such cases
Keywords: Desmoplastic ameloblastoma, odontogenic tumour, stromal dysplasia
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Role of P53 in Serous Ovarian Carcinomas |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr.Gayathiri.G || Dr.Umasamundeeswari.R |
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: | 10.9790/0853-160504100102 ![]() |
Abstract: Approximately 50% of human malignancies have p53 mutations , which is the most common tumor suppressor gene mutated in human malignancies. In particular, about 50-80% of ovarian carcinomas shows p53 gene mutation. The objective of this study is to analyse the role of p53 in serous ovarian carcinomas.
Keywords: Ovarian tumors ,P53,Serous Carcinomas, Two-tier grading
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Concrescence of A Maxillary Third Molar And Second Molar: Report of A Rare Case |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Manoj S || Dr. Sanoj N M |
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: | 10.9790/0853-160504103105 ![]() |
Abstract: Concrescence is an uncommon developmental anomaly in which teeths are united in the cementum but not in the dentin. The incidence of concrescent teeth is reported to be highest in the posterior maxilla. The cardinal radiological sign of concrescence is close proximity of adjacent teeth with no detectable intervening periodontal ligament space. if difficulty is encountered while extracting a tooth in the maxillary posterior region, to avoid the complications such as fracture of tuberosity or floor of maxillary sinus. Routine radiographs should be taken prior to extractions, to avoid any such complications and to alter the treatment plan.
Keywords: Concrescence; Developmental Anomaly; Cemental Union; Hypercementosis
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Abstract: The Onodi cell (sphenoethmoidal cell) is an anatomical variation of the most posterior ethmoidal air cell that pneumatizes superolateral to the sphenoid sinus and is intimately related to the optic nerve and internal carotid artery, hence their clinical relevance in the event of sinusopathy. Recently, there has been more interest in defining these cells and their variations as they pertain to endoscopic sinus and endonasal sellar and parasellar surgery. The development and refinement of computerized tomography (CT) imaging has allowed detailed assessment of each individual's paranasal sinus anatomy, thus providing a map that allows the surgeons to operate safely...................
Keywords: Computed tomography scans, Onodi cell, Paranasal sinuses, Sphenoethmoidal cell, Posterior ethmoidal air cell.
[1]. Ludwick JJ, Taber KH, Manolidis S, Sarna A and Hayman LA. A computed tomographic guide to endoscopic sinus surgery: axial and coronal views. J Comput Assist Tomogr 2002; 26: 317-22.
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[5]. Kennedy DW, Bolger WE, Zinreich S J. Disease of the sinuses: Diagnosis and Management. B.C. Decker Inc. Hamitton. London 2001; part (611): p 19-24. Available from:.
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Abstract: Background: General Anaesthesia with controlled ventilation is the conventional technique for thyroid surgery. But this surgery can also be performed under regional anaesthesia with conscious sedation. Aim- To observe the operative condition and patient safety for thyroid surgery performed under regional anaesthesia with conscious sedation. Method: This prospective observational cross-sectional study was done in 50 patient undergoing thyroid surgeries with bilateral superficial cervical plexus block (BLSCPB) with 12ml of 0.25% Bupivacaine for each side. Injection Midazolam 0.05 mg/ml was administered for conscious sedation.........
Keywords: Bupivacaine, Superficial cervical plexus block, Thyroidectomy
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Abstract: Aim: To study the relation between third molar eruption and dental crowding . Objective : The main objective is to study the role of the third molars as a cause of incisor crowding . Background: The role of third molar a cause for incisor crowding has been continuous controversial. cause for the dental crowding. This is a questionnaire based study. Reason: This research is done to study the different opinion of orthodontists and the oral surgeon for the extraction of third molar to prevent the dental crowding.
Keywords: third molar , crowding, extraction.
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