Version-5 (May-2017)
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Abstract: Adenoid cystic carcinoma is a malignant neoplasm arising from the salivary glands. The most characteristic features of this tumor are its local aggressiveness, perineural invasion, tendency to metastasize and high recurrence rates. Here we discuss a case of Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma in a 60-year-old female presented with a swelling and ulceration on the anterolateral surface of the tongue with its clinical features, histopathology, diagnosis and treatment along with a brief review of the relevant literature
[1]. Kumar S, Agarwal P, Nimmi V. ScienceDirect Adenoid cystic carcinoma: A rare late presentation of the mobile tongue. J Oral Biol Craniofacial Res. Craniofacial Research Foundation; 2016;4–7.
[2]. Kim KH, Sung MW, Chung PS, et al. Adenoid cystic carcinoma of the head and neck. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg (US). 1994;120:721–726.
[3]. Ross W. Green, MD, Uchechukwa C. Megwalu, MD Adenoid cystic carcinoma of the external ear: a population based study, American journal of otolaryngology- head and neck medicine and surgery 37(2016) 346-350
[4]. Hellquist HB, Skalova A. Histopathology of the Salivary Glands. Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma. Springer; 2014 221–60.
[5]. Barnes L, Silver CE, Rodrigo JP, Shah JP, Triantafyllou A, Rinaldo A, et al. Cervical lymph node metastasis in adenoid cystic carcinoma of oral cavity and oropharynx: A collective international review §. 2016
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Abstract: G-6-PD deficiency is one of the most common red blood cell enzymatic defect. It can be asymptomatic clinically or may present as hemolysis, anemia and neonatal hyperbilirubinemia. Drugs which induce haemolysis in these patients are often used in anaesthetic management of patient. Perioperative management of these patient involve avoiding these drugs, adequate pain management to reduce surgical stress, monitoring hemolysis. We present here a case of neonate with G-6-P D deficiency which was operated for septic arthritis under general anesthesia...............
Keywords: G6PD Deficiency, neonatal jaundice, Anaesthesia in G6PD deiciency
[1]. Smith CL, Snowdon SL. Anaesthesia and G-6-P D.Anaesthesia. 1987;42: 281-88.
[2]. Frank JE.Diagnosis and Management of G6PD Deficiency. Am Fam Physician 2005;72:1277-82.
[3]. Schwartz JP, Cooperberg AA, Rosenberg A. Platelet function studies in patients with glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency. Br J Haematol 1974;27:273-80.
[4]. Peters AL, Van NoordenCJ.Glucose-6-phosphate Dehydrogenase Deficiency and Malaria: Cytochemical Detection of Heterozygous G6PD Deficiency in Women.JHistochemCytochem.. 2009; 57: 1003–1011.
[5]. Massa ED, Federmann S.Ambulatory Anesthesia in Deficiency Glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase. The Internet Journal of Anesthesiology. 2006 ;11: 1-4.
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Abstract: Background: PCO is one of the most common complication of cataract surgery and there is a primary need to reduce its incidence. Treatment with Neodymium:YAG ( Nd: YAG) laser posterior capsulotomy is expensive and associated with significant morbidity in the identified patients. Improvements in surgical technique and IOL related factors like material and design definitely influences the PCO development and its incidence. Aim and objective: The assesment of visual outcome and posterior capsular opacification in 750 eyes of 700 patients operated for cataract surgery - SICS with PCIOL implantation. Also early identification of complications, timely intervention & management to ensure quality vision............
Keywords: Visual acuity, SICS, intraocular lens, PCO, Laser treatment
[1]. HolwegerRR ,MarefatB. Intraocular pressure change after neodymium G capsulotomy. J Cataract Refract Surg 1997;23:115-21.
[2]. Sundelin K, Sjostrand J.Posterior capsule opacificatin 5 years after extracapsular cataract extraction. 1999;25(2):246-250.
[3]. Apple DJ, Solomon KD, Tetz MR, Assia EI, Holland EY, Legler UF, et al. Posterior capsule opacification. Surv Ophthalmol 1992;37:73-116.
[4]. Apple DJ, Ram J, Foster A, Peng Q. Elimination of cataract blindness: A global perspective entering the new millennium. Surv Ophthalmol 2000;45:S70-S99.
[5]. Mannalis N, Crandall AS, Linebayer E, et al. Effect of intraocularlens size on posterior capsule opacification after phacoemulsification. J Cataract Refract Surg 1995; 21: 99-102.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Study of The Spectrum of Traumatic Cataract Cases in A Tertiary Eye Hospital |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Beena R || Jeyalatha D |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1605051318 ![]() |
Abstract: Backgrouund: Trauma is a leading cause of monocular blindness in the younger age group throughout the world.It is also a cause for significant morbidity.The morbidity becomes more compounded in the rural areas due to ignorance and lack of access to health facilities. Type of injury, preoperative,intraoperative and postoperative complications determine the visual prognosis. Assessment of the nature and extent of injuries will prepare the surgeon to deal with the eventualities arising intraoperatively and offer a better visual prognosis. Aim and objective:To assess the demographic profile,age of patients presenting with traumatic cataract.To evaluate the nature of injuries, factors and complications which determine the visual prognosis..............
Keywords: Traumatic cataract,visualacuity,postoperative,blunt,penetrating injury
[1]. IJO volume 48 (3) Sept 2000 – Management of anterior segment penetrating injuries with traumatic cataract by pentagon approach in paediatric age group – Dr. Jitendra KS Parihar, Dr. Radha Govind Dash, Dr. Devender P Vats & Coauthors.
[2]. Ophthalmology volume (vol) : 108(2) 2001 Feb. Successful rehabilitation of children with Traumatic Corneal laceration and cataract
[3]. J. cataract and refractive surgery vol 27 (12) Dec. IOL implantation for traumatic cataract in children in East Africa
[4]. J. Cataract refractive surgery volume 27(9) 2001 sept. Inaccuracy of IOL power calculation after traumatic corneal laceration and cataract.
[5]. Ophthalmology vol 110(3) 2003 March – Multifocal IOL in patient's with traumatic cataract
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Abstract: Lipoma Arborescens is a lesion arising from synovium and is characterized by diffuse increase in the quantity of subsynovial fat that bulges the overlying synovial lining and produces a villous architecture. It is a rare tumour. There is a fatty villonodular proliferation of the synovium predominantly in the knee, although its origin from other joints has also been reported. Though of unknown etiology, it is usually seen secondary to articular / peri-articular trauma, or synovitis. We report a case of 56 years old male who presented with unilateral monoarticular swelling associated with chondromalacia and subchondral cyst of the left knee..........
Keywords: Lipoma Arborescens, Synovial Tumor, Fatty villonodular proliferation
[1]. Davies AP, Blewitt N. Lipoma arborescens of the knee. Knee 2005;12(5):394-6.
[2]. Murphey MD, Carroll JF, Flemming DJ, Pope TL, Gannon FH, Kransdorf MJ. From the archives of the AFIP: Benign musculoskeletal lipomatous lesions. Radiographics 2004;24(5):1433-66.
[3]. Yan CH, Wong JW, Yip DK. Bilateral knee lipoma arborescens: a case report. J Orthop Surg (Hong Kong) 008;16(1):107-10
[4]. Wolf R, Zoys G, Saldivar V, Williams R. Lipoma arborescens of the hip. Am J Orthop. 2002;31(5):276–9.
[5]. Chae EY, Chung HW, Shin MJ, Lee SH. Lipoma arborescens of the glenohumeral joint causing bone erosion: MRI features with gadolinium enhancement. Skeletal Radiol 2009;38(8):815-8.
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Abstract: Glaucoma is a multifactorial optic neuropathy in which there is a characteristic acquired loss of retinal ganglion cell and atrophy of optic nerve. Glaucoma filteration surgery (GFS) has been shown to be more effective at preventing disease progression than other primary treatment modalities in glaucoma. Glaucoma drainage devices or implants are being used more frequently in the treatment of glaucoma that does not respond to medications or trabeculectomy operations.They too have undergone evolution in the past decade and this review intends to compile the infornation along with recent modifications and future perspective after a thorough literature search.
Keywords: Glaucoma,drainage devices,implants
[1]. Van Buskirk EM, Cioffi GA. Glaucomatous optic neuropathy. Am J Ophthalmol. 1992 Apr 15. 113(4):447-52.
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[5]. Sidoti PA, Dunphy TR, Baerveldt G, et al. Experience with the Baerveldt glaucoma implant in treating neovascular glaucoma.
Ophthalmology 1995;102:1107-1118.
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Abstract: Urinary tract infections are defined as diseases which are caused by a microbial invasion of the genitourinary tract, which extends from the renal cortex of the kidney to the urethral opening. They represent the most commonly acquired bacterial infections and they account for an estimated 25-40% of the nosocomial infections [1]. Urinary tract infections are "uncomplicated" when they occur in a normal urinary tract with no structural, functional or underlying host illness to account for the infection, or "complicated" when an underlying abnormality is thought to have enabled the infection to occur [2]. The incidence of UTI as a result of viral or fungal infection is considered to be rare phenomena...........
[1]. S. Niveditha, S. Pramodhini, S. Umadevi, Shailesh K, Selvaraj S. Isolation and the Biofilm Formation of Uropathogens in the Patients with Catheter Associated Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs). Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2012; 6(9): 1478-
[2]. 1482.
[3]. Mwaka AD, Mayanja-KH, Kigonya E, Kaddu-Mulindwa D. Bacteriuria among adult non-pregnant women attending Mulago ospital assessment centre in Uganda. African Health Sciences. 2011; 11(2): 182 - 9.
[4]. Shu'aibu Isa., Mohammed BM., Fatima Umar M., Abubakar Aisami et al. Prevalence andAntimicrobial Susceptibility Pattern of Uropathogenic Escherichia coli among Adult
[5]. Diabetic Patients Attending Federal Medical Centre Gombe, Gombe State Nigeria.Greener Journal of Microbiology and Antimicrobials. 2013; 1(1): 11-15.
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Abstract: Aim and Objectives: To observe the association between magnesium and lipid parameters in type 2 diabetic patients. Materials and methods: A case-control study consisted of control group (36 healthy individuals) and case group (50 patients who were diagnosed with type 2 diabetes). Serum magnesium and lipid profile wereanalysed in blood samples on automated analyser. The data was analysed using unpaired't' test if the data is normally distributed and Mann-Whitney U test if the data is not normally distributed. Spearman correlation analysis was done...........
Keywords: Diabetes, Lipid profile,Magnesium
[1]. AshimaBadyal,Kuldip Singh Sodhi, Rajesh Pandey, Jasbir Singh Serum Magnesium Levels:A Key Issue For Diabetes Mellitus. JK SCIENCE Vol. 13 No.3, July-September 2011.
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[4]. Kaur J, Prabhu KM and Thakur LC. Serum magnesium levels in ischaemic cerebrovascular disorders: a case control study in north Indian population. JPBMS 2012; 17[2]: 17.
[5]. Rasanoff A and Seeling MS. Comparison of mechanism and functional effects of magnesium and statin pharmaceutical. J Am CollNutr 2004; 23[5]: 5015-5055.
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Abstract: Diabetes mellitus (DM) affects an estimated 285 million people worldwide. This number is expected to reach 438 million by the year 2030, with two-thirds of all cases occurring in low- to middle-income countries. Asians develop diabetes at a younger age, at lower degrees of obesity, and at much higher rates given the same amount of weight gain compared with Western populations. The association between low serum testosterone (LST) and DM has recently received substantial attention. Studies have reported that men with type 2 DM (T2DM) have a high prevalence of LST. Further, reduced total testosterone (TT) levels have been associated with insulin resistance and subsequent risk for developing T2DM.
[1]. International Diabetes Federation. IDF Diabetes Atlas. Epidemiology and Mobidity. International Diabetes Federation.
[2]. Chan JC, Malik V, Jia W, Kadowaki T, Yajnik CS, Yoon KH, et al. Diabetes in Asia: Epidemiology, risk factors, and pathophysiology. JAMA. 2009;30:2129–40.
[3]. Ajlouni K, Khader YS, Batieha A, Ajlouni H, El-Khateeb M. An increase in prevalence of diabetes mellitus in Jordan over 10 years. J Diabetes Complications. 2008;22:317–24.
[4]. George JT, Veldhuis JD, Tena-Sempere M, Millar RP, Anderson RA. Exploring the pathophysiology of hypogonadism in men with type 2 diabetes: Kisspeptin-10 stimulates serum testosterone and LH secretion in men with type 2 diabetes and mild biochemical hypogonadism. Clin Endocrinol (Oxf) 2013;79:100–4.
[5]. Ghazi S, Zohdy W, Elkhiat Y, Shamloul R. Serum testosterone levels in diabetic men with and without erectile dysfunction. Andrologia. 2012;44:373–80.
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Abstract: Background: Acute pancreatitis is an inflamatory disease of pancreas having mild self limiting course of illness in 80% to mortality upto 20% of cases.In developed countries,most common causes of acute pancreatitis are common bile duct stones in 38% and alcohol abuse in 36% of cases. Objective: To study the etiological incidence of acute pancreatitis in adults in tertiary care centre. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted on hundred patients who were admitted with the features of acute pancreatitis in different surgical wards.The diagnosis was made on the basis of detailed history,physical examination,serum amylase and lipase levels and other required investigations..........
Keywords: Acute pancreatitis,alcoholism,biliary calculi,serum amylase.
[1]. Lund H,Tonnesen MH,Olsen O.Long term recurrence and death rate after acute Pancratitis.Scand J Gastroenterol 2006;41;234-238.
[2]. Thomas EC,Stanley WA,Management of acute pancreatitis,Maingot's abdominal Operations,12th ed.New york:McGraw Hill:2013.
[3]. Lankisch PG,Assamus C,Lehnick D,Maisonneuve P,Lowenfels AB.Acute Pancreatitis;does gender matters?Dig Dis Sci 01;46:2470-2474.
[4]. Spanier BW,Dijkgraaf MG,Bruno MJ.Epidemiology aetiology and outcome of Acute and chronic pancreatitis;An update.Best Prac Res Clin Gastroenterol 2008;22:45-63
[5]. Dudeja V,Christian JD,Jensen EH,Vichers SM.Exocrine Pancreas;Sabiston textbook Of surgery,20th ed.Elsevier:2017.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Incidence of Leprosy – Real or Relative? |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. J. Jayasri || Dr. R. Aruna Devi || Dr. S. Jayakumar |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1605054347 ![]() |
Abstract: Migration of people across the states and countries meant for occupation, studies, etc. can have several effects on the epidemiological patterns of diseases. This study is meant to analyze the impact of immigration of peopleon the incidence of leprosy in a hospital based study
Keywords: Leprosy, migration, epidemiology
[1]. All about leprosy.P.V.S. Prasad. First edition. Jaypee Publications.
[2]. Park's textbook of preventive and social medicine. K. Park. Eighteenth edition. M/s Banarsidos Bhanot Publications. Page 62
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Abstract: Background: In India approximately 1 person is affected by Snake bite every 10 seconds. 1 person dies of Snake bite every 2 hours. Similarly, Snake bite is a common problem in and around Theni district. All the four main kind of snakes namely Cobra (Najanaja), Common krait (Bangarusceruleans), Saw scaled viper (Echiscarenatus) and Russel viper (Daboiarusselii) are present in this region. Though people are aware of the availability of treatment for snake bites in hospital, still some superstitions prevail in these people. There is also lack of uniformity in treating such cases. This study was done to address these issues.
Keywords: Envenomation, Consumption coagulopathy
[1]. Bhalla G, Mhaskar D, Agarwal A. A study of clinical profile of snake bite at a tertiary care centre. Toxicol Int. 2014;21:203–8. [PMC free article] [PubMed]
[2]. Anjum Arshad, Husain M, Hanif SA, Ali SM, Beg M, et al. (2012) Epidemiological Profile of Snake Bite at Tertiary Care Hospital, North India. J Forensic Res 3:146. doi:10.4172/2157-7145.1000146
[3]. SURVEY ON PATTERN OF SNAKE BITE CASES ADMITTED IN SOUTH INDIAN TERTIARY CARE HOSPITALS Kiran Nagaraju , NagappanKannappan and K. Gopinath10.13040/IJPSR.0975-8232.6(10).4362-67
[4]. Snake Bite Induced Coagulopathy: A Study of Clinical Profile and Predictors of Poor OutcomeH S Harshavardhana ,ImtiazPasha,N C SrinivasaPrabhu, AmiraPreethika Ravi
[5]. International Journal of Scientific Study | April 2014 | Vol 2 | Issue 1
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Abstract: Background: Vitamin D plays an important role in bone and muscle growth and function specially during rapid growth periods in infancy and adolescent. Vitamin D deficiency is highly prevalent among children and adolescents worldwide. Objectives: To study serum vitamin D level among school children in urban and rural areas of Manipur and to determine the correlation between vitamin D and selected variables of interest like sex, habitation with reference to diet and social habits. Material and methods: A Cross sectional study was conducted in the department of Physiology, RIMS and from selected schools of urban and rural districts of Manipur. Serum vitamin D was analyzed by using Automated Microplate ELISA Reader and analyzed by using SPSS version 21(IBM)...........
Keywords: Vitamin D, School children, Hypovitaminosis D.
[1]. Holick MF. High prevalence of vitamin D inadequacy and implication for health. Mayo Clinic Proc J 2006 March; 81 (3): P 353–373.
[2]. Best CH, Taylor NB. Vitamin D Structure and Biosynthesis. In: Tandon OP, Tripathi Y, editors. Best and Taylor's text book of Physiology. 13th ed. Gurgaon: Wolters Kluwer (India); 2012 P 882.
[3]. DeLucaa HF. History of the discovery of vitamin D and its active metabolites. BoneKEy Rep 2014; 3: 479.
[4]. En.wikipedia. Vitamin D. 2015 June 13. Available from URL D. Accessed June 16 2015.
[5]. Holick MF, Chen TC. Vitamin D deficiency: a worldwide problem with health consequences. Am Soc for ClinNutr 2008; 87 (4): 1080S – 1086S.
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Abstract: Childhood cataract remains a challenge to pediatric ophthalmologists despite recent major breakthrough in surgical techniques and instrumentation. Pediatric cataract is one of the major causes of preventable childhood blindness, affecting approximately 200,000 children worldwide, with an estimated prevalence ranging from three to six per 10,000 live births Congenital cataracts usually are diagnosed at birth. If a cataract goes undetected in an infant, permanent visual loss may ensue. The management of pediatric cataract is a team effort of ophthalmologist ,pediatrician,anaesthetist and parents and should be customized.........
Keywords: Pediatric cataract,childhood blindness
[1]. Foster A, Gilbert C, Rahi J: Epidemiology of cataract in childhood. A global perspective. J Cataract Refract Surg 1997; 23: 601-4.
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1983; 20: 238-42.
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Abstract: Over 70 million people have been infected by the Human Immunodeficiency virus(HIV) worldwide and the Sub-Saharan Africa has the largest population of people living with Human immunodeficiency virus/Acquired immune disease (HIV/AIDS). Nigeria had about 3.3million people living with the disease as at 2015.(1) There is increase risk of AIDS defining and non AIDs defining cancer in infected persons(2) Despite Antiretroviral drugs, Kaposi sarcoma is still common among HIV infected patients in our setting and runs a very aggressive course. We analyzed the spectrum of malignancies among our HIV infected patients to find out how frequent KS is among these patients. This is a prospective data collection of HIV infected patients at two major treatment facilities in Plateau state over.........
Keywords: HIV/AIDS, Cancer, Kaposi sarcoma
[1]. Global Health Observatory Data 2015
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[3]. Patel P, Hanson DL, Sullivan PS, Novak RM, Moorman AC, Tong TC, et al. Incidence of types of cancer among HIV-infected persons compared with the general population in the United States, 1992-2003. Ann Intern Med. 2008;148(10):728-36.
[4]. Oliveira Cobucci RN, Saconato H, Lima PH, Rodrigues HM, Prudencio TL, Junior JE, et al. Comparative incidence of cancer in HIV-AIDS patients and transplant recipients. Cancer epidemiology. 2012;36(2):e69-73.
[5]. Olowookere SA, Fatiregun AA, Adewole IF. Knowledge and attitudes regarding HIV/AIDS and antiretroviral therapy among patients at a Nigerian treatment clinic. J Infect Dev Ctries. 2012;6(11):809-16.
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Abstract: Movement of a tooth by extrusion involves applying traction forces in all regions of the periodontal ligament to stimulate marginal apposition of crestal bone. Because the gingival tissue is attached to the root by connective tissue, the gingiva follows the vertical movement of the root during the extrusion process. Similarly, the alveolus is attached to the root by the periodontal ligament and is in turn pulled along by the movement of the root.Forced eruption may serve as an alternative treatment modality since its introduction in 1973. A 25 year old boy came with obliquely fractured maxillary left central incisor at the cervical level..........
Keywords: orthodontic extrusion, J hook, crown lengthening, cast post.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Chemistry of Ferric Sulphate in Pulpotomy – Monograph |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | N.S.Harini || Dr.Deepa Gurunathan |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1605057072 ![]() |
Abstract: Pulpotomy is a technique that has been used to treat primary teeth of which only the coronal pulp has been affected or infected by caries or traumatized while the radicular pulp remains healthy(1) The success of pulpotomy may be increased by promoting homeostasis of the remaining pulpal tissue. This procedure can be done to both primary and permanent teeth. The most commonly used medicaments for pulpotomy are Ferric Sulphate, mineral trioxide aggregate and calcium hydroxide......
[1]. L.Papagiannoulis; A clinical study on ferric sulfate as a pulpotomy medicament in primary teeth; European Journal of paediatric dentistry; 2000 March;pp: 126-132
[2]. Nikki L. Smith, N. Sue Seale, Martha E. Nunn, Ferric sulphatepulpotomy in primary molars: A retrospective study;American Academy of Paediatric Dentistry;2000,March,22(3):192-199 [3]. Al-Luen Fei, Richard D.Udin, Ronald Johnson; A Clinical study of Ferric sulfate as pulpotomy agent in primary teeth; paediatric dentistry;1991, November-December 13(6):327-332.
[4]. Fayyaz Alam, Yasir Khan Khattak,Shakeel ur Rehman; dept of operative dentistry; Sardar Begum dental college, Peshawar ;Ferric sulphate versus formocresol in pulpotomies of primary molars; JKCD; December 2013,4(1); 139-147.
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Abstract: Aesthetics is one of the key factorials in dental sciences which is not based on any fixed rules. SPA concept was prescribed to aid clinicians in selection of teeth according to age, sex and personality of the patient. Materials & method: 200 students comprising of 100 males and 100 females were taken in the study. Alginate impressions were made of maxillary arches and casts were poured in Type III dental stone. Measurements were done using Vernier caliper for individual tooth..........
Keywords: Impression, Casts, Mesio-distal, Vernier
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Abstract: Infantile cortical hyperosteosis, also known as caffey`s disease,is a rare, idiopathic mostly self limiting condition affecting infants under 6 months of age. It is characterized by acute inflammation of the periostium and the overlying soft tissue and is accompanied by systemic changes of irritability and fever. Diagnosis may be delayed as this disorder mimics a wide range of diseases including osteomyelitis, hypervitaminosis A, scurvy, bone tumors and child abuse.
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[5] Glorieux FH. Caffey disease: an unlikely collagenopathy. J Clin Invest 2005. May;115(5):1142-1144
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Abstract: Introduction: Diabetes mellitus, a lifelong disease is achieving pandemic proportions. Even in India its prevalence is on the rise making our country the diabetic capital or the world. Many studies have found that sedentary lifestyle and increased stress are risk factors for diabetes. The job of NPDCL employees is both sedentary in nature and accompanies high levels of stress. With this background the present study was conducted with the following objective.........
Keywords: Diabetes, NPDCL(Northern Power Distribution Company Limited) employees, prevalence, BMI, hypertension
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Music Players and Young Adults- A Survey |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Uday Singh || Kumar Manish |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1605058894 ![]() |
Abstract: Aim: The aim of this study is to survey and document the patterns of usage and listening habits of personal music players among young adults in India. Method: A total 500 (169 M, 331 F) young adults between the age range of 17- 24 years participated in the study. The questionnaire was developed in English and was designed to collect information. The questionnaire was divided into two sections. The first section of questions consisted of demographical data such as name, age, gender and college information. The second section consisted of 17 (closed and open-set) questions about PMPs, its use and effects........
Keywords: Music Players, Young Adults, Hearing Loss.
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Abstract: Over the past decades, focussed interest in drugs obtained from medicinal plants has markedly increased. Since times immemorial, tea has traditionally been the most popular and widely consumed beverages in the world obtained from the extracts of leaves of the plant Camellia sinensis by the process of oxidation. It is the oldest non-alcoholic beverage containing caffeine. Amongst the varieties of tea manufactured, green tea is considered of utmost significance since it exerts antimicrobial, anti-cancer, antioxidant, anti-collagenase, anti-diabetic, anti-obesity and anti-hypertensive activities due to rich content of polyphenols, namely catechins,........
Keywords: Green tea, Camellia sinensis, antimicrobial, anti-cancer, antioxidant, anti-collagenase, anti-diabetic, anti-obesity, anti-hypertensive, polyphenols, phyto-chemicals
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Abstract: To investigate the characteristics of vocal tract resonance in Hindi Esophageal Speakers. Methodology: Five normal Hindi speakers and five Hindi esophageal speakers participated in this study. They were asked to produce the three corner vowels /a/, /i/, and /u/ in the three different conditions like non-sustained, sustained and word level. The average first three formant frequencies F1, F2, and F3 from these vowels were obtained and submitted for statistical comparisons. For each formant, the formant frequencies measured from the medial 80% of the vowel partition were averaged and data obtained from esophageal speakers were compared with that obtained from laryngeal speakers.........
Keywords: Esophageal Speaker, Formant Structure, Vowel.
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Abstract: Kimuras disease is a rare chronic inflammatory disease maily involves the soft tissue of the head and neck region and lymph nodes. Clinical differential diagnoses of KD include lymphoma, lymphangioma, reactive lymphadenopathy, salivary gland tumor and nodal metastasis. Hence one needs to be careful while examining the slide of the kimuras disease.
Keywords: kimuras disease, submandibular glands, lymph nodes.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Patients Compliance and Follow-Up Rate after Tooth Extraction |
Country | : | Pakistan |
Authors | : | Samra Faheem |
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: | 10.9790/0853-160505115120 ![]() |
Abstract: Abiding to post-operative instructions properly may help rapid recovery from surgical procedure. The study aims to check the follow-up rate and compliance of patients who sternly follow the post-operative instructions after non-surgical permanent tooth extraction through health status of the socket. Study Design: This cross-sectional study involved 100 consenting patients was performed at dental OPDs of DOW University of Health Sciences Karachi. One week after procedure information about health status of socket was obtained through questionnaire and clinical examination. Data (age, gender, socket status) analyzed using Pearson's chi square test with P-value ≤0.05 was considered significant.........
Keywords: Cross-sectional study, Follow-up procedure, Patients compliance, Postoperative instructions, Tooth extraction
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