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Abstract: Waldenstrommacroglobulinemia a chronic beta cell lymphoproliferative disorder characterised by IgM monoclonal gammopathy, bone marrow infiltration by lymphocyte, lymphocytoid cells & plasma cells.It accounts for approx. 2% of all haematological malignancies. It is rarely seen below 50 yrs. of age. A small child (3 yrs.old girl) having monoclonal gammopathy, bone marrow lymphoplasmacytosis, organomegaly& lymphadenopathy was diagnosed as WALDENSTROM MACROGLOBULINEMIA. It is a rare disease and rarest at this age.
KeyWords: Waldenstrommacroglobulinemia, child, monoclonal gammopathy, lymphoplasmacytosis, organomegaly,
[1]. McMaster ML. Familial Waldenstrom'sMacroglobulinemia.Semin Oncology 2003; 30:146-52.
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A report on 232 patients with thedescription of a new scoring system and its validation on 253other patients. Blood 2000;96 :852-
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Abstract: Background: Joint replacement surgeries are associated with major blood loss intra-operatively as well as post-operatively to the tune of 700 to 2100 ml. Thus generating a need for blood conservation modalities. Material: Double blinded case control study was done for 78 patients undergoing joint replacement surgeries out of which 37 were in experimental group and 41 in control. Results: We found a significant reduction in experimental group to an average of 150ml for Hemiarthroplasty, 200ml for Total Hip Replacement and 300ml for Total Knee Replacement. Summary: Tranexamic Acid is a safe, efficient and a cost effective drug to control intra-operative as well as post-operative blood loss.
Keywords: Joint Replacement, Blood Loss, Tranexamic Acid
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Abstract: Aims And Objectives 1. To study the role of Cockett and Dodd operation of subfascial ligation of below knee perforator veins in the treatment of varicose veins of the lower limb. 2. To study the results and the incidence of various complications after the Cockett and Dodd operation. Materials And Methods This prospective study is based on the analysis of 26 cases of varicosities of the lower limbs with perforator incompetence with or without saphenofemoral incompetence. The patients were treated with perforator ligation alone with the Cockett and Dodd method or in combination with the stripping procedure. The study was conducted in the period between August 2014 and August 2015..........
[1]. Steven G. Friedman. A History of Vascular Surgery Book: venous surgery. 2 nded. Massachusetts, USA: Wiley/Blackwell future; 2005. P 147-158.
[2]. Royle J, Somjen GM; Varicose veins: Hippocrates to Jerry Moore. ANZ J Surg. 2007 dec; 77(12): p 1120-7.
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[4]. Norman S.Williams, Christopher J.K Bulstrode, P. Ronan O'Connell. Bailey and Love's Short Practice of Surgery: Venous disorders. 26th ed. Boca Raton, London, New York: CRC Press; 2013.p 927-940.
[5]. Courtney M. Townsend Jr, R. Daniel Beauchamp, B. Mark Evers, Kenneth L. Mattox. Sabiston Textbook of Surgery The Biological Basis of Modern Surgical Practice: venous disease. 19th ed, Philadelphia: Saunders Elseiver; 2012. p 1801-1816.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Morphometry of Articular Facets of The Body of Talus |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Veenatai.J || Dr. V.Janaki |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1605031921 ![]() |
Abstract: Background: In the formation of Ankle joint, tibio-fibular mortice receives superior, medial and lateral articular surfaces of body of Talus. Because of very limited availability of the data on the Morphometry of the articular facets on the Body of the dry human Tali, this study was undertaken. Aims: To prepare morphometric data of the articular facets on the superior, medial and lateral surfaces of body of Talus, to find if there is any difference between both the sides of measurements and to compare the results with the previous studies. Methods and Material: 42 Dry Human Tali (20 Right and 22 Left) were measured with Digital vernier caliper for the following Measurements: 1.On the Trochlear surface: Medial length, Central length, Lateral length, Anterior width, Central width, Posterior width. 2.On the lateral triangular articular facet: Central height, Central width. 3. On the coma shaped medial articular facet: Central height, Central width.............
Keywords: Articular facets, Talus, Trochlear surface, Comma shapedfacet, Triangular facet.
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[3]. Javia MD, Patel MM, Kubavat DM, Dixit Daksha, Singel TC. Morphometry of the Talus on the Basis of Sexual Dimorphism. Indian Journal of Research. June 2013, 3(5): 208-12.
[4]. Motagi MV, Kottapurath SR, Dharwadkar Kavitarati. Morphometric analyses of human dry tali of South Indian origin. International Journal of Medical Science and Public Health 2015;4(2): 237-40.
[5]. Khadija I, Sundus A, Shirza N. Anatomical Variations of Trochlear surface of Talus. JUMDC 2012; 3(1): 38-41.
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Abstract: Salivary duct lithiasis is a condition characterized by obstruction of a salivary gland or its excretory duct due to the formation of calcareous concretions or sialolith resulting in salivary ecstasia and even provoking the subsequent dilation of the salivary gland. Sialolithiasis commonly involves the submandibular gland and less frequently the parotid and sublingual gland.We report a case of lithiasis of stenson's duct, its surgical management with modified technique. This modified technique is aimed at maintaining the duct patency using an 18G catheter (IV).
Keywords: Sialolithiasis, Parotid gland, Stenson's duct, Sialolith
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Abstract: Thoracoscopic thymectomy which has a steeper learning curve is now becoming a reality in many centers in developing countries. The aim of the study is to highlight the advantage of thoracoscopic thymectomy over conventional methods in a minimal resource setup. Case records of patients diagnosed as anterior mediatinal masses from may 2006 to may 2016 were reviewed and those pertaining to diagnosis of thymus were Retrospectively analysed. Study was done in the department of pediatric surgery, Coimbatore medical college.We had twelve cases of thymic lesions out of which six were operated by median sternotomy approach and by supraclavicular approach. Our last five cases were operated thoracoscopically...........
Keyword:- Thoracoscopy, thymoma, video-assisted thoracic surgery
[1]. Rodgers BM, Talbert JL. Thoracoscopy for diagnosis of intrathoracic lesions in children. J Pediatr Surg. 1976;11:703-8.
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Abstract: Background: Upper Gastrointestinal (GI) endoscopy is the gold standard for the diagnosis of diseases involving the upper gastrointestinal tract the world over. However, in most developing countries such as Nigeria, this service is not readily available. Aims and objectives: The aim of this presentation is to share our experience with upper GI endoscopy in Calabar and to compare findings in our environment with those in other parts of the world. Methodology: A prospectively kept data of all patients who had upper GI endoscopy in two centres (The Endoscopy Unit of the University of Calabar Teaching Hospital and JIL Endoscopy, a privately owned endoscopy outfit in Calabar) over a 2year period were reviewed. This period covered from April 2012 to April 2014..........
Keywords: Gastroscopy, indications, Calabar, Nigeria.
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Abstract: Introduction: Magnesium has been implicated in the pathogenesis of acute myocardial infarction and its complication like arrhythmia. Magnesium improves myocardial metabolism, inhibits calcium accumulation and myocardial cell death. It improves vascular tone, peripheral vascular resistance, after load and cardiac output, reduces cardiac arrhythmias and improves lipid metabolism. Magnesium also reduces vulnerability to oxygen derived free radicals, improves endothelial function and inhibits platelet function including platelet aggregation and adhesion............
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Abstract: Cerebral venous thrombosis (CVT) is a life threatening condition with varied clinical presentations. It is mainly a diagnosis by means of radiological tool. CT Brain is the initial investigation of choice. It may be normal in 30 – 40 % of the population .MRI with MRV is the gold standard for the diagnosis of CVT. D Dimer is a product of fibrinolysis which is usually used as an exclusion marker of venous thrombosis. Our study aims to analyse the usefulness of D Dimer as an initial diagnostic marker in CVT. Methodology: The patients diagnosed to have CVT by MRI in Coimbatore Medical College above 18 yrs of age are included in the study. A total of 50 patients are included in the study. After confirming the diagnosis, blood samples were drawn, plasma separated and sent to laboratory.............
Keywords: Cerebral Venous Thrombosis, D Dimer, Magnetic Resonance Imaging
[1]. Bousser MG, Chiras J, Bones J, Castaigne P .Cerebral venous thrombosis. A review of 38 cases .Stroke 1985; 16: 199-213.
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Abstract: Introduction: Choledocholithiasis is the most common cause of obstructive jaundice.................
Keywords: Choledocholithiasis, ERCP, MRCP, Sphincterotomy, cholecystectomy
[1]. Cushieri A. Disorder of the biliary tract. In: Cushieri A, Steele RJC, Moosa AR, eds. Essential surgical practice, 4th ed. London: Butterworth Heinemann; 2002. P.375-454.
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Abstract: Introduction and Aim of the study: In this study, the induced dysplasia model of hamster buccal pouch with DMBA (HBP/DMBA) was used to study the effect of thymoquinone (TQ), and different concentrations of thymoquinone loaded on liposomes (NTQ) formulation, as chemo-protective-/ -therapeutic agents. Materials and Method: The study was carried out on (170) male Syrian hamsters, divided into 7 groups. TQ and different concentrations of NTQ, were i.p. injected daily at 0.1mg/kg body weight for TQ and 0.1, 0.05, 0.025 and 0.01 mg/kg for NTQ, respectively, two weeks before DMBA. Then were continued with DMBA painting 3/w/6 weeks and left untreated for 2 weeks..............
Key Words: Thymoquinone, Nanothymoquinone, pro-myogenic activity, phyto-chemo-protection, phyto-chemo-therapeutic, HBP/DMBA model.
[1]. Bedi P, Priyanka S. Effects of garlic against 7-12, dimethylbenza (a) anthracene-induced toxicity in Wistar albino rats. Asian J Pharmac Clin Res. 2012; 5(4): 170-3.
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[3]. Schneider-Stock R, Fakhoury IH, Zaki AM, El-Baba CO, Gali-Muhtasib HU. Thymoquinone: fifty years of success in the battle against cancer models. Drug Disc Today. 2014; 19(1): 18-30.
[4]. Sethi G, Ahn KS, Aggarwal BB. Targeting nuclear factor-ĸ B activation pathway by thymoquinone: role in suppression of anti-apoptotic gene products and enhancement of apoptosis. Mol Ca Res. 2008; 6 (6): 1059-70.
[5]. Rahmani AH, Alzohairy MA, Khan MA, Aly SM. Therapeutic implications of black seed and its constituent thymoquinone in the prevention of cancer through inactivation and activation of molecular pathways. Evidence-Based Complem Altern Med.2014; 2014: 1-13.
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Abstract: Gingival epithelium consists of three regions: oral gingival epithelium (OGE), sulcular epithelium (SE) and Junctional epithelium (JE). JE is a specialized gingival epithelium and it is located at a strategically important interface between the gingival sulcus, populated with bacteria, and the periodontal soft and mineralized connective tissues that need protection from becoming exposed to bacteria and their products. Its unique structural and functional adaptation enables the junctional epithelium to control the constant microbiological challenge. The antimicrobial defense mechanisms of the junctional epithelium, however, do not preclude the development of gingival and periodontal lesions.The aim of the review focus on the unique structural organization of the junctional epithelium, on the nature and functions of the various molecules expressed by its cells.
Key Words: Junctional epithelium, periodontal diseases, antimicrobial defense
[1]. Nunez J, Sanz-blasco S, Vignoletti F, Munoz F, Arzate H, Villalobos C, Nunez , Caffesse RG et al. Periodontal regeneration following implantation of cement and periodontal ligament-derived cells. J periodontal 2012;47:33-44.
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[4]. Mark bartold P. Periodontal tissues in health and disease: introduction. Periodontology 2000 2006;40:7–10.
[5]. America academy of Periodontology, "Chapter 1 Periodontium Histology," J Periodontol 1996: 1–11.
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Abstract: Anterior tooth loss and restoration in the esthetic zone is a common challenge in dentistry today. The prominent visibility of the area can be especially distressing to the patient and requires a timely and esthetically pleasing solution. Immediate single-tooth implantation followed by immediate provisionalization is becoming an increasingly desirable treatment that offers numerous benefits over conventional delayed loading. Provisionalization for immediately-placed implants using the patient's existing tooth can enhance the final aesthetic outcome if certain steps are followed. If the natural tooth is intact and can be used as a provisional, the emergence profile can be very similar to the preoperative condition. This article outlines a technique to use the patient's natural tooth after extraction to provisionalize an implant.
Key Words: Dental implant, immediate,natural tooth , immediate restoration
[1]. Abu-Hussein M,, Abdulghani A., Sarafianou A., Kontoes N.; Implants into fresh extraction site: A literature review,case immediate placement report, Journal of Dental Implants. 2013;3(2):160-164
[2]. Bajali M., Abdulgani Azz., Abu-Hussein M, Extraction and immediate implant placement, and provisionalization with two years follow-up: a case report, Int J Dent Health Sci 2014; 1(2): 229236.
[3]. Muhamad et al; Tooth extraction, immediate implant placement: a case report, Asian Pac. J. Health Sci., 2014; 1(4): 543-549
[4]. Abu-Hussein Muhamad ,Chlorokostas Georges , Abdulgani Azzaldeen ; Immediate Implants Placed Into Infected Sockets: Clinical Update with 3-Year Follow-Up. . J Dent Med Sci2017,16,1,105-111DOI: 10.9790/0853-160109105111
[5]. Abu-Hussein Muhamad Chlorokostas Georges , Abusalih Ahmet , Ismail Hakki Bayraktar , Abdulgani Azzaldeen; Immediate Implant Placement and Loading in Esthetic Zone. Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences 2016 ,1, 71-79,DOI: 10.9790/0853- 15187179
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Abstract: Emphysematous pyelonephritis is a severe, necrotizing renal parenchymal infection that is characterized by the production of intraparenchymal gas. In this case, patient was found to be diabetes mellitus, depressive illness, severely dehydrated with hyperglycemic and diagnosed as emphysematous pyelonephritis Class IIIa with early septic shock, an evidenced by bacterial growth in blood and urine culture and computerized tomography of abdomen. He was treated successfully by antibiotics and percutaneous drainage.
Key Words: CT scan, diabetes mellitus, emphysematous, pyelonephritis, septic shock.
[1]. Bansal RK, Lambe S, Kapoor A. Emphysematous pyelonephritis in failed renal allograft: Case report and review of literature. Urol Ann. 2016; 8(1): 111-3.
[2]. Muhammad Ali, Nauman Bashir Barlas. Emphysematous pyelonephritis: A case report. International Journal of Diabetes Mellitus 2010; 2: 130-132.
[3]. Uruc F, Yuksel OH, Sahin A, Urkmez A, Yildirim C, Verit A. Emphysematous pyelonephritis: Our experience in managing these cases. Can Urol Assoc J. 2015; 9(7-8): E480-3.
[4]. Chauhan V, Sharma R. mphysematous pyelonephritis (class IIIa) managed with antibiotics alone. Hong Kong Med J. 2015; 21(4): 363-5.
[5]. Pontin AR, Barnes RD. Current management of emphysematous pyelonephritis. Nat Rev Urol. 2009; 6(5): 272-9.
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Abstract: Background: Mumps is the best-known cause inflammation of the testicles, reduced testosterone level, failure of sperm production and lead to infertility. The hypothesis of this study is to know mumps virus may be the cause of infertility in patients who have infertility problem with history of mumps infection. It is with this notion we aimed to compare and link the Th1/Th2 cytokine levels between acute mumps patients and infertility patients with history of mumps. Methods: Mumps specific IgM, MMR specific IgG antibody and Th1/Th2 cytokines, namely interferon-γ (IFN-γ), interleukin-2 (IL-2), IL-4 and IL-10 were measured simultaneously in serum from acute mumps cases, infertility cases, control subjects and supernatant of PBMCs..............
[1]. Green GF, 1964. Mumps orchitis in childhood. Practitioner, 192, 550-2.
[2]. Joe P, David S, Anthony DD. Mumps orchitis in the non-immune postpubertal male: A resurgent threat to male fertility?. BJU International 2006; 97: 138 – 141.
[3]. Niall FD, Barry BM, Jackie AM, Anna ES, Kiaran JO, John MF. The increasing incidence of mumps orchitis: a comprehensive review. BJUI 2010; 105: 1060–1065.
[4]. Basekim CC, Kizilkaya E, Pekkafali Z, Baykal KV, Karsli AF. Mumps epididymo-orchitis: sonography and color Doppler sonographic findings. Abdom Imaging 2000; 25:322–325.
[5]. Mouchel T, Le Goffic R, Patart JJ, Samson M. Mumps virus and orchitis: towards a physiopathologic approach. Prog Urol 2002; 12(1): 124-8.
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Abstract: The identification of skeletal remains is of paramount importance in medico-legal investigations. Much of our understanding of modern human skeletal variation is derived from anthropological techniques based on the traditional linear metrical system (1). As evident from the earlier studies, skull is the most dimorphic and easily sexed portion of skeleton after pelvis, providing accuracy up to 92% (2). But in cases where intact skull is not found, mandible may play a vital role in sex determination as it is the most dimorphic, largest, and strongest bone of skull. The present study was conducted with the aim to measure, compare and evaluate the various measurements of mandible...............
Key Words: Bengali, Mandible, Medico-Legal, Sexual Dimorphism, Skull
[1]. Franklin D, Higgins PO, Oxnard CE. Sexual dimorphism in the mandible of indigenous South Africans: a geometric morphometric approach. S. Afr. j. sci. 2008 Apr; 104(3-4).
[2]. Indira AP, Markande A, David MP. Mandibular ramus: An indicator for sex determination - A digital radiographic study. J Forensic Dent Sci. 2012; 4(2): p. 58-62.
[3]. Saini V. Metric study of fragmentary mandibles in a North Indian population. Bull Int Assoc Paleodont. 2013; 7(2): p. 157-62.
[4]. Buikstra JE, Ubelaker DH. Standards for data collection from human skeletal remains. Arkansas Archaeological Survey research series. ; 44.
[5]. Vodanovic M, Dumanic J, Demo Z, Mihelic D. Discrimination of sex by discriminant function analysis of mandibles from two Croatian Archeological sites. Acta Somatica Croat. 2006; 40: p. 263-77.
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Abstract: Background: Seizure is one of the common causes of childhood hospitalization with significant mortality and morbidity. There is limited data regarding acute seizures episodes form the developing countries. Objective: Current study aims to find the etiology of seizures in a tertiary care hospital of Jharkhand in the age group 6 month to 5 years. Materials and method: 200 consecutive cases admitted to the hospital with convulsions in this particular age group were studied by detailed history, thorough examination and stepwise investigations including blood counts, CSF analysis, EEG and neuroimaging studies. Results: The most common cause for seizures in our study was febrile seizures (34.5%). Other causes included viral encephalitis (18%), pyogenic meningitis (9%), TB meningitis (7.5%), epilepsy (8%)..............
Key Words: Seizures; etiology.
[1]. Friedman MJ, Sharieff GQ: Seizures in children. Pediat Clin North Am 2006, 53:257-277.
[2]. Martindale JL, Goldstein JN, Pallin DJ: Emergency department seizure epidemiology.
[3]. Emerg Med Clin North Am 2011 Feb, 29(1):15-27.
[4]. Hauser WA: The prevalence and incidence of convulsive disorders in children.
[5]. Epilepsia 1994, 35(suppl 2):S1-S6.
[6]. Murthy JM Yangala R. Acute symptomatic seizures- incidence and etiological spectrum: a hospital based study from south India. Seizure 1999; 8 (3)162-5.
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Abstract: Appendiceal intussusception happens when appendix segment is pulled into itself or into the cecum. This condition can mimic various chronic and acute abdominal conditions, with an important entity to be recognized, since it could be mistaken as a cecal mass.It is an extremely rare condition that ranges from partial invagination of the appendix to involvement of the entire colon. Endometriosis is defined as the presence of ectopic endometrial tissue outside the lining of the uterine cavity. Endometriosis is an exceptionally rare cause of appendiceal intussusception and only very few cases have been reported in the literature to date.We report here a case of appendicealintussusceptionsecondary to endometriosis.
Key Words: Appendiceal intussusception- appendicitis- Endometriosis-Chronic and acute abdominal pain
[1]. Honmyo u, shimadaS, Yamamoto S etal. Reversible protruded lesion regarded as idiopathic appendiceal intussusception. Dig.
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[5]. Solomon DJ. Freson M, Price SK. Complete appendicular inversion: the inside-out appendix: An unusual presentation of crohn's
disease: A case report and review of the literature. J BelgeRedio. 1991; 74:115-6.
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Abstract: A prospective observational study was carried out for a period of six months in the Cardiology department of a 700 bedded multispecialty tertiary care teaching hospital. Patients admitted to Cardiovascular Intensive Care Unit (CVICU) and Coronary Care Unit (CCU) of the cardiology department with cardiovascular disease and receiving unfractionated heparin were included in the study. The primary outcome was to understand the practice of heparin dosing in CVD patients in the selected study site and also to monitor the number of patients achieving therapeutic aPTT on Unfractionated Heparin (UFH) during first 6, 24 and 48 hours of admission..............
Key Words: Unfractionated Heparin (UFH), aPTT, Anticoagulation, cardiovascular diseases, Heparin Induced Thrombocytopenia (HIT), Coagulation profile.
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Abstract: Introduction: Tuberculous meningitis is a chronic meningeal infection by Mycobacterium tuberculosis characterized by fever, headache, nausea, vomiting, various levels of conciousness, siezures and raised intra cranial pressure. Materials and methods: The present study "study of ADA levels in cerebrospinal fluid in relation to stages of tuberculous meningitis and prognostic significance of staging in the patients" was carried out in the Department of Medicine, Rajendra Institute of Medical Sciences, Ranchi.............
Key Words: Tuberculous meningitis, CSF ADA, MRC stages
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Abstract: Objective(s): To determine the prevalence and severity of depression in infertile women and to establish the relationship of duration of infertility with depression amongst them as compared with fertile women. Method: in this comparative cross-sectional study, 100 females with primary infertility and 100 healthy fertile females were assessed for depression. Subjects were completed a demographic form and self-administered questionnaire –Beck Depression Inventory (BDI). Mean BDI score measured and its relation with duration of infertility along with prevalence and severity of depression in defined population studied. Result(s): 41% of the infertile women scored in the "depressed" range, in comparison with 19% of the fertile subjects, on the BDI (p=0.005). Infertile women had significantly higher depression scores (Mean BDI= 9.98) as compared to the fertile women (Mean BDI= 5.212) (p=0.000). Women with infertility duration between 3 to 4 years had higher BDI score as compared to women with infertility duration of < 3 year and > 6 year (p=0.476)...............
Key Words: Depression, Severity, Infertile women, BDI, Psychological interventions
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Abstract: Today, the diagnosis of internal root resorption is significantly improved by the three-dimensional imaging. Furthermore, the CBCT's superior diagnosis accuracy resulted in an improved management of the resorptive defects and a better outcome of Implant therapy of teeth with internal resorption.Implant has become a wide option to maintain periodontal architecture. Diagnosis and treatment planning is the key factors in achieving the successful outcomes after placing and restoring implants placed immediately after tooth extraction. The purpose of this clinical update is to report on the success and survival of Immediate restoration of single implants replacing right lateral incisor compromised by internal resorption.
Key Words: Internal Root Resorption, Extraction, Immediate implant, osseointegration
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Abstract: Ethmoidal infraorbital (Haller's) cells are extensions of ethmoidal air cells into the areas of the orbit and maxillary sinus. They are located on the maxillary sinus roof, near and above the ostium of maxillary sinus at the inferior wall of the orbit and lateral border of the infundibulum. Ethmoidal Infraorbital cells may be visualized by a variety of imaging methods that show a view of the maxillary sinus. This study aimed to determine the prevalence of ethmoidal infraorbital cell on CT scan in Sudanese population and to compare them statistically with available data worldwide. The study population involved 29 males (47.5%) and 32 females (52.5 %) with a mean age of 37 years. They were explored in the radio-diagnostic department of Ribat University Teaching Hospital, Khartoum- Sudan in the period from March to September 2015............
Key Words: Computed tomography scans, Ethmoidal infraorbital cells, Haller's cells, Paranasal sinuses
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Abstract: Acupuncture has limited application in dentistry, but it can relief dental symptoms very quickly. The acupuncture plays important role in the dental science, because it can be effective in treating many dental conditions like facial pain, TMJ dysfunction, dry mouth problems, post-operative pain, dental anxiety and etc. Acupuncture is also used for treating pain aftrer tooth extraction. There are various causes of toothache. According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), toothache is caused by a stagnation of energy in the body.............
Key Words: Treatment, toothache, traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture
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Abstract: Aim: Retrospective analysis of uterine sarcomas to identify the histological type , prognostic factors, adjuvant treatment and their outcome. Materials and Methods: From 1991 to 2009, 55 uterine sarcomas were treated in the Department of Medical Oncology at Institute of Obstetrics and Gynecology Chennai. This series consists of 27(49% ) malignant mixed mullerian tumors (MMMT) , 16( 29%) leiomyosarcoma (LMS); and 12(22%) endometrial stromal sarcoma (ESS). The median age is in 55years. In 53% of patients ,the presenting symptom was abnormal uterine bleeding .Twenty (36.4%) of patients were in stage I, 4(7.3%) in stage II, 18(32.7%) in stage III and 7 (12.7%) in stage IV according to International Federation of Gynecology and obstetrics(FIGO-1989 ) system..............
Key Words: Malignant mixed mullerian tumors , Leiomyosarcoma ; Endometrial stromal sarcoma, Uterine sarcoma, FIGO.
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