Version-11 (August-2017)
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Abstract: A beautiful smile plays a fundamental role in facial beauty and is among the most important reasons for patients seeking esthetic dental treatments. In order to provide esthetic dental treatments, clinicians should have adequate knowledge of principles of orofacial and dental esthetics and the requirement and expectations of patients. The purpose of this study was to evaluate, analyze and compare the perceptions of smile esthetics and between a Prosthodontist and Lay person according to the 10 commandments of smile described by Dr. Machado.
Key Words: Smile esthetics, smile perception, golden proportion.[1]. Morley J, Eubank J. Macroesthetic elements of smile design. J Am Dent Assoc. 2001 Jan;132(1):3945.
[2]. Ackerman MB, Ackerman JL. Smile analysis and design in digital Era. J ClinOrthod. 2002 Apr;36(4):221-36.
[3]. Machado AW, Moon W, Gandini LG Jr. Influence of maxillary incisor edge asymmetries on the perception of smile esthetics among orthodontists and laypersons. Am J OrthodDentofacialOrthop. 2013 May;143(5):658-64.
[4]. Andre Wilson Machade. 10 commandments of smile esthetics. Dental press J orthod 2014, july-aug 19(4),136-157.
[5]. Krishnan V, Daniel ST, Lazar D, Asok A. Characterization of posed smile by using visual analog scale, smile arc, buccal corridor measures, and modified smile index. Am J OrthodDentofacialOrthop. 2008 Apr;133(4):515-23. 12-
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Abstract: Purpose: To study the comparative pattern of postoperative complications following cataract surgery with intraocular lens (IOL) implantation in pediatric eyes with different technique of surgery done during past 5 years. This study helps reducing the complication and improves the visual outcome and economicburden of patient. Objectives: To study the comparative pattern of postoperative complications following cataract surgery with intraocular lens (IOL) implantation in pediatric eyes with different technique of surgery done during past 5 years. This study helps reducing the complication and improves the visual outcome and economical burden of patient..............
[1]. Wilson ME, Pandey SK, Thakur J. Pediatric cataract blindness in the developing world: Surgical techniques and intraocular lenses in the new millennium. Br J Ophthalmol 2002;87:14-9.
[2]. Gimbel HV, DeBroff BM. Surgical Management of Pediatric Cataracts. In : Steinert RF. Cataract surgery techniques, complications and management. 2nd ed, Saunders 2004;
[3]. Shamanna BR, Muralikrishnan R. Childhood cataract: Magnitude, Management, Economics and Impact. Community Eye health, 2004
[4]. Spencer TS, Mamalis N. The pathology of cataracts. In: Steinert RF, edt., Cataract surgery techniques, complications and management. 2nd edn. Saunders; 2004
[5]. Jakobeic. Principles and practice of ophthalmology
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Abstract: A 35 years old female patient presented with swelling of the forearm.. Histopathological evaluation confirmed the diagnosis of angiolymphoid hyperplasia with eosinophillia. It is a benign vascular proliferative disease also called as histiocytoid or epitheloid haemangioma mainly occurring in head and neck( around the ear). Etiology of the lesion is unknown. Various treatment modalities have been described. We present a case successfully treated with surgery.
Keywords: Angiolymphoid Hyperplasia with Eosinophilia (ALHE); Epithelioid Haemangioma; Histiocytoid Haemangioma; Kimura's Disease.
[1]. Juan Rosai. Skin tumor and tumor like conditions .In:michael houston,Joanne Scott et el.Rosai and Ackerman's surgical pathology:10th ed.Edinburgh:Elsevier;2011.p.186.
[2]. Shanthi Vijayalaxmi.Angiolymhoid hyperplasia of scalp:A case report.IOSR-JDMS.2015;14(9):49-50.
[3]. Doloi PK, Khanna S. Angiolymphoid Hyperplasia with Eosinophilia- A case report. IJOHNS International Journal of Otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery 2012;1:44-7.
[4]. Bajpai Malay , Rena Drepti. Angiolymphoid hyperplasia with eosinophillia-A case report in elderly patient .IOSR-JDMS.2014;13(3);72-73.
[5]. Briggs PL. Doença de Kimura não é hiperplasia angiolinfóide com eosinofilia: correlação clinicopatológica com revisão da literatura e definição de critérios diagnósticos. An Bras Dermatol. 2006;81:167–173.
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Abstract: The present study sets out to highlight the prevalence of etiological agents in superficial mycosis such as dermatophytes with relation to age , sex, socioeconomic classes and occupation. Samples taken from 121 clinically suspected cases were examined for Trichophyton species, Microsporum and Epidermophyton species.The most common age groups affected were in the age group of 21 to 30 years with the male to female ratio of 1.78 : 1 . Tinea corporus was the most common presentation seen in manual workers 39.6 %. The most frequently isolated fungus was Trichophyton rubrum 53.2%.
Keywords-: Dermatophytosis, Superficial Mycosis
[1]. AdefemiSA,LOOdeigah,KMAlabi.PrevalenceofdermatophytosisamongprimaryschoolchildreninOke-oyicommunityofKwarastate,Nigerian Jof ClinicalPractice,2011;14-1
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[3]. Aljabre SHMet al-clin Exp.Dermatol1993;18:231-35
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Abstract: Background: Posthumous body donation is the donation of a whole body after death for research and education. It is the major source of cadavers, indispensable for the study of anatomy. Objective(s): To Study the age, gender and religion wise distribution and trend of cadaver donation in a tertiary care hospital of Eastern India. Materials & Methods: The cross sectional study was performed with census population in Nil Ratan Sircar Medical College & Hospital, Kolkata from 1st July ,2014 to 30th June 2017. Source of the data was hospital record. Unclaimed and autopsied cadavers were excluded from the study. Donations were not deemed suitable for bodies with HIV/AIDS, viral hepatitis, donated organs or skin diseases. Data compilation and analysis were done according to standard statistical techniques............
Keywords: Cadaver, donation, anatomy.
[1]. Savulescu, J. Death, Us and Our Bodies: Personal Reflections. Journal of Medical Ethics, 2003, 29(3), 127-130. [2]. Riederer, B., Body donations today and tomorrow: What is best practice and why?. Clin. Anat.,2016, 29: 11–18. [3]. Bolt, S., Venbrux, E., Eisinga, R., Kuks, J. B. M., Veening, J. G., Gerrits, P. O. Motivation for body donation to science: More than an altruistic act. Annals of Anatomy, 2010.192(2), 70-74.
[4]. Shrikant A. Rokade, B. H. Bahetee. Body donation in India: a review .International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences ,July-September 2013 ; Vol 1 (3).101-105
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Abstract: Delayed wound healing affects quality of life and increasing hospital stay. Not just the pain and suffering, a chronic wound becomes a disability, imposing social and financial burden. The negative pressure dressing which is an alternate for standard dressing could improve and fasten healing. The negative pressure dressing aids and hastens wound healing, by various means thereby bringing down the morbidity produced by wounds. It can act as a bridge between definitive procedure, by bringing down the transit time. It has been approved by Food and Drug Administration(FDA) for the treatment of non-healing wounds since 1997.
Keywords-: Wound healing, Negative pressure dressing,
[1]. Sujata sarabahi, VK Tiwari, Principles and practice of wound care, 1edition, evolution of wound care, chap 1,pp 3-24;2012
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[3]. Ali M. Lone, Mohd I.Zaroo et al.Vacuum assisted closure versus conventional dressings in the management of diabetic foot ulcers.Diabetic foot ankle. 2014;5:10.3402/dfa.v5.23345.
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Abstract: Nontraumatic brachial plexopathies evaluation is a great challenge for the radiologists due to inadequate literature review and less dedicated studies which makes the diagnosisdifficult. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is the modality of choice for evaluating varied spectrum and relevant MRI findings. We have reviewed 101 patientsretrospectively, out of which 26 cases were selected based on clinical and electromyographic evidence of brachial plexopathy. In our institutes, we used 1.5 T GE MRI scanner, 32 channel with dedicated body coil using standard imaging sequences. Results: Neoplastic, infection, radiation induced plexopathies were more common accounting..............
Keywords-: Anatomy, brachial plexopathies, magnetic resonance imaging, nontraumatic, radiation induced
[1]. Wittenberg KH, Adkins MC. MR imaging of nontraumatic brachial plexopathies: frequency and spectrum of findings. Radiographics 2000; 20:1023-32.
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[3]. Lawande M, Patkar DP, Pungavkar S. Pictorial essay: Role of magneticresonance imaging in evaluation of brachial plexus pathologies. Indian Radiol Imaging 2012; 22:344-9.
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Abstract: Objectives: Mast cells play an important role in the pathogenesis of allergic and inflammatory diseases. This study aims to quantify mast cells in the gingival specimens of patients with desquamative gingivitis (DG) and chronic periodontitis (CP), and to compare it with clinically healthy gingiva (CHG). Materials and methods: 15 DG, and 15 CP and 15 CHG were included in the study. Histopathologic examination was done with toluidine blue staining method to assess mast cell counts in DG subjects and also in CP and CHG. Results: Mast cells were significantly increased in DG as compared to CP and CHG. DG showed a nine fold increase in the mast cell count as compared to clinically healthy gingiva and a fourfold increase as compared to chronic periodontitis. CP showed a two fold increase in mast cell count when compared to CHG.............
Keywords: Chronic periodontitis, desquamative gingivitis, mast cells
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[5]. Sugerman PB, Savage NW, Zhou X, Walsh LJ, Bigby M. Oral lichen planus. Clin Dermatol 2000; 18: 533-9.
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Abstract: Fine needle aspiration cytology ( FNAC ) is a valuable adjunct to the careful physical examination of patients. It is a much simpler technique and can sample cells from deeper parts of the neoplasm in contrast to routine biopsy that may sometimes fail to procure samples from the depth of the lesions. Greatest benefit is its speed with which the diagnosis is available with minimum expenditure.This study was undertaken to assess the usefulness of aspiration cytology in lesions of jaw bones and to demonstrate cytologic findings of different lesions. Thirty five cases of radiolucent lesions of the jaws were subjected to fine needle aspiration. Only in 31 cases adequate material was obtained..............
Keywords: Ameloblastoma, FNAC,Papanicolaou[1]. Layfield L J, Glasgow B J, Anders K H, Mirra J M , Fine needle aspiration cytology of primary bone lesions,Acta Cytol, 31, 1987, 177-184.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Clinical Study on Gastric Outlet Obstruction |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. P. Vanathi |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/0853-1608115156 ![]() |
Abstract: The aetiology of Gastric Outlet Obstruction has changed from benign to malignant cause. Until late 1970's benign disease was responsible for the majority of Gastric Outlet Obstruction in adults, while malignancies accounted for only 10 to 39% of cases. By contrast in recent decades 50 to 80% of cases have been attributed to malignancies. 50 cases of well documented patients with Gastric Outlet Obstruction admitted in Thanjavur medical college hospital, Tamilnadu During the period between august 2014 to august 2016 were studied in depth. The total numbers of 50 patients were treated for Gastric Outlet Obstruction with a male to female ratio of 2.12:1 and most of the cases belonged to the age range of 35 to 55 years. The predominant cause for Gastric Outlet Obstruction was found to be gastric malignancy (74%).
Keywords: Gastric Outlet Obstruction, Gastric Malignancy, Chronic Duodenal Ulcer.[1]. A Chowdri, G.K.Dhali, P.k. Bannerjee,Ethology of G O O American Journal of Gastroenterology 91(8) :1679 -1996 Aug.
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[5]. Endoscopic ultrasonography of the GIT Gastroenterology clinics of North America,124,2 june 1995
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Abstract: The ever increasing trend of motorcyclist accidents in urban cities has increased the role of both neurologist and radiologist in evaluating the cause of neurological symptoms in the trauma patients. Different patterns of brachial plexus injuries were seen depending on nature and etiology of trauma. MRI is the modality of choice in localizing and grading the severity of the injuries. We retrospectively studied 30 positive MRI studies with clinical and electromyographic correlation. In this study emphasis was given to MRI brachial plexus anatomy and MRI findings in various traumatic brachial plexus injuries..............
Keywords : Accidents, brachial plexus injuries, magnetic resonance imaging, neurological, trauma
[1]. Faglioni W Jr, Siqueira MG, Martins RS, Heise CO, Foroni L. The epidemiology of adult traumatic brachial plexus lesions in a large metropolis. Acta Neurochir 2014; 156:1025-8.
[2]. Seddon HJ. A classification of nerve injuries. Br Med J 1942; 2:237-9.
[3]. Moran SL, Steinmann SP, Shin AY. Adult brachial plexus injuries: mechanism, patterns of injury, and physical diagnosis. Hand Clin 2005; 21:13-24.
[4]. Yoshikawa T, Hayashi N, Yamamoto S, et al. Brachial plexus injury: clinical manifestations, conventional imaging findings, and the latest imaging techniques. Radiographics 2006; 26 Suppl 1:S133-43.
[5]. Lawande M, Patkar DP, Pungavkar S. Pictorial essay: Role of magnetic resonance imaging in evaluation of brachial plexus pathologies. Indian J Radiol Imaging 2012; 22:344-9.
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Abstract: A prospective cohort study was conducted in 277 patients undergoing elective upper abdominal surgery under spinal anaesthesia from August 2015 to July 2016 in a teaching hospital in Western UP in order to determine the total and partial spinal failure.
Keywords: Spinal Anaesthesia, upper abdominal surgery, General Anaesthesia
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Abstract: Periodontitis is a bacterial initiated but host modulated chronic infection that leads to destruction of the connective tissue supporting the teeth. Use of Herbal and Ayurvedic drugs has increased in recent times, for their better therapeutic value as they have fewer adverse effects as compared to modern medicine. Most commonly used products are aloe vera and turmeric. Both Aloe vera and turmeric are beneficial in many oral conditions due to their anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, chemopreventive properties .This study focus on the use of turmeric and aloe vera as a medicament in the periodontal pocket. Aim: The aim of this study is comparative evaluation of the effect of aloe vera and turmeric gel as an adjunct to scaling and root planing (SRP) in the management of chronic periodontitis............
Key-words: Aloe vera , periodontitis , subgingival medicament, turmeric
[1]. Benakanakere M, Kinane, DF Innate cellular responses to the periodontal biofilm. Front Oral Biol. 2012; 15: 41-55.
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Abstract: Human migration is as old as the humanity itself.From 1881-1939 Peninsular Malaysia and Singapore experienced the highest migration, more than ten times the rate of the Unfired States. From 1900-1927, colonial government encouraged immigration and the development of colonial territories. ForIndian, Chinese and Indonesian, entry was free and unrestricted. From 1928-1946, colonial government enacted its first restrictive legislation: the Immigration Restriction Ordinance. From 1947-1957,the Aliens ordinance was replaced by the Immigration Ordinance. In 1948-1960,the Malaysian Emergency resulted in the introduction of the internal Security Act(ISA),and compulsory system...........
Keywords-: Immigration, Illegal, Social and security impact,Malaysian response
[1]. HatinWI,NurShawatiAR,ZahriMK,etal.Population Genetic Structure of Peninsular Malaysia Malay Sub-Ethnic Groups (Http:/ /journals .plos. org/plosone. pone.0018312)PLoSONE.2011.p2.
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Abstract: Study Design: Retrospective study. Purpose: To evaluate neurological, functional and radiological outcome in patients with tuberculosis of thoracic and lumbar spine who underwent surgical transpedicular decompression, fixation and deformity correction simultaneously. Methods: 20 patients with tuberculosis of the thoracic or lumbar regions undergone transpedicular surgical decompression between July 2013 to December 2014 who had progressive neurological deterioration or increasing pain despite ATT therapy and conservative measures. Neurological recovery (Frankel grading), functional improvement (VAS score) and radiological outcome were evaluated preoperatively, immediate postoperatively, and at 3 months, 6 months, 1 year and 1.5 years of follow up period.............
Key words: Decompression, Dorsal, Lumbar, Tuberculosis, Spine
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