Version-5 (August-2017)
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Abstract: Back ground: The purpose of the study was to assess the knowledge, attitude and practice of medical and nursing students towards diabetic retinopathy in diabetic patients. Material and Method: This cross sectional descriptive study was conducted among the 8th semester medical students (n=127) , final year and intern nursing students (n=145) of MKCG Medical college and hospital. The data were collected by means of filling up of pre-tested specially designed questionnaires focused on knowledge, attitude and practice towards diabetic retinopathy. The answers were scored by assigning marks. Graph Pad prism software version 7.0 was used for statistical analysis............
Key Words: Attitude, Diabetic Retinopathy, Knowledge, Practice, Students[1]. World Health Organisation (WHO )2016 http://www.WHO.Assessed on 17.06. 2017
[2]. Vision 2020.International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness(IAPB) :Vision Atlas16 th Jan 2017.
[3]. Wild S, Roglic G, Green A, Sicree R, King H. Global prevalence of diabetes: Estimates for the year 2000 and projections for 2030. Diabetes Care 2004;27: 1047-53.
[4]. Tumosa N. Eye disease and the older diabetic. Clin Geriatr Med 2008;24:515-27 [5]. Yingfeng Zheng, Mingguang He, and Nathan Congdon The worldwide epidemic of diabetic retinopathy .Indian J Ophthalmol. 2012 Sep-Oct; 60(5): 428–431
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Abstract: Background: Postoperative cystoid macular edema is one of the most important causes of suboptimal visual acuity after uncomplicated cataract surgery. Though most of the cases show resolution, but some cases become chronic even despite medical management. Since the data on Indian population is lacking, we have devised this study to evaluate the effects of postoperative triamcinolone acetonide in chronic postoperative macular edema despite being medically managed for minimum of three months...........
Keywords-: pseudophakic cystoid macular edema, triamcinolone acetonide, intravitreal injection
[1]. Gama IF, Pseudophakic Macular Edema (Irvine-Gass syndrome): Has the Treatment Changed?, Mathews Journal of Ophthalmology
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[3]. Flach, A.J., The incidence, pathogenesis and treatment of cystoid macular edema following cataract surgery. Transactions of the American Ophthalmological Society 1998; 96: 557–634.
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[5]. Vukicevic M, Gin T, Al-Qureshi S., Prevalence of optical coherence tomography-diagnosed postoperative cystoid macular oedema in patients following uncomplicated phaco-emulsification cataract surgery. Clin Exp Ophthalmol 2012; 40(3): 282-287...
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Abstract: Objective: To highlight the clinical findings and rates of fetal outcome among women exposed to human parvovirus B19 infection in pregnancy, from a district general hospital in United Kingdom. Materials and Methods: Retrospective study of pregnant women referred to district general hospital in United Kingdom, for possible parvovirus B19 exposure between January 2007 and April 2013. All patients with suspected exposure to parvovirus B19 infection had serological investigations and were followed up with hospital protocol. For women with documented maternal infection, the fetus underwent serial ultrasound evaluations. When ultrasound demonstrated evidence of fetal hydrops women were referred to tertiary fetal medicine unit.........
Keywords: Parvovirus B19, pregnancy, nonimmune fetal hydrops, fetal anemia
[1]. Eveline P. de Jong, Timo Haan, Aloys C.M. Kroes, Matthias F.C. Beersma, Dick Oepkes, Frans J. Walther. Parvovirus B19 infection in pregnancy. Journal of Clinical Virology. May 2006; Vol. 36, Issue 1:1-7.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Synthesis and Analysis of poly(1,3,4-oxadiazole) |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Savita Patil || Tairabi Khanadal |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1608051618 ![]() |
Abstract: Polyamide hydrazide is synthesized by from IPC and BABH poly amide hydrazide is analysed by X-ray diffraction show crystalline in polymer. Thermal properties by TGA. Synthesis of poly (1,3,4 triazole)s from orthophosporic acid P2O5, polyhydrazide and aniline analysis of poly(1,3,4-triazole)s by IR spectrum absorption bands of triazole ring breathing vibrations with disappearance of hydrazide bands. Synthesis of poly (1,3,4 oxadiazole)s from poly (amide hydrazide ) and PoCl3. Convesion of hydrazide group into 1,3,4 oxadiazole ring is monitored by FTIR.
Keywords-: Polyhydrazide, Polyamide hydrazide, Polyoxadiazoles, Poly (1,3,4-Oxadiazole)s.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Periodontitis in Children And Adolescents |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Divya Bhadran || Dr. Sreeraj Rajappan |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1608051922 ![]() |
Abstract: Children and adolescents can be affected by numerous periodontal diseases. These diseases have been broadly classified into gingivitis and periodontitis. The classification of periodontitis has undergone considerable changes and improvements over the years. Various old terminologies like early onset periodontitis, adult onset periodontitis and prepubertal periodontitis has been discarded in the new classification system and have been replaced by terms like aggressive periodontitis, chronic periodontitis and periodontitis as a manifestation of systemic disease. Periodontitis commonly seen children and adolescents include the aggressive periodontitis and periodontitis as a manifestation of systemic disease.
Keywords: periodontitis, children, adolescents, classification
[1]. Pari A, Ilango P, Subbareddy V, Katamreddy V, Parthasarthy H. Gingival Diseases in Childhood – A Review. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research 8(10), 2014.
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[5]. Kinane, Denis F., Periodontal disease in children and adolescents: introduction and classification, Periodontology 2000 26(1), 2001, 7-15..
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Abstract: Mastoid process is a conical prominence projecting from the undersurface of mastoid portion of temporal bone located just behind the external acoustic meatus and lateral to the styloid process. Its size vary, it is larger in males than in females. The important role of this bone is that, it is a point for attachment of several muscle the splenius capitis, longissmus capitis, posterior belly of digastrics and sternocleidomastoid, because of these muscle attachments mastoid tend to be larger in males and smaller in females. Determination of sex through skeletal remains is an age old and time tested method. In human understanding of sex determination from skeletal remains has began ever since Hippocrates time, but in depth knowledge was gained in post renaissance period. Such knowledge is applied in time of war, crimes, genocides, or mass disaster.
Keywords-: Mastoid Length, Sex Determination, mastoid process, temporal bone.
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Abstract: Corneal diseases are one of the important cause of blindness in our country. Visual rehabilitation of the corneal blind is possible only by corneal transplantation. The number of corneas collected by Voluntary eye donations are not adequate and the quality of corneal tissues procured are of poor quality, so many a times cannot be utilized for optical penetrating keratoplasty . Hospital Corneal Retrieval Programme has the potential to increase the number of procurement of donor corneal tissue and also help in successful cornea transplantation because of good quality corneal tissue..............
Keywords-: Blindness, Cornea retrieval, Eye donation, Optical penetrating keratoplasty, Voluntary eye donation
[1]. Garg P, Krishna PV, Stratis AK, Gopinathan U. The value of corneal transplantation in reducing blindness. Eye (Lond) 2005;19: 1106–14.
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Abstract: Introduction :- Anaemia remains a major public health problem in India. Nutritional Anaemia is common amongst adolescents and young adults and is a major public health problem in India. Thus, present study was undertaken to find out the status of anaemia and relationship of BMI with Hb% in Undergraduate MBBS Students in RIMS – Ongole. Objectives:- The purpose of the study was to find out the relation between Anaemia with BMI & SES Methodology:- study design was a cross sectional study. Study was conducted among first year medical students enrolled in the academic year 2016...........
Keywords: SES – Socio Economic Status, BMI- Body Mass Index, Hb% - Haemoglobin Perecent.
[1]. Pandey S and Singh A. A cross sectional study of nutritional anemia among medical students in a medical college , at Bilaspur, Chattisgarh. National J of Medical Research 2013;3(2):143-146.
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[5]. Khan B, Sukhsohale ND, Jawade P. Prevalence of Anemia among undergraduate medical students of central India. GJRAGlobal Journal for research analysis 2015; 4(5):13-14.
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Abstract: Introduction: Most of the complications of cerebral malaria are seen commonly with plasmodium falciparum malaria. But severe cases and deaths due to vivax malaria have been reported from all endemic regions. In many endemic countries, like India, the poorest and most marginalized communities have both the highest risks associated with P. vivax malaria and the least access to effective preventive, diagnostic and curative services. Aims and objectives: To study various complications in pediatric age group in patients of severe vivax malaria. Severe vivax malaria was defined as per WHO criteria..............
Keywords: vivax Malaria, complications[1]. Gething PW, Elyazar IR, Moyes CL, Smith DL, Battle KE, Guerra CA et al.
[2]. A long neglected world malaria map: Plasmodium vivax endemicity in 2010. PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 2012;6(9):e1814 (, accessed 8 July 2015).
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[4]. Factors determining the occurrence of submicroscopic malaria infections and their relevance for control. Nature Communications. 2012;3:1237 ( , accessed 8 July 2015).
[5]. Battle KE, Gething PW, Elyazar IR, Moyes CL, Sinka ME, Howes RE et al.
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Abstract: Aims and Objectives: To determine the association of gallstone disease with clinical hypothyroidism, subclinical hypothyroidism and to treat the patient as soon as the diagnosis is made. To determine the prevalence of thyroid deficiency (hypothyroidism and subclinical hypothyroidism ) in gallstone diseases patients. Material and Methods: A prospective hospital based descriptive cross sectional study, done in department of general surgery, Manipal Collage of Medical science Teaching Hospital, Pokhara.............
Keywords: hypothyroidism, gallstone diseases, subclinical hypothyroidism[1]. Al-Jiffry B, Shaffer E, Sacconr G. Changes in gallbladder motility and gallstone formation following laparoscopic gastric banding for morbid obesity. Can J Gastroenterol 2003; 17:169.
[2]. Nakeeb A, Comuzzie a, Martin L. Gallstones: genetics versus environment. Ann Surg 2002; 235:842.
[3]. Brasca A, Berli D, Pezzotto S. Morphological and demographic association of biliary symptoms in subjects with gallstones: findings from a population-based survey in Rosario, Argentina. Dig Liver Dis 2002;34:577.
[4]. JohannaLaukkarinen, Juhenisand and IstoNordback. The underlying mechanisam : how hypothyroidism affects the formation of common bile duct stones-A review article HPB surgery volume 2012, article ID 102825 7 pages
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Abstract: Dengue is the most common mosquito-borne viral infection worldwide. There is increased evidence for dengue virus neurotropism, and neurological manifestations could make part of the clinical picture of dengue virus infection in at least 0.5%–7.4% of symptomatic cases. Cerebellitis is an inflammatory syndrome resulting in acute cerebellar dysfunction, which may occur as a primary infectious, postinfectious, or postvaccination disorder[1] . We report a case of a 53 year old male who presented with bilateral cerebellar signs as the presenting feature of dengue.
[1]. Bakshi R, Kinkel PR, Mechtler LL, Bates VE, Kinkel WR. Magnetic resonance imaging findings in acute cerebellitis. Clin Imaging. 1998;22:79-85.
[2]. World Health Organization. Dengue guidelines for diagnosis, treatment, prevention and control. Geneva, Switzerland: WHO, 2009
[3]. Bhatt S, Gething PW, Brady OJ, et al. The global distribution and burden of dengue. Nature. 2013;496(7446):504–507...
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Abstract: There was a Dengue outbreak in Kolkata in 2016. Objectives of the present cross sectional study were to assess the prevalence of Dengue amongst the patients attending a tertiary care hospital in Kolkata and to assess Dengue NS1 ELISA as an early diagnostic tool. Clinically suspected patients with less than five days of fever were tested by Dengue NS1 ELISA where as fever cases with ≥5 days of duration were tested by IgM Capture ELISA for detection of Dengue specific antibody. Dengue NS1 seropositive cases were requested to revisit after one week for follow up and test their Dengue specific IgM status. Source of the data was hospital records. A total of 3111 dengue suspected cases.................
Keywords-: Dengue, Prevalence, NS1 ELISA, IgM ELISA
[1]. D. J. Gubler, ―Dengue and dengue hemorrhagic fever,‖ Clinical Microbiology Reviews, 1998. vol. 11, issue no. 3, pp. 480–496.
[2]. Leyssen, P., E. D. Clercq, and J. Neyts. Perspectives for the treatment of infections with Flaviviridae. Clin. Microbiol. Rev. 2000. 13:67–82.
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[4]. A. K. Hati, ―Studies on dengue and dengue haemorrhagic fever (DHF) in West Bengal State, India,‖ Journal of Communicable Diseases 2006, vol. 38, no. 2, pp. 124–129.
[5]. E. Gupta, L. Dar, G. Kapoor, and S. Broor, ―The changing epidemiology of dengue in Delhi, India, Virology Journal, 2006, vol. 3, article 92..
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Abstract: Introduction: Amongst the different cases of unnatural deaths encountered in day to day medicolegal practice, deaths due to different causes of burn are very important.The present study encompasses only those cases of burn where thermal injury is the responsible factor. Effects due to thermal burns depend on : (a)the degree of heat (b )the duration of exposure (c)the extent of surface (d)the site (e)age (f)sex. In this study we aim to analyze the detailed macroscopic or naked eye changes in liver and kidneys in cases of deaths due to burn injury and side by side giving reflection of microscopic changes depending upon the factors that influence the outcome of a case of burn injury..............
Keywords: Burn, liver, kidneys, histopathology, congestion
[1]. Olivera-Martinez I, Viallet JP, Michon F, Pearton DJ, Dhouailly D. The different steps of skin formation in vertebrates. Int J Dev Biol 2004; 48:107-15.
[2]. Abrol A, Saraf R, Singh S. Thermal and electrical burns in Jammu Province. J K Sci 2005; 7:61-3.
[3]. Ahuja BR, Bhattacharya S, Burns in developing world and burn disasters. BMJ 2004; 329: 447-49.
[4]. Batra. A. K. Burn Mortality; Recent Trends and Sociocultural determinants in rural India.Burns. 2003; (29): 270-275
[5]. Chaudhary IA. Burns: frequency and mortality related to various age groups. J Surg Pak 2009; 14:67-71.
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Abstract: Introduction :Amongst the different cases of unnatural deaths encountered in day to day medicolegal practice, deaths due to different causes of burn are very important.The present study encompasses only those cases of burn where thermal injury is the responsible factor. Effects due to thermal burns depend on : (a)the degree of heat (b )the duration of exposure (c)the extent of surface (d)the site (e)age (f)sex. In this study we aim to analyze the detailed macroscopic or naked eye changes in liver and kidneys in cases of deaths due to burn injury and side by side giving reflection of microscopic changes depending upon the factors that influence the outcome of a case of burn injury..........
Keywords: Burn, liver, kidneys, histopathology, congestion.
[1]. Baris CAKIR, Berrak C.YEGEN. Systemic Response to BurnInjury. Turk J. Med. Sci; 2004 (34): 215-216.
[2]. A. K. Burn Mortality; Recent Trends and Sociocultural determinants in rural India.Burns. 2003; (29): 270-275
[3]. Camps Francis E., Robinson Ann E., Lucas Bernard G.B. "Heat,cold and Electricity‟, Gradwohl‟s Legal Medicine, 1976, 3rd ed., John Wright & Sons Ltd, Bristol.
[4]. Nandy Apurba. ‛Thermal injuries‟, Principles of Forensic Medicine,2002, 2nd Ed, New Central Book Agency (p) Ltd.p263.
[5]. Reddy K. S. N. "Thermal Deaths‟, The Essentials of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology, 2009, 29th ed, Devi K. Suguna, Hyderabad, p283.
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Abstract: Pleural effusion is one of the extrapulmonary manifestations of tuberculosis in patients of chronic kidney disease.Tuberculous pleural effusion is insidious in onset. Herein we report a case of sudden onset of massive pleural effusion due to tuberculosis (TB) with an unusual precedence of ipsilateral iatrogenic hemothorax.
Keywords-:massive, tuberculosis, pleural effusion, CKD.
[1]. Ray S, Mukherjee S, Ganguly J, Abhishek K, Mitras S, Kundu S. A cross-sectional prospective study of pleural effusion among cases of chronic kidney disease.
[2]. Indian J Chest Dis Allied Sci. 2013 Oct-Dec;55(4):209-13.
[3]. Mermigkis C, Kopanakis A, Psathakis K, Karagiannidis N, Kastanakis M, Patentalakis M, Amfilochiou A, Patentalakis G, Polychronopoulos V. A massive hemorrhagic pleural effusion does not exclude the diagnosis of tuberculosis: a case report.
[4]. Cases J. 2009 Jul 31;2:8707. doi: 10.4076/1757-1626-2-8707.
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Abstract: Clinical images, such as CT images, are still assessed manually. This is to ensure that as few mistakes as possible are made, because any mistake could have serious consequences for the patient, if the image is taken as an aid to treatment or therapy.The aim of this study was to characterize and identify Hemorrhagic Stroke using classification technique depending on the disparity of grey level in CT image. The study consisted of 100 patients with Hemorrhagic stroke; CT brain examination was performed with multidetector helical CT system. the image were read by IDL in TIFF format and the user clicks on areas represents the grey matter, white matter, CSF and hemorrhagic...........
Key words: CT, Hemorrhagic stroke, Texture analysis
[1]. BOZZAO, L., ANGELONI, U., BASTIANELLO, S., FANTOZZI, L., PIERALLINI, A. & FIESCHI, C. 1991. Early angiographic and CT findings in patients with hemorrhagic infarction in the distribution of the middle cerebral artery. American journal of neuroradiology, 12, 1115-1121.
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Abstract: Spinal metastasis is a common manifestation in most of the cancers. Radiotherapy is the main stay of treatment to relieve the pain and other significant symptoms. To achieve good radiobiological response, it is required that target volume should cover at least 90% of given dose. Often spinal metastasis are treated with 2D manual single direct PA planning with empirical or standard depths like cervical vertebrae 3cm,thoracic vertebrae4-5cm, lumbar vertebrae 5-7 cm at most of the radiotherapy centers in developing countries . Even with cobalt 60 with appropriate 2D planning we can achieve similar disease response compared to 3D conformal planning.CT simulation images of lumbar spine..........
Keywords-:Radiotherapy, dose, Target volume, field,plan..
[1]. Perez and Bradys Principles and Practice of RadiationOncology-5thedition ,Edward C. Halperin,CarlosA.Perez, Luther W
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Abstract: Introduction: We report the study of the clinical profile of the patients with compound fracture of both bone leg in regard to age, sex, mode, severity, side and associated injuries, duration and its relation to its final results of treatment in this group of patients, to accomplish the desired goal in restoring functional capability in the patients attending the Department Of Orthopaedics, Assam Medical College And Hospital, Dibrugarh Methodology: We studied 40 cases whom were evaluated in regard to age ,sex, occupation, mode, site, side, type, duration of injury, i.e. from the time of injury to attending this hospital previous treatment received, associated injury or illness and were treated with uniplanar unilateral fixator..............
Keywords-: Majority of the patients were apprehended because of long continued treatment and also because of common peoples query of external fixator device applied to them
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Abstract: Introduction: Needle stick injuries (NSIs) is a major occupational health and safety issue faced by health-care professional's globally. Aims & Objectives: To study the prevalence, associated factors of NSI among the health care workers (HCW'S) and assessment of knowledge and awareness of NSI among HCW'S. Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted at tertiary care hospital among HCWs for 2 months in the year 2016. An informed consent was obtained from each participant.........
Keywords-: Health care workers, Needle sticks injuries, Questionnaire
[1]. Laishram J, Keisam A, Phesao E, M. Shyami Tarao1, Valerie J. Laloo, H. Devi S., Prevalence of needle stick injuries among nurses in tertiary care hospital and their immediate response, International journal of Medicine and Public health, 3(4), 2013, 257-60.
[2]. Needle stick Injuries among Health Care Workers. Magnitude of the Needle stick Injury Problem; Epidemiology and Economic burden.
[3]. Perry J, Parker G, Jagger J., EPINET report: 2003 percutaneous injury rates, Adv Exposure Prev, 7, 2005, 2-45
[4]. Mehta A, Rodrigues C, Ghag S, Bavi P, Shenai S, Dastur F. Needlestick injuries in a tertiary care centre in Mumbai, India. J Hosp Infect, 60, 2005,368-73.
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Abstract: Introduction: Clavicular fractures are relatively common due to its subcutaneous position. They can be due to low or high energy trauma,as isolated injury or part of a polytrauma spectrum.Distal clavicular fracture is a special form of injury and have been estimated to account for only 12% to 15% of all clavicle fractures.The present study is to evaluate the feasibility and the eventual outcome in the study subjects following operative management of the fractures of the lateral end of the clavicle and acromioclavicular disruption with clavicular hooked plates and locking compression clavicular plates...................
Keywords-: Clavicle hook plate, lateral end clavicle, acromioclavicular joint dislocation
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Abstract: Adverse drug reactions (ADRs) are adverse or unintended effects associated with medications and these are also associated with the use of anticancer drugs which have become a worldwide problem and monitoring these reaction are essential for safety of patient and prompt management is necessary for adherence to chemotherapy. Material And Method:This is a retrospective study done in department of pharmacology in association with dept. of oncology Rims, Ranchi. Those patients who developed reaction during chemotherapy were included in this study taking either single or combination drug therapy. The causality assessment of the monitored ADRs were determined using WHO-UMC Causality Scale.............
Keywords-: ADR, chemotherapy, noxious, WHO-UMC
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[4]. Ahern F, Sahm LJ, Lynch D, McCarthy S. Determining the frequency and preventability of adverse drug reaction-related admissions to an Irish University Hospital: a cross-sectional study. Emerg Med J 2014; 31: 24–9.
[5]. Pedrós C, Quintana B, Rebolledo M, Porta N, Vallano A, Arnau JM. Prevalence, risk factors and main features of adverse drug reactions leading to hospital admission.Eur J ClinPharmacol 2014; 70: 361–7.