Version-12 (August-2017)
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Abstract: Diabetes mellitus is a complex, chronic debilitating disease. Globally there is a huge surge of diabetic population which is in the epidemic proportion and India is expected to be the capital of diabetes in 2015.Managing a chronic disease and especially a complicated disease such as diabetes mellitus requires a continues informed participation and involvement of the patient in the overall management. The meaningful participation can be achieved only when they are well informed about the treatment goal and the recommended follow-up schedule. Patients knowledge on diabetes treatment goal and the required follow-up schedule will help motivate the patients for the optimum control of diabetic status, detect complications at the early stage and thus improve the overall outcome of diabetic patients..............
[1]. Alvin C .Powers. Diabetes Mellitus.. Kasper,Fauci,Longo,Jameson,Loscalzo. Harrisons Principles of Internal Medicine,18th edition(volum 2). McGraw Hill education:2989-2993.
[2]. B.M.Frier.M.Fisher.Diabetes mellitus.Nicki R.Colledge,Brian R.Walker,Stuart H.Ralston.Davidson's principles & practice of Medicine.21st Edition.Churchill Livingstone,Elsevier:795-834.
[3]. Umesh Masharani.Diabetes Mellitus & Hypoglycemia.Maxine A.Papadakis,Stephen J.McPhee,Michael W.Rabow.Current Medical Diagnosis &Treatment,55th Edition,2016.McGraw HillEducation,Lange:1195-1223.
[4]. Nihal Thomas,Sentil Vasan.Classification and Approach.NihilThomas,Nitin Kapoor,Jachin Velavan,Senthil Vasan K. A Practical Guide to Diabetes Mellitus.7th Edition,Jaypee-The Health Sciences Publisher,2016:26-35.
[5]. Yaa obirikorang and et al. Knowledge ofcomplications ofdiabetes mellitus among patients visitingthe diabetes clinic at Sampa Government Hospital,Ghana: adescriptive study.BMC PublicHealth (2016)16:637.
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Abstract: Background And Objectives: Perianal abscess is one of the common problems encountered by physicians in clinic or hospital settings. Factors influencing the fistula formation are multifactorial. In this study we try to evaluate the factors influencing fistula formation, particularly plain tap water for sitz bath vs antiseptic solution mixed sitz bath. Methodology: 45 cases of perianal abscess visited to Out Patient Department of Govt. Rajaji hospital, Madurai were included into the study. All were underwent Incision and Drainage for the abscess and followed till the wound healing or for 3 months. Patients excluded from the study are Chrons disease, known fistula, multiple abscess patients. Randomly plain tap water sitz bath and antiseptic.............
Keywords: Perianal Abscess, Perianal Fistula, Sitz Bath, Plain Water
[1]. Adamo K, Sandblom G, Brännström F, Strigård K. Prevalence and recurrence rate of perianal abscess-a population-based study, Sweden 1997-2009. Int J Colorectal Dis. 2016 Jan 14. [Epub ahead of print]
[2]. Juth Karlsson A, Salö M, Stenström P. Outcomes of Various Interventions for First-Time Perianal Abscesses in Children. Biomed Res Int. 2016;2016:9712854. doi: 10.1155/2016/9712854.
[3]. Amato A, Bottini C, De Nardi P, Giamundo P, Lauretta A, Realis Luc A, Tegon G, Nicholls RJ. Evaluation and management of perianal abscess and anal fistula: a consensus statement developed by the Italian Society of Colorectal Surgery (SICCR). Tech Coloproctol. 2015 Oct;19(10):595-606. doi: 10.1007/s10151-015-1365-7.
[4]. Takiyama H, Kazama S, Tanoue Y, Yasuda K, Otani K, Nishikawa T, Tanaka T, Tanaka J, Kiyomatsu T, Hata K, Kawai K, Nozawa H, Miyagawa T, Yamada D, Yamaguchi H, Ishihara S, Sunami E, Watanabe T. Efficacy of magnetic resonance imaging in the diagnosis of perianal hidradenitis suppurativa, complicated by anal fistulae: A report of two cases and review of the literature. Int J Surg Case Rep. 2015;15:107-11. doi: 10.1016/j.ijscr.2015.08.028
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Abstract: Sub total hysterectomy is a surgical procedure used to be performed for benign diseases. This patient was performed a supra- cervical hysterectomy 3 years back later she developed cancer cervix. Following treatment with radiotherapy (by both external and intracavitary) she developed fistula which was initially thought to be recto-vaginal but later it was confirmed as ileo-cervical fistula.
Keywords: Supra cervical hysterectomy, Ileo-cervical fistula, Cancer cervix, Complication
[1]. Emmert C, Kohler U. Management of genital fistulas in patients with cervical cancer. Arch Gyanecol Obstet 1996, 259: 19-24.
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[4]. Boyd SC, Look KY. Prognostic factors for carcinoma of the cervical stump and cervical carcinoma associated with pregnancy. Journal of Gynecologic Oncology 2001; 6:347–356.
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Abstract: Background:By the year 2020, depression will be the second major cause of disability-adjusted life years lost as reported by the World Health Organization. Although advancing age is a physiologic process, the co-morbidities of diseases frequently seen in elderly individuals significantly affect their quality of life. One of such diseases is depression. Depression is a treatable medical condition, not a normal part of ageing. Aim and Objective: The aim of this study was to determine the proportion of depression among elderly personsattending the General Out- patient Clinics of the University of Uyo Teaching Hospital using a geriatric depression screening instrument.............
[1]. World Health Organization: Proposed Working Definition of an Older Person in Africa for the MDS project. WHO, Geneva, Switzerland, 2010.
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[5]. Murray CJ, Lopez AD. Global mortality, disability, and the contribution of risk factors: Global Burden of Disease Study. Lancet 1997; 349(9063): 1436-42.
[6]. Blanchard MR, Waterans A, Mann AH. The nature of Depression among older people in inner London and the contact with Primary Care. Brit J Psych 1994; 164: 396-402.
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Abstract: Heavy menstrual bleeding (HMB) is defined as prolonged or heavy cyclical menstrual bleeding. Objectively, menses lasting longer than 7 days or exceeding 80 ml of blood loss are determining values. It has a worldwide prevalence of 19%, in India the prevalence is 15%. It has been shown to have a profound negative impact on many aspects of a woman's quality of life. It has been suggested that effective medical management of heavy menstrual bleeding may impact on referral and subsequent hysterectomy rates. The goals of alternative treatment of heavy menstrual bleeding are the same as the goals of conventional treatment; control the bleeding, prevent and treat anaemia and restore an acceptable menstrual pattern...........
Keywords: Heavy menstrual bleeding, Qurse gulnar, MAUS, PBAC.
[1]. Khan MA. AkseereAzam(Urdu Translation by Kabeeruddin). New Delhi: IdaraKitab-Us-Shifa; 2011: 801-805
[2]. Gokyildiz S et al. The effect of menorrhagia on women's quality of life: a case – control study. ISRN Obstetrics and Gynecology .2013:1-7
[3]. Qiu J et al. Levonorgesterel – releasing Intrauterine System versus medical therapy for menorrhagia : A systematic review and Meta – Analysis .e- ISSN 1643 – 3750 © med scimonit 2014; 20: 1700 – 1713
[4]. Grante C et al. Management of menorrhagia in primary care – impact on referral and hysterectomy : data from the sommerset morbidity project J epidemiol community health 2000;54:709 -713
[5]. Bitzer J, Heikinheimo O, L A, Nelson, Alsina CJ, MD, Fraser SI Medical Management of Heavy Menstrual Bleeding: A Comprehensive Review of the Literature. Obstetrical and Gynecological Survey. 2015; 70( 2): 115-28
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Abstract: Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy, including preeclampsia, complicate up to 10% of pregnancies worldwide, constituting one of the greatest causes of maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality worldwide. Analysis of Maternal Mortality from Jan'09 to Jun'12 in 3 and1/2yrs showed 125 maternal deaths,18 [14.4%] due to Eclampsia-of which 11 were due to cerebrovascular accident, 2 due to PPH, 2 due to pulmonary edema ,2 due to aspiration pneumonia and 1 due to pulmonary embolism. There were many more cases of severe maternal and perinatal morbidity. Magnesium Sulphate is a safe and effective anticonvulsant and successful induction of labor is achieved with Prostaglandins. We are left with the problem of immediate control of HTN as CVA is found to be the leading cause of maternal mortality in eclampsia .This shows the scope for use of IV Labetalol.............
Keywords-: Hypertension in Pregnancy, Severe hypertension, Intravenous Labetalol.
[1]. The New England Journal of Medicine July 25, 1996 Vol. 335 No. 4REVIEW ARTICLETreatment of Hypertension in Pregnant Women
[2]. National High Blood Pressure Education Program Working Group report on high blood pressure in pregnancy. Am J Obstet Gynecol 1990; 163: 1691-712
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Abstract: Dental fluorosis, which is characterized by discoloured, blackened, mottled or chalky-white teeth, is a clear indication of overexposure to fluoride during childhood when the teeth were developing. As no such treatment is present for this disease so prevention is one of the major procedure which can be used to prevent people from fluorosis by doing health education on ground level from school program to community level program, raise awareness regarding the fluorosis by educating the community with adverse health effect of fluoride for their body and how we can prevent it from small modifications in the daily eating and drinking habits and avoid using fluoride rich dental products and have more use of foods rich in calcium, vitamin C and antioxidants, etc.
Keywords-: Fluoride; primary dentition; skeletal deformity; fluorosis.
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Abstract: In 1992, India's first National AIDS Control Program (NACP) was launched and National AIDS Control Organization (NACO) was constituted to implement the program. NACP was a scientifically well-evolved program, grounded on a strong structure of policies, programs, schemes, operational guidelines, rules and norms. The NACP is divided into phases of five years, with separate plans for each phase; it started as a NACP in 1992, subsequently NACP II was from 1999-2006, NACP III was during 2007-2012, and currently NACP IV is in action (2012-2017). Right now NACP IV is going on and it is running successfully in every part of India. This observation was from coastal region of Karnataka state. The main components of the programs are to Intensifying and Consolidating Prevention services with a focus
[1]. NACP-IV Components | National AIDS Control Organization | MoHFW | GoI [Internet]. 2017 [cited 15 August 2017]. Available from:
[2]. Kishore, J. National health programs of India.
[3]. User S. Integrated Counseling & Testing Centre (ICTC) [Internet]. 2017 [cited 15 August 2017]. Available from:
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Abstract: Backache is the main symptom in the spinal bone metastasis of cancer and it requires Radiotherapy as pain relieving procedure as well as to stabilize the bone. About 70% of symptomatic lesions are found in the Thoracic spine. In Cancers like breast , myeloma, prostate, thyroid and lymphoma where in patients live longer life, RT can be useful in prevention and pain relief. Hence involved bones should be treat as early as possible to prevent the morbidity. Most of the centers amongst conventional cancer treatment setups it has been in common practice to use standard depths(empirical) in single direct PA manual planning to calculate treatment units depending upon area of the spine involved like.............
Keywords: Single direct plan, dose, icru, depth.radiotherapy.[1]. Perez and Bradys Principles and Practice of RadiationOncology-5th edition ,Edward C. Halperin,CarlosA.Perez, Luther W Brady.
[2]. Text Book of Radiation Oncology Principles and Practice, Goura K Rath,MD ,Bindhu K Mohanti, MD 1st edition.
[3]. Practical radiotherapy planning 3rd edition ,janedobbs MA,FRCP, FRCR, Ann Barrett MD FRCP FRCR, Dan 369
[4]. Radiotherapy planning 2nd edition Gunilla C. Bentel, R.N.,R.T.T
[5]. ICRU Report 50 -Prescribing, Recording and reporting photon beam 25 fig.2.9. [6].naki NAKAMURA, Naoto
[6]. SHIKAMA et al variability in the point to which single direct field irradiation is prescribed for spinal bone metastases : a survey of practice patterns in Japan- Journal of Radiation Research,2013,pp1-4
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Abstract: Background: Biotransformation plays a crucial role in carcinogen activity. Genetic polymorphisms in xenobiotic metabolising enzymes crucial to carcinogen and drug metabolism and lead to variations in their activity. These enzymes increase the risk of cancer by an altered action on environmental carcinogens. Tobacco abuse is a well‑known risk factor for potentially malignant disorders. Factors that influence tobacco‑exposed individuals developing a malignancy may include the combination of total tobacco exposure and genetic susceptibility..............
Keywords: Genetic Polymorphism, GSTM1, Oral Submucous Fibrosis[1]. Zygogianni AG, Kyrgias G, Karakitsos P, et al. Oral squamous cell cancer: early detection and the role of alcohol and smoking. Head Neck Oncol. 2011;3:2.
[2]. Reichart PA, Nguyen XH. Betel quid chewing, oral cancer and other oral mucosal diseases in Vietnam: a review. J Oral Pathol Med. 2008;37:511–514.
[3]. Gronau S, Koenig‑Greger D, Jerg M, Riechelmann H. Gene polymorphisms in detoxification enzymes as susceptibility factor for head and neck cancer? Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 2003;128:674‑80.
[4]. Zhao SF, Yang XD, Lu MX, Sun GW, Wang YX, Zhang YK, et al. GSTM1 null polymorphisms and oral cancer risk: A meta‑analysis. Tumour Biol 2014;35:287‑93.
[5]. Sirsat SM, Pindborg JJ. Sub epithelial changes in oral submucous fibrosis. Acta Pathol Microbiol Scand. 1967, 70:161-173.
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Abstract: Drug Resistant Tuberculosis (DR-TB) in India is a major setback to National TB Control Programme and to the socio-economic situation in India. 508 patients of drug resistant TB cases were initiated and followed up over 2 years of DOTS PLUS treatment in Mumbai city. Their demographic profiles were analyzed and their adverse drug reactions were recorded. DR-TB affected the most economically productive age group (21- 30 yrs) with treatment related side-effects adding to their woes. The most common adverse effects due to DR-TB treatment included gastro-intestinal, neuropsychiatry symptoms and drug induced hypothyroidism. Nutritional deficiencies, addictions and co-existing diseases like diabetes and HIV added to the drug intolerance. This study highlights the need for less toxic drugs and shorter duration of DR-TB treatment.
Keywords : MDR TB, XDR TB, Outcomes, Co-morbidities, HIV, Diabetes
[1]. Revised National Tuberculosis Control Programme (RNTCP), training module for medical practionar. This module was prepared by a team from the Central TB Division, Indian Medical Association and WHO-India. Central TB Division Directorate General of Health Services Ministry of Health and Family Welfare Nirman Bhawan New Delhi-110 011 (December 2010)
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[5]. Adverse Drug Reactions in Management of Multi Drug Resistant Tuberculosis, in Tertiary Chest Institute. J. S. Akshata1, Anushree Chakrabarthy1, R. Swapna1, Shashidhar Buggi2, M.Somashekar Journal of Tuberculosis Research, 2015, 3, 27-33
[6]. Subclinical Hypothyroidism: An Update for Primary Care Physician. Vahab Fatourechi ,MD ,Mayo Clin Proc. 2009 Jan; 84(1): 65–71.
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Abstract: Objectives: The objective of this systematic review was to identify and compare the effect of different abutment materials on the alveolar bone loss of implant supported superstructure. Methods: An electronic Medline search complemented by manual searching was conducted to identify randomized-controlled clinical trials, and cohort studies providing information on ceramic and metal abutments with a mean follow-up time of at least 6months. Patients had to have been examined clinically at the follow-up visit. Pocket depth, amount of rescission and crestal bone loss were attributed to alveolar bone loss............
Keywords: Implant abutments, pocket depth, recession, crestal bone loss,titanium, zirconia
[1]. Anders Ekfeldt, Fürst B, Carlsson GE. Zirconia abutments for single-tooth implant restorations: a retrospective and clinical follow-up study. Clin Oral Implants Res. 2011 Nov;22(11):1308-14. doi: 10.1111/j.1600-0501.2010.02114. x. Epub 2011 Mar 8.
[2]. Andersson, B. (1995) Implants for single-tooth replacement. A clinical and experimental study on the Bra°nemark CeraOne system. Swedish Dental Journal (Suppl. 108: 1–41). Exclusion criteria: thesis reporting on already included data
[3]. Andersson, B., O¨ dmann, P., Carlsson, L. & Bra°nemark, P.-I. (1992) A new Bra°nemark single tooth abutment: handling and early clinical experiences. The International Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Implants 7: 105–111. Exclusion criteria: mean follow-up o3 years, 5-year follow-up included in this review
[4]. Andersson, B., O¨ dmann, P., Lindvall, A.-M. & Bra°nemark, P.-I. (1998) Five-year prospective study of prosthodontic and surgical single-tooth implant treatment in general practices and at a specialist clinic. International Journal of Prostho- dontics 11: 351–355. Exclusion criteria: no abutment survival data.
[5]. Andersson, B., O¨ dmann, P., Lindvall, A.-M. & Lithner, B. (1995) Single-tooth restorations supported by osseointegrated implants: results and experiences from a prospective study after 2 to 3 years. The International Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Implants 10: 702–711. Exclusion criteria: 5-year follow-up included in this review (Andersson et al. 1998, International Journal of Prosthodontics).
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Abstract: Introduction: The immediate loading technique allows the placement of a temporary restoration supported by freshly inserted implants. The aim of this prospective study was to evaluate the concept of multicortical anchorage and Splinting as a suitable technique for immediate loading. Methods: Thirty patients received Implants in edentulous regions to engage multiple cortices. These implants were used as a support for the interrim restoration, which was attached within 1 week of implant placement .Mean marginal bone loss and implant osseointegration were assessed using periapical radiographs immediately after surgery and at 6, 12, 24, and 36 months after placement..............
Keywords: Immediate implant, multiple cortices, splint.
[1]. Adell R, Lekholm U, Roekler B,Brånemark P-I. A 15-year study ofosseointegrated implants in the. treatment of the edentulous jaw. Int J Oral Surg 1981;10:3874116
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Abstract: Study carried out in Department of General Surgery, Government Rajaji Hospital, Madurai from November 2014 to August 2015 on 84 patients of Symptomatic Gall Stone Disease. Patients divided into two groups. Group A patients containing 42 patients with drain placed and Group B containing 42 patients without drain in patients containing Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy. This is a Prospective Study conducted for 10 months.
Keywords: Gall Stone Disease, Cholecystectomy, Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy, Drain, Without Drain..
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Abstract: Diabetic nephropathy is one of the most severe diabetic microangiopathies. The aim of this study was to evaluate different stages of proteinuria and glycemic control in type 2 diabetic patients Methods:- In this study 100 type 2 diabetic patients were subjected to detailed history, clinical examination, Urine albumin creatinine ratio, HbA1C and routine biochemical investigations. Results:- Among 100 patients, 22 had overt proteinuria, 37 had micro-albuminuria and 41 were normoabluminuric. Increased frequency of proteinuria was seen in male than...........
Keywords: Diabetes type 2, diabetic nephropathy, albuminurea, proteinurea, Glycated hemoglobin (HbA1C)..
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Abstract: Background: Renal cell carcinoma is the most common form of kidney cancer. About 90% of all kidney cancer is attributed to Renal cell carcinoma (RCC). Till near past, RCC was considered as single malignant tumor without any distinguishable morphological characters. But now many variants of RCC have been identified according to cellular characters and arrangement of cancer cells when viewed under microscope. They are different in histomorphologic cytogenetics and molecular features and also in clinical course. The most common type of RCC is clear cell or conventional type which attributes to 72% to 80% of all RCC...........
Keywords: Renal cell carcinoma, Sarcomatoid, collecting duct, urothelial, chromophobe, papillary
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Abstract: Background and objectives: Gall bladder is one of the organs having a wide spectrum of disease ranging from congenital anomalies, calculi and its complications , non-inflammatory , inflammatory & neoplastic lesions Gall stones are one of the major cause of morbidity and mortality all over the world. Inflammatory processes in the gallbladder have been described as the causal factor for a metaplastic response from the gallbladder epithelium. The irritation factor caused by stones produces changes in cell differentiation, thereby resulting in an adaptive response to this aggression, i.e. the formation of gastric and intestinal metaplasia. Recent studies have suggested that these epithelial changes are distinct phases of the............
Keywords: Cholecystitis, cholecystectomy, gallstones, gallbladder, carcinoma...
[1]. Drake R, Vogl AW, Mitchell AW. Gray's anatomy for students. Elsevier Health Sciences; 2009:287.
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[5]. Turkcu G et al. Institutional experience in the histopathological characteristics and frequency of gallbladder lesions. Int. J Clin Exp. Pathol 2016;9:176-80.
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Abstract: Glaucoma is a leading cause of irreversible blindness. Number of estimated cases of glaucoma in india are 12 million, around one fifth of the global burden of glaucoma.These figures are expected to be doubled by 2020 AD. If not carefully looked for , diagnosis of open angle glaucoma is delayed because most often it presents without signs and symptoms and central vision remains preserved even in advanced glaucoma. Raised intra ocular pressure , structural changes including retinal nerve fibre layer thinning and cup disc ratio , functional changes reflected by visual field examinations are required for early diagnosis and for monitoring the progression of glaucoma.The present study was carried out on sixty known patients (120 eyes) of glaucoma Their optic nerve head was evaluated and compared..........
Keywords: Glaucoma,Optic nerve head, Visual fields, Intraocular pressure
[1]. Kitzawa Y, Horie T. Diurnal variation of intraocular pressure in primary open-angle glaucoma. Am J Ophthal1975; 79 : 557-66.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Acute Kidney Injury in Obstetrics- A Case Report |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Ramapraba.S || Dr.Saraswathi |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/0853-16080129798 ![]() |
Abstract:Acute kidney injury (AKI) is a serious complication in pregnancy, resulting in significant maternal morbidity/mortality and fetal loss. Although the incidence of pregnancy-related acute kidney injury (PRAKI) has decreased in developed countries, it is still common in developing nations. This is a case report of PRAKI due to septic abortion which occurred after following all aseptic precautions. Timely identification of "at-risk" individuals and treatment of underlying conditions such as sepsis and preeclampsia remain the cornerstone of management. Proper counseling before selecting the patients for Assisted Reproduction Technology is very.
Keywords: PrAKI, sepsis, counseling.
[1]. Manisha Sahay (2012). Acute Kidney Injury in Pregnancy, Basic Nephrology and Acute Kidney Injury, Prof. Manisha Sahay (Ed.), ISBN: 978-953-51-0139-0, InTech,
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[4]. Williams Obstetrics, 24e F. Gary Cunningham, MD, Kenneth J. Leveno, MD, Steven L. Bloom, MD, Catherine Y. Spong, MD, Jodi S. Dashe, MD, Barbara L. Hoffman, MD, Brian M. Casey, MD, Jeanne S. Sheffield, MD