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Abstract: Colonoscopy is a widely used procedure for diagnosis and treatment of colorectal disease as well as for colorectal cancer screening. . But the procedure is not free of risk. The rate of serious complications was found about 0.28% and major complications mostly occur following interventional colonoscopy. In this prospective multicenter based descriptive study, adverse events after the procedure up to 30 days were recorded by telephonic conversation with patient on day 5, day 15 and day 30. Total 247 patients, age varying from 10 years to 90 years (mean 43.42 and SD 17.25) were included in this study for various indications. Of them 60(24.29%) patients complained pain and discomfort in abdomen during procedure, 06 (2.43%) patients developed bradycardia and 02(0.81%)patients developed respiratory distress preventing completion of procedure. Six patients (2.4%) required hospitalization within 05 days , 03 for respiratory distress, 01 for bloody diarrhoea and 02 for abdominal pain. None of the patients in this series had perforation, angina or shock. At the end of 30 days after procedure 205 (83%) patient agreed to undergo further colonoscopy if indicated. No death during or after procedure within 30 days was reported in our series.
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Abstract: Background: Female Infertility is a real problem to the development of a couple who cannot conceive in a natural way Endometrial biopsy is safe, well tolerated and productive of consistent reproducible information. This study was conducted to find out the different histopathological finding in endometrium of infertile women in a tertiary care hospital for proper diagnosis and treatment............
Keywords: Endometrium, Infertility, Biopsy, Histopathology.
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Abstract: Consanguinity is the quality of being descended from the same ancestor as another person. Consanguinity is prevalent in many middle eastern and Arab cultures and societies. Genetic disorders and congenital abnormalities occur in about 2%-5% of all live births, account for up to 30% of paediatric hospital admissions and cause about 50% of childhood deaths in industrialised countries. To determine the prevalence of consanguineous marriages, type of consanguinity and to determine the role of consanguinity on congenital malformations so as to create awareness. Retrospective hospital based study with consecutive sampling of 1552 babies in Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Hospital over a period of 12 months from January to December 2015.Out of 1552 babies 61 babies were having congenital malformations...........
Key Words: Consanguineous marriages, congenital anomalies, genetic counselling.
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Abstract: Antepartum fetal surveillance is the corner stone of preventive obstetric management aimed at reducing perinatal mortality and morbidity. Ante partum detection of fetus at risk of death or compromise in utero remains the major challenge in modern obstetrics. Specific and accurate methods for detection of fetus at risk can result in early appropriate intervention and hence reduce fetal loss.Intrauterine growth retardation is a common condition affecting about 10–15% of the general maternity population 1 . Diagnostic ultrasound is the main stay in the evaluation and management of obstetric patient.This study compares the arterial and venous Doppler velocimetry in IUGR fetus and the evaluation of perinatal outcome in respect to severity of Doppler changes.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Role of Virtual Colonoscopy in Colonic Pathologies |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr.K.Pavan Kumar || Dr.Ayesha || Dr.Sandhya Rao |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/0853-1711022231 ![]() |
Abstract: The colon is the primary target of many functional and pathological disorders, which may have acute and chronic presentations among which Colorectal cancer (CRC) is a formidable health problem worldwide. It is the third most common cancer in men (663000 cases, 10.0% of all cancer cases) and the second most common in women (571000 cases, 9.4% of all cancer cases) 1. Almost 60% of cases are encountered in developed countries. The number of CRC-related deaths is estimated to be approximately 608000 worldwide, accounting for 8% of all cancer deaths and making CRC the fourth most common cause of death due to cancer. In India, the annual incidence rates (AARs) for colon cancer and rectal cancer in men are 4.4 and 4.1 per 100000, respectively. The AAR for colon cancer in women is 3.9 per 100000. Colon cancer ranks 8th and rectal cancer ranks 9th among men. Hence this study plans screening motivated volunteers and patients with 128 slice MDCT available in the Hospital and interpreted based on the amount of the colon lumen distended for study and if possible screen for the pathology accordingly.
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[4]. Laghi A, Rengo M, Graser A, Iafrate F. Current status on performance of CT colonography and clinical indications. Eur J Radiol. 2013;82(8):1192-200.
[5]. Kim YS, Kim N , Kim SH , et al . The efficacy of intravenous contrast-enhanced 16-raw multidetector CT colonography for detecting patients with colorectal polyps in an asymptomatic population in Korea . J ClinGastroenterol 2008 ; 42 ( 7 ): 791 – 798 .
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Abstract: Osteosarcoma is more common in pediatric patients and in males In the US. there is ethic variation more common in individuals of black than white. Frequent causes includes: familial cases, bone dysplasia,fraumeni syndrome, and Rothmund Thomson syndrome. The role of water fluoridation is unclear. Diagnosis begins with X–ray,CT scan, PET scan, and bone scan, MRI, and biopsy. The biopsy of suspected osteosarcoma outside the facial region should be performed by an orthopedic oncologist. Conventional therapy is a combination of limb-salvage orthopedic surgery when possible (or amputation in some cases) and combination of high dose methotrexeate with other drugs added. In stage three osteosarcoma with lung metastases depends on the resectability of the primary tumor........
Key words: Osteosarcoma, Bone cancer,Sarcoma, Therapy, Prognosis.
[1]. Luetke A,Mayers PA,Lewis A,et al.Osteosarcoma treatment-where do we stand?.A state of the art review.Cancer treat Rev.2014;40(4):523-32,.
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Abstract: Postoperative pain management by analgesics use has become a major medical and nursing challenge in all over the world. Due to the various constraints, analgesics use in postoperative pain management in Bangladesh has got greater attention from the scientist and policy makers. We conducted an observational study to assess the, effect of postoperative analgesics used in patients in several private clinics, Bangladesh. Subject selection was purposive who were admitted in the selected clinics from January 2017 to December 2017. We recorded patient's demographics, postoperative pain orders, and analgesia regime on the day of surgery. Anesthesia team, which included one of the investigators, assessed the overall pain since the time of surgery by visual analogue scale (VAS) and also recorded any complications...........
Key words: Analgesics, postoperative pain assessment, visual analogue scale
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Abstract: This cross sectional study was carried out the in Pediatric & Medicine wards of Chittagong Medical College Hospital (CMCH), Chittagong during the period of July 2012 to June 2013, aims to describe clinical profile of typhoid fever in children admitted in a tertiary care hospital, Chittagong, Bangladesh. We conducted this study with a total number of 150 suspected cases of typhoid fever (age >6 months to18years) admitted in the above mentioned hospitals and enrolled in this study maintaining inclusion criteria. Majority (56.7%) of the patient's age belonged to 1-5 years and male to female ratio was 1.2:1. More than a half (56.0%) of the patients came from rural area. Most (62.7%) of the patients suffered from fever for ≤5 days, 50.7% had change of bowel habit, 38.7% had abdominal pain, 26.0% had diarrhea and 18.7% had constipation............
Keywords : Clinical profile, suspected cases, typhoid fever.
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Abstract: Smoking has been increasing in Saudi Arabia particularly among college and university students specially female students. Yet there is no enough information related to smoking leading factors and reasons behind adopting such habit in Saudi Arabia. Moreover, tobacco consumption can lead to harmful and serious health implications. Aim to assess the prevalence of smoking, knowledge and attitude towards smoking among medical students at Princess Nora University. Methods A cross-sectional study using a self-administered questionnaire assessing smoking-related knowledge, attitude and prevalence among medical students at Princess Nora University from March to May 2017.Results The result indicated that most participants had moderate knowledge about the hazards of smoking by 47% In addition...............
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Abstract: The aim of this case report was to preserve tissue for future attached gingiva of a buccally impacted left maxillary permanent canine tooth in a 14 years old female patient by apically displaced flap surgery (one type of periodontal plastic surgery).Case Presentation :A 14 years old girl presented with chief complaint of previously surgically exposed tooth in the left upper region was again covered within three months of previous surgery. Combined periodontal flap surgery and orthodontic treatment was performed to correct dental impaction and to achieve proper alignment of teeth in dental arch.Conclusion: The apicallyrepositioned flap is an effective method ofexposing certain unerupted teeth whilemaintaining the mucogingival complex
Keywords: Apically displaced flap, Periodontal plastic surgery, Attached gingiva, Orthodontics, Unerupted.
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Abstract: Background The optimal closure method, for dirty abdominal incisions, that will reduce wound complications remains controversial. The aim of this study is to compare wound complications after primary closure and delayed primary closure of laparotomy incisions following typhoid intestinal perforation (TIP). Methods: One hundred and twelve patients with dirty abdominal wounds following laparotomy for TIP were included. They were randomized into one of the two methods of wound management viz: primary closure (PC) group and delayed primary closure (DPC) group. Patients in the PC group have their surgical incisions (skin and subcutaneous layers) closed immediately while in the DPC group, the incisions were left open (packed with saline soaked gauze) and were...........
Key words: Typhoid intestinal perforation; Wound closure methods, Wound complications
[1]. Callistus B. Kuubiere, Victor Mogre, Saeed F. Majeed and Abass Alhassan: Typhoid intestinal perforation in Nothern Ghana. Al Ameen J Med Sc i 2014; 7( 4) : 251- 256
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Abstract: Maintaining good oral hygiene, reducing the presence of dental plaque in the mouth is an important part of the everyday lives of patients. The importance is even greater in patients undergoing orthodontic treatment. The aim of this study was to assess the oral hygiene behavior among the patients during orthodontic treatment with fixed appliances. One hundred and two orthodontic patients (65 female) and (37 male) treated with fixed appliances were studied. Patients were requested to fill out a structured questionnaire about oral hygiene behavior after placement of fixed orthodontic appliances. Results showed that 65.68 % from the patients brush their teeth twice a day. Most of them, 68.63% use orthodontic tooth brush and 78.43% use fluorid toothpaste. 33.33% from the patients use...........
Keywords: Dental floss,Interdental brushes,Mouthwash solutions, Oral health, Orthodontic treatment
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Abstract: Cutaneous leishmaniasis of the lid We report 4 cases of patients presenting with lid cutaneous leishmaniasis in which clinical presentation was a true diagnostic problem. The patients were 4 women and a man aged 48 +/-1 years. The presence of other cutaneous lesions and the chronic progression led to a biopsy for anatomopathology and parasitology analysis. These analyses confirmed the diagnosis of cutaneous leishmaniasis. The patients were then treated with antimony derivatives. Progression of the disease was marked by the appearance of a pigmented nonretractile scar. The different clinical characteristics, epidemiology, and treatment of this affection are reviewed..
Key-words: Leishmaniasis, lid, ulcer
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Abstract: Background and purpose of the study: Anemia is a significant public health problem in India with a high morbidity and mortality, particularly in pregnant women and also adversely affecting fetal development and thus neonatal outcome. Different studies in South India have depicted different prevalent rates for anaemia. The aim of this study was, to determine the prevalence of anemia and assess its associated factors among pregnant women attending antenatal care (ANC) at Gandhi Hospital in Hyderabad, South India. Methods.............
Keywords: Anemia, anthropometric data, associated factors, neonates, pregnant women
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