Version-6 (November-2018)
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Abstract: Multiple primary malignant neoplasms are uncommon, but the incidence is increasing owing to increased long term survival amongst cancer patients, longer life expectancy and better diagnostic techniques. They may be metachronous (i.e. occurrence 6 months or more after detection of primary malignancy) or synchronous (occurrence within 6 months of detection of primary malignancy). Here, we present a case of a 94 year old male, diagnosed to have follicular carcinoma of thyroid in 2004 and undergone left hemi thyroidectomy for the same, with metachronous primary Chondrosarcoma involving the left hip bone in 2015 & Ewing's sarcoma of right clavicle.........
[1]. Billroth T. Die Allgemeine Chirurgische Pathologie and Therapie. In: Reimer G. 51 Vorlesungen-Ein Handbuch fur Studierende and Artze, 14. Berlin: Auflage, 1889
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Abstract: Introduction Ameloblastoma has its inclusion in a group of odontogenic tumours that originate from the odontogenic remnants of various tissues which remain trapped in the bone or soft tissue. Management of Ameloblastoma occupies a space in our specialty where the treatment protocol still remains controversial. Various authors have debated over the best approach to treat this tumour. Considering the benign nature of the tumour, it is advisable to offer different treatment options to the patient. The decision whether to go for a conservative or radical approach should also be.........
Key words: Resection, Enucleation, Cauterization, Peripheral ostectomy .
[1]. Chapelle KAOM, Stoelinga PJW, de' Wilde PCM. Rational approach to diagnosis and treatment of ameloblastomas and odontogenic keratocysts. Br J Oral Max facSurg 2004; 42:381-390.
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[4]. Stephen A. Sachs. Surgical excision with peripheral ostectomy: A definitive, yet conservative, approach to the surgical management of Ameloblastoma. J oral maxillofacsurg. 2006; 64: 476-483
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A correlative study of HbA1c with lipid profile in Assamese population. |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | DrBooloo Sharma |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1711061013 ![]() |
Abstract: Objective: The study was conducted to verify the association of HbA1c with lipid profile in a group of Assamese people so as to take precautions from developing future cardiovascular disease(CVD). Methods: HbA1c and individual Lipid parameters and lipid ratios (total cholesterol, triglycerides, HDL, LDL, VLDL, TC/HDL AND LDL/HDL) were estimated in eight nine Type2DM Assamese people with HbA1c ≥ 6.5 % and who had no previous history of CVD to ascertain the pattern of their association between HbA1c and lipid profile, if any..........
Keywords: HbA1c, Total cholesterol(TC), Triglycerides(TG), HDL, LDLVLDL, TC/HDL, LDL/HDL, Cardiovascular disease(CVD.
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Abstract: Background: Traditional way of teaching is effective only in transferring knowledge, not in skill development. We have to apply new teaching learning methods to develop skills in interns, who are going to be clinicians soon. Since the paradigm shifted to minimal access, training in this area is crucial to interns. As developing skills in patients is not feasible for interns in minimal success surgery, we introduced Box endo trainers in our department for developing Laparoscopic skills for interns.
Keywords: Interns, box trainers, skill development
[1]. M.Morris, A. O'Neil, A.Gellis et al, Prepared for practice? Interns experience of Undergraduate clinical skill training in Ireland: Journal of medical education and curriculum development2016, jan-dec 3 pub med id.29340313
[2]. Harris P, Snell L, Talbot M et al Competency based medical education: Implication for under graduate program. Med.Teach.2010:32; 646-50.
[3]. Beard J H,Akoko L,Mwanga A et al,Manual skill development using low cost Trainer box in 2014,jan-feb;71(1):85-90.
[4]. Scott D.J, BerjenB.C, Rege R.V et al Laparoscopic training on bench models: Better and most cost effective than operating room experience. J.Am.coll.surg.sep
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Abstract: Introduction: The most common cause of bile duct injuries are Iatrogenic. Cholecystectomy related bile duct injuries are disastrous both healthwise and monetarily. There is no clear algorithm for early management of bile duct injuries using various percutaneous, endoscopic and surgical approaches. Aim, Materials and Methods: The aim of the study was to define the role of various approaches i.e percutaneous, endoscopic, laparoscopic and open surgical drainages in the.......
Key words – Bile duct injury, Various approaches, Early referral
[1]. Vecchio R, MacFadyen BV, Latteri S. Laparoscopic cholecystectomy: an analysis on 114 005 cases of United States series. Inter Surg. 1998;83:215–219. [PubMed]
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[4]. Iatrogenic biliary injuries :Multidisciplinary management in a major tertiary referral centre. Ibrahim abdelkader salama,Hany abdelmeged shoreem,et al .HPB Surgery ,Volume 2014,
[5]. Lygia Stewart and Lawrence W Way Laparoscopic bile duct injuries: timing of surgical repair does not influence success rate. A multivariate analysis of factors influencing surgical outcomes . HPB (Oxford). 2009 Sep; 11(6): 516–522 .doi: 10.1111/j.1477-2574.2009.00096.x.
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Abstract: Incidence of oral cancer is higher above 40 years of age. There is a rising trend in young adult specially in western world due to change in human behavior and life style. HPV induced cancer is more common in young adults. But increased habit of tobacco consumption, starting from early childhood is the major cause oral cancer in young adults in India. We Conducted a retrospective study in the patients of oral cancer in young adults below 35 years, reporting to our hospital between January 2013 to December 2017. 271 (7.64%) patients below 35 years were found with oral cancer among total 3545 oral cavity cancer patients in all age group registered between this periods.Carcinoma buccal mucosa is the most common site (37.64%) followed by tongue (35.52%). Majority were in age group 25-29 years (45.4%).They started tobacco consumption early in teenage, mostly addicted to two forms of habit for at least four to six years.........
Keywords: oral cancer, young adults, tobacco consumption.
[1]. SukantSahoo, Suraj Suvarna, Akhilesh Chandra, Saurabh Wahi, Prince Kumar,Gagan Khanna. Prevelance based Epidemiological Cancer Statistics: A Brief Assessment from Different Populations in India.Journal of Oral Health and Dental Management. 2013;12(3):132-137.
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[5]. Gupta PC, Ray CS. Respirology, Smokeless Tobacco and Health in India & South Asia, 2003; 8:419-432.
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Abstract: The incidence of jaundice in India varies from 0.4 to 0.9/1000 deliveries.1 Jaundice in pregnancy carries a grave prognosis for both the mother and the fetus, and is responsible for 10% of maternal deaths. Liver disease in pregnancy is an important medical disorder seen more often in developing countries than in developed ones.Abnormal liver test results are obtained in 3% to 5% of pregnancies because of many potential causes and the clinical outcomes ranges from self-limiting to rapidly fatal. Jaundice in pregnancy whilst relatively rare has potential serious consequences for maternal and fetal health.The hemodynamic, hormonal and.........
[1]. Reddy MG, Prabhakar GC, Sree V. Maternal and fetal outcome in jaundice complicating pregnancy. J NTR Univ Health Sci 2014;3:231-3.
[2]. Sharma S, Aherwar R, Jawade S. Maternal and fetal outcome in jaundice complicating pregnancy: a prospective study. Int J Reprod Contracept ObstetGynecol2016;5:1084-7.
[3]. Krishnamoorthy J, Murugesan A. Jaundice during pregnancy-maternal and fetal outcome. Int J Reprod Contracept ObstetGynecol2016;5:2541-5.
[4]. Harshad D, Walter KK, Ross D, Lakshmi P. Pregnancy-associated acute liver disease and acute viral hepatitis: differentiation, course and outcomes. Journal Hepatology. 2008;49:930-5.
[5]. Jayati Nath et al, A Clinical Study On Jaundice In Pregnancy With Special Emphasis On Fetomaternal Outcome, Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS), Volume 14, Issue 3 Ver. V (Mar. 2015), PP 116-119..
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Abstract: Alveolar soft part sarcoma (ASPS ) is an extremely rare malignant soft tissue tumor seen more commonly involving the extremities in young females . Though slow growing, the tumor often shows the presence of metastases at the initial presentation itself in many cases. We present the MRI findings in two histologically proven cases of ASPS involving the thigh and the other affecting the orbit..
Key Words: alveolar soft part sarcoma- thigh- orbit
[1]. Christopherson WM, Foote FW, Stewart FW ; alveolar soft part sarcoma: structurally characteristic tumors of uncertain histogenesis CANCER , 1952: 5 (1) : 100-111
[2]. Malik Itani ,Nina S.Shabb,Rachid Haidar, Nabil J,Khoury AIRP Best cases in radiologic-pathologic correlation: alveolar soft part sarcoma RADIOGRAPHICS 2013 vol 33 no 2 .
[3]. Portera CA, Ho V.Patel et al Alveolar soft part sarcoma: clinical course and pattern of metastases in 70 patients treated at a single institution : CANCER 2001: 91(3): 585-591
[4]. Xubin Li,Zhaoxiang Ye MR features of alveolar soft part sarcoma: report of 14 cases World Journal of Surgical Oncology 2014 feb 12, 36 .
[5]. M.Beth McCarviile,Sofia Muzzafar, Simon C.Kao, Cheryl M.Coffin, David M.Parham, James R.Anderson, Sheri L.Spunt Imaging features of alveolar soft-part sarcoma: A report from children's oncology group study ARST 0332 AJR 2014; 203 : 1345-1352.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The National Ethical Guidelines and Research on Bromocriptine |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | K.Jyothsna || G.Vijayalakshmi |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1711065253 ![]() |
Abstract: Bromocriptine reduces growth hormone secretion in Acromegaly. It is also effective in Parkinson disease. It is open labeled study. Single dose administration of 2.5mg Bromocriptine mesylate to patients 3 and 5 healthy volunteers to fasted condition. AUC observed normal.
[2]. ICH (International Council for Hormonization) E-6 'guidelines for good clinical practice'Sept-2016.
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Abstract: Urinary tract infection (UTI) second largest infection, causing antibiotic resistance strains among uropathogens, urging attention and concern in medical treatment. The common uropathogen reported is Escheriacoli (E.coli), often treated by fluroquinolones. Aim : To update our knowledge on common local uropathogens, study aimed at identifying the common uropathogen in uncomplicated UTI infection and evaluating the susceptibility pattern of Escherichia coli towards the frequently prescribed fluroquinolones for uncomplicated UTI in our tertiary care hospital at Mangadu South India, from August 2016 to August 2018. Study Subjects & Results: A total of 4217 urine samples analysed, common uropathogen was E.Coli (59.6%) from uncomplicated UTI patients. Antimicrobial........
Keywords: urinary tract infection, elderly, Bacterial agents, Antimicrobial susceptibility
[1]. Patel, P., Olive, K. E., & Krishnan, K. (2003). Septic discitis: an important cause of back pain.(Case Report). Southern medical journal, 96(7), 692-696.
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[3]. Jha, N., & Bapat, S. K. (2005). A study of sensitivity and resistance of pathogenic micro organisms causing UTI in Kathmandu valley. Kathmandu University medical journal (KUMJ), 3(2), 123-129. Jha, N., & Bapat, S. K. (2005). A study of sensitivity and resistance of pathogenic micro organisms causing UTI in Kathmandu valley. Kathmandu University medical journal (KUMJ), 3(2), 123-129.
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Abstract: This was a well-controlled hospital-based longitudinal prospective randomized study with a sole focus on preeclampsia cases, where cardiotocography (CTG) and colored Doppler were the two special investigative tools applied for fetal risk assessment. The study concluded with a note that antenatal CTG is a useful objective test to know the intrauterine fetal status but it cannot forecast the fetal behavior during labor, neither does it provide a guide to optimize the timing of induction of labor (IOL) or termination by cesarean section. Color Doppler indices done after 34 weeks definitely give a qualitative assessment of fetoplacental perfusion but it cannot predict the said perfusion during labor - when there occurs a degree of compromise with the uterus contracting repetitively. Ultrasonography........
Keywords: antenatal CTG, umbilical artery colored Doppler, preeclampsia
[1]. Ness RB, Roberts JM. Heterogeneous causes constituting the single syndrome of preeclampsia: a hypothesis and its implications. Am J Obstet Gynecol 1996;175(5):1365 -70.
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Abstract: Introduction: Tuberculosis is one of the oldest infections known to affect humans. Pulmonary Tuberculosis (PTB) is a chronic infection, which has its effect on the lung even after it has been cured with antitubercular medications. In this study, we have tried to objectively study its effect on the lung function and health related quality of life. Materials and Methods: A cross sectional analytical study was conducted in Kurnool medical College between May 2017 and September 2017. All participants signed an informed consent before entering into the study. Since the total number of patients who entered into the Provincial TB Clinic in Govt General Hospital during the research period were almost.........
Key words: Tuberculosis, adherence, informed consent, Blood Transfusion
[1]. Zhou C, Nagayama N, Ohtsuka Y, et al. Long-term study of patients with sequelae of pulmonary tuberculosis after pneumonectomy-obstructive impairment and its causes. The Japanese Journal of Thoracic Diseases: Nihon Kyobu Shikkan Gakkai Zasshi 1995;33(4):416-21.
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Abstract: Chondroblasoma (CB) is a rare benign cartilaginous bone tumor arising from the epiphysis of long bones. Even rarer is intracerebralchondroblastoma. We report a unique case of primary benign chondroblastoma in left frontal lobe of cerebrum in 23 year-old male. He presented with intermittent frontal headache and vomiting of two weeks duration. Radio-imaging suggested the possibilities of meningioma and oligodendroglioma.The tumor was completely excised through left frontal craniotomy. Intra-operative squash smears revealed a benign, non-glial tumor with osteoclastic giant cells. Histologic examination showed typical features of benign chondroblastoma. On Immunostainingchondroblasts exhibited strong reactivity for S-100 protein and Vimentin. Osteoclastic giant.........
Keywords: Primary, benign, frontal lobe, Chondroblastoma, intracerebral, chondroblasts
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Abstract: Aim The aim of the study was to assess the awareness of the patients regarding dental implants as an option for tooth replacement including knowledge about it and standpoint towards it amongst a small population in Anantnag district of Jammu & Kashmir, India. Materials and Methods: Information was obtained from an adult population through a door to door cross sectional survey. Results: Response........
Keywords: Awareness, standpoint, dental implants.
[1]. Pommer B, Zechner W, Watzak G, Ulm C, Watzek G, Tepper G. Progress and trends in patients' mindset on dental implants. I: Level of information, sources of information and need for patient information. Clin Oral Impl Res. 2011;22:223–9.
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Abstract: Background: Oral squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is one of the most common malignancy and is a major cause for morbidity and mortality in developing nations. The objective of the study was to assess p53 expression in a range of upper aerodigestive tract lesions to relate the results to the clinical outcome in patients with dysplastic lesions and SCC. Materials and Methods: The expression of p53 was investigated by immunohistochemistry method in 50 histopathologically diagnosed patients which comprised of 15 dysplasia cases and 35 SCC cases of upper aerodigestive tract region. The expression of p53 was scored based on percentage of positive tumor cells and the staining intensity.......
Keywords: Dysplasia,Carcinoma,Immunohistochemistry,p53.
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