Version-4 (November-2018)
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Abstract: Background: Perforation peritonitis is one of the most commonly encountered surgical emergencies by a resident surgeon. Many scoring systems have been used to predict the mortality and the outcome of the patients presenting with secondary peritonitis. The study aims at using APACHE II score preoperatively and correlate with post-operative outcomes in patients with gastrointestinal perforation and to observe its accuracy and limitations in predicting post-operative morbidity and mortality. Material and Methods:This was a prospective cross sectional study which was carried out in the department of surgery at Rajendra Institute of Medical Sciences, Ranchi, Jharkhand (India)from November 2015 to October 2017 on 52 patients admitted for gastrointestinal perforation. The objective was to evaluate APACHE II score in predicting outcome of patients having gastrointestinal perforation.........
KEYWORDS: Gastrointestinal perforation, secondary peritonitis (SP), APACHE II score, mortality, outcome.
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[4]. Singh Jhobta R, Attri AK, Kaushik R, Sharma R, Jhobta A. Spectrum of perforation peritonitis in India-review of 504 consecutive cases.
[5]. Bali RS, Verma S, Agarwal PN, Singh R, Talwar N. Perforation Peritonitis and the Developing World. ISRN Surg. 2014;.
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Abstract: Pterygium is a common disease of ocular surface. If it is surgically removed resulting in a bare sclera, the recurrence rate is found to be high. The excision of a double headed pterygium results in a large area of bare sclera. In this study a technique of split conjunctival graft has been described and its surgical outcome has been studied. Material and Methods: This is a hospital based prospective interventional study, conducted over a period of 6 months. 20 patients with double headed pterygium were included in the study. A split conjunctival graft just large enough to cover the bare scleral defect was placed after removal of the double headed pterygium. Follow up as conducted on day 1, 2 weeks,1 month and 3 months. Result: There was recurrence seen in 2 patients on temporal side on the 3rd month follow-up. Rest patients showed no recurrence. Conclusion: Management of double headed pterygium with split conjunctival graft is an efficient technique in preventing recurrence of di headed pterygium.
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[5]. Coroneo MT, Girolama ND, Wakefield D. The pathogenesis of pterygia. CurrOpinOphthalmol1999;10:282-88.
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Abstract: Retention and stability of complete denture becomes more dependent on factors like appropriate position of teeth and the contours of the polished surface of the dentures. Improper tooth placement may lead to an adverse effect on the success of the prosthesis. Therefore, these surfaces should be well contoured such that horizontally directed forces applied by peri-oral musculature acts to seat the denture in the well balanced muscular zone. Neutral zone technique is an alternative technique for the rehabilitation of severely resorbed mandibular ridges as it improves the stability of mandibular denture.
Keywords: Neutral Zone, Atrophic Ridge, Retention, Stability.
[1]. Payne AG. Factors influencing the position of artificial upper anterior teeth. J Prosthet Dent 1971;26:26-32
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Abstract: The purpose of this study was to compare the accuracy of Raypex 6 electronic apex locator (EAL), with actual root length and with the root length determined by a more commonly used EAL, the ProPex II. An additional objective was to determine the influence of commonly used endodontic irrigants on the accuracy of these electronic apex locators. This study will add knowledge to the existing literature and to the practioners using these EALs during WL determination in their day to day endodontic practice. A total of 100 extracted single rooted teeth were selected for the study. The teeth were randomly divided into 5 groups of 20 teeth each and Electronic working length was determined in the presence of various irrigants such as Dry root canals, Saline, 2% chlorhexidine, 17% EDTA, 2.5% NaOCl as the medium in the root canals. The results showed that the Accuracy.........
[1]. Vieyra JP, Acosta J, Mondaca JM. Comparison of working length determination with radiographs and two electronic apex locators. Int Endod J [Internet]. 2010 Jan [cited 2015 Aug 27];43(1):16–20. Available from:
[2]. Lipski M, Trąbska-Świstelnicka M, Woźniak K, Dembowska E, Droździk A. Evaluation of alginate as a substitute for root-surrounding tissues in electronic root canal measurements. Aust Endod J [Internet]. 2013;39(3):155–8. Available from:
[3]. Aae. Glossary of endodontic terms. 2003;48. Available from:
[4]. Sjögren U, Hägglund B, Sundqvist G, Wing K. Factors affecting the long-term results of endodontic treatment. J Endod [Internet]. 1990 Oct [cited 2015 Oct 10];16(10):498–504. Available from:
[5]. Ricucci D. Apical limit of root canal instrumentation and obturation, part 1. Literature review. Int Endod J [Internet]. 1998 Nov [cited 2015 Oct 10];31(6):384–93. Available from:
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Abstract: Introduction: Enteric fever which includes typhoid and paratyphoid fever is a systemic febrile illness caused by the bacterium Salmonella entericaserovartyphi and paratyphi A, B, C respectively. Widal test is almost the most widely used method for diagnosis of typhoid fever in many developing countries.Objectives: 1. To know the percentage of positivity of Widal test. 2. To know the common age group affected. 3. To know the titres of S.typhi 'O' and 'H', S. paratyphiA 'H' and S. paratyphi B 'H' antibodies. Methodology: It is a prospective study conducted at the Central laboratory of Department of Microbiology, Malda Medical College, West Bengal. We haveanalysed all requests during last one year from September 2017 to August 2018. Sera, obtained from patient, we have done widal..........
Keywords: Prevalence, Widal test, Enteric fever, Malda.
[1]. D. Pandey, K. R. Rijalet. al, Baseline titer and diagnostic cut off value for Widaltest: A comparative study in healthy blood donors and clinically suspected of enteric fever, JHAS, 2(1), 2012, 22-26.
[2]. R. Shyamala, Prevalence of widal positivity in a tertiary care hospital in SouthIndia, Der. Pharmacia Lettre, 4(5), 2012, 1486-89.
[3]. B. Srilatha, M. Bharathi, M. Sasidhar, A. Sasikala, S. KusumaBai, Seropositivity of widal test in febrile illness cases- A study at a tertiary care hospital in rural area, Annals of international medical and dental research, 2(5), 2016, 16-19.
[4]. C. B. Sekharan, K. Kumari, D. Kumar, L. Gidashy, Determination ofprevalence of typhoid fever by widal test in the population of Manyara region, Tanzania, Caribbean Journal of Science and Technology, vol. 5, 2017, 11-17.
[5]. A. Abutiheen, M. Altumma, Prevalence of positive widaltestamong healthy personnelin Kerbala, Karbala J. Med, 8(2), 2015, 2265- 71.
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Abstract: Clinicians are well aware of the fact that patients with Parkinson's disease may significantly deteriorate following systemic infection or, in its most severe case, may even develop an akinetic crisis. Although this phenomenon is widely observed and has a major impact on the patients' condition, the knowledge about the underlying mechanisms behind is still sparse. Possible explanations encompass changes in the pharmacodynamics of the dopaminergic drugs, altered dopamine metabolism in the brain, alterations in the dopaminergic transmission in the striatum or an enhancement of neurodegeneration due to remote effects of peripheral inflammatory processes or circulating bacterial toxins.
[1]. Poewe W . The natural history of Parkinson's disease. J Neurol 2006; 253 (Suppl 7): VII2–VII6.
[2]. Umemura A , Oeda T , Tomita S , Hayashi R , Kohsaka M , Park K et al. Delirium and high Fever are associated with subacute motor deterioration in Parkinson disease: a nested case-control study. PLoS One 2014; 9: e94944.
[3]. Zheng KS , Dorfman BJ , Christos PJ , Khadem NR , Henchcliffe C , Piboolnurak P et al. Clinical characteristics of exacerbations in Parkinson disease. Neurologist 2012; 18: 120–124.
[4]. Onofrj M , Bonanni L , Cossu G , Manca D , Stocchi F , Thomas A . Emergencies in parkinsonism: akinetic crisis, life-threatening dyskinesias, and polyneuropathy during L-Dopa gel treatment. Parkinsonism Relat Disord.2009; 15 (Suppl 3): S233–S236.
[5]. Soliveri P , Zappacosta MB , Austoni L , Caffarra P , Scaglioni A , Testa D et al. Differing patterns of psychiatric impairment in Alzheimer and demented parkinsonian patients. Ital J Neurol Sci1994; 15: 407–411...
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Abstract: Aim of Study : The main aim of the study is to know the variations in number, directions, the locations and position of the nutrient foramina in the Tibia. Place of Study: This study was done in the Departments of Anatomy and Forensic Medicine, S.V. Medical College, Tirupati, A.P., during the month of April and May of 2018. Material and methods: The study was done on 108 Tibia in which 52 were of right sided and 56 were of left sided. Every bone was carefully observed for the variations of nutrient foramina, about their numbers, position and directions. All the findings were observed and noted in the tabular form and are compared with available literatures. RESULTS: Out of 108 tibia bones, 52 were right sided and 56 were left sided in which 95 tibia showed single nutient foramina (87.9%) and 11 tibia showed double nutrient foramina (10.18%) and 2 tibia showed no nutrient foramina (1.85%). 3 nutrient foramina were seen on the soleal line and all the remaining nutrient foramina were obsereved below the soleal line in the upper third of posterior surface of the tibia..
Key words: Nutrient artery, Foramen, Tibia, Direction, Location.
[1]. Susan Stranding ed. Gray's Anatomy: The Anatomical basis of clinical practice 40th Ed. Churchill Livingstone, Elsevier; 2008, Chapter 5; Pg.91-92.
[2]. A.K. Dutta , Principles of General Anatomy, 6th edition;Chapter 6, 75 – 76.
[3]. B D Chaurasia's Hand book of General Anatomy 4th edition, Chapter 2, 43-44.
[4]. Hughes H. The factors determiningthe direction of canal for the nutrient artery in the long bones of mammals and birds. Acta Anat. 1952; 15(3): 261-280.
[5]. Bilodi AKS.Study of variations of nutrient foramina in lower limb long bones. J. Evid. Based Med. Healthc. 2016; 3(94), 5175-5180. DOI: 10.18410/jebmh/2016/1081..
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Abstract: The use of intralaminar screws (ILS), laminectomy and laminotomies are increasingly popular among spinal surgeons. A successful lamina surgery will require, sufficient understanding of the morphology and morphometry of the lamina. To our knowledge, there is little in the existing literature reporting on the morphometry of the lumbar spine lamina. 50 dry lumbar vertebrae were selected for the study and the morphometry of the lamina were recorded. The maximum mean height was recorded at L3 on the left and L2 on the right and gradually decreased towards L5.The width of the lamina showed a gradual increase from L1 to L5.The thickness was measured at 3 different levels, extending from upper to lower border of lamina. The mean thickness increased from upper..........
Key words: Lamina, Laminectomy, lumbar vertebrae, Morphometry, Spine Surgeons
[1]. Bogduk N, Twomey LT. Clinical anatomy of the lumbar spine. (Singapore: Churchill Livingstone, 1991).
[2]. Ramani PS, Park CK, Loftus CM, Mizuno J, Bajamal AH, Osario Fonseca E, Patkar S. Textbook of lumbar disc herniation.( New Delhi:Jaypee, 2014).
[3]. Komurcu E, Kaymaz B, Adam G, Golge UH, Goksel F, Ozden R. Safety and feasibility of lumbar spine for intralaminar screw fixation: a computed tomography-based morphometric study. Acta Orthopaedica Traumatologica Turcica , 49(5), 2015, 522–9.
[4]. Slone RM, MacMillan M, Montgomery WJ, Heare M. Fixation techniques and hardware for the thoracic and lumbosacral spine. Radiographics, 13(3),1993, 521-543.
[5]. Browner BD. Basic science, management and reconstruction. (Philadelphia: Saunders, 2009).
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Abstract: Tobacco use is a serious public health challenge in several regions of the world. According to the estimates made by the World Health Organization (WHO), currently about 5 million people die prematurely every year in the World due to the use of Tobacco, mostly cigarette by Smoking. By 2030 it would double to 10 million deaths every year, with about 7 million deaths taking place in developing countries. In India, Cigarette smoking comprises a small part of the tobacco smoking problem and a minor part of overall tobacco problem, a major problem being beedi smoking, and oral use of smokeless tobacco products. Aim of the study is to find the Prevalence of Tobacco Usage among the Rural Population of Bhimili, Visakhaptnam District. Materials...........
Keywords: Tobacco, Prevalence, Chewing, Smoking
[1]. Shafey O,Eriksen M,Ross H, Mackey J. The Tobacco Atlas. 4th edition New York, Atlantia: American Cancer Society; 2009.p 1-10.
[2]. Goswami A, Reddaiah VP, Kapoor SK, Singh S, Dwivedi SN, Kumar G. Tobacco and alcohol use in rural elderly Indian Population. Indian Psychiatry, 2005;47(4):192-197
[3]. Global Adult Tobacco survey fact sheet of India, 2009-10.
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[5]. Kumar R, kushwah AS, Mahakud GC, Prakash S and Vijayan VK. Smoking Cessation Interventions & Continuous Abstinence Rate at one year. Indian J Chest Dis Allied Sci 2007; 49:201-207
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Abstract: Introduction: Drug dependence is significant problem in Punjab, most drug dependant people use opioids. The widespread drug abuse in India can be attributed to the easy availability of drugs. Only one out of six drug users have access to treatment globally. Women in particular appear to face barriers to treatment. Material and method: Patients with minimum age of 18 years, who had urine positive test for opioids and dependant on opioids as per ICD-10 criteria were taken into the study. Socio- demographic details were collected. Symptoms of Opium withdrawal were assessed using Clinical Opiate Withdrawal Scale (COWS). Presence or absence of any psychological illness was screened using General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-28). Results : In this study majority of..........
Key words: Opioid, Bhukki, Afeem, Addiction
[1]. Anirudh Deshpande. An Historical Overview of Opium Cultivation and Changing State Attitudes towards the Crop in India, 18782000 A.D. Studies in History 2009 25: 109. DOI: 10.1177/025764300902500105.
[2]. Punjab Opioid Dependence Survey (PODS). Brief Report 2014-15. Available from:
[3]. United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime. WORLD DRUG REPORT 2015. Page x-xi
[4]. Rao R. The journey of opioid substitution therapy in India: Achievements and challenges. Indian Journal of Psychiatry. 2017;59(1):39-45..
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Abstract: Background:] Ocular trauma is a major cause of preventable blindness & visual impairment especially in the developing countries METHODS:This was a retrospective study of 200 patients with ocular trauma from February 2018 to March 2018 in a tertiary care centre, Sarojini Devi eye hospital,Hyderabad. RESULTS: This 2month study of ocular trauma at Sarojini devi eye hospital included 200 eyes. Ages were divided into four groups as <20 years, 20-40, 41-60 and ≥60 years. Time interval from injury to presentation was divided into four groups as 0–24 hours, 24–48 hours, 2–4 days, and ≥4 days. Initial and final VAs were grouped under no light perception (PL -ve), light perception (PL+) to CF-1m, CF-2m to 5m, 6/60-6/24, 6/24-6/9, better than 6/9.CONCLUSION: This study in a developing country such as India underscores that trauma remains a significant cause of monocular vision loss in all age groups with a large proportion affecting younger patients, Key words:
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Abstract: Nephrotic syndrome, or nephrosis, is defined by the presence of nephrotic-range proteinuria, edema, hyperlipidemia, and hypoalbuminemia. While nephrotic-range proteinuria in adults is characterized by protein excretion of 3.5 g or more per day but in children it is defined as protein excretion of more than 40 mg/m2/h or a first-morning urine protein/ creatinine of 2-3 mg/mg creatinine or greater. Prednisolone is a steroid medication used to treat certain types of allergies, inflammatory conditions, autoimmune disorders, and cancers, is very prevalent in children with nephrotic syndrome. The aim of this study was to evaluate the association between serum Prednisolone and serum albumin in childhood nephrotic syndrome. This prospective interventional study was done in the department.........
Key words: Nephrotic syndrome, hypoalbuminemia,, Serum Albumin
[3]. Madani A, Daryoush F, Esfehani TS, Mohsseni Parvin, Atayee N, Ahmedi M, Elmi F,Haddadi M.G. Glomerular diseases in Iranian children: clinico-pathological correlation. Pediatr Nephrol 2003; 18: 925-28.
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Abstract: A case report on non-surgical management of extra oral sinus in the lower left mandibular second molar, managed using calcium hydroxide in multiple siting. Calcium hydroxide is the most commonly used, and studied root canal medication. Nonsurgical endodontic therapy was performed and successfully treated the sinus tract with minimal scar formation and complete healing was observed by the first month of the treatment.
Keywords : Multiple sitting, Non-sugical healing, extra oral sinus, calcium hydroxide (10 Italic)
[1]. Cohenca.N, Karni.S,Rostein.I. Extraoral sinus tract misdiagnosed as an endodontic lesion. J Endod.2003; 29(12),841-843.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Magnification - The third eye in endodontics: A review. |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Nikita K || N Geetha priya || A subbiya |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/0853-1711046671 ![]() |
Abstract: In recent times dentistry has become more complex thus, requiring precise motor expertise and visual acuity. During past years, dentistry has not only progressed clinically but the histological aspects has also played an essential part in the advancement of new materials as well as helped in better evaluation of treatment procedures. Hence, this review article details about the promising options of magnification such as dental loupes, optical microscopes, surgical operating microscopes, endoscopes, and orascopes.
Key words: magnification, microscopes, loupes, rod-lens endoscope,(10 Italic)
[1]. Ranjana Mohan, Mohan Gundappa. Magnification Tools: Surgical Operating Microscope and Magnifying Loupe In Dental Practice. International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology. 2013;2(8) : 14-22.
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[4]. Gary. B carr , Arnaldo casstelucci .The use of operating microscope in endodontics. Dent Clin North Am. 2010 Apr; 54(2):191-214.
[5]. Ingle's textbook of endodontic 6thedition.
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Abstract: Chronic Myelomonocytic leukemia is a Myelodysplastic/Myeloproliferative neoplasm. This disorder presents with monocytosis and dysplasia. We present a case of a 65 year old male presenting to our department with fever and weight loss for 4 months, monocytosis with dysplastic and hyperplastic bone marrow
Key words: (from MeSH): Myelodysplastic Syndromes, Myelodysplastic-Myeloproliferative Diseases, Leukocytosis
[1]. Bennett JM, Catovsky D, Daniel MT, et al. Proposals for the classification of the myelodysplastic syndromes. Br J Haematol1982;51:189–199.
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Abstract: AIM: The aim of our study is estimating the seroprevalance of HIV in pregnant women in a tertiary care hospital and assisting in prevention from mother to child transmission and to study neonatal outcome Methods: This is a retrospective study conducted in Niloufer hospital,a tertiary care hospital from 2013 to 2017. The study includes 31,071 pregnant women who attended the ante-natal clinic. Blood samples were collected after pre test counselling.Informed consent taken. Tested for HIV antibodies as per NACO guidelines .First antibody test was ELISA. If initial results were positive confirmed by two other supplementary tests. Results: Out of 31,071 pregnant women 60 were found to be HIV positive with seroprevalance rate of 0.193%. Majority of seropositive women were in............
Keywords: HIV ,Seroprevalence ,Pregnant women, New born outcome
[1]. NACO Guidelines for prevention of mother to child transmission of HIV. Available at http://www.naco. in/pmtct.htm1. Accessed on 19 January 2017.
[2]. Giri PA, Bangal VB, Phalke DB. Pevalence of HIV among rural Pregnant women attending antenatal clinic at pravara Rural Hospital, Loni, Maharashtra, India. Int J Health Allied Sci. 2012;1(1):13-5.
[3]. Patil, VM, Moray AP, Patil SP. Ten years trend of HIV seroprevalence among Indian Pregnant women attending antenatal clinic at a tertiary hospital in Dhule, Maharashtra, India. IJRCOG. 2016;5(5):1514-9.
[4]. Sarkate P, Paranjpe S, Ingole N, Meheta P. Monitoring HIV Epidemic in Pregnant Women: Are the Current Measures Enough. J Sex Transm Disease. 2015;194831:5.
[5]. Aljabri F, Saraswathi KS. The study of seroprevalence of HIV in pregnant women in a Tertiary Care Hospital, South India, Scholars Research Library Der Pharmacia Lettre. 2012;4(4):1103-4..
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Abstract: Displaced fracture of the acromion without associated shoulder injury is rare. A 34-year-old gentle-man presented with an isolated acromion fracture resulting from a direct trauma to his left shoulder following episode of seizure. Although surgical indications have been reported, the literature regarding surgical ap-proaches and fixation techniques for management of these factures is limited. Open reduction and internal fixa-tion using multiple cc screws was performed and the fracture was healed without complications. The patient achieved good shoulder function at 1 year followup after the surgery. Fixation with cc screws can provide ade-quate stability in this rare type of shoulder fracture...
Keywords:Acromian fracture, shoulder injuries
[1]. Goss TP. The scapula: coracoid, acromial, and avulsion fractures. Am J Orthop (Belle Mead NJ). 1996;25(2):106–15. [PubMed]
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Abstract: Background: The primary goal of all antenatal fetal surveillance tests is to identify fetuses at risk for asphyxia and death. The aim of this study is to demonstrate the effectiveness of ante partum Doppler velocimetry in detecting fetal distress and correlating it with umbilical artery blood gas analysis at birth and studying the neonatal outcome. Materials and methods: This was a prospective study carried out in the Dept of Obstetrics and Gynecology in collaboration with Dept of Radiology at Gandhi Medical College/Hospital, Secunderabad, Telangana, India. 50 cases were studied between the years Sep 2015 and Oct 2016. The study was carried out on women with singleton pregnancies ≥ 34 weeks gestational age who underwent caesarean section within 5 days of undergoing........
Keywords: Fetal Doppler velocimetry, Umbilical cord blood pH.
[1]. Inappropriate useof the terms fetal distress and birth asphyxia. ACOG committee opinion no.197.Washington DC ; American College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, 1998. Obstee Gynaecol. 2005; 106(6); 1469-70.
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Abstract: Objectives- Malignant neoplasms of hepatobiliary system usually have poor prognosis. In this study we have studied the spectrum of neoplastic hepatobiliary pathologies presented in our institute and retrospectively evaluated important risk factors and imaging features that may help in early diagnosis and treatment of those conditions and improve the quality of life. Methods:- We investigated 36 consecutive patients presenting with hepatobiliary pathologies proven to be of malignant neoplastic etiology between July 2018 and September 2018 after they met the inclusion criteria. Imaging features of each patients were studied ,analysed and classified based on the spectrum of neoplastic hepatobiliary pathologies.........
Keywords: Hepatocellular carcinoma; Gallbladder carcinoma; Cholangiocarcinoma; Periampullary carcinoma; Contrast Enhanced Computed Tomography; Magnetic Resonance Cholangiopancreatography.
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