Version-9 (November-2018)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Deep Neck Space Infections – Our Experience |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | K.V.N.Durga Prasad || K.Kishore |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1711090108 ![]() |
Abstract: Deep Neck Space infections pose a challenging task to otolaryngologist as the patient approaches a tertiary center quite late in the course of disease. A prospective study of incidence, etio-pathogenesis, management and outcome of neck space infections in 100 patients was carried out in Govt. ENT Hospital, Koti, Hyderabad. Patients were investigated radiologically and culture and sensitivity of causative organism and managed medically/surgically. Data were recorded including outcomes and statistically analyzed.
Key Words: Neck space infections, culture and sensitivity, medical & surgical management
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Abstract: Background and Objectives: The association of Vitamin D with depression is suggested due to the pressure of vitamin D receptors in cingulate cortex, thalamus, cerebellum, substantia nigra, amygdala and hippocampus. Depression is a mood disorder affecting approximately 1-6% of teenagers. This study aims at evaluating the association of serum vitamin D3, ionised calcium and depression among teenagers. Material and Methods:The study included 142 teenage children who visited the hospital for regular health checkup. They were evaluated by the questionnaire, "Depression scale for children", serum vitamin D3 and ionised calcium was estimated. A comparison of socioeconomic data, serum vitamin D3, and ionised calcium was done..........
Key words: Depression, Teenagers, Vitamin D3.
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Abstract: Introduction: Ovarian Tumours account for fifth most common cause of cancer related deaths in women worldwide. It accounts for 6% of all cancers among women. Though ovarian tumour is one of the treatable cancers due to its sensitivity to different modalities of anticancer therapy, it is frequently asymptomatic until it reaches an advanced stage. Objectives: To study the incidence, histopathological spectrum and clinical correlates of ovarian tumours at a tertiary care teaching hospital. Methods: A study was undertaken during a period of one year (1st October 2017 – 30th September 2018). The tumours were classified according........
Keywords: Surface epithelial tumours, Germ cell tumours, Sex-cord stromal tumours, Borderline tumour, functional cysts.
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Abstract: Context:Jaundice during pregnancy had serious effects on mother, fetus. Pre-eclampsia, viral hepatitis associated anaemia contributes major causes,common in IIIrd trimester.Disseminated intravascular coagulation(DIC), postpartumhaemorrhage(PPH) with multi organ failure are the causes of mortality. Immediate delivery for better outcomes leads prematurity compromises perinatal outcome. Aim:To study the effect of serum bilirubin levels on mother,fetus in jaundice complicating pregnancy Materials and methods:Jaundiced pregnant women46,Prospectivestudy, Government maternity hospital, Tirupati Statistical analysis: M.S. Excel,Epi-info Results:Incidence of jaundice 0.16% and..........
Keywords: hyperbilirubenemia, jaundice,mortality, morbidity
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Abstract: The objectives of modern endodontic therapy are to clean and shape the root canal system removing all organic material and sealing the root canal with a three dimensional filling. Most endodontic failures occur as a result of leakage of irritants from pathologically involved root canals. Although, the conventional orthograde root canal therapy is the preferred method of treating diseased pulp, there are occasions when a surgical approach and placement of retrograde filling may be necessary, to prevent leakage of microorganisms and their byproducts into the periradicular tissues. The ultimate goal of any endodontic surgery is to create a perfect seal between root canal space and periodontium thereby aiding the regeneration of periapical tissues, including a complete repair of osseous defects. Dental materials based on tricalcium silicate have been developed recently and are as root end filling materials. Included in this category are Mineral Trioxide Aggregate(MTA),Biodentine TM ,Calcium Enriched Mixture. The present study was conducted to compare the clinical and radiographical healing when MTA and Biodentine TM were used as retro filling materials
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Case report – Meckel Gruber Syndrome |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr Trupti Arjunan || Dr Nikunj A Patel |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1711093539 ![]() |
Abstract: Meckel-Gruber syndrome is a rare and lethal autosomal recessive disorder characterized by occipital encephalocele, postaxial polydactyly and bilateral dysplastic cystic kidneys. It can be associated with many other conditions. Antenatal ultrasound examination can establish the correct diagnosis by identifying at least two of the major features described. In the following case report, we described a case of antenatally diagnosed Meckel – Gruber Syndrome in a woman at 18 weeks of gestation..
Keywords: Meckel-Gruber, dysencephalia splanchnocystica, ciliopathies
[1]. Paavola P, Salonen R, Baumer A, Schinzel A, Boyd PA, Gould S, et al. Clinical and genetic heterogeneity in Meckel syndrome. Hum Genet. 1997;101:88–92.
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[4]. Young ID, Rickett AB, Clerke M. High incidence of Meckel's syndrome in Gujarati Indians. J Med Genet. 1985;22:301
[5]. Dahiya N, Vijay S, Prabhakar S, Subramaniam S, Dahiya N. Antenatal Ultrasound diagnosis of meckel-gruber syndrome. Indian J Radiol Imaging. 2001;11:199–201..
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Abstract: Background: Leprosy is one of the principal causes of non-traumatic neuropathy. Functional derangement of nerves can be shown by nerve conduction studies before the appearance of clinical signs and symptoms of the disease. Materials and Methods: We conducted an electrophysiological study on 18 multibacillary and 7 paucibacillary patients with clinical manifestations of leprosy. This study was done to assess the nerve conduction velocity, amplitude and latency of ulnar and median nerves. Results and Conclusion: We found reduced conduction velocities, latency and amplitude in the affected nerves. Changes in nerve conduction were more pronounced in multibacillary compared to paucibacillary patients
Keywords: Leprosy, electrophysiology, nerve conduction, neuropathy
[1]. Mishra RS, Kumar J. Classification. In: Kar HK, Kumar B. IAL Textbook of leprosy. 1st edn. New Delhi: Jaypee brother's medical publishers (P) Ltd; 2010. p. 144-51.
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Abstract: This case report describes the prosthetic rehabilitation of maxillary necrosis patient with hollow denture prosthesis replacing the decayed tooth and missing hard and soft tissue area thus subsequently restoring esthetics and function.
Key Words: Hollow maxillary denture, Increased inter ridge distance, Necrosis, Prosthetic rehabilitation, severely resorbed ridge.
[1]. Dhanushka leuke Bandara, JA Vajira P Jayasinghe, Prosthetiic Rehabilitation of an acquired maxilliary defect in a patient with a compromised dentition. IJEDS, Jan-June 2018;7(1): 30-34
[2]. Deshraj Jain, Manoj Uppadhyay, Tripty Rahangdale, Prosthetic rehabilitation of necrotic maxilla sequelae of faulty denture: Report of a rare case. J Maxillofac Oral Surg, 2009 Mar, 8(1): 77-80
[3]. O'Sullivan M, Hansen N, Cronin RJ, Cagna DR. The hollow maxillary complete denture: A modified technique. J Prosthet Dent 2004; 91:591-4.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Part-time occlusion therapy for amblyopia in older children |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr Mandeep Kaur |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1711095052 ![]() |
Abstract: Aim: To determine the outcome of part-time occlusion therapy in children aged 7-12 years with anisometropic amblyopia. Material and Methods: A prospective interventional study was conducted in which we analyzed 25 patients aged 7-12years of age with anisometropic amblyopia . The patients whose best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA) did not improve by two lines or better within 2 weeks of wearing glasses full-time were prescribed occlusion therapy for 6 hours a day outside of school hours, along with the instruction to wear glasses full-time. Patients who complied with occlusion for more than 3 hours a day were considered to comply well. Results: The major component of the anisometropia........
Key Words: Anisometropic , amblyopia, part-time occlusion, astigmatism
[1]. U.S. Preventive Services Task Force. Screening for visual impairment in children younger than age 5 years. Update of the evidence from randomized controlled trials, 1999-2003. Rockville, Md.: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, 2004. Accessed September 11, 2006, at:
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[3]. Von Noorden GK. Principles of nonsurgical treatment. In: Von Noorden GK, editor. Binocular vision and ocular motility. 5th ed. St. Louis, Mo: Mosby; 1996. pp. 503–25.
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Abstract: Background: Tuberculosis (TB) still remains one of the major health concerns of India and accounts for about one fourth of the global TB burden. Extra pulmonary tuberculosis contributes to 20% of the total burden. In cases of extra pulmonary tuberculosis, fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) is a very useful and reliable test. Cytomorphology with acid-fast staining can be valuable in diagnosing tuberculosis. Objective: To identify and describe various cytomorphological patterns of extrapulmonary tuberculosis, and to compare results of fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) and Ziehl-Neelsen (ZN) stain in the diagnosis of TB. Materials and Methods: Total 612 patients suspicious of........
Keywords: Tuberculosis, fine needle aspiration cytology, cytomorphology, Ziehl Neelsen stain
[1]. Global Tuberculosis report. World Health Organization. Geneva, Switzerland: WHO press; 2013. pp. 10-36.
[2]. Somoskovi A, Hotaling JE, Fitzgerald M, O'Donnell D, Parsons LM, Salfinger M. Lessons from a proficiency testing event for acid-fast microscopy. Chest J 2001; 120(1):250-257.
[3]. Purohit M and Mustafa T. Laboratory Diagnosis of Extra Pulmonary Tuberculosis in Resource Constrained Setting: State of the Art, Challenges and Need. J Clin and Diag Res 2015; 9(4):1-6.
[4]. Samaila MOA and Oluwole OP. Extrapulmonary tuberculosis: Fine needle aspiration cytology diagnosis; Nigerian Journal of
Clinical Practice 2011;14(3): 297-299. 20(1):250-257.
[5]. Mistry Y, Ninama GL, Mistry K, Rajat R, Parmar R, Godhani A. Efficacy of fine needle aspiration cytology, Ziehl-Neelsen stain..
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Abstract: Introduction: Invasive Fungal Infection (IFI) is a critical event in clinical scenario, and Invasive Candidiasis is chief among them, accounting for 70-90% of all IFIs. In 2006, Candida score was developed to predict this life-threating infection . This study makes a similar attempt to identify invasive candidiasis and measure the candida score in the present scenario of a tertiary care hospital, as well as to detect the prevalence of Candida albicansand non-albicansspecies. Materials and methods: This study was undertaken on patients admitted in Intensive care unit of a tertiary medical care hospital. Specimens obtained from different sites were taken to laboratory to culture in Blood agar media If there was growth.......
Keywords: Candida score, Invasive candidiasis, Speciation
[1]. Edmond MB, Wallace SE, McClish DK, et al. Nosocomial bloodstream infections in United States hospitals: a three-year analysis. Clin Infect Dis 1999; 29:239–44.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Impending rupture of Embryonal Carcinoma in Undescended abdominal Testes in adult: A rare case |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Nitin Gangwar |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1711096263 ![]() |
Abstract: Rarely , adult males present with undescended testes. Undescended testes have high risk of malignancy and infertility. Here we report a case of 28 years male who presented in surgery OPD with undescended intra-abdominal testes which proved to be embyronal cell carcinoma............
[1]. Başaklar AC. İçinde: Başaklar AC, (yazar). Bebekveçocuklarıncerrahiveürolojikhastalıkları.Vol. 2.Cilt. Ankara: Palme yayıncılık; 2006. İnmemiş Testis; pp. 1717–60.
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[4]. Hirayama Y, Kubota M, Imamura M, et al. A 2-year-old boy with a stage III yolk sac tumor occurring in an intra-abdominal retained testis.J Pediatric Surg. 2009;44:2395–8. [PubMed]
[5]. Rozanski TA, Bloom DA. The undescended testis.Theory and management.UrolClin North Am. 1995;22:107–18. [PubMed]..
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Abstract: Breast carcinoma is one of the most common cancers in women among the world. Early accurate diagnosis plays key role in treating patients. Cytological diagnosis and grading helps clinician to select appropriate treatment modalities for the patient. Our aim is to study the cytological grading on FNAC smears of breast carcinoma using Robinson grading and to compare the performance with Elston Ellis modification of Scarff Bloom Richardson histological grading and to know the concordance between these two grading systems. Out of 50 cases, both cytologically and histologically concordant cases in grade I are 7 cases (70%),grade II are 21 cases(81%) and grade III are 14 (100%) cases. Over all concordant cases are 42 (84%). Percentage of concordance between Robinsons cytological grading with NBR grading is good for grade III and II tumors. Hence inclusion of Robin son cytological grading in all FNAC reports of breast cancer is very useful to oncologist in avoiding over treatment of low grade tumors.
Keywords: Breast carcinoma, Concordance, cytology, grade, Histopathology.
[1]. Pandit AA, Parekh HJ. Cytological grading of breast carcinoma: Comparison of four grading systems. J Cytol. 2000;17:39–44.
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Abstract: Aim:
• To assess the proportion of non compliance in Primary open angle glaucoma patients on topical glaucoma medication
• To assess the demographic and clinical profile of non compliant patients
Methodology: The study was an Observational study conducted in Ophthalmology OPD at Father Muller Medical College Hospital, Mangalore, from March 2018 to June 2018. The patients were those on topical medication for glaucoma of age ≥ 18 years.95 patients were selected and interviewed with a questionnaire. The formula used to calculate the sample size was-.
Keywords: compliance, topical anti glaucoma, eyedrops, questionnaire study
[1]. Garudadri C, Senthil S, Khanna RC, Sannapaneni K, Rao HB. Prevalence and risk factors for primary glaucomas in adult urban and rural populations in the Andhra Pradesh Eye Disease Study. Ophthalmology. 2010 Jul 1;117(7):1352-9.
[2]. Rajurkar K, Dubey S, Gupta PP, John D, Chauhan L. Compliance to topical anti-glaucoma medications among patients at a tertiary hospital in North India. J Curr Ophthalmol. 2017;1-5
[3]. Sleath BL, Krishnadas R, Cho M, et al. Patient reported barriers to glaucoma medication access, use, and adherence in Southern India. Indian J Ophthalmol. 2009;57(1):63. 38.
[4]. Khandekar R, Shama ME, Mohammed AJ. Noncompliance with medical treatment among glaucoma patients in Oman—a cross-sectional descriptive study. Ophthalmic epidemiology. 2005 Jan 1;12(5):303-9.
[5]. Onyinye CI, Ejimadu CS. Compliance to Medical Therapy of Primary Open Angle Glaucoma in Enugu. Nigerian Health Journal. 2011;11(3):97-100..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Study to Determine Etioligy of Myopia in School Going Children In Wardha |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr Sohan Lohiya || Dr Sana Beg |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1711097477 ![]() |
Abstract: Introduction:Prevalance of myopia is fast rising and has become a significant global public health issue. Many studies correlate environmental factors for the same hence as an endeavour to know more about partially understood topic of etiology of myopia this study was carried out. Materials and Methods:It was a cross sectional study with 500 randomly selected 5-15 year old school going children in wardha who were screened for myopia using vision on Snellen's chart and dilated retinoscopy.All of them were made to fill questeionnare related to etiology of myopia that we were trying to study and answers of emmetropes were compared with those of myopes...........
[1]. Matsumura H, Hirai H. Prevalence of myopia and refractive changes in students from 3 to 17 years of age. Surv Ophthalmol. 1999;44: S109–S115. pmid:10548123
[2]. Yoon KC, Mun GH, Kim SD, Kim SH, Kim CY, Park KH et al. Prevalence of eye diseases in South Korea: data from the Korea
[3]. National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2008–2009. Korean J Ophthalmol. 2011;25: 421–433. doi: 10.3341/kjo.2011.25.6.421. pmid:22131780
[4]. Lim HT, Yoon JS, Hwang SS, Lee SY. Prevalence and associated socio-demographic factors of myopia in Korean children: the 2005 third Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey(KNHANES III). Jpn J Ophthalmol. 2012;56(1):76–81. doi: 10.1007/s10384-011-0090-7. pmid:21975827
[5]. Saw SM, Zhang MZ, Hong RZ, Fu ZF, Pang MH, Tan DT. Near-work activity, night-lights, and myopia in the Singapore-China study. Arch Ophthalmol. 2002;120:620–627. pmid:12003612.
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Abstract: Chalazion or meibomian cyst is a chronic inflammatory lipid granuloma which is caused by the blockage of gland orificesandstagnatedsebaceoussecretionsinthe eyelid tarsus.Itcanaffectindividualsofallages and appears more frequently in adults and present as uniform or multiple, as well as recurrent forms. Some aremorecommonontheuppereyelid1,whichcanbeexplainedbythepresenceofmoreglandsontheuppereyelid due to anatomical distribution.. Surgicaltreatmentincludessteroidinjections,CO2,laser treatment,lesionexcision,andcurettageortotalexcision. The success of conventional surgical treatment of chalazia ranges between 60–89%, while conservative treat ment may be successful in 25–77%cysts6,7,8.ThisstudywasconductedattheDepartmentof Ophthalmology, Agartala Government Medical College and GB Pant Hospital.We estimated the size of the chalazion before and after the procedure, time to resolution, recurrence and complications of treatment (skin pigment changes, skin atrophy, pyodermisation and post-surgical hematoma)...........
Keywords: Chalazion, Meibomian gland, Triamcinolone acetonide, Haematoma, Transconjuctival injection
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