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Abstract: A prospective observational study included 100 women with unhealthy cervices who attended outpatient department in 150 bedded Government Victoria Hospital a maternal hospital affiliated to Andhra medical College, Visakhapatnam, from January 2016 to December 2016. In the present study maximum patients (48%) were in the age group of 30-39 years,67% belonged to the Hindu religion and 78 % belonged to Class IV and Class V socioeconomic status,54% were Multi and Grandmulti Parous.69% got married below the age of 19 years, most common presenting symptom was leucorrhoea (65%)most common cytological observation was inflammatory smear (73%),most common colposcopic finding was aceto white epithelium(70%).most........
Key words: Carcinoma Cervix, Visual inspection, Cytology, Colposcopy, Biopsy.
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Abstract: Background: Blunt trauma to the abdomen leading to bowel injury is one of the major causes of death in the society. The most important problem associated with gastrointestinal perforation following blunt abdominal trauma is that they frequently remain undetected or are diagnosed too late despite advances in medical imaging. Objective: To evaluate gastrointestinal perforation following blunt abdominal trauma, their anatomical distribution, diagnosis, management, and outcome. Materials and Methods: The study was a prospective observational study conducted at the Department of General Surgery, RIMS RANCHI, from June 2017 to August 2018 on 64 patients undergoing surgery for gastrointestinal perforation........
Key words: Blunt trauma, gastrointestinal perforation,primary closure, morbidity, mortality.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Prompt Diagnosis and Treatment of Presumed Viral Retinitis |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Bibha Kumari |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1711081315 ![]() |
Abstract: PURPOSE-Viral retinitis poses a clinical challenge which often results in poor visual outcome and may involve fellow eye too, if not treated early. METHODS- Retrospective interventional non randomised case series of 9 eyes of 6 patients (bilateral in 3 patients) who had acute vision loss ranging from 6/12- 1/60. All patients presented within 10 days except 1 eye showing up at 5 months. Thorough systemic work up for retinitis were done including Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) of the vitreous tap. Oral antiviral on day 1 of presentation for 3-6 weeks with titrated tapering doses of oral steroids added. RESULTS- Within 3 months, retinitis resolved in all eyes. 5 eyes had 6/6 vision, 2 had 6/12 due to cataract, 1 eye had 6/24 with macular edema due to late presentation. Only 1 eye had light perception due to optic neuritis, foveal thinning and retinal detachment at 6 months. CONCLUSION- Prompt diagnosis and early treatment of viral retinits can result in dramatic improvement of final visual outcome and prevent other eye involvement.
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Abstract: The cerebellum is one of important structure that found in posterior cranial fossa. The current study focused on the impact of age and gender on cerebellum volume and vermeil area in Sudanese population 100 healthy Sudanese subjects were included, their age ranged between14 – 80 years old,41% of them were males and 59 % were females . All were scanned using Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) after applying the standard cerebellum protocol. The study showed : the mean cerebellum volume was 190.6 ± 21.57 cm3with the maximum value was 193.2 cm3±24.8 and was found in..........
Keywords: Cerebellum, Vermian area, Volumetric studies, MRI
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Abstract: Solitary rectal ulcer syndrome (SRUS) is an uncommon benign disorder of defecation. The mechanisms of this condition are poorly understood. SRUS forms a component of the spectrum of benign defecation disorders comprising rectal prolapse, proctitis cystica profunda (PCP) and inflammatory polyps. Complications of SRUS include rectal prolapse, intussusception etc. However, malignancy has not been reported following SRUS. The most accepted etiopathogenic mechanism of SRUS is chronic hypoperfusion induced ischemic injury to rectal mucosa. Definitive treatment of SRUS is still unclear varying from conservative management to surgical procedures such as rectopexy or resection and anastomosis. Here we are reporting cases of two young.......
Key words – solitary rectal ulcer syndrome, SRUS, rectal prolapse, localised anterior resection
[1]. Du Boulay CE, Fairbrother J, Isaacson PG. Mucosal prolapse syndrome--a unifying concept for solitary ulcer syndrome and related disorders. Journal of clinical pathology. 1983 Nov 1;36(11):1264-8.
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Abstract: Background: The desire to have a child is virtually universal, and the right to reproduce is recognised by international conferences as basic human right. Woman with infertility is often looked down upon. These study attempts to describe perceived causes of infertility and its psychosocial effects among infertile women attending gynaecology clinic in UDUTH Sokoto. Methods: A hospital based cross-sectional study was conducted from 12th of May to 26th July, 2015. Two hundred and twenty-five randomly selected infertile individuals were included in the study. An interviewer administered questionnaire was used.........
Keywords: Perception, Infertility, causes, psychosocial effects.
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Abstract: Background:-The prevalence of urolithiasis is approximately 2 to 3 percent in the general population, and the estimated lifetime risk of developing a kidney stone is about 12%. Over time, renal stone management has undergone a dramatic change, beginning from the era of open pyelolithotomy, to the first percutaneous lithotomy (PCNL) in 1976. Material and methods:- This study was conducted in the Department of Urology, Regional Institute of Medical sciences, a tertiary care center in Imphal, Manipur, during the period November 2015 to October 2017 after taking ethical committee approval. Fifty patients who attended the Urology Department and admitted for percutaneous nephrolithotomy........
Keywords:- Percutaneous nephrolithotomy,PCNL complications, stone clearance .
[1]. Gupta R, Gupta A, Singh G, Suri A, Mohan SK, Gupta CL. A comparative study in non-operated and in previously operated (open nephrolithotomy/pyelolithotomy) patients - a single-surgeon experience.IntBraz J Urol 2011;37(6):739-44.
[2]. Hu H, Lu Y, Cui L, Zhang J, Zhao Z, Quin B,et al. Impact of previousopen renal surgery on theoutcomes of subsequentpercutaneousnephrolithotomy:a meta-analysis. BMJ Open2016;6:e010627.doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2015-010627. Accessed November 7, 2017.
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Abstract: AIM: To optimize the timing of pregnancy in growth restricted fetuses in pregnant women after 32wks of gestation by using modified biophysical profile & Doppler velocitometry. Objectives: To estimate the relevance of MBPP & Doppler velocitometry in deciding the mode of delivery and to measure the lag time between abnormal Doppler finding and MBPP. Methods: Hospital based observational study done on 100 patients in the department of obstetrics & gynecology in collaboration with department of radiology, Gandhi hospital from the period of January 2015 -November 2016.......
Key Words:Fetal Growth Restriction, Doppler Velocimetry, Modified Biophysical Profile
[1]. Baschat,D.A.A .Fetal responses to placental insufficiency: an update. BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Case report on a rare case of Cockayne Syndrome |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr.Prerna Hasani || DrRishabh Bhatia || Dr.N.A.Patel |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1711084345 ![]() |
Abstract: Cockayne syndrome is a rare autosomal recessive, neurodegenerative disorder characterized by symptoms like microcephaly, failure to thrive, photosensitivity, hearing loss, vision loss, severe tooth decay and bony abnormalities. The brain imaging findings are cardinal features, which helps to arrive at the diagnosis of this rare disorder. Calcifications and brain atrophy were the main imaging features on noncontrast CT scans. Calcifications were typically found in the basal ganglia and less often in the cortex and dentate nuclei. Here in this article, we would like to highlight the NCCT Brain findings of Cockayne syndrome.
Key Words: Cockayne syndrome, Developmental delay, Calcification, Atrophy
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Abstract: Objectives: Atonic postpartum hemorrhage accounts for 80% of cases of postpartum hemorrhage and active management of third stage of labour has become a central component of postpartum hemorrhage reduction strategies. This study is conducted To assess and compare the blood loss at delivery between the rectal misoprostol and intramuscular oxytocin groups. To evaluate the change in haemoglobin levels in each group. To estimate the incidence of adverse........
Keywords:Rectal misoprostol, intramuscular oxytocin, blood loss.
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Abstract: The study is to compare the hearing improvement in patients after myringoplasty/ type 1 Tympanoplasty, between two groups i.e., (Group A) graft placed medial to handle of malleus, and (Group B) graft placed lateral to the handle of malleus, based on Pure Tone Audiometry reports postoperatively. This study is done in Govt ENT Hospital/ Osmania Medical College, from August 2014- October 2015. 100 cases with dry central perforation were selected for the candidacy with the help of inclusion and exclusion criteria. Patients were alternatively distributed among two groups. Patient is kept on regular follow up and audiogram is obtained on 4-6th month postoperatively. Data analysed using graphs, tables and p value. When the two groups were compared, after 4-6 months, the hearing improvement between the two groups was not significant.
Keywords: Myringoplasty, Tympanoplasty type 1, medial to handle, lateral to handle, underlay technique.
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Abstract: Young females with painful nodule on anterior abdominal wall are often difficult to diagnose but if in association with surgical abdominal scar than possibility of scar endometriosis should be ruled out. This is a case of a young female presenting to us with painful lump in abdominal wall which was later diagnosed as post caesarean scar endometriosis. USG and FNAC prove to be the reliable tools to diagnose such cases
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Abstract: TP53 gene alterations were screened in 50 formalin fixed paraffin embedded (FFPE) human esophageal cancer (EC) specimens comprising 43 squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) and 7 adenocarcinoma (AC) using immunohistochemistry (IHC) and conventional PCR followed by DNA sequencing to detect p53 accumulation and mutation, respectively, in Khartoum state, Sudan. TP53 gene mutations were detected in 20 (40%) of the 50 EC cases investigated. Five out of 13 (38.5%) of SCC cases that stained positive for p53 protein, showed TP53 mutations, only one (14.3%) of seven AC samples was positive for p53 protein without associated mutation and 4/7 (57.1%) showed TP53 mutations only. Immunohistochemical stain was positive in 14/50 (28%) of EC samples; 13 (92.9%) of them were SSC cases and one (7.1%) AC.......
Keywords: TP53, immunohistochemistry, mutational analysis, esophageal cancer, Sudan
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Abstract: Model Selection (MS) is known to produce uncertainty into model-building process. Besides that, the process of MS is complex and time consuming. Therefore, Model Averaging (MA) had been proposed as an alternative to overcome the issues. This research will provide guidelines of obtaining best model by using two modelling approach which are Model Selection (MS) and Model Averaging (MA) and compares the performance of both methods. Corrected Akaike Information Criteria (AICc) and Bayesian Information Criteria (BIC) were applied in the model-building using MS to help determine the best model. In MA process, model selection criteria are needed.......
Keywords: mortality, model-building, multiple binary logit, model selection criteria, model averaging
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Abstract: Asymptomatic bacteriuria is a condition in which larger than normal numbers of bacteria are present in the urine but without any symptoms. In pregnancy the anatomical and physiological changes in the maternal urinary tract leads to stasis of urine encouraging the growth of bacteria which has an adverse effect on pregnancy. AIM This study was conducted to estimate the prevalence of asymptomatic bacteriura in preterm labour ,to find out the most common organism involved and to study the maternal and neonatal outcome. Materials and methods This.......
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