Series-10 (July-2019)July-2019 Issue Statistics
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Abstract: The purposed of this research was to know the effectiveness of Aloe vera extract to bacterial growth of Streptococcus viridans on dry socket. This research was using experimental laboratory, start from production of Aloe vera extract on 8 concentrations followed by testing of bacterial growth using disk-diffusion method. Collecting the metadata was doing by measurement diameter zone of inhibition using caliper by the researcher. Using one way-ANOVA statistical test, the result was p=0,000 (p<0,05). This showed the Aloe vera extract was effective against inhibition of bacterial growth on Streptococcus viridans, the more concentration of Aloe vera extract will be more inhibition zone diameter were formed.
Keywords : Aloe vera, Streptococcus viridans, inhibition zone
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Validation Study of Telugu Version of Geriatric Depression Scale (Gds-30) |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr P.Vijayasree || Dr G.Vaidyanath |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1807100509 ![]() |
Abstract: Background: For assessing depression in the elderly in the community population regional language instruments are immensely valuable.This study describes the translation of Geriatric dépression scale (GDS-30) into telugu language and its validation in an urban community. Aim :To translate,validate and examine the effectiveness of telugu version of geriatric depression scale(GDS-30). materials and methods :The telugu version of GDS was adminestered to people in an urban community who are aged 60 years and above.prior to the application of the instrument,people participating in the study were screened by a consultant......
Keywords: Depression, Elderly, Geriatric Depression Scale, GDS-30, Sensitivity, Specificity
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Abstract: Delay in analysis of hematological and biochemical parameters of blood can occur due to referral from remote centres or due to storage, which may cause changes in blood parameters and erroneous laboratory results. We studied the changes associated with storage of blood at different temperatures and for different time-periods. The serial changes in complete hemogram, reticulocyte count and peripheral blood smear morphology, plasma sugar, urea, creatinine and electrolytes were measured. Blood from 60 patients, each collected &stored in K2-EDTA for hematological tests, sodium fluoride for plasma glucose and clotted blood for serum biochemistry. All the samples were analysed by auto-analysers. 20 samples were stored at room temperature (18 - 22°C), 20 samples at 4 - 8°C and 20 samples at 37°C. Analysis of samples was done at 0, 4, 8, 12, 24, 36, 48, 60 and 72 hours.........
Keywords: Preservation injury, Blood cell morphology, Biochemical analysis
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Abstract: INTRODUCTION: Cutaneous adverse drug reactions (CADRS) are undesirable or unintended consequences of drug administration that might cause suffering of the patient, discontinuation of treatment, impaired quality of life and increased economic burden. Knowledge of drugs causing CADRS reduces these consequences and helps in prescribing safer drugs. Nowadays antimicrobials are used irrationally and CADRS are more common with them. OBJECTIVE: To study the incidence of CADRS with the usage of antimicrobial , to determine their clinical causality, severity and preventability .MATERIALS AND METHODS: An observational study is conducted from 2017 to 2019 to......
Keywords: CADRS, causality, preventability, severity.
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Abstract: Hypertensive disorders complicate 5-15% of all pregnancies of which pre-eclampsia occurs in 3-10%1. Hypertensive disorders complicating pregnancy are common and form one of the deadly triad along with hemorrhage and infection that result in maternal morbidity and mortality 2,3,4. Pre-eclampsia is a pregnancy specific syndrome that can effect virtually every organ system . Pre-eclampsia is Gestational Hypertension with proteinuria . Proteinuria is an important diagnostic criterion.It occurs as consequence of glomerular capillary endotheliosis and reduction in integrity of glomerular barrier or reduced tubular reabsorption. Proteinuria is essential for diagnosis of Pre-eclampsia5. It's presence is a sign of worsening hypertensive disease specifically Pre-eclampsia...... .
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Abstract: Objectives-To determine the pre operative factors based on clinical,laboratory and radiological parameters which leads to conversion of laparoscopic cholecystectomy to open cholecystectomy.To determine intra operative factors based on laparoscopic findings that leads to conversion of laparoscopic cholecystectomy to open cholecystectomy. Aims-To identify difficult dissection by clinical, laboratory and radiological parameters in laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Methodology- All patients undergoing consecutive cholecystectomy were included in this study. Patients meeting the exclusion criteria were not included in the study. Clinical, laboratory and radiological parameters were analysed for significant correlation with the outcome of the surgery to predict difficult dissection during cholecystectomy....... .
Keywords: B-Gallbladder, CBD-Common bile duct, EHC-Enterohepatic circulation, BMI-Body mass index, LFT-Liver function test
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Abstract: Aim And Objective: This study aims to compare the age obtained by Demirjian's method and Mito et al method with the chronological age of the individual and to evaluate the efficacy of these methods in determining the age of an individual in South Indian population. Materials And Methods: Digital panoramic radiographs and lateral cephalograms of 100 individuals in the age group of 7-15 years, were selected. Dental age was calculated using Demirjian's method, and skeletal age using Mito et al method and it was then compared with the chronological age of the study population. The data obtained were subjected to statistical analysis using student' t test and Spearmans rank order correlation coefficient..... .
Key Words: Orthopantomograph, Lateral cephalograph, dental age, skeletal age, Demirjian's method, Mito et al method.
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Abstract: Ever since the advent of anaesthesia in 1846, there have been a lot of advances in both the techniques and drugs available. The field of anaesthesia has advanced from general anaesthesia to advanced technique in regional anaesthesia. Regional anaesthesia, whether by epidural, spinal, peripheral nerve blocks or field block techniques offer a number of advantages to patients undergoing surgery as demonstrated by Beecher and Todd (1954). Regional anaesthesia can reduce or avoid the hazards and discomfort of general anaesthesia, including sore throat, airway trauma, failed intubation, post-operative pulmonary complications like aspiration pneumonitis and muscle pain. Increasing the duration of local anesthetic drugs often is a matter of concern for anesthesiologists. Epinephrine, phenylephrine...... .
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Abstract: Introduction: Unmet need for family planning is still high in the developing countries of the world, especially in Sub-Saharan Africa. The studies among migrant women are few and no previous studies on migrant Libyan women have been reported in the literature. Objectives: This study is to determine the prevalence and associated factors of unmet needs for family planning among Libyan women with children in Libyan schools in Klang Valley, Malaysia. Methods: A cross sectional study was conducted among 308 Libyan women whose children were studying in five Libyan Schools in Klang Valley, Malaysia. Respondents were selected based on stratified sampling and a pretested questionnaire was self-administered. Data was analysed...... .
Keywords: Unmet need, family planning, Migrant,Malaysia, Libya.
[1]. Abdul Manaf, R ., Ismail, I. Z., & Latiff, L. a. (2012). Contraceptive use among women with chronic medical conditions and factors associated with its non-use in Malaysia. Global Journal of Health Science, 4(5), 91–99.
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Abstract: Intestinal parasitic infections are among the neglected tropical diseases targeted for elimination by World Health Organization and are also among the most prevalent infections in school children residing in developing countries. This study was designed to determine the prevalence and intensity of intestinal parasites and its contribution to the development of anaemia among primary school children in Lagos State, Nigeria. Nine hundred (900) faecal and blood samples were collected among the school children. Direct saline preparation and formol-ether concentration techniques were used to determine the prevalence of intestinal parasites and Giemsa-stained blood smears were also used for the identification of Plasmodium falciparum. The overall prevalence of intestinal...... .
Keywords: Epidemiology, Intestinal Parasite, Plasmodium falciparum, Anaemia
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Rare Case of Acanthomatous Ameloblastoma |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr.Guruaribam Victoria Devi || Dr .Amudhan .A |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1807106568 ![]() |
Abstract: Odontogenictumorscomprise a complex group of lesions of diverse histopathologic types and clinical behavior. Ameloblastoma is the most frequent odontogenictumor arising from dental epithelium, and is characterized by its histological resemblance to the enamel organ of the developing tooth germ, yet enamel formation is not observed. Thorough imaging investigation, clinical examination and histopathological analysis is mandatory for a definitive diagnosis. Here we present a case report of a 20 year female patient with mild discomfort in the lower left third molar region without any extra oral swelling which was thought to be a case of impacted third molar which was later diagnosed as ameloblastoma after, radiographic and histopathological analysis. .
Keywords: Ameloblastoma, Odontogenic, Acanthomatous
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Abstract: Introduction: Currently, Benzodiazepines like chlordiazepoxide, diazepam and lorazepam are the preferred drugs in the management of Alcohol withdrawal syndrome (AWS). These drugs of similar class are different in their pharmacokinetic profile which differently affect in AWS. Chlordiazepoxide is longer acting and converted to active metabolites in the liver, while lorazepam is shorter acting, with no active metabolites. Aim:To compare and evaluate the safety and efficacy of lorazepam and chlordiazepoxide in patients with alcohol dependence syndrome...... .
Keywords: Chlordiazepoxide, Lorazepam, Alcohol detoxification.
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Abstract: Background: Propofol, which is the drug of choice for induction of anaesthesia worldwide, has got pain during injection as its major side effects and important source of patient dissatisfaction. Among the various methods and drugs used to ameliorate this pain, the roles of 5HT3 receptor antagonist such as ramosetron have been highlighted in some recent studies. Aims: The aim of the study was to compare the effectiveness of lignocaine and ramosetron in reducing propofol injection pain. Methods: The study was a prospective, randomized and double blinded one in which 80 patients of either sex, ASA I&II, undergoing...... .
Keywords: Lignocaine, ramosetron, propofol, injection pain
[1]. Alipour M, Tabari M, Alipour M. Paracetamol, ondansetron, granisetron, magnesium sulfate and lidocaine and reduced propofol injection pain. Iran Red Crescent Med J 2014 Mar;16(3):1-5.
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[5]. Ryu HB, Kim SJ. Analgesic effects of palonosetron in the intravenous propofol injection. Korean J Anesthesiol 2014 Feb;66(2):99-104.
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Abstract: Tennis elbow is the most common cause of elbow pain in patients attending the orthopaedic clinics. Pathophysiology involves micro tears in the tendon leading to haemorrhage, rough granulation tissue formation and later repair. . Even though the different treatment modalities of tennis elbow have been claimed to be effective in treating this condition due to its chronic nature and tendency to recur with resumption of activity, no single modality has been considered. Platelet-rich plasma prolotherapy (PRPP) is an injection treatment that has been used in recent times for various enthesopathies. It repairs incompletely healed injuries thereby reducing pain and increasing function..... .
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