Series-8 (July-2019)July-2019 Issue Statistics
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Abstract: Background: Bronchoscopic materials are commonly subjected to cytological evaluation whenever there is a suspicion of malignancy. Radiological evidence of a mass and direct visualization of the lesion through a bronchoscope are not definitive evidence of malignancy. Further investigation when cytological material is positive for malignant cells gives the treating clinician an edge in early treatment of lung malignancies. An elaborate search of literature regarding various methods employed during bronchoscopy opined different combinations of cytological materials along with biopsy. However bronchial washings and brushings have been commonly..........
Keywords: bronchial washings, bronchial brushings, bronchoscopy, bronchogenic carcinoma
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Abstract: Febrile seizures are the most common neurologic disorder of infants and young children. Febrile status epilepticus (FSE), although rare is often a child's first seizure. OBJECTIVES: This study is done to look into factors contributing to recurrence of seizures following febrile status epilepticus in children. METHODS: This is a cross sectional study done including all children between age 6 months to 5 years presenting with febrile status epilepticus, were analyzed for comparison between groups with and without recurrence of seizures. Electroencephalography, CSF analysis, MRI Brain and other tests were recorded. Descriptive and inferential statistics were.......
febrile seizures
febrile status epilepticus
[1]. Millichap JG. The definition of febrile seizures. In: Febrile Seizures, Nelson KB, Ellenberg JH (Eds), Raven Press, New York 1981. [2]. Hesdorffer DC, Benn EK, Bagiella E, et al. Distribution of febrile seizure duration and associations with development. Ann Neurol 2011; 70:93.
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[4]. Shinnar S, Hesdorffer DC, Nordli DR Jr, et al. Phenomenology of prolonged febrile seizures: results of the FEBSTAT study. Neurology 2008; 71:170.
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Abstract: Introduction: Total hip arthroplasty is considered one of the most successful operations today for many hip disorders. The success rate is high and results are excellent in primary cases. Despite the results of Total Hip Arthroplasty in septic arthritis of hip with Ankylosis show high complication rate, Two stage Arthroplasty provides a good chance of infection control and remarkable functional outcome. Therefore two stage Total Hip Arthroplasty remains a fruitful procedure. Case report: An 18 yr old female patient presented with severe Rt.Hip pain, gross Limitation of Movements, difficulty in walking and doing daily activities like squatting with past history of Incision and Drainage when she was 10 yrs of her age followed oral antibiotics.........
Keywords: Ankylosed Hip, Post Septic Sequelae, Total Hip Replacement, Septic Arthritis
[1]. Bitter ES, Petty W (1982) Girdlestone arthroplasty for infected total hip arthroplasty. Clin Orthop 170:83–87.
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Abstract: Emergency peripartum hysterectomy includes hysterectomies performed during caesarean and vaginal delivery or at any time with in puerperium1. EPH is very challenging procedure, as the patient would be critically ill and since it is rare, expertise is minimal. It is an uncommon procedure performed as a life saving measure when postpartum hemorrhage cannot be controlled by conservative approaches. It is considered ―the last resort for massive PPH ever since the first successful EPH was performed by Eduardo porro in 18762. Previous studies have reported the incidence of EPH range from 0.2 to 5.4 per 1000 deliveries3-5. The most common indication of EPH was uterine atony......
[1]. Plauché WC. Peripartal hysterectomy. Obstet Gynecol Clin North Am. 1988; 15: 783–795.
[2]. Todman D. A history of cesarean section: from ancient world to the modern era. Aust NZ J Obstet Gynaecol. 2007; 47: 357–361.
[3]. Kwee A, Bots ML, Visser GH, Bruinse HW. Emergency peripartum hysterectomy: A prospective study in The Netherlands. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol. 2006; 124: 187–192.
[4]. Yucel O, Ozdemir I, Yucel N, Somunkiran A. Emergency peripartum hysterectomy: A 9-year review. Arch Gynecol Obstet. 2006; 274: 84–87.
[5]. Ozden S, Yildirim G, Basaran T, Gurbuz B, Dayicioglu V. Analysis of 59 cases of emergent peripartum hysterectomies during a 13-year period. Arch Gynecol Obstet. 2005; 271: 363–367...
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Factors Affecting Depression and Quality of Life in the Elderly |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr G.Vaidyanath || Dr P.Vijayasree |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1807083741 ![]() |
Abstract: The aim of the study was to assess the quality of life (QOL) and depression and provide further insights into the relationship between QOL and depression among elderly in an urban community, Visakhapatnam. Methodology: Sociodemographic data was collected from 58 older adults (aged > 60 yrs). QOL was assessed using the 26-item, World Health Organization Quality of Life, brief version (WHOQOL-BREF) and depression was assessed using the 30-item Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS). Results: The highest mean value (61.14) observed for by environment health, followed by psychological health, physical health and social relationships domains. In this study 58.6% of elderly urban adults met GDS criteria for depression. There were negative correlations between all the domains of QOL and depression among elderly people. Those with depression were, less educated, unemployed, and were more likely to report sleep disturbances.
Keywords: depression, elderly, geriatric depression scale, quality of life, whoqol-bref
[1]. Yesavage JA, Brink TL, Rose TL, Lum O, Huang V, et al. (1982) Development and validation of a geriatric depression screening scale: a preliminary report. J Psychiatr Res 17: 37-49.
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[3]. Nihal Bakar and Rabia HacıhasanogluAsılar etal. Factors Affecting Depression and Quality of Life in the Elderly Gerontology& Geriatric Research 2015, 4:5
[4]. Iain Lang Robert B. Wallace Felicia A. Huppert David Melzer Moderate alcohol consumption in older adults is associated with better cognition and well-being than abstinence Age and Ageing, Volume 36, Issue 3, May 2007, Pages 256–261 [5]. Grover S, Malhotra N. Depression in elderly: A review of Indian research. J GeriatrMent Health Year : 2015 | Volume : 2 | Issue : 1 | Page : 4-15..
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Abstract: Background: The cerebrovascular stroke is one of the leading causes of morbidity & mortality in adult life. Indian studies have shown a stroke prevalence of 471.58/100000 population. Stroke mostly occurs in elderly people. Risk factors for stroke differ between young and elderly patients. The aim was to study the clinical presentation, risk factors, types, topography as per CT scan findings in ≤45 years and >45 years patients from PRM medical college and hospital, Baripada. Methods: This is a retrospective study of all new patients managed for stroke in the medical........
Key Word: Cerebrovascular stroke, Ischemic stroke, Young, Elderly
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Abstract: Introduction: Hysterosalpingography is an old but an important diagnostic procedure in infertile women.It is helpful to locate intrauterine congenital and acquired abnormalities and to evaluate the tubal patency.It is safe, inexpensive,simple and rapid diagnostic test which can reveal the shape of uterine cavity.Therefore the present study was done to see the congenital and acquired deformities of uterus. Material &Methods:The present study was carried out in the Department of Anatomy,Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology andDepartment of Radiodiagnosis of S.N. Medical College,Agra.Out of 100 cases, 30 cases were of primary sterility, 50 cases of secondary sterility and 20 cases of normal parous women who served as control group. Patients were.......
Key Word: acquired,congenital, deformities, hystero-salpingography, uterus
[1]. Horowitz RC, Morton PCG, Shaff ML, Hugo P. A radiological approach to infertility.Hysterosalpingography. Br J Radiol, 52, 1979, 255.
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Abstract: Context: Fetal malnutrition indicates a clinical state that may be present at all most any birth weight. Small for Gestation (SGA), Intrauterine Growth Retardation (IUGR) and fetal malnutrition (FM) are not synonyms. Each condition can occur independently without the other .A simple clinical method can be used to detect FM. Aim: To assess the nutritional status by CANSCORE at birth. To observe the morbidity and mortality pattern, in them. Study design: Simple random ampling, prospective study. Setting: This study was carried out in tertiary care centre, Siddhartha medical college hospital , department of paediatrics,Vijayawada, Andhra.......
Key Word:Small for gestation (SGA), intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR), fetal malnutrition (FM), CAN Score.
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Abstract: Although in the last two decades, the World Health Organization (WHO) has introduced tuberculosis as "a global threat". The vaccination with the Mycobacterium bovis Bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG) is the only way to prevent this fatal infectious disease. The WHO has recommended developing countries to give BCG at birth to every newborn. Despite the efficacy of BCG vaccine especially against infants' miliary and meningeal TB, it has still some limitations due to a variety of adverse effects. Complications of BCG vaccination especially disseminated infection is rare. The most severe forms of this infection are known to occur to immunodeficient patients; such as Mendelian susceptibility to mycobacterial disease (MSMD) which could be due to defects in some elements of IL-12/IFN-γ axis. This is the first case report from Benghazi for a male infant presented with disseminated BCG infection due to interferon gamma receptor deficiency
Key Word: Disseminated BCG infection, MSMD, interferon gamma receptor deficiency
[1]. Shahmohammadi S, Saffar MJ, Rezai MS. BCG-osis after BCG vaccination in immunocompromised children: Case series and review. Journal of Pediatrics Review. 2014; 15; 2(1):62-74.
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[3]. Ying W, Sun J, Liu D, Hui X, Yu Y, Wang J, Wang X. Clinical characteristics and immunogenetics of BCGosis/BCGitis in Chinese children: a 6 year follow-up study. PLoS One. 2014; 9(4):e94485.
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[5]. World Health Organization. Primary immunodeficiency diseases. Report of a WHO Scientific Group. Clin Exp Immunol. 1997; 109(Suppl 1):1-28..
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Abstract: In many countries, BCG vaccine is scheduled in the national vaccination program to be given at birth. However, It may lead to local BCG disease, regional axillary lymphadenitis. Moreover, it may lead to a serious complication with disseminated BCG disease in some immune compromised groups. This case report of a 10-month-old male Libyan infant presented with disseminated BCG disease; as well as Aspergillus pneumonia as a presenting feature for the chronic granulomatous disease.
Key Word:BCG vaccine, Mycobacterium bovis, Aspergillus pneumonia, chronic granulomatous disease, Libya.
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Abstract: The aim of our study was to directly determine the accumulation of gadolinium in glial brain tumors after a single intravenous injection of an MRI contrast agent Magnevist. Study was carried out on samples of glial tumours of human brain extracted during standard brain surgery. The samples from five patients with glial tumours and single Magnevist intravenous injection for MRI in different times before surgery were studied. Samples of two patients with glial tumours and without intravenous administration of Magnevist and other gadolinium containing compounds.......
Key Word: clinical study, Magnevist, gadolinium accumulation, human brain glial tumours, neutron activation analysis, neutron-capture therapy.
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Abstract: Background: Adverse reaction to drugs are common and often manifested as a cutaneous eruption. Fixed drug eruption (FDE) is unique type of adverse cutaneous drug reaction, the diagnostic hallmark is its recurrent eruption occurring on the same site after re-exposure to offending agent. Objective: The aim and objective was to study the clinical features, demographic details, and to determine various offending drugs causing FDE. Materials and Methods:The study was carried out from June 2017 to June2019 in the Department of Dermatology, Venereology and Leprosy at tertiary care hospital of Jharkhand, India. A detailed history taking and thorough clinical examination were done for all the patients having FDE and were recorded in predesigned proforma........
Key Word: adverse cutaneous drug reaction, fixed drug eruption, antimicrobials, non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs,
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Abstract: Silicone elastomers are used to fabricate maxillofacial prosthesis which intended to improve esthetics, restore and maintain the function and health of the tissue bed, and allow patients to return to society in the best possible condition and lead a normal life. The present study evaluated the effect of intrinsic pigments on the tensile strength, percentage elongation and water sorption of Multisel epithetics silicone and biomed silicone elastomer. A total of eighty specimens were fabricated , forty for each of the two silicone elastomers. For each elastomer, twenty specimens were made with incorporation of intrinsic pigments and twenty specimens without intrinsic.......
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