Series-6 (July-2019)July-2019 Issue Statistics
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Abstract: INTRODUCTION: Generally gender can be identified by using the mastoid process based on inspecting its size i.e. larger or small. The size of male mastoid is larger than that of female but the problem is that, there are no standard criteria for identification purpose. A simply calling the mastoid smaller or larger is subjective and may vary depending on inspection. Therefore error may occur when inspection is done by unexperienced person. For these reasons this study is designed tried to find a criteria for identifying sex by measuring the size of the mastoid. AIMS AND OBJECTIVE: To determine the sex from the cadaveric skull in North Indian population. The variables measured are-Mastoid length, breadth, A-P diameter& size.........
Key words: Mastoid process, Mastoid process length, Mastoid process breadth, Mastoid process A-P diameter& Mastoid process size
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Abstract: Background: While women and men share many similar health challenges, the differences are such that the health of women deserves particular attention. There are conditions that only women experience and whose potentially negative impact, only they suffer. Some of these – such as pregnancy and childbirth – are not diseases, but biological and social processes that carry health risks and require health care1. This article presents an analysis of self-reported symptoms of obstetric problems among currently married women of reproductive age group (15 to 49 years)......
Key words: reproductive age group women, obstetric morbidity
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Effectiveness of Art Therapy on Stress among Patients with Cancer |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | AKILA.A., M.Sc |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1807061213 ![]() |
Abstract: Recent times have seen an increase in the incidence of cancer. This is mainly attributed to urbanization, industrialization, lifestyle changes, population growth and increased life span (in turn leading to an increase in the elderly population). In India, the life expectancy at birth has steadily risen from 45 years in 1971 to 62 years in 1991, indicating a shift in the demographic profile. It is estimated that life expectancy of the Indian population will increase to 70 years by 2021–25. This has caused a paradigm shift in the disease pattern from communicable diseases to non-communicable diseases like cancer, diabetes and hypertension. Non communicable diseases are the leading killer of today and are on the increase, 36.1 million people died due to non communicable disease.........
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Radial Bone and Inguinal Lymph Node Metastasis in a Male Breast Cancer |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | DR BASAVARAJ B T |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1807061415 ![]() |
Abstract: Introduction: It is well known fact that carcinoma breast in males presents in advanced stage at the time of diagnosis because of lack of awareness and knowledge. breast cancer in males accounts for less than 1% of all cancers in men. Male breast cancer mostly metastasise to bones,lungs,liver and brain. Case Report: a 62 year old male presented with ulcerated lesion over right groin for 15 days and severe bony pain in left forearm. On detailed clinical examination and investigation it was found out that patient was suffering from carcinoma of left breast.........
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Abstract: Diabetes Mellitus is often manifested with electrolyte disturbance of which hypokalemia is very common. It reflects clinically as changes in T wave morphology and QT interval in the electrocardiogram. Ninety subjects (45 diabetic and 45 non-diabetic) were studied after stratified randomised sampling. Their T wave height, T wave axis and QTc were studied in relation to their serum Potassium level. Patients with both Diabetes and hypokalemia had significant differences in ECG parameters when compared to those only with Diabetes, or only hypokalemia or none. In presence of diabetes and hypokalemia changes in T wave height and QTc become more prominent than in presence of diabetes alone..
Keywords: T wave, QT interval, Hypokalemia, Diabetes mellitus.
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Abstract: Background : Heart disease in pregnancy is an important cause of maternal morbidity and accounts for about 10-25 % of maternal mortality . It also influences fetal outcome and perinatal morbidity. Hence this study aims to determine the maternal and fetal outcome in pregnant mothers with heart disease. Methods : This is a retrospective study conducted in the department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Government Mohan Kumaramangalam Medical college Hospital , a tertiary care centre , Tamil Nadu , India . 105 Antenatal mothers with previously established heart disease or diagnosed during pregnancy were taken for the study. Results : In our study heart disease accounted for 0.62% of total admissions. Most of the mothers presented in the age group........
Keywords: Heart disease , pregnancy
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Abstract: Background: Karyotypic studies were carried out on the African giant rat, Cricetomysgambianus, Waterhouse-1840 with the aim of determining its chromosome diploid numbers and autosomal fundamental numbers. Methods: The chromosomes were prepared from the conventional bone marrow of two (2) African giant rats – a male and a female treated intra-peritoneally with 2 ml of 0.04% colchicines for 3 hours. Chromosomes in well spread mitotic metaphase cells were counted and measured using KaryoType computer software. Chromosomal numbers were identified. Ideograms were also constructed from the measurements. Data were collected and analysed using SPSS version 20..........
Keywords: African giant rat, Cricetomysgambianus, Chromosome, Number, Autosomal fundamental number
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Abstract: Calcium hydroxide has been included in several materials and antimicrobial formulations that are used in several treatment modalities in endodontics, such as inter-appointment intracanal medicaments. The purpose of this article was to review the antimicrobial properties of calcium hydroxide in combination with solution, anaestheticnilgiri oil and camphorated monochlorophenolin endodontics. Calcium hydroxide has a high pH (approximately 12.5-12.8) and is classified chemically as a strong base. Calcium hydroxide has a wide range of antimicrobial activity against common endodontic pathogens. Calcium hydroxide is also a valuable anti-endotoxin agent..
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Abstract: Back ground: Women's health has always remained neglected because of the traditional reductionist approach to women's health issues. This article presents an analysis of self-reported symptoms of gynaecological problems among currently married women of reproductive age group (15 to 49 years). Method: 800 currently married women of reproductive age group were selected by systematic random sampling from 10 of the urban slums of Kakinada city of Andhra Pradesh between January to December 2012. Information was gathered from these women on their socio-demographic variables, gynaecological problems as perceived by them and their treatment seeking behaviour. Results: Gynaecological morbidity was found to be significantly influenced by women's age, educational status, age at marriage, duration of marital life and age at first child birth. 44.5% women reported at least one current gynaecological symptom. Major complaints were menstrual problems (66.3%), low backache (27.2), and abnormal vaginal discharge (15.4%). Of these, 53.7% did not seek any treatment.
Key words: reproductive age group women, gynaecological problems, treatment seeking behavior
[1]. WHO/MCH/90.4 measuring reproductive morbidity: Report of a Technical Working Group, Geneva, 30 August - 1 September 1989.
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[5]. Gulatia S. C., Chaurasia Alok R., Singha Raghubansh M. Women's Reproductive Morbidity and Treatment-Seeking Behavior in India. Asian Population Studies, 5(1), 2009, 61-84.
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Abstract: Aim:To retrospectively assess the survival outcome of Anaplastic Astrocytoma patients with patientand treatment related factors among those who underwent post-operative radiation with or without chemotherapy in our hospital. Material and methods: Medical records of Anaplastic Astrocytoma patients treated in our hospital during 2013-2017 were analyzed from our hospital records. Patient and treatment related factors were recorded and assigned according to RTOG RPA classification. Statistical analyses were performed using Kaplan Meier, Log rank test and Cox regression models. Results: The analysis of 84 Anaplastic........
Key words:Anaplastic Astrocytoma, radiation, chemo- temozolomide, survival
[1]. Freddie Bray, BSc, MSc, PhD1 ; Jacques Ferlay, ME2 ; Isabelle Soerjomataram, MD, MSc, PhD3 ; Rebecca L. Siegel, MPH4 ; Lindsey A. Torre, MSPH5 ; AhmedinJemal, PhD,Global Cancer Statistics 2018: GLOBOCAN Estimates of Incidence and Mortality Worldwide for 36 Cancers in 185 Countries.
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Abstract: Introduction: Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy (LC) is the gold standard now for symptomatic Gall stones. Any unexpected turn of events intra-operatively has significant implications which get multiplied many fold due to high number of procedures. Difficult cases can result in prolonged operative time, bleeding, bile spillage, conversion to open technique and bile duct injury resulting in unplanned prolonged hospital stay, increase in estimated cost to the patients and for the surgeon ,it leads to increased stress during operation and time pressure to complete the operative list .If degree of technical difficulty could be predicted before starting the procedure, concerned team can be better prepared and adverse.
Key words: LC,Difficulty,scoring system.
[1]. Hariharan D, Psaltis E, Scholefield JH, Lobo DN. Quality of Life and Medico-Legal [1] Implications Following Iatrogenic Bile Duct Injuries. World J Surg. 2017;41(1):90- 99. DOI: 10.1007/s00268-016-3677-9.
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Abstract: Rhino-orbital-cerebral mucormycosis is a potentially lethal, opportunistic fungal infection, rapid progression, unpredictable course and high mortality. Cavernous sinus thrombosis with ophthalmoplegia is presented. We present a case of a 47 year old female with left sided facial numbness, left eye proptosis and a chronic ulcer in the hard palate with black eschar in its floor within a period of 4 months. Later she developed severe headache, loss of vision left eye, drowsiness. The typical clinical features, imaging and treatment are highlighted in the report. Awareness of its occurrence, prompt diagnosis and appropriate management can reduce the mortality..
Key words: ROCM, MRI, Diabetes, CT
[1]. Pathak VK et al. Rhinoorbitocerebral Mucormycosis with Maggots in a Neglected Diabetic Patient , Indian J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg . 2018 Mar; 70(1):156-158 .
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Abstract: Background: Gallbladder disease shows a variable spectrum of pathological conditions. Gallstone disease is the most common disorder leading to continuous chronic irritation to gallbladder mucosa. A variety of non- neoplastic, dysplastic and malignant changes may develop. Aims: The present study was done to evaluate mucosal alterations in gallbladder diseases. Settings and design: Hospital based and retro-prospective study. Results: A total of 2458 resected gallbladder specimens were studied in this study. Cholelithiasis was seen in 2194 cases. Non-neoplastic, premalignant and malignant lesions were studied. Most common type of epithelial change encountered was metaplasia, followed by hyperplasia. Conclusions: Chronic chlolecystolithiasis is the main culprit for epithelial alterations in gallbladder.Timely surgical resection of symptomatic gallstone disease is the standard strategy
Key words: Carcinoma, Cholelithiasis, Dysplasia, Gallbladder, Metaplasia.
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Abstract: Background: Adverse drug reactions are scantily reported by healthcare professionals worldwide and in particular in developing countries. Therefore the aim of the current study was to assess the knowledge, awareness and practices of health care professionals about pharmacovigilance and adverse drug reaction reporting of King George Hospital, Visakhapatnam. Methods: A cross-sectional study using a validated questionnaire was designed to assess theawareness of ADRs, knowledge of Pharmacovigilance system and practices of Pharmacovigilance system. The questionnaire was distributed to randomly selected healthcare professionals (n= 350) such as doctors, pharmacists........
Key words: Pharmacovigilance, Adverse drug reactions (ADR), Questionnaire, awareness and practices, health care professionals
[1]. Ghosh AK. Current problems and future aspects of pharmacovigilance in India, Int J Pharm Bio Sci. 2011;2(1):15-28.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Pulmonary Alveolar Microlithiasis |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Harshvardhan Singh Rathore |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1807066871 ![]() |
Abstract: Pulmonary alveolar microlithiasis is a rare autosomal recessive ,diffuse lung disease characterised by bilateral filling of the pulmonary alveoli by numerous calcific concentrations known as calcispherites. The pathogenesis involved in its mechanism is due to mutations in the gene encoding the solute carrier family 34 member 2 gene. Although PAM can develop in children, the majority of patients are diagnosed in adulthood due to the slow progressive nature of this disease. In children, majority of patients are........
Key words:
1. Pulmonary alveolar microlithiasis
2. Calcispherites
3. Solute carrier family 34 member 2
4. Microliths
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Abstract: Child abuse is the major global problem and all communities are facing this in various forms and can be seen harming community in many ways. It may remain hidden as in many cases the victims of child abuse cannot reveal the event due to various reasons such as threat, isolation, inability to share experience due to fear and past experience. This can lead to serious health problems physically and mentally which are difficult to compensate in future and leaves an unresolved impact on the victim and the society too. If mother's knowledge is improved regarding child abuse, she would be able to detect the signs of child abuse and can prevent the occurrence of child abuse by educating the child about the scenario and would be helpful for the society too. To prevent the growing stage of this........
Key words: Child abuse, knowledge, mothers of school age children
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