Series-3 (July-2019)July-2019 Issue Statistics
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Abstract: Restoration of the function and esthetics of the severely worn dentition becomes a challenge to the dentist. Full mouth rehabilitation is done for the modification of the health of the entire mouth, including the teeth, gums and the occlusion. It is requisite for the replacement or restoration of the all teeth in the mouth using a combination of dental services. The phrase full-mouth rehabilitation means different things to different people. Though the full-mouth rehabilitation and its philosophies are often intrigue in nature, but the esthetic and functional accomplishment of rehabilitation is always satisfying. It requires proper diagnosis and detailed treatment planning. In this case series two most commonly used philosophies for full mouth rehabilitation were included and patient's esthetics and functional requirements were fulfilled.
Keywords: Tooth wear, Hobo philosophy, Pankey-Mann-Schuyler philosophy, Full mouth rehabilitation.
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Abstract: Quality of life could be negatively influenced or compromised by discolouration of even a single teeth ,the demand therefore for aesthetic dentistry and bleaching procedure has increased exponentially over the last decade.Tooth bleaching is intended for improving tooth color and has become an accepted and popular dental procedure in aesthetic dentistry.However,as with any dental procedure, bleaching also involves certain controversies and adverse effects like post operative tooth sensitivity,gingival irritation,resorption,effects of bleaching on restorative materials;although tooth bleaching is a minimally invasive and relatively low-cost procedure it does not offer a permanent solution for tooth to minimize risks and maximize benefits,the involvement and consent of dental professionals in bleaching treatment is necessary during the treatment procedures. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the negative ramifications of tooth bleaching and throw light on subsequent adverse effects and its management to determine if it's truly safe .
Keywords: Discolouration,sensitivity,gingival inflammation.,
[1]. Majeed A, Farooq I, Grobler SR, Rossouw RJ. Tooth-bleaching: a review of the efficacy and adverse effects of various tooth whitening products. J Coll Physicians Surg Pak. 2015 Dec;25(12):891-6.
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Abstract: Background: Numerous soft tissue and anatomical landmarks have been proposed to assist the surgeon in the early identification of facial nerve However, there is a lack of consensus among surgeons for use of one landmark for reliably identifying the nerve. Objectives: To review and measure the distance from three commonly used landmarks to the main trunk of the facial nerve-1) the posterior belly of digastric muscle (PBDM). 2) the tympanomastoid fissure(TMF). 3).the mastoid origin of sternocleidomastoid muscle (SCM) and to evaluate their consistency in locating facial nerve trunk. Methods: This prospective crosssectional study was carried out among 17 patients with swelling of the parotid gland of neoplastic origin visiting the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery OPD of Dr. R. Ahmed Dental College & Hospital, Kolkata in.........
Keywords: landmarks, facial nerve identification, tympanomastoid fissure, posterior belly of digastric muscle, sternocleidomastoid muscle, parotidectomy
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Abstract: Cataract is the most common cause of blindness in worldwide. Most common form of cataract is senile cataract. Now days, the cataract surgery mainly depends on size of incision and technique. Apart from this, post operative outcomes are also depends upon preoperative measures. Total 237 patients (one patient, one eye) were included in this study which was conducted in department of ophthalmology MLB medical college Jhansi, India over a period of 3 months and patients were divided into 2 groups. Group A- Those patients who were closely taken part in pre-operative measures according to special Guideline. Group B- All patients were taken part into only routine or highly necessary pre-operative measures and taken direct from the camp. Patients below 40 years of.........
Keywords: Corneal edema,Endophthalmitis, Keratitis, MSICS, Phacoemulsification,Senile cataract
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Abstract: INTRODUCTION: Labor dystocia is a common problem, especially among nulliparous women resulting in increased maternal and perinatal mortality and morbidity. This study was conducted to compare the safety and efficacy of titrated oral misoprostol solution to titrated intravenous oxytocin for labor augmentation MATERIALS AND METHODS: Women at 36 and 42 weeks of gestation bearing a live singleton fetus in cephalic presentation with spontaneous onset of active labor having regular but inadequate contractions reassuring fetal heart rate with effaced cervix dilated between 4 cm and 8 cm with or without ruptured amniotic membrane and were randomized to titrated intravenous oxytocin group or titrated oral misoprostol group. Primary parameters to..........
Keywords: Labor augmentation, Oral misoprostol solution, Oxytocin
[1]. Waldenstro¨m U, Hildingsson I, Rubertsson C, Rådestad I. A negative birth experience: prevalence and risk factors in a national sample. Birth 2004; 31:17–27.
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Abstract: Diabetes Mellitus is the most common metabolic disorder affecting the people worldwide. New discoveries in recent times have minimized morbidity and mortality in these patients. Diabetic ketoacidosis, vascular complications are the frequent causes of death in diabetes. Among them derangement in Lipid profile is commonly seen. Increased blood sugar and lipid profile derangement have additive cardiovascular risk. Serum lipid profile of 120 Type 2 DM patients were studied. Variation in serum lipid levels as per sex and age were studied. Mean values of........
Key Word: Diabetes, lipid profile, vascular complication
[1]. Chaturvedi N, Fuller JH, Taskinen MR; EURODIAB PCS Group. Differing associations of lipid and lipoprotein disturbances with the macrovascular and micro vascular complications of Type 2 diabetes. Diabetes Care 2001;24:2071-7.
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Abstract: Introduction: Gall stone disease represents a significant burden for health care worldwide. Metabolic Syndrome is defined as a cluster of multiple cardiovascular risk factors, including central obesity, elevated fasting plasma glucose, high blood pressure, dyslipidemia. The prevalence of metabolic syndrome has been increasing gradually in the world and there are many hypotheses about relationship between metabolic syndrome and others diseases. The aim of our study was done to evaluate association between metabolic syndrome and gallstone, because of similarities between the risk factors for gallstones and constituents of metabolic syndrome........
Keywords: Gall stone disease, Metabolic syndrome
[1]. Bodmer M, Brauchli YB, Krähenbühl S, Jick SS, Meier CR Statin use and risk of gallstone disease followed by cholecystectomy. JAMA 2009; 302: 2001-2007.
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Abstract: Introduction:- Variations in the arrangement and distribution of brachial plexus and its branches have been commonly noted . These variations are significant for neurologists, surgeons, anaesthetists and anatomists. Aims and Objectives:- To analyse and study the anatomical and morphological variations of the formation of the median nerve via the roots of the lateral cord and medial cord. Materials and Methods :- A total 52 brachial plexuses were isolated post dissection from 26 middle aged cadavers and the formation of the median nerve was studied and analysed with fine dissection methods. Results :- This Study has helped to achieve the following variations in the Location of formation of the Median Nerve in South Indian Population - Formation at Lateral or Anterior side of 3rd Part of Axillary Artery(80.77%)........
Key Word – Median Nerve(MN) , Roots (Lateral and Medial) , Formation , Variation , Anomalies
[1]. David J, Harold E. Gray's Anatomy. In: Pectoral girdle, shoulder region and axilla. 41stEdition , New York Churchill Livingstone Elsevier, 2008 .
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[4]. Dinit K Tom ,Sonali A. Khake , S.M. Belsare , Maitreyee M Mutalik . Variation in Lateral Root of Median Nerve , International Journal of Anatomy and Research, Int J Anat Res 2018, Vol 6(3.1):5441-44. ISSN 2321-4287 DOI:
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Abstract: Rheumatic Heart Disease (RHD) remain significant public health problem throughout the world though the prevalence of the disease steadily declined during latter half of last century. But in the beginning of the 21st century there has been an increase in prevalence of RHD in India. In this background, an Observational Descriptive study was conducted during 2005-06 to find out the magnitude of Rheumatic Heart Disease among urban school children in West Bengal, India. The prevalence of RHD in the present study conducted in Uttarpara Kotrang Municipality area of Hooghly District of West Bengal (2005-06) is 1.84 per thousand school children in comparison to 4.45 in Kanpur (2000), 0.68 in Vellore (2001-02), 5.09 in Srinagar (1999-2000), 0.68 in Bikanier (2005) and 0.08 in Ernakulam (2004)..
Keywords - Rheumatic Heart Disease (RHD), Prevalence
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Abstract: Background: ;Phyllodes tumors (PTs) are rare biphasic neoplasms. Currently, PTs are classified as benign, borderline, and malignant based on microscopic features, including stromal cellularity, cellular pleomorphism, mitotic activity, margin appearance, and stromal distribution. There is sometimes difficulty in dividing tumors into the three recognized grades, and variability exists regarding the exact histological criteria that should be used to define them. More importantly, they do not always correlate with clinical outcome in terms of predicting recurrence, malignant transformation, metastasis, and overall survival. Ancillary diagnostic tests likeImmunohistochemistry (IHC) will help to identify tumors with potentially aggressive behaviour along with gold standard histopathological........
Keywords: Phyllodes tumor(PT), benign, borderline, malignant Phyllodes tumors(PT),ki67,p53ihc markers
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Abstract: In Lubumbashi, the prevalence of cancer in general, especially leukemia is still unknown. The epidemiological profile of cancer patients remain poorly defined. Most patients are not receiving adequately care, some abandon the care procedure and a large number of leukemic die without receiving any treatment. This study aims to determine the prevalence of cancers in general, the prevalence and proportion of leukemia especially in hospitals in Lubumbashi; and to describe the diagnosis, the epidemiological and evolutionary profile of leukemia patients in the city of Lubumbashi...........
Keywords: Leukemia, Epidemiological profile, Lubumbashi
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Abstract: Breast cancer is considered to be the most common malignant disease in women. Especially the last two decades, the incidence of breast cancer is on the rise. Breast cancer can occur on every area, but more commonly occurs in women over 50 years of age. This is the most common malignant neoplasm and the second most often in the lung cancer cause of cancer-associated mortality (16%) in women. For the purposes of this paper was used data from the Public health center for diseased breast cancer patients in the region of Strumica, Republic of North Macedonia, in the period 2014-2018, ie within 5 years. The results show that most patients with breast cancer were registered in 2015. The research was done on 80 women who were registered, at an average age of 57 years, the youngest.......
Keywords:cancer, analysis, breast, oncology, statistics
[1]. Jemal A, Bray F, Center MM, Ferlay J, Ward E, Forman D; Global cancer statistics; CA Cancer J Clin 61: 69–90, 2011.
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Abstract: Osteoarthritis being common degenerative disorder specially in both sexes of elderly with higher risk among obese, previous injury, developmental disorder & inherited disorder of joints/limbs remains area of focus for researchers, physicians & governments. Diagnosis is straightforward based on history and imaging, but management always remains challenge ranges from preventive through conservative & operative. Financial constrains because of increased life expectancy & more health awareness leading to management by exercise, visco-supplementation, arthroplasties, & rehabilitation services & need to be explored. Established role of exercise preventive as well as therapeutic being a cheaper option is getting popularity & further innovative exercise programs can be designed to get better outcome. The article emphasis on different modalities of osteoarthritis management with some focus on exercise..
Keywords: Osteoarthritis, Degenerative disorder, Contributory factor,Exercise,Treatment
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Abstract: Background & Aim: Hypertension is one of the major health problem in the world. There are many factors like family history to life style are related with hypertension. It is a chronic asymptomatic illness, it is a major health problem. The ABO antigens play a role by influencing rennin levels(1). Since blood pressure is multi factorial, ABO antigens may indirectly influence blood pressure so ABO blood group needs to be investigated. The present study was performed to assess the vulnerable blood group for hypertension. Methods: The study was carried out on 2000 known or diagnosed hypertensive patients from tertiary care centre, Chennai within the age group of 30 - 80years included both males and females. Slide test for ABO and Rh typing of blood was done. Correlation of ABO blood group, systolic and diastolic blood pressure was done.......
[1]. A Prospective study on the relationship between blood pressure and blood group among adult male donors in a Tertiary care center,AnneVarghese,Minu Liz Abraham,ReshmiRamachandran,Sunitha Thomas.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Whatsapp as an interactive teaching tool in surgery for undergraduate medical students |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Dr.N.Arivazagan || Dr.M.RAMULA |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/0853-1807037578 ![]() |
Abstract: Background: One way didactic lectures do not involve active participation of students, for better student's participation, interactive Teaching learning helps specially in clinical subject like surgery. Social network like what's App can have a positive impact in education over different variables, such as communication, motivation, academic success, student-student, student teacher interaction, and feedback any time anywhere. Objective 1. To assess the affectivity Whats App in delivering knowledge in surgery to final MBBS students and to compare the improvement of knowledge gain through e-learning over didactic lecture. 2. To study the perception of learners about e-learning using Whats app and impact of faculty participation Methodology: This Prospective.........
Keywords: E-Learning, Whats app, Interactive learning, self-directed learning, Surgery
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