Series-14 (March 2020)March 2020 Issue Statistics
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Abstract: Background: Diabetes mellitus (DM), a common endocrine metabolic disorder, is an important cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Patients with diabetes have a higher prevalence of thyroid disorders when compared with general population. Type 2 diabetes and thyroid dysfunction, insulin resistance has been common. Both hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism are having insulin resistance. Alteration in thyroid function complicates the management of DM and its complications.Aims and Objectives: To study thyroid dysfunction in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Materials and Methods:100 patients with known Type 2 DM were included in the study. All the patients were evaluated for thyroid dysfunction by testing thyroid profile (triiodothyronine, thyroxine, and thyroid-stimulating hormone......
Key words: Diabetes mellitus, Hyperthyroidism, Hypothyroidism
[1]. World Health Organization (1985). Diabetes mellitus:Report of WHO study group. WHO Technical Report Series. No 727.
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[5]. Vinu V, Pallavi C,Vijay G. Evaluation of thyroid dysfunction among type 2 diabetic patients. IJPBS .2012 Dec; 2 (4):150-155.
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Abstract: Abstract: PURPOSE: Pterygium is known to affect refractive astigmatism which can have significant impact on vision. This study was undertaken to study the change in corneal astigmatism after pterygium excision with auto conjunctival grafting and compare the changes in astigmatism in various grades of pterygium in terms of autorefraction and topography. This was a single centre prospective observational study. METHODS: In 50 patients (19 females, 31 male) with a mean age of 50 +/- years the pterygium was graded on the basis of slit lamp examination and quantified using projected preoperative clinical slides and was corelated with visual acuity, refractive, topographic astigmatism. All 50 patients underwent pterygium excision with auto conjunctival grafting. The preoperative and postoperative refractive and topographic measurements evaluated using automatedrefractometer and Topcon...........
Keywords: Corneal astigmatism, auto conjunctival grafting, topography.
[1]. Taylor HR, West S, Muñoz B, Rosenthal FS, Bressler SB, Bressler NM. The long-term effects of visible light on the eye. Arch Ophthalmol. 1992 Jan;110(1):99-104.
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[5]. Tomidokoro A, Miyata K, Sakaguchi Y, Samejima T, Tokunaga T, Oshika T. Effects of pterygium on corneal spherical power and astigmatism. Ophthalmology. 2000 Aug;107(8):1568-71.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Frequency and Clinical Long Term Behaviour of Oral Lichen Planus |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Suma Samuel K. |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1903140814 ![]() |
Abstract: Oral lichen planus is a commonly occurring mucosal lesion and has multiple varied manifestations. While most lesions heal after a long persistent course, it also has the potential to turn malignant in a few patients. The progress of this entity can vary depending on the role of deleterious habits such as alcohol and tobacco.
Keywords: striae, lichenoid, malignant transformation, comorbidities.
[1]. Bowers KE, Sexton J, Sugerman PB. Commentary. Clin Dermatol. 2000;18:497-498.
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Abstract: L'indentation sclérale au cours de la chirurgie de décollement de rétine par voie externe, peut être responsable d'une modification de la réfraction secondaire aux changements géométriques iatrogène du globe oculaire .
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Abstract: An individual tooth is aesthetically inseparable from the adjacent gingiva. Successful aesthetic dentistry can be best accomplished when healthy and stable tissues surround the teeth. Gingival enlargement is defined as an increase in the size of gingiva referred as gingival overgrowthwhich is a common feature of gingival diseases. Gingival enlargement can be due to various etiologies. It may be plaque-induced or associated with systemic hormonal disturbances. In this case report, A 65 year old male patient was afflicted with gingival hyperplasia on his teeth due to the accumulation of plaque because of improper oral hygiene maintenance which is the main etiological factor responsible for this inflammatory......
Key Words: Chronic inflammatory enlargement, Gingival disease, Electrosurgery, Gingivectomy
[1]. Carranza FA, Hogan EL. Gingival enlargement. In: Newman MG, Takei HH, Klokkevold PR, Carranza FA. Carranza's Clinical Periodontology. 11thed. Philadelphia, Penn: W.B. Saunders Company; 2006. p. 373-90.
[2]. Bashetty K, Nadig G, Kapoor S. Electrosurgery in aesthetic and restorative dentistry: A literature review and case reports. J Conserv Dent 2009;12:139-44.
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[4]. Ravishankar PL, Mannem S. Electro surgery: A review on its application and biocompatibility on perodontium. Indian J Dent Adv 2011;3:492-8.5.
[5]. Agrawal AA. Gingival enlargements: Differential diagnosis and review of literature. World Journal of Clinical Cases: WJCC. 2015 Sep 16;3(9):779
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Abstract: Background: Pulmonary aspiration of gastric contents is a dreaded perioperative complication leading to significant morbidity and mortality. Traumatised patients often have full stomach secondary to stress and pain. Incidence of pulmonary aspiration was noted in up to 38% of trauma victims who require surgery. Sequential antral USG helps in assessing rate of gastric emptying and time to achieve critical gastric volume, which helps in preventing unnecessary delay in emergent unplanned surgery. Aim: To measure gastric emptying time to achieve critical gastric volume by serial ultrasonography to predict risk of pulmonary aspiration among adult orthopaedic trauma patients. Method: After approval from Institutional Scientific and Ethics......
Key Words: Serial ultrasonography, Gastric antrum, Pulmonary aspiration, Orthopaedic trauma patients, Critical gastric volume.
[1]. Mendelson CL. The aspiration of stomach contents into the lungs during obstetric anaesthesia. Am I ObstetGynaecol 1946; 52: 191-205.
[2]. Perlas A, Mitsakakis N, Liu L, Cino M, Haldipur N, Davis L et al. Validation of a mathematical model for ultrasound assessment of gastric volume by gastroscopic examination. AnaesthAnalg 2013; 116: 357–63.
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Abstract: Background: The main features of change of the size of the cells of the corneal endothelium explained with a particular emphasis placed a raw pointer of early morphologic changes of the corneal endothelium. Purpose: Study the influence on the morphologic properties of the corneal endothelium in soft contact lenses wearers by specular microscopy. Materials and Methods: This prospective cross-sectional study included an entire of sixty-four females students enrolled in the study from the College of Applied Medical Science. An age (19-31 years) matching control group (33 female subjects) with a mean age of (21.48±2.26 years) participated in the study who are never wearing contact lenses . And a total of (31 female subjects) that ranged in age from 19 to 32 years with an average age of 20.97± 2.76 years with no past of corneal dysfunctions, and they employ soft contact lenses for more than one year . Each participant.......
Key Word:Corneal Endothelial Changes, Specular Microscopy, Soft Contact Lenses Wearers
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Abstract: Introduction: Diabetes mellitus is a significant health problem, in 2015 mentioned that around 415 million adults had a history of diabetes. Aloes leaves (Aquilaria malaccensis) contain flavonoid compounds which are phenolic compounds as antioxidants and are often used as antidiabetic. Efficacy of agarwood leaves as antidiabetic is related to secondary metabolite content from phytochemical screening, ethanol extract of fresh agarwood leaves and ethanol simplex extract obtained, there are active compounds such as flavonoids, glycosides, tannins, and steroids/triterpenoids. Objective: To determine the effect of agarwood leaf ethanol extract (Aquillaria malaccencis) in reducing blood sugar levels of mice after maltose loading. This study uses a randomized controlled design method with pre and post test control group design patterns........
Keywords: Aquillaria Malaccencis Leaf, Blood Sugar Level, Diabetes Mellitus, Maltose
[1]. Hasibuan, Yusridah. (2011). Isolasi dan Identifikasi Senyawa Inhibitor Α-Glukosidase dari Ekstrak Daun Tekokak (Solanum Torvum). Bogor: Institut Pertanian Bogor.
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[3]. Sakaguchi, Kazuhiko., Takeda, Kazuo., Maeda, Mitsuo., Ogawa, Wataru., Sato, Toshiyuki., Okada, Seiki., Ohnishi, Yasuhito., Nakajima, Hirumo., & Kashiwagi, Atsunori. (2016). Glucose Area Under the Curve during Oral Glucose Tolerance Test as an Index of Glucose in Tolerance. Diabetol Int, 7, 53-58.
[4]. Shinde, J., Taldone, T., Barletta, M., Kunaparaju, N., Bo, H., Kumar, S., et al. (2008). Alpha Glukosidase Inhibitory Activity of Syggium Cumini (Linn.) Skeels Seed Kemel in Vitro Goto-Kakizaki (GK) Rats. Carbohydrate Reseaech, 243, 1278-1281.
[5]. Silaban, S. (2013). Skrining Fitokimia dan Uji Aktivitas Antioksidan Ekstrak Etanol Daun Gaharu (Aquilaria malaccensis Lamk). Skripsi. Medan: USU Press.
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Abstract: Background: The Truview laryngoscope has an optical accessory, a different blade angle and an oxygen flow apparatus attached to the device which provides a better glottis view. Aim: The study was done to compare the laryngoscopic view and intubation characteristics of conventional Macintosh laryngoscope with Truview vedio laryngoscope. Materials and Methods: In the study, 60 patients undergoing general anaesthesia were included to compare the findings of Truview laryngoscopy and Macintosh laryngoscopy. Patients were divided into two groups of 30 each in a randomized, prospective fashion......
Keywords: Cormack and Lehane, intubation, Macintosh laryngoscope, Truview laryngoscope.
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Abstract: Aim: To compare the IOP lowering efficacy and side effect profile of Brinzolamide 1% / Timolol 0.5% Fixed combination (BTFC) versus Dorzolamide 2% / Timolol 0.5% Fixed combination (DTFC) in patients with POAG. Methods: A prospective, randomized, comparative, open labeled, cross over study was conducted in patients coming to the Department of Ophthalmology, Rajindra Hospital attached to Government Medical College, Patiala. In this study, 40 patients of POAG were selected fulfilling the inclusion criteria. Patients were then randomized into 2 groups (group 1 and 2) with 20 patients in each group. On day 0, baseline IOP was recorded before starting the treatment. Group 1 patients were given fixed drug combination of Brinzolamide 1% / Timolol 0.5% (BTFC) twice daily and group 2......
Keywords: Brinzolamide 1% / Timolol 0.5% Fixed combination, Dorzolamide 2% / Timolol 0.5% Fixed combination, POAG
[1]. Allingham RR, Damji KF, Freedman S, Moroi SE, Rhee DJ. Introduction: an overview of Glaucoma. Shields textbook of Glaucoma, 6th edn. USA: Lippincott Williams and; Wilkins; 2011;110-1.
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[5]. Kass MA, Heuer DK, Higginbotham EJ. The Ocular Hypertension Treatment Study: a randomized trial determines that topical ocular hypotensive medication delays or prevents the onset of primary open angle glaucoma. Arch Ophthalmol. 2002;120(6):701-13..
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Abstract: This study was designed to study of liver diseases using triple-phase computed tomographic scan protocol in Sudanese patient whom presented to computed tomography scan department at Kuwaiti specialized hospital-Sudan, when the liver is investigated using computed tomography machine (CT).Methodology: 16 slice GE-Optima (2016) CT scanner was used to scan the 51 patient with liver disease, in period from April to August 2018 where the time and pattern of enhancement were assessed using stander triple phase protocols where the true angiographic phase was done using SMART prep option . The data was initially summarization into mean, stander deviation and percentage in a form comparison tables and figures. Results: Out of 51 examined samples (mean age of 54 years male and female ratio (30) (86.8%), (21) (41.2%) were (16) (21.3%) of patients have hepatocellular carcinoma to liver between disease. the accurate time of three phases in exposure time was (8.13-19.6-8.2s) and delay time was (5.16-22.11-359s). The Computed tomography enable detecting and characterization of liver diseases using the proper timing contrast and protocols
Keywords: Computed Tomography,Liver Diseases, triple-phase protocols
[1]. Dushyant V. Sahani, M.D.,imaging the liver Division of Abdominal Imaging and Intervention, Department of Radiology,Massachusetts General Hospital, White 270, 55 Fruit Street, Boston, Massachusetts 02114, USA., 2003; April 22, 2004.
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[3]. Kagawa Y, Okada M, Yogi Y, Kumano S, Kanematsu M, Kudos M, Murakami T .Optimal scan timing of hepatic arterial-phase imaging of hypervascular hepatocellular carcinoma determined by multiphasic fast CT imaging technique.2013Oct;54(8):843-50. doi: 10.1177/0284185113485571. Epub 2013 May 9.
[4]. Ma X, Samir AE, Holalkere NS, Sahani DV.Optimal arterial phase imaging for detection of hypervascular hepatocellular carcinoma determined by continuous image capture on 16-MDCT.AJR Am J Roentgenol. 2008 Sep;191(3):772-7. doi: 10.2214/AJR.07.3452.
[5]. Kanematsu M, Goshima S, Kondo H, Nishibori H, Kato H, Yokoyama R, Miyoshi T, Hoshi H, Onozuka M, Moriyama N. Optimizing scan delays of fixed duration contrast injection in contrast-enhanced biphasic multidetector-row CT for the liver and the detection of hypervascular hepatocellular carcinoma. 2005 Mar-Apr;29(2):195-201
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Abstract: BACKGROUND Otosclerosis which is one of the commonest causes of non-suppurative conductive hearing loss. Small fenestra or stapedotomy is developed by Shea 1962 in which fenestration is made in foot plate of stapes and proper-sized Teflon piston is inserted between the long process of incus and fenestra. . Teflon piston is the most commonly employed prosthesis in stapes surgery .This procedure is less traumatic and therefore there are less chances of sensorineural loss. AIMS This study was aimed for assessing the short term results in adult the light of observations made during the operation and results in terms of hearing outcome with post-operative complications. METHODS AND MATERIAL This was a retrospective review of the clinical records of all consecutive patients who had primary stapedotomy for otosclerosis. The selection was made.......
KEYWORDS: Otosclerosis, Stapes surgery, Outcome, Prognostic factors, Stapedectomy, Stapedotomy, air bone gap, Teflon prosthesis
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