Series-9 (March 2020)March 2020 Issue Statistics
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Abstract: Background:-Presently, Laser therapy is a most common mode of tattoo removal. This requires the correct choice of laser parameters, including wavelength,fluence, energy, spot size, &frequency of the applied laser. Q-switch Nd:YAG lasers are very effective in the treatment of tattoos. Objective :- Our study was done to know efficacy & safety of Q-Switch Nd YAG Laser in treatment of Tattoo. Mathods:-In our study 107 patients with 123 tattoos requesting tattoo removal were treated using Q-switch Nd:YAG laser. 1064 nm wavelength was used to treat and remove black &dark blue pigments &532 nmwavelength was used for red, purple, yellow and orange tattoo inks. Multiple sessions of laser treatment were given to patients according to response. The response was assessed by patient assessment (PA) and GAS( Global assessment score ) by comparing photographs......
Key words: tattoo removal, Q-switchNd:YAG laser, fluence
[1]. Lakshmi C, Krishnaswamy G. Efficacy of the q switched neodymium: Yttrium aluminium garnet laser in the treatment of blue black amateur & professional tettoos. Indian J Dermetol 2015;60:578-83.
[2]. Gorsic M, Bacak I, Ahcan UG,Topcic VH.Evaluation of the Efficacy of Tattoo-Removal Treatments with Q-Switch Laser. J. LA&HA, Vol. 2013, No. 2; pp. 21-26.
[3]. Kent KM., Graber, E.M., Laser Tattoo Removal: A Review, Dermatol Surg. 2012 Jan;38(1):1-13.
[4]. Parlette EC, Kaminer MS, Arndt KA. The art of tattoo removal. Plastic Surgery Practice Jan 2008.
[5]. Wenzel S. M. Current concepts in laser tattoo removal. Skin Therapy Lett. 2010 Mar; 15: 3–5.
[6]. Ahcan et al. Q-switched laser tattoo removal. ZdravniškiVestnik 2013 Vol. 82 No. 9 pp. 552-563.
[7]. Anderson RR, Parrish JA. (1983) Selective photothermolysis: precise microsurgery by selective absorption of pulsed radiation. Science 220(4596):524-7..
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Abstract: Zebrafish models of bacterial infection can reveal key aspects of infection biology and provide fundamental advances in understanding the biology of cellular immunity. It is to be expected that the study of host–pathogen interactions using zebrafish will continue to illuminate the complexity that underlies bacterial infection in higher vertebrates, including humans. In the present study focused on the therapeutic potential of Evolvulusalsinoids an herbal extract on Pseudomonas aeruginosa induced infectious diseases in Zebra fish model, it has given a lead for post treatment protective effect of plant extracts......
[1]. Varshney, G.K. et al. Understanding and editing the zebra fish genome. Adv. Genet. 2015;92: 1–52
[2]. Howe, K. et al. The zebrafish reference genome sequence and its relationship to the human genome. Nature. 2013; 496: 498–503
[3]. Brannon, M.K. et al. Pseudomonas aeruginosa Type III secretion system interacts with phagocytes to modulate systemic infection of zebrafish embryos. Cell Microbiol. 2009; 11: 755–768
[4]. Dinesh S, Anil Kumar. H. V and Muralidhar. S. Talkad. 'Evaluation of Herbal Extract EvolvulusAlsinoids on Lymphocyte Proliferation Assay, In Vitro', International Journal of Current Advanced Research. 2020; 09(01): pp. 21051-21055.
[5]. Kumar A, Haery C, Paladugu B, Kumar A, Symeoneides S, Taiberg L, et al. The duration of hypotension before the initiation of antibiotic treatment is a critical determinant of survival in a murine model of Escherichia coli septic shock: association with serum lactate and inflammatory cytokine levels. J Infect Dis. 2006; 193:251–8.
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Abstract: The Fibrous dysplasia (FD) is an uncommon benign skeletal lesion of bone that may involve one bone (monostotic) or multiple bones (polyostotic). It most commonly occurred inthe long bone, ribs, and craniofacial bones. But the condition of fibrous dysplasia of the proximal femur accompanying hip osteoarthritis treated with total hip arthroplasty is rare.We describe a case of fibrous dysplasia of the proximal femur with hip osteoarthritis treated with total hip arthroplasty.
Key Word: fibrous dysplasia, Osteoarthritis, total hip arthroplasty
[1]. DiCaprio, M.R. and W.F. Enneking, Fibrous dysplasia. Pathophysiology, evaluation, and treatment. J Bone Joint Surg Am, 2005. 87(8): p. 1848-64.
[2]. Riddle, N.D. and M.M. Bui, Fibrous dysplasia. Arch Pathol Lab Med, 2013. 137(1): p. 134-8.
[3]. Murphy, N.J., J.P. Eyles, and D.J. Hunter, Hip Osteoarthritis: Etiopathogenesis and Implications for Management. Adv Ther, 2016. 33(11): p. 1921-1946.
[4]. Cross, M., et al., The global burden of hip and knee osteoarthritis: estimates from the global burden of disease 2010 study. Ann Rheum Dis, 2014. 73(7): p. 1323-30.
[5]. Nuesch, E., et al., All cause and disease specific mortality in patients with knee or hip osteoarthritis: population based cohort study. Bmj, 2011. 342: p. d1165.
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Abstract: Background "Cosmetovigilance is a recent concept of public health surveillance on cosmetic products with a public health objective. It is the ongoing and systematic monitoring of the safety of cosmetics in terms of human health. Cosmetovigilance refers to post marketing surveillance of undesirable adverse effects due to the use of cosmetic products. The purpose of cosmetovigilance is to collect, detect, monitor and analyse the adverse effects in consumers to identify potential health risks, thus guaranteeing further strengthening of safety forconsumers.Aim: To detect Adverse effects of Cosmetic products, and to prevent Adverse effects by appropriate collecting and reporting in tertiary care hospital......
Key words: Cosmetovigilance, Adverse reactions, Cosmetic products, Dermatology
[1]. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's) – Cosmetics Import Registration. [Last accessed on 2018 Jan 06]. [2]. Guidelines on Registration of Import of Cosmetics. [Last accessed on 2018 Jan 06].
[3]. Moretti, Ugo Velo, Giampaolo É. Cosmetovigilance: The Beautiful Risk.Drug Safety 2008; 31(5): 437-439.
[4]. Vigan M, Castelain F. Cosmetovigilance: Definition, regulation and use "in practice" Eur J Dermatol. 2014;24:643–9.
[5]. Carmen Di Giovanni, Vincenzo Arcoraci Loredana Gambardella and LidiaSautebin , Pharmacological Research, Volume 53, Issue 1, January 2006,Pages 16-21.
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Abstract: Purpose: The purpose of this in-vitro study was to evaluate the effectiveness of two types of fluoride varnishes and a resin infiltrant material on microhardness of induced demineralized enamel surface. Materials and methods: Thirty extracted bovine incisors were selected in this study. The incisal third of the crowns were sectioned by a diamond disc to be used in this study. The labial surface of each sample was tested by knoop hardness test to investigate enamel surface microardness. The center of the middle third of each sample was covered with an adhesive tape with dimensions 3x3mm. The enamel surface of.....
Keywords: Bovine, Casein phosphopeptide Amorphous calcium phosphate, Demineralization,Enamel, fluoride, Remineralization
[1]. Kennard RG, Wagner JA, Kawamoto AT. Fluoride varnishcompositions including an organophosporic acid adhesion promotingagent. 2009; 30:1-10
[2]. Øgaard B. The Cariostatic Mechanism of Fluoride. Compendium 1999;20:1-17.
[3]. Bader JD, Shugars DA. The evidence supporting alternative management strategies for early occlusal caries and suspected occlusal dentinal caries. J Evid Base Dent Pract. 2006;6:91–100.
[4]. Mellberg JR Hard-tissue substrates for evaluation of cariogenic and anti-cariogenic activity in situ. J Dent Res1992; 71: 913-919.
[5]. Amaechi BT, Higham SM. In vitro remineralisation of eroded enamel lesions by saliva. J Dent. 2001; 29:371–376.
[6]. Bachmann L, Diebolder R,Hibst R,ZezellD M.In frared absorptionb and s of enamel anddentintissuesfromhumanand bovineteeth. Appl Spectrosc Rev. 2003; 38:1-14.
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Abstract: Study of finger prints study for identification is known as Dactylography or Dactyloscopy. Study of fingerprints as a method of identification is known as Dactylography. Identification using finger prints is absolute. Since the turn of the century, finger prints have been used as a very effective means of establishing identity of the individual.[1] The present study was conducted on 500 subjects of ITS DENTAL COLLEGE greater Noida The subjects age was taken between 15 and 80 years. Rolled fingerprints were obtained using inked stamp pad, and their patterns were identified. Each type of fingerprint pattern was identified and analyzed for gender differences and most prevalent type of fingerprint pattern.
Keywords: Dactylography, fingerprint pattern, gender difference, identification
[1]. Sam N.M, et al, Study of Fingerprint Patterns in South Indian Population J Indian Acad Forensic Med. October-December 2015, Vol. 37, No. 4
[2]. Nandy A. Principles of Forensic Medicine. 3rd Ed. New Central Book Agency (P) Ltd; 2010: 158-163.
[3]. Kumar A. Textbook of Forensic Medicine, Medical Jurisprudence and Toxicology). 1st ed. Avichal Publishing Company; 2011: 4-5.
[4]. Karmakar RN. J B Mukherjee‟s Forensic Medicine and Toxicology. 3rd Ed; 2007: 166-173.
[5]. Mathiharan K, Patnaik AK. Modi‟s Medical Jurisprudence and Toxicology. 23rd ed. Lexis Nexus Butterworth; 2005: 314-320.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Reversible Cerebral Vasoconstriction Syndrome during Caesarean Section |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Tarunikachhonker || Rahul chauhan |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/0853-1903093536 ![]() |
Abstract: We describe a case of 21 year old female who during her emergency Caesarean section had thunderclap headache and generalised tonic clinic seizure due to reversible cerebral vasoconstriction syndrome(RCVS).The syndrome was caused by Phenylephrine given intravenously to correct arterial hypotension post spinal anaesthesia. Reversible cerebral vasoconstriction syndrome (RCVS) is characterised by severe headaches, with or without other acute neurological symptoms, and diffuse segmental constriction of cerebral arteries.The syndrome can be caused by several triggers including post partum, vasoactive drugs,immunosuppressant,blood products etc. Diagnosis and management can be challenging especially during post partum period. The aim of this case report is to create awareness about this syndrome so that it can be promptly diagnosed and appropriately managed. We also discuss briefly about causes,diagnosis,presentation and management of reversible cerebral vasoconstriction syndrome.
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Abstract: La pathologie tumorale palpébrale est très variée,elle touche le plus souvent les sujets âgés et Peut être bénigne ou maligne. Le traitement est avant tout chirurgical, avec une exérèse carcinologique en cas de malignité. La blépharoplastie a pour but de restaurer la protection du globe oculaire tout en conservant un champ visuel suffisant, mais aussi de rendre au patient l'aspect normal de son visage et de son regard (1).....
[1]. Bardot J, Casanova D, Malet T.Chirurgie reconstructrice des paupières, EMC-Chirurgie 2004 ; 1 : 365–390
[2]. E.ABDALLAH,A.BERRAHO. Les blépharoplasties dans le traitement des épithéliomas des paupières( à propos de 84 cas). Onconews n°17-juillet 2003
[3]. Salomon J, Bieniek A, Baran E, SzepietowskiJC. Basal cell carcinoma on the eyelids: own experience. Dermatol Surg, 2004;30:257-63
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Abstract: Les malformations congénitales de la papille sont dues à des anomalies de l'embryogenèse du globe oculaire,elles sont fréquentes ,souvent associées à des troubles de la réfraction avec une amblyopie profonde et parfois associées à une atteinte neurologique et/ou endocrinienne. Il peut s'agir d'anomalies de la forme de la papille, de son relief, de sa pigmentation ou de sa vascularisation, ainsi que des anomalies de la taille de la tête du nerf optique. Notre étude va porter uniquement sur une étude des anomalies de la forme papillaire...
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Abstract: Background: Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy remain the most common medical complication leading to adverse maternal and fetal outcome. Many women with severe pre-eclampsia may have laboratory abnormalities such as isolated thrombocytopenia or elevated liver enzymes.
Aim: To evaluate the platelets and liver function tests in preeclampsia cases and their correlation as prognostic indicators with feto-maternal outcome.
Material and Methods: A total of 400 patients in labor room and ANC ward with pregnancy induced hypertension were investigated for platelet count and liver function tests. The cases were followed up for maternal and perinatal outcome....
Keywords: pregnancy induced hypertension, thrombocytopenia, liver function tests, maternal outcome, fetal outcome
[1]. Caren G. Solomon, Ellen W. Seely. Hypertension in Pregnancy : A Manifestation of the Insulin Resistance Syndrome?. Hypertension. 2001;37:232-239.
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[3]. Yadav S, Saxena U, Yadav R, Gupta S. Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy and maternal and foetal outcome: a case controlled study. J Indian Med Assoc Oct 1997; 95(10):548-51.
[4]. Ye RW, Li HT, Ma R, Ren AG, Liu JM. Prospective cohort study of pregnancy-induced hypertension and risk of preterm delivery and low birth weight. Zhonghua Yu Fang Yi XueZaZhi Jan 2010; 44(1):70-4.
[5]. Gaugler-Senden I, Huijssoon AG, Visser W, Steegers E, de Groot C. Maternal and perinatal outcome of preeclampsia.Audit in a tertiary referral center. Europ J Obstet Gynechol 2006;128(1):216-21.
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Abstract: Introduction: Class II malocclusion are one of the main reasons patients seek orthodontic treatment. The intrusion of incisors, either upper or lower, is done to obtain a correct overbite, the posterior extrusion and leveling of occlusal plane are some options to correct it. Case Report: It is chosen a McNamara expander and a Jackson, then the bonding of preadjusted appliances with 0.018" slot, after 16 weeks of retention with the expander it is removed and bonded the upper appliance in posterior with sectioned arch for anterior intrusion. Once the overbite is corrected it continues with arch sequence and after the treatment objectives are completed the fixed appliance is removed and placed the retainers......
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Abstract: Background: Nasal obstruction is defined as discomfort manifested by feeling of insufficient airflow through the nose. Aim: To study the etiology of nasal obstruction in a tertiary care centre Dr RPGMC Kangra at Tanda (H.P.). Material and Methods: This study was conducted as a comparative study in the Department of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery and Pathology, Dr. R.P.G.M.C., Kangra at Tanda from May 2015 to April 2016. Results: Adenotonsillitis(42%) was found as leading cause of nasal obstruction followed by nose and paranasal polyposis(16%), turbinate hypertrophy (12%) allergic rhinitis/ rhinosinusitis (10%), deviated nasal septum/spur/caudal septal deviation(08%), adenoiditis+ hypertrophy (06%), Rhinolith (06%)......
Keywords: Nasal obstruction, adenotonsillitis, deviated nasal septum, allergic rhinitis, rhinosinusitis
[1]. Flint PW, Haughey BH, Lund VJ, Niparko JK, Richardson MA, Robbins KT et al. Evaluation of nasal breathing function with objective airway testing. In: Gaertner RS, Halpine R, editors. Cummings Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery, 5th ed. Philadelphia: Mosby Elsevier; 2010. p. 642. [2]. Arya A, Bisht RS, Venkatashivareddy B, Mina R. A study of causes of nasal obstruction in Garhwal region of Uttarakhand. Indian Journal of Anatomy & Surgery of Head, Neck & Brain, April-June,2016;2(2): 40-44.
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[5]. Oliviera AKP, Santos LVD, Bettega SG, Mocellin M. Prevalence of Deviated Nasal Septum in Curitiba, Brazil. Otorhinolaryngology Service of Clinical Hospital of Federal University, October 2005: 316-22.
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Abstract: Reactive Plasmacytosis is a benign, immunologic inflammatory disease whose etiology largely remains speculative and is a diagnosis of exclusion. In this paper, we report a rare case of reactive plasmacytosis diagnosed in a 69-year-old male who reported with the complaint of swelling post dental extraction.Episodes of pain was also experienced and even though radiographs proved futile, diagnosis was reached based on clinical and histopathological examinations. The diagnostic dilemma confronted has been described in this report.
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