Series-4 (March 2020)March 2020 Issue Statistics
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Abstract: Peripheral ossifying fibroma is a localized reactive benign enlargement of the gingiva which occurs mainly in the anterior portion of the maxilla in young adults. The size of the lesion is usually less than 1.5cm. Considering the clinical and histopathological similarities, some Peripheral Ossifying Fibromas are thought to develop initially as a pyogenic granuloma that undergoes fibrous maturation and subsequent calcification. It has been suggested that Peripheral Ossifying Fibroma represents a separate clinical entity rather than a transitional form of pyogenic granuloma or irritation fibroma. Here we report a case of peripheral ossifying fibroma in the maxillary gingival region of a 30 year old female..
Keywords: Peripheral ossifying fibroma, peripheral cementifying fibroma, calcifying fibroblastic granuloma, calcifying fibroid epulis, Peripheral cemento-ossifying fibroma.
[1]. Rajendran R, Sivapathasundharam B. Shafers's textbook of oral pathology. 6th ed. Noida, India: Elsevier; 2009.
[2]. Chaudhari S and Umarji HR. Peripheral Ossifying Fibroma in the Oral Cavity: MRI Findings. Case Reports in Dentistry 2011:1-3
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Abstract: Chronic rhinosinusitis is the most prevalent disease characterized by swollen and inflamed nasal cavities.Chronic Rhinosinusitis (CRS) is a notable health problem resulting in severe effect on lower respiratory infection and normal health conditions. In India alone, nearly 15% of the population is afflicted by chronic rhinosinusitis1; the impact of this ailment is more widespread than diabetes, asthma or coronary heart disease. The disease has a varying effect on society as well as on life quality. CRS exhibits a range of inflammatory and infectious conditions of the nose and sinuses. After the advent of diagnostic nasal endoscopy (DNE) and computed tomography (CT) imaging, substantial importance has been focused on anatomy of the paranasal region. Detailed information of anatomic variations in paranasal sinus region is necessary for surgeons doing endoscopic sinus surgery and for the radiologist as part of preoperative workup......
[1]. Sood VP; Chronic Rhinosinusitis, ECAB, Elsevier India, 2012.
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[5]. Cummings CW, Fredrickson JM, Haughey BH, Harker LA, Flint PW, Krause CJ, et al. Otolaryngology: Head and Neck Surgery Review: Elsevier Science Health Science Division; 1998. p. 1068
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Efficacy of Dosulepin in Tension Type Headache and Midfacial Pain a Randomised Controlled Study |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1903041014 ![]() |
Abstract: Introduction: Patients presenting with pain in the facial region are commonly reffered to Otorhinolaryngologist. Due to the various causative factors causing pain in the facial region, the proper diagnosis and more importantly the skill to rule out the sinogenic pain plays an important role in management. Tension type headache and midfacial pain are often misdiagnosed and treated wrongly and thus add to the morbidity of patients. Of all the medications that are used for the treatment, most provide minimal, short term relief with side effects on prolong use. Dosulepin a Tricyclic Antidepressant helps in relieving pain with minimal side effects as compared to other Tricyclic Antidepressants......
Keywords: TCA- tricyclic antiperessant, VAS- visual analogue scale, MPQ- mcgill pain questionary
[1]. Badner NH, Sandler AN, Koren G, et al; Lumbar epidural fentanyl infusions for postithoracotomy patients: Analgesic, respiratory, and pharmokinetic effects. J Cardiothoracic Anaesth 4-543,1990
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Abstract: Background:10 million people are affected by primary varicose vein per year. Aims and objectives:To compare the efficacy of Trendelenburg's procedure with stripping and perforator ligation with ultrasound guided foam sclerotherapy in patients with primary varicose vein. Materials and methods: A total of 100 patients with primary varicose vein attending the general surgery OPD in GMKMC from Jan 2017 to Dec 2018 were randomized into surgical group and USG FST group, results obtained were compared. Observation and results: In our presence study is was observed that USG FST is advantageous than conventional surgery. Based on shorter hospital stay, no need for anaesthesia with almost similar complications.....
Keywords: Great saphenous vein, Short saphenous vein, Primary varicose vein, USG FST, Trendelenburg's procedure.
[1]. Figuriredo M. Araujo S, Barros N, Mirand a f results of surgical treatment compared with ultrasound guided foam sclerotherapy in patients with varicose veins a prospective randomized study eur J vascendovascsurg 2009, 38; 758-763 cross ref/Medline/Google scholar.
[2]. Darvall KA, Bate GR,Adam DJ, Bradburg AW recovery after ultrasound guided foam sclerotherapy compared with conventional surgery for varicose veins Br J Surg 2009; 96(3)-1262-7.
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[5]. Bradburg AW Bate G. Pang K. Darvell KA, Adam DJ, Ultrasound guided foam sclerotherapy in a safe and clinically effective treatment for superficial venous reflux J Vascsurg 2010,S2(2);939-45.
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Abstract: Gestational choriocarcinoma may occur subsequent to a molar pregnancy (50% of instances), an abortion (25%), an ectopic pregnancy (2.5%), or a normal gestation (22.5%). We present a case of 37 year old woman who has unusual pregnancy related history. The patient had one normal pregnancy at age of 26 year after that she had recurrent loss of pregnancies. The last abortion was occurred 6 months back. The patient was come to gynecology department of RIMS Ranchi, with the complaint of vaginal bleeding. Then patient was admitted and advised for pelvic ultrasonography. Pelvic ultrasound reveled 68x62 mm mass located in the anterior fundal wall of corpus uteri. Marked elevation in the level of beta hCG level (301921mIU/mL). Her hemoglobin was 8gm/dl and other biochemical parameters.....
Keywords: Gestational choriocarcinoma, recurrent Abortions.
[1]. Hertig A T, Mansell H 1956 Tumors of the female sex organs. I. Hydatidiform mole and choriocarcinoma. In: Atlas of tumor pathology, section 9, series I, fascicle 33. Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, Washington, DC.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Prevalence of seroreactivity among blood donors - A hospital based study in West Bengal |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Soma Ghosh., M.D |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1903042225 ![]() |
Abstract: Background: Transfusion of blood is a life saving procedure.Transfusion-transmitted infections (TTI)continue to be a threat to safe transfusion practices. We analysed the prevalence of such infections among voluntary and replacement donors. Objectives: The present retrospective study done to asses the prevalence of TTI amongst the donors in tertiary health institution in West Bengal helping us to target population subset for enhancing donor pool.Methods. Blood donations collected over a 4-year period (2016-2019)were studied for the type of donation (voluntary or replacement), number of seroreactive cases and their distribution . The tabulated seropositive cases compared with available profiles in literature.....
Key Words: Donor, voluntary, replacement, infection,seroreactive
[1]. Singh B, Kataria SP, Gupta R. Infectious markers in blood donors of East Delhi:Prevalence and trends. Indian J Pathol Microbiol 2004;47:477–9.
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[3]. Nanda A, Tyagi S, Basu S, Marwaha N. Prevalence of transfusion transmitted infections among voluntary and replacement donors. Indian J Hemat Blood Transf 2001;19:104–5.
[4]. Rouet F, Chaix ML, Inwoley A, Anaky MF, Fassinou P, Kpozehouen A, et al.Frequent occurrence of chronic hepatitis B virus infection among West African HIV type-1-infected children. Clin Infect Dis 2008;46:361–6.
[5]. Egah DZ, Banwat EB, Audu ES, Iya D, Mandong BM, Anele AA, et al. Hepatitis B surface antigen, hepatitis C and HIV antibodies in a low-risk blood donor group,Nigeria. East Mediterr Health J 2007;13:961–6.
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Abstract: Background: Vitamin B12 deficiency can affect the nervous system, with various neurological manifestations causing diagnostic difficulties, especially when the blood count and vitamin B12 dosage are normal. Materials and Methods: We propose to analyze the epidemiological, clinical, para-clinical and evolutional profiles of 43 patients with neurological manifestations due to vitamin B12 deficiency, hospitalized at the department of neurology of Bab El Oued University Hospital Algiers. Results: The study included 43 patient: Male:34, Female: 09 ; all the results will be shown in the tables below. Conclusion: Our study shows the clinical polymorphism of neurological manifestations of vitamin B12 deficiency. The results should prompt us to early diagnosis and treat to improve the prognosis of this pathology
Key Word: Vitamin B 12 deficiency, Biermer's disease, neurological disorders
[1]. Loup-Leuciuc A, Loup PJ, Lombardi T, Samson J. Carence en vitamine B12 (1re partie): mise au point. Médecine Buccale Chir Buccale. 2011; 17(3):211–24.
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[4]. Loukili NH, Noel E, Blaison G, Goichot B, Kaltenbach G, Rondeau M, et al. Données actuelles sur la maladie de Biermer: à propos d'une étude rétrospective de 49 observations. Rev médecine interne. 2004; 25(8):556–561.
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Abstract: Background: Karyotypic studies were carried out on the African giant rat, Cricetomysgambianus, Waterhouse-1840 with the aim of determining its chromosomal lengths and chromosomal arm lengths. Methods: The chromosomes were prepared from the conventional bone marrow of four (4) African giant rats – males and females treated intra-peritoneally with 2 ml of 0.04% colchicines for 3 hours. Chromosomes in well spread mitotic metaphase cells were counted and measured using KaryoType computer software. Chromosomal numbers were identified and arm lengths were determined from these measurements done in micrometer (μm). Ideograms were also constructed from the measurements. Data were collected and analysed using SPSS version 20.....
Keywords: Cricetomysgambianus, Conventional, Length, Chromosomal arm length
[1]. Delany MJ, HappoldDCW.Taxonomy of African Mammals. In: Ecology of African Mammals. English Language Book Society 4th Ed. 1979; Pp 4.
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Abstract:Traumatic tricuspid regurgitation is a rare complication after blunt chest trauma and frequently
misdiagnosed during the initial assessment. Traumatic tricuspid valve injury associated with right-to-left
shunting via a patent foramen ovale causing hypoxemia and desaturation is noted even less frequently. Here we
report a case of a patient with right heart failure symptoms and desaturation due to right-to-left shunting via a
patent foramen ovale secondary to traumatic tricuspid insufficiency detected 20 years after a car accident.
Surgery was required, consisting of tricuspid valve replacement. This case reminds that physicians in the
emergency department should be aware of this potential complication following nonpenetrating chest trauma
and its different clinical presentation. Patients with suspected valve lesion should undergo close
echocardiographic follow-up to permit early detection of valve injury and timely surgical treatment.
1. Gayet C, Pierre B, Delahaye JP, Champsaur G, Andre-Fouet X, Rueff P. Traumatic tricuspid insufficiency. An underdiagnosed
disease. Chest. 1987;92:429-32
2. 2. Knobloch K, Rossner D, Strüber M, Fischer S, Leyh RG, Haverich A. Traumatic tricuspid insufficiency after horse kick. J
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3. Vayre F, Richard P, Ollivier JP. Traumatic tricuspid insufficiency. Arch Mal Coeur Vaiss. 1996;89:459-63.
4. Benhassen LL, Smerup MH. Severe traumatic tricuspid insufficiency detected 28 years after blunt chest trauma - A case report.
Int J Surg Case Rep. 2018;49:228-30.
5. Bortolotti U, Scioti G, Milano A, Guglielmi C, Benedetti M, Tartarini G, et al. Post-traumatic tricuspid valve insufficiency. 2
cases of delayed clinical manifestation. Tex Heart Inst J. 1997;24:223-5.
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Abstract: Background: In Algeria, the management of epilepsy has progressed considerably in recent years, epilepsy surgery started in 2010 at Bab El Oued University Hospital Center. Materials and Methods: We report a series of 57 patients who benefited from this surgery between January 2010 and December 2018 with a study of the preoperative clinical and paraclinical characteristics and postoperative results. Results: Hippocampal sclerosis was found in 32 patients (56% of the cases), 15 patients had a dysembryoplastic tumor (26% of the cases), 3 patients had cortical dysplasia, 4 patients had ganglioglioma and 3 patients had a cavernoma. 53 patients underwent a temporal lobectomy and 4 patients with a lesionectomy with 90% of patients free of seizures....
Keywords: Partial epilepsy; drug resistance; pre-surgical assessment; curative surgery.
[1]. Adam C et al. (1996). Variability of presentatation in medial temporal lobe epilepsy : a study of 30 operated cases. Acta Neurol Scand ; 94 : 1-11.
[2]. Alessio A et al. Differences in memory performance and other clinical characteristics in patients with mésial temporal lobe epilepsy with and without hippocampal atrophy; Epilepsy behav 2004; 5: 22-7.
[3]. Bartolomei (2004). Explorations EEG et vidéo-EEG des Épilepsies Partielles pharmaco-résistantes. Rev Neurol (Paris) ,160 : Hors série 1, 5S81-5S90.
[4]. DUPONT S, BAULAC M. (2004). Apport de l'IRM dans l'exploration des épilepsies partielles pharmaco-résistantes (EPPR). Rev Neurol (Paris), 160: Hors série 1, 5S91-5S97.
[5]. Eastman R. Epilepsy in South Africa. Acta Neurol Scand 2005; Suppl.181: 8-11.
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Abstract: Background majority of therapeutic modalities for common warts are unsatisfactory. Objectives: to evaluate efficacy and safety of intra lesional MMR vaccine in treatment of common wart in children and adolescents. Patients and method: 45 patients (M:F =26:19)patients of age group 08-19years having 01 to 60 warts over dorsum of hands,feet,palms,soles and periungal skin for 1 to 2 years.MMR vaccine 0.3ml was injected intralesionally in the largest wart and repeated at 3 weeks interval until maximum of 4doses.The outcome was evaluated as complete clearance,excellent,good or unsatisfactory response on visual analog scale at every visit and at every 3 weeks for 6 weeks during follow up. Results: only 38 patients completed the study and 30 patients (78.98%) showed complete clearance.....
Keywords: Human papilloma virus, immunotherapy, verruca vulgaris, warts
[1]. Lipke MM. An armamentarium of wart treatments. Clin Med Res 2006;4:273-93.
[2]. Rivera A, Tyring SK. Therapy of cutaneous human papillomavirus infections. Dermatol Ther 2004;17:441-8.
[3]. Lichon V, Khachemoune A. Plantar warts: A focus on treatment modalities. Dermatol Nurs 2007;19:372-5.
[4]. Dasher DA, Burkhart CN, Morrell DS. Immunotherapy for childhood warts. Pediatr Ann 2009;38:373-9.
[5]. Maronn M, Salm C, Lyon V, Galbraith S. One-year experience with candida antigen immunotherapy for warts and molluscum. Pediatr Dermatol 2008;25:189-92.
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Abstract: Optimizing the treatment of colon cancer requires very close collaboration between surgeons, pathologists and oncologists (2). It consists of a colectomy according to the site of the tumor with a lymph node dissection associated or not with an adjuvant treatment according to the tumor stage (TNM). Its prognosis depends on the earliness of care, it is relatively good when it is diagnosed early with overall survival at 5 years which is around 91% and it drops to 11% in a metastatic situation (3). The prognostic impact of the number of lymph nodes invaded has been demonstrated by several studies which concluded significantly that the number of lymph nodes invaded increased with the number of lymph nodes examined and that overall survival at 5 years was significantly better in patients with at least 15 lymph nodes examined, therefore the number of lymph nodes invaded was an independent prognostic factor (4). The search for micrometastases....
[1]. Cabanas, R.M. An approch for the treatment of penil carcinoma Cancer 1977; 39:456 – 66
[2]. Monges G., Piard F Recommandations pour les rédactions des compte rendus anatomopathologiques des cancers coliques. gastroenterol clin biol ,1998 ; 22 :S126-S130
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[4]. Stephanie R. Downing, M.D.,*,† Kerry-Ann Cadogan, B.S.,* Gezzer Ortega, B.S.,* Zenab Jaji, B.S., The Number of Lymph Nodes Examined Debate in Colon Cancer:How Much is Enough? Journal of Surgical Research . 2010 ; 163 : 264–269
[5]. Hayashi, N. Ito, I. Yanagisawa, A. Kato, y. Nakamori, S. Imaoka ,S. et al
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Splenic volvulus on mobile spleen: About a case |
Country | : | Algeria |
Authors | : | N. Sid Idris || K. Hail || M.Sid Idris |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1903045456 ![]() |
Abstract: Splenic volvulus on mobile spleen is a rare entity, often due to a congenital malformation and rarely diagnosed preoperatively. Presentation of the case: Patient aged of 30 years old consulted in the emergency room for a febrile abdominal pain syndrome evolving for 48 hours. Abdominal Defense and the palpation of a mobile mass at the level of the right hypochondrium overflowing on the midline forced us to hospitalize the patient for a broader diagnostic investigation. The ultrasound showed a hypo echogenic formation occupying the flank and the right intra-abdominal hypochondrium containing within it echoes, evoking a superinfected mesenteric cyst. The CT scan favored a malignant vascular mesenteric process. Faced with the aggravation of pain and the infectious syndrome a few hours later and a change in the site......
Key words: Splenic volvulus, mobile spleen, emptiness of splenic lodge, Splenectomy.
[1]. L. RIBAULT, M. VERGOS, A. RIBAULT : Deux cas de rate ectopique en position pelvienne (dont 1 cas masculin) ; Médecine d'Afrique Noire : 1990, 37
[2]. R.B. McFee, T. Musacchio, D. Gorgescu, M. Bozorgnia, G. Abdelsayed, B.R.Pachter, Wandering spleen with torsion in a geriatric patient, Dig. Dis. Sci. 40(12) (1995) 2656–2659
[3]. A. Gligorievski, Ectopic spleen presenting as pelvic mass, Trends Med. 17(2017) 1–4
[4]. E. Danse, R. Khoury, Volvulus of a wandering pelvic spleen: CT diagnosis with3D reformatted illustration, BMJ Case Rep. 2017 (2017), bcr-2017-222214
[5]. Gligorievski A., Ectopic spleen presenting as pelvic mass, Trends Med. 17(2017) 1:
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Abstract: Success or failure of any treatment equally depends on the technical expertise as well as on the diagnostic proficiency of the clinician. It is conventional to find a mesial and a distal root in a mandibular first molar. Hence if an additional supernumerary root is located distolingually it is called Radix Entomolaris. To prevent the endodontic mishaps and achieve a predictable outcome of endodontic therapy, it is important to have a detailed knowledge about prevalence, classifications, variations, morphology, diagnosis and management strategy of Radix Entomolaris. Use of advanced technologies like magnification, 3-D imaging cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT), and advanced nickel-titanium (Ni-Ti) rotary files enhance the success of endodontic treatment. The current case series presents the diagnosis and management of Radix Entomolaris.
Keywords: Disto-lingual root, Magnification, Mandibular first Molar, Radix Entomolaris, Supernumerary canal.
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