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Abstract: Aim : To investigate the efficacy of peripheral alcohol block and peripheral neurectomy in terms of various parameters during treatment of type I trigeminal neuralgia. Materials and Methods:Two study groups of total 50 patientswere selected from the outpatient department records of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery of K.D.Dental College and Hospital. Group A included 25 patients, who underwent peripheral alcohol block and group B included 25 patients who underwent peripheral neurectomy. The paired samples t test was used for statistical analysis. Results:Comfort level of patients and ease of operator while performing the procedure was more in group A than in group B. Although recurrence rate is earlier forgroup A patients as compared togroup B, but peripheral alcohol block is an attractive procedure for elderly and debilitated patients
Keywords: Trigeminal neuralgia, 92%alcohol injection, Peripheral alcohol block, Peripheral neurectomy
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[5]. Cole DC, Liu KJ, Apfelbaum KA (20008) Historical perspectives on the diagnosis and treatment of trigeminal neuralgia. Journal of Neurosurg. Focus18:1-10
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Abstract: Background Fractures around the knee are one of the commonest fractures encountered in high velocity trauma which are associated with high morbidity and mortality. Isolated fractures itself may lead to complications such as ARDS and pulmonary embolism. Being one of the major weight-bearing joint of the body, fracture around it will be of paramount importance. This necessitates early stabilization of fractures. Internal fixation is the choice of treatment in fractures around the knee and Locking Compression Plate (LCP) has shown to give the best results in terms of wound healing, early good range of motion, fracture union, early return to work and functional outcome. The aim of this study is to prospectively evaluate the outcome of locking compression plate fixation in proximal tibia fractures......
Key words: Proximal tibia fractures, Locking compression plate, biological fixation. Note: No financial aid or sponsorship was utilized for this study
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Abstract: Awake brain surgery , also called as awake craniotomy, is a type of procedure performed on the brain while patient is awake and alert. Awake craniotomy is used to treat some brain tumors or epileptic seizures. Here in we are reporting a rare case of cavernoma at left sensory cortex abutting motor area in a 43 yr old female presenting with recurrent seizures. She underwent awake brain surgery and gross total excision of cavernoma. The patient was nervous, so to distract her we played her favourite movie Baahubali while performing surgery. The surgery got over in one and half hours, well before the movie finished. To the best of our knowledge this is a a unique way of stress relief for the patient, we named it as cinema therapy.
Key words: Awake craniotomy, Baahubali, Cavernoma
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Plagiarism and Criminality in India-A Review |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Sekhar babu Bandar || K. Jemima || V.venkataramana |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1907171718 ![]() |
Abstract: Robbery of intellectual property is called plagiarism. Though different institutes define plagiarism according to their definition, the common notion is using of one author work dishonestly without giving an appropriate reference. The problem of plagiarism is moving more towards the medical education areas. The availability of internet could be the main reason for the increasing plagiarism. Plagiarism is not only an academic offense but also a legal one. Thus, it is always necessary to better know the concept of plagiarism and its implications, as well as the consequences of plagiarism and the punishments. The regulator of the higher education, i.e., UGC (University Grants Commission) is much serious about plagiarism and provided guidelines that to be followed mandatorily by the Universities to check plagiarism in academics
[1]. The academic plagiarism and its punishments 21(3): 365-372 May. /Jun. 2011- a review Roberto G. S. BerlinckInstituto de Química de São Carlos, Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil.
[2]. Plagiarism and its Consequences VaibhavKalani a and Ashok Twinwal a Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, New Delhi December 11, 2013
[3]. Plagiarism, its consequences, and how to avoid it Virgilio Rodriguez SST, Universität Paderborn Paderborn, Germany August 2013
[4]. The Ethical Implications of Plagiarism and Ghost-writing in an Open Society Patricia I. Fusch Walden University, Lawrence R. Ness Walden University, Janet M. Booker Walden University, Gene E. Fusch Walden University.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Immediate Loading Implants |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. SumanRao |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1907171923 ![]() |
Abstract: There is a growing trend in implant dentistry to decrease the treatment times associated with implant therapy. This can be achieved with immediate occlusal loading protocol. Immediate loading (IL) of dental implants is an eminent and acknowledged treatment strategy which is extensively being used for the rehabilitation of missing teeth. IL may be described as functional loading (With occlusal contacts) immediately after implantation (or within 3–4 days after surgery) without waiting for the healing period. IL has gained popularity nowadays as it includes less possible trauma to the tissues, overall treatment time is decreased, reduced patient's discomfort and anxiety , better patient acceptance and good function and aesthetics.
Keywords: Immediate loading (IL) implants, Rehabilitation, Osseointegration
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[4]. Sérgio Jorge Jayme. The Effects of Different Loading Times on the Bone Response Around Dental Implants: A Histomorphometric Study in Dogs. Int J oral Maxillofac Implants 2010;25:473–481.
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Abstract: Although the hemorrhagic complications of repositioning of the peritoneal dialysis catheter by laparoscopy due to vascular lesions are well known. Damage of ovarian vessels is rarely described. We are precisely reporting a rare case of vascular injury of the right ovarian vein following a laparoscopy of repositioning having as consequences a right hemostasis annexectomy and even a transfer to hemodialysis..
Keys words: injury of ovarian vein, laparoscopy complications, peritoneal dialysis
[1]. Attaluri V, Lebeis C, Brethauer S, Rosenblatt S (2010) Advanced laparoscopic techniques significantly improve function of peritoneal dialysis catheters. J Am Coll Surg 211:699-704
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[5]. Xie JY, Ren H, Kiryluk K, Chen N Peritoneal dialysis outflow failure from omental wrapping diagnosed by catheterography. Am JKidney Dis 56:1006-1011
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Abstract: Ketosis-prone diabetes -KPD is characterized by episodes of ketosis or ketoacidosis requiring insulin therapy, most often transient. It mainly occurs in subjects from sub-Saharan Africa and its pathophysiology is not known. In recent years, the presence of "atypical" diabetes in black people has been described in several studies. The molecular mechanisms behind the transient alteration of insulin secretion are still unknown, but may involve mechanisms of gluco- and lipotoxicity. The association with HLA alleles brings this type of diabetes closer to type1 diabetes, but the presence of a strong diabetic inheritance and the absence of markers of autoimmunity bring it closer to type 2 diabetes.....
Keys words: Ketosis-prone ; atypical diabetes mellitus.
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Abstract: Background-The history of surgical treatment of hernia goes back to 320-250 B.C. so it has said history of hernia surgery is history of surgery itself. Although Lichtentsein's tension free mesh repair is considered gold standard for inguinal hernia at present but it too has its undesirable complications. it does not give mobility and physiologically dynamic posterior wall. The Stoppa's repair and laparoscopic repairs ( TEP& TAPP) are surgeries based on this concept.The purpose of this study to compare intra operative and post operative variables and outcomes of Stoppa's repair and Laparoscopic repairs. Material & methods –This is a comparative.....
Key words: stoppa's repair, lap hernia repair, TAPP, TEP
[1]. Talha AR, Shaaban A, Ramadan R.Preperitoneal versus Lichtenstein tension free hernioplasty for the treatment of bilateral inguinal hernia. Egypt J Surg2015;34:79-84.
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[3]. Amid P, Shulman AG, Lichtenstein I. The Lichtenstein open tension-free Hernioplasty. In: Arregui ME, Nagan RF. eds. Inguinal hernia. Advances or Controversies? Oxford &N.York: Radcliffe Medical Press, 1994; p.185-190.
[4]. Wagner J, Brunicardi F, Amid P, Chen D. Inguinal Hernias. In: Schwartz S, Brunicardi F, Andersen D, Billiar T, Dunn D, Hunter J, ed. by. Schwartz's principles of surgery. 10th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill Education; 2015. p. 1495-1516.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Importance of Oral Health Education in Covid 19 Pandemic |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr.Palvi Gupta |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1907173642 ![]() |
Abstract: SARS-CoV-2, which causes the disease COVID-19, has been declared a global emergency by the WHO on 30 January 2020. There is a need to improve oral hygiene during a SARS-CoV-2 infection in order to reduce the bacterial load in the mouth and the risk of a bacterial superinfection. This article address the importance of oral health education in this covid era, role of communication through different modes, role of dentists, dental hygienist and oral health programms. During this pandemic oral health education can be improved, with the evolution and advancement of research protocols, e-oral health education and services and tele-dentistry. So there is a need to keep ourselves updated with any new information regarding this disease.
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[2]. Dr. Utkal Mohanty, Dr. Hari Parkash, Dr. Nitin Khuller, Dr. Basavaraj. Oral health status of school children in Murad Nagar, U.P., Journal of Indian Association of Public Health Dentistry 2009; 14:33-37
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[4]. Santosh Kumar, Divya Kriplani, Vrinda Shah, Jyothi Tadakamadla, Harish Tibdewal, Prabhu Duraiswamy, Suhas Kulkarni. Oral health attitudes and behavior as predisposing factor for dental caries experience among health professional and other professional students in India. Oral Health Prev Dent 2010; 8: 195-202
[5]. World Health Organisation. Clinical Management of severe acute respiratory infection when novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) infection is suspected. 2020..-
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Abstract: Background:The study was aimed to evaluate the efficacy of 17% EDTA, MTAD, and 7% maleic acid in smear layer removal using scanning electron microscopic image analysis. Materials and Methods: Thirty freshly extracted mandibular premolars were collected and prepared after decoronation to obtain working length of 17mm and was prepared till F 3 rotary protaper file with 3% sodium hypochlorite after each instrument change. The samples were divided into Groups I (17% ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA)), II (MTAD), and III (7% maleic acid) containing 10 samples each. Longitudinal sectioning of the samples was done. Then the samples were observed under scanning electron microscope (SEM) at apical, middle, and coronal levels. The images were scored according to Torabijenad et al criteria:...
Key word: Scanning electron microscope; Smear layer, EDTA; MTAD; Maleic acid.
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Pulmonary infection with tubercular bacilli remains one of the leading causes of mortality worldwide and has become a global public health emergency (Rajasekhar, 2017). The World Health Organization estimates that each year more than 8 million new cases of tuberculosis occur and approximately 3 million persons die from the disease. Ninety-five percent of tuberculosis cases occur in developing countries (Fortun et al., 2009). TB currently holds the seventh place in the global ranking of causes of death. Unless intensive efforts are made, it is likely to maintain that position through to 2020 (Mohammad.....
[1]. Agyeman, AA & Ofori-Asenso, R 2017, ‗Tuberculosis—an overview', Journal of Public Health and Emergency, vol. 1, no. 7, pp. 1–11.
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